Page Nine THE JEWISH NEWS Friday:July.4, 1947 I ACTIVITIES IN SOCIETY Adeline Alger Weds I Dr. Philip E. Lachman Miss Harriet Simons of the Wilshire Hotel is spending the holi- day week-end in Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Maas of Cambridge Rd. have left for Charle- voix where they plan to spend the summer months. Mrs. J. B. Baruch and her son, Theodore, of Blaine Ave. are spending the holiday week-end in Chicago as the guests of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baruch. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sacks of Dexter Blvd. have returned from a few weeks' stay in the east. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Stein and their children of Outer Dr. have left for Lexington where they plan to spend the summer. Dr. and Mrs. S. S. Wittenberg of Burlingame Ave. had as their guests 'last week-end, on the occasion of their son's Bar Mitzvah, Mr. and Mrs. David Garfield of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wit- tenberg of Shaker Heights, O., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wittenberg and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wittenberg of Cleveland. • Mr. and Mrs. Moe Leiter of Chicago Blvd. are spending the week in New York. Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Spero and their daughter, Alice, of Birch- crest. Dr. left on Thursday by motor for California. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Newton of Boston Blvd. and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Klein of Chicago Blvd. are spending the holiday week-end in Charlevoix. Among the campers who left last Sunday for Camp Pine Mere in Minacqua, Wis., were Janet Maas, Elizabeth Meyers, Joan Loewen- stein, Susan Klein, Betty Panzer, Suzanne Radner, Judy Rattner, Anne Frank, Carol Jean Lichterman, Carol Barnett, Maryanne Berns and Valerie Oppenheim. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Goldstein have returned to their home in Murfreesboro, Tenn., after a few days' visit with members of their family. Rolf Manko of Calvert Ave. who was graduated this month from the University of Detroit Engineering ' School, has left for Schenectady, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Fisher, their daughter, Nancy, and son, Michael, left by motor for a visit in Yellowstone National Park. Mrs. Rose Brown is leaving this week-end for Colorado Springs where she will be a guest at the Broadmoor Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Moe Ehrlich of W. Boston Blvd. left on Thursday to spend a fortnight in New York and Atlantic City. On June 26, they were hosts at a family dinner and at home complimenting their nephew and niece. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Gingold, before their de- parture for Minneapolis, Minn., where they plan to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Milton London, their son, Leslie, and Mr. London's brothers, Edmund and Bertram, have left on a month's motor tour , to Colorado. Richard Baum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baum of Fairfield Ave., left for camp in Hawthorne, Wis. Dr. and Mrs. Simon Farbman, their daughters, Lenore and Anita, and son, Burton, of Chesterfield Ave. have left for Lexington where they plan to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. -H. D. Dorman of Chicago. Blvd. and Mr. and Mrs. • Isadore Grabow of Dexter Blvd. left on Viesday by motor for the Muskoko Lake, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Klein of Cleyeland are the week-end guests of Mr. Klein's brother, Aaron K1eiE of Boston Blvd. Mr. and Mrs. David Cooper of Fairfield Ave. left on Sunday to spend a few weeks in Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schiller of Woodingham Ave. are spending .a week fishing at St. Williams, Ont. Women's Clubs New Shir Ha-Levy Has First Musicale YETZ - COHEN AUXILIARY No. 530 of Jewish War Veterans of the United States, at a meet- ing at the home of Anne Wein- stein, 2508 Hazelwood, June 24, elected the following officers: President, Anne Weinstein; vice presidents, Selma Fischel and Jean Friedman; treasurer, Irene Levin; recording secretary, Eve- lyn Ordin; corresponding secre- tary, Sarah Kaminsky; chaplin, Freda Kolb; conductress, Ethel Wasser; guard, Tillie Goldman; historian, Thelma Vova; trustees, Celia Yetz, Dina Ordin and Sarah Sussman. Installation was held at the Department of Michigan open house June 28. The next meeting will be held Monday, July 7, at the home Irene Levin,_ 13120 LaSalle. • • . • WOMEN'S AUXILIARY OF MAIMONIDES MEDICAL SO- CIETY, at a meeting on June 21 at the home of Mrs. Simon S. Farbman, elected the following officers: Mrs. Marvin B. Levy, president; Mrs. Farbman and Mrs. Irvin Weisenthal, vice- pres- idents; Mrs. Hy S. Mellen, re- cording secretary; Mrs. Max Steiner, corresponding secretary! Mrs. Louis H. Harley, treasurer; Mrs. Louis L. Kazdan, auditor. • • • CLUB 2 of Pioneer Women's Organization acknowledges con- tributions to the Child Rescue Fund from Miawer Umgegend Verein, Chonigover Loyever and Minnie Bale, whose social club made a gift in - memory uf Daniel Ginsburg. • • • JEWISH WOMEN'S EURO- PEAN WELFARE ORGANIZA- TION will meet at 1 p. m. Mon- day, July 7, at Bnai Moshe Syna- gogue, Dexter at Lawrence. Monthly checks to orphans in Palestine and the--T. S. will •be distributed. Arrangements will be made for the annual banquet, scheduled for Nov. 16. Refresh- ments will be served. • • • The board of HEBREW LA- DIES' -AID SOCIETY will meet at 1 p.m. Monday, July 7, to plan the group's annual donor lunch- eon, scheduled for Nov. 12. Shir Ha-Levy, a new music group, was formally presented to Detroit society at a musicale June 22 at the home of Dr. William Klein. Vocal selections were presented by Ruth Soifer, Shirley Zaft, Sidney Resnick and Irving Ro- sengard. They were accompanied by Bernard Katz. Those interested in the new group may call Sidney Resnick, membership chairman, at TY. 7-3523. Former Detroiter Helps Welcome Young Refugees from Philippine Hills Welcoming her husband's four children, who spent the war years. hiding in Philippine caves, to her Brooklyn home, this week, was Mrs. Cipriano Weinstein, the former Rita Poskel of Detroit. The children, three boys and a girl, natives of California, had been sent to live with theirs understood the grateful greet- grandparents in Iloilo in 1936, ing of their father and step- when their mother died. Wein- mother. Mrs. Weinstein, who stein's father settled in the Phil- married the former Navy man ippines after serving in the Span- two years ago, welcomed them/ ish-American war. with a party and a big cake that After V-J Day, Weinstein, said "Welcome Home." than a steward in the U. S. Navy, CARD OF THANKS appealed to the Red Cross for news of his family. He discover- The family of the late Meyer ed that his parents were recov- Dorf wishes to thank all their ering from several years' in- friends and relatives for the kind- terment, and his children had ness shown them in their recent been found in the hill country bereavement. where they had roamed for four years, living on fish and berries. The Red Cross arranged for their passage to San Francisco and then across the country to Brooklyn. Although the children now BOYS — GIRLS CAMP PLAYFAIII MRS. PHILIP E. LACHMAN speak only a native dialect, they At a candlelight ceremony, in the Crystal ballroom of the Book- ROUTE 2 — BOYNE CITY Cadillac Hotel, Rabbi Morris Ad-1 Near Charlevoix and Petoskey ler and Cantor Jacob Sonenklar united in marriage Adeline Mer- 'CALL MRS. MANN rill Alger, daughter of Mr. and KOSHER CATERING Mrs. Harry Alger of Monica Ave.1 DETROIT t Strictly Kosher Food) TO and Dr. Philip E. Lachman, son PHONE of Mrs. Samuel Jospey of Indi- I OR Approved under Council of ana Ave., and the late Sol P. Orthodox Rabbis BOYNE CITY 274FI I Lachman. Complete Facilities for Serving The improvised altar was dec- Per Your Parties, Banquets, Wed- orated with cibotiurn ferns and Week dings and Other Social Affairs. palms and arrangements of ALL SEASON white peonies, gladiolas and TO. 9 6787 DA. 0232 _white iris. The bridal couple were united under a bower of white peonies and adiantum. For her wedding, the bride chose a white lace gown, fash- $12.50 ioned with a sheer yoke and lace Permanents SIO N bertha forming an off-the-shoul- $750 $18.00 der effect. The bodice was snug, Shampoo and Wave . . . Permanents and the full skirt swept into a Manicure cathedral train. Her finger-tip EXPERT BEAUTICIANS Eyebrow Arch .... $225 veil of illusion fell into four cir- cular tiers from a tierra of gath- TO. 10320 7-9518 ered illusion. She carried a bou- Dexter quet of white Cattleya Orchids showered with bavardia. The 'matron of honor was the bride's sister, Mrs. George Guns- berg. For Weddings - Showers - Ear Mitzvahs - Banquets The bridesmaids were the Receptions - Luncheon Meetings Misses Phyllis Grosberg, Sally Fraternal Organizations and other functions Hoffman, and Ruth Sintay. The junior bridesmaid was Detroit's Finest Strictly Kosher Cuisine Miss Sola Hamburger. Joseph Jacobson was best man. under the supervision of Vaad Hakasbarus The ushers were Harold Helper, Morton Alger and Jordon Lach- SPECIAL RATES GIVEN FOR AFTERNOON AFFAIRS man. *4 4, A reception was held in the * C grand ballroom. miectif Detroit's newest and most beautiful Terrace Room ... air conditioned ... dance floor ... large stage to perform wedding ceremonies, I etc. . . . will accommodate 50 to AND ORCHESTRA 4 500 people in perfect comfort. , cl.,,N. Under management of u-ell 4 Music known caterer 4 and WILLIAM RITTER h.1ttertautment DORFMAN'S . 8-8382 $35 00 - SPECIAL! MON. - TUES. - WED. GEM BEAUTY SHOP NOW ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS - Shaarey Zedek Library To Be Open for Summer Summer hours at the Shaarey library have been an- nounced by Maurice IL Zack- heim, chairman of the library board. During the months of July and August, the library will be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m: and from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday the hours are from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. only. Extended vacation loans will be arranged. The Shaarey Zedek library's collection of books and period- icals in Hebrew, English and Yid- dish is available to the entire Jewish community. 0. MICKEY WOOLF Al 4 Of The Park Avenue Penthouse R Designed for Your Pleasure VA. 2-5798 Before 6 P. M. 8231 WOODWARD UN. 3-3737 After 6 P. M. CATERING ENTERPRISES "If You Still Demand The Best" TRinity 3-9601 TRinity 3-9600 For, The Greatest VACATION A_ S. Landis. A. Soifer, —Props. IN YOUR LIFE Burdick Named SeniOr Public Administrator Benjamin D. Burdick, an as- sistant public administrator of Michigan, has been named senior public administrator for Wayne County by Archie C. Fraser, state public administrator. A Wayne public administrator for six years, Mr. Burdick has been active in community affairs and is a leader in the Republican party-, in this state. He recently was chosen' a member of the board of the Zionist Organiza- tion of Detroit. In his announcement of the ap- pointment, Mr. Fraser stated that Mr. Burdick was chosen "because of his character, integrity and experience in probate practice and procedure." 4 For complete relaxation . . . for a summer of fun and frolic . . . a happy vacation awaits you at Omena Inn. — PLUS a sparkling program of enter- tainment PLUS the finest kosher style food. The utmost in efficient service is provided. Due to limited accommodations u-e suggest - early reservations. Ask for Illustrated Fold. v. — OUR NEW BUILDING HAS JUST BEEN COMPLETED — ADDING MORE NEW ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATHS AND SHOWERS. For Reservations Write or Phone The Beauty Spot of Northern Michigan Just North of Tr - averse City Detroit Office: VA. 2-8863 or UN. 3-8628 HOTEL PHONE NORTHPORT 2482