Friday, March 28, 1947 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Six Mobilization of campaign workers in various divisions of the Allied Jewish Campaign 'is nearing completion, and it is expected more than 2,500 volunteer workers wiN con- duct the solicitations - in Detroit for the 1947 goal of $5,335;000. Men's, women's and youth divisions Arcady are functioning,-and the various trade and professional groups soon wiN begin actual solicitations. At a tea at the home of MRS. SIDNEY J. ALLEN, leaders in the Women's Division were inspired to greater action i n behalf of the Allied Jewish Campaign by addresses by DR. JOSEPH J. SCHW ARTZ, chairman of the European Executive Council of the . Joint Distribution Committee, and MRS. LEON FALK of Pittsburgh. Left to right: MRS. ROBERT J. NEWMAN, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Falk and Dr. Schwartz. MRS. JIENRY SOSS (left) was hostess at a tea on March 19 for a group of workers in the Women's Division. (L-R): Mrs: Abraham Srere, Mrs. Barbara Lawrence of New York, guest speaker; Mrs. N. S. Shapero and Mrs. E. J. Arnfield. JDC's Greatest Program Will Bring Passover to Thousands in Europe By flickering candlelight in the displaced persons camps .. in the clean, white dining halls of hospitals and sanatoria . . in orphanages and in homes for the aged, 4. . . on cooperative 'farms and in rude dwellings throughout Europe, Jews will celebrate the feast of Passover again this year. As the sun goes down Friday evening, April 4, men, womeh and children will sit down together to observe the deliverance of their ancestors from Egypt more than 3.200 years ago, and to celebrate their own deliverance from Nazism. To assure Europe's Jewish survivors the traditional matzoth which Moses and his flock ate on their wanderings through the ,desert. to provide the wine and the macaroons and the matzoh meal which are part of the holiday, the Joint Distribution Commit- tee, major American agency aiding distressed Jews abroad, has launched a special Holy Day program which will send more than 6.000.000 pounds of Passover matzoth, meal. macaroons, wine and other foods to Jews in 13 European countries. The Passover program is the greatest in the JDC's 32 years of hi inging relief, reconstruction and migration aid to distressed Jews abroad—Tile JDC, which last year spent more than_ $58.500,000 in its overseas assistance ppograms, receives its funds from contributions to the $170,000,000 campaign of the United Jewish Appeal. More than 3,400,000 pounds of matzoth have been purchased'in the t7nit,•(1 States and shipped abroad for distribution by members of the JDC's staff of more than 250 overseas representatives. In addition. the Committee has sent 1,000,000 pounds of matzoh meal abroad as well as 100,000 pounds of Passover macaroons. The JDC in Romania has swung into action on the greatest Passover campaign ever conducted there. The crop failure has cut Rumanian wheat supplies to such an extent the JDC must supply matzoth to every one of the estimated 430,000 Jews in the country, without any assistance from the government. The JDC now has on hand sufficient stocks to furnish each Jew with approximately four pounds of matzoth for the eight-day holi- day. Passover supplies will only be sold to those able to pay and the funds thus derived will be devoted to local communal needs. The publishers' and printers' section of the AJC mobilized in the 1947 drive at a dinner meeting at the Standard Club on March 19. Left to right, seated: Herman L. Lewis Jr., Hyman- Safran and Ben F. Wigder, co-chairmen of the printers' and publishers' section; standing: Nat Rosenfeld, Martin Aronsson, Jerry Brasch.; William Gelb, Harvey Willens, Jack Denison and Albert Shaftel, sec- retary of the division. Samuel S. Aaron, another co-chairman of this division, was not present. Leaders of the Mechanical . Trades Division, gathered at the Standard Club on Monday evening. March I7, to plan the Special Gifts Meeting for . tile Division. Seated (left to right): HYMAN R. NATHAN, Scrap MAURICE A. SCHLAFER, Scrap Iron; HARRY NEWMAN, Auto Sales; HARRY JACOBS, Tire Dealers: HARRY B. ARONOW, Metals-, HAROLD LACHMAN, 'Garages and Pasting Lots: MORRIS L. FRUMAN, Auto Parts and Acces- sories. Standing (left to right): NATHAN V. MILLER, Garages and Parking Lots: ABE KASLE, Steel; BEN KRAMER! Scrap Iron; BEN L. SILBERSTEIN, Machinery; MILTON K. MAHLER, Scrap Iron; three of the Division Chairmen: NATHAN R. EPSTEIN, Gas and Oil; JACK LEVITT, Auto Parts and Acces- sories:" AL KRASS, Waste Materials; CHARLES WOLOK, Scrap Iron, and SAMUEL B. SOLOMON, Steel. Almost every trade represented in the Division is well under way in organiz- -•ing its actfvities to raise. its share of the $5,335,000 quota for the 1947 Allied ,=— Jewish Campaign. Officials Circle Speakers' -Table At Annual Federation Conference Speakers' table at annual dinner meeting of Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit, at Hotel Statler, March 18. Left to right: Mrs. Phil ip Marcut.e, Mrs. I. Irving Birtker, Isidore Sobeloff, executive director of the Jewish. Welfare Federation- Dr. William Haber, Julian H. Krolik, Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, Mrs. Leon Falk of Pittsburgh, Prof. Lawrence Seltzer. (Photo on right.) —Photos by Paul Kirsch, Jewish News Photographer