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March 07, 1947 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1947-03-07

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U.S. Zionists Back Flow
Of Visaless Jews to Zion

State Conference
Of UJA to Hear
Brickner Sunday

(Continued from Page One)

PITTSBURGH, (JTA)—American Zionists will lend
He visited with troops in Africa,
their resources to continuing a never-ending flow of visaless Italy, Palestine, Egypt, India,
immigrants to Palestine in defiance of the British blockade, China and England. During his
the national administrative council of the Zionist Organiza- journey he had ,occasion to dis-
tion of America pledged in a resolution adopted by 250 mem- cuss the problems of Jews in
Europe and see at first hand the
bers from 40 states.

The resolution came after Zion-
ist leaders of the U. S. and Pales-
tine had denounced British pol-
icy in the Holy Land and ...:x-
r•tesseci doubts Britain was sin-
cere in its avowed decision to
place the entire Palestine issue
t ► •fore the United Nations.
Dr. Moshe Sneh, a member of
the e4:•cutive of the Jewish
Agency. urged there be no tur-
flike negotiations between Agen-
:.y leaders and Foreign Minister
Kevin. since all previous talks
hay , • been "futile."
. Ahha Hillel Silver, presi-
dent of the ZOA and chief
Ames is member of the Agency,
zill•d on the U. 'S., as a leading
member of the UN to (exercise its
influence to secure pending a
ten it settlement — measures to
compel B1•itain to the ob-
:ig ,iti,.ns of the Mandate and to
vireit 100.000 Jews immediately
to 1),de-dine. Dr. Emanuel Neu-
mann expressed doubt Britain in-
Attends to-relinquish the Mandate,
no matter what action is decided
upon by the_UN.
The delegates also resolved
that Britain's appeal to the U. S.
o Like over in Greece should not
be ected noon separately but in
•ont•xt with the whole political
, -atu ate( ei in the Middle East, in-
, Ike • : the Palestine question.
The ,,lee attacked Bevin's recent
eriteeisin of President Truman as
"velear, insulting and mislead-

Toledo Man Elected
Chairman of JDC's
East Central Area

CLEVELAND.—Major empha-
sis in aid programs on behalf of
Jews in Europe is shifting from

1)• , •f-ate,: also endorsed the
otaiected goal of the ZOA for
1.0 ■ 0 roembers within two
yr o -and for the raising of $1,-
000.0!l0 this year to finance an
en! it ited program of public rela-
tion :end education.

Purim Play Festival
At Center on Sunday

Ti,• public is invited to a Pur-
im Pie Festival, sponsored by
the Intermediate, Council of the
Jewish Community Center, Sun-
day afternoon, 2:30 p. m., in the
Center auditorium.
There will be a comedy, "The
M.-1-:ter Salesman", by Chaverim:
A.Z.A. Maurice Rose chapter will
give "Free and Equal"; Louis
Marshall Bnai Brith Girls are
aioducing a melodrama; and A.
Z. A. Seymour Sobole chapter
will go on the air with Norman
Corwin's famous radio play, "On
A Note of Triumph".
A loving cup will be awarded
for the best performance. Three
.„:•4- orninent Detroiters will act as
Admission is free to all. There
will be dancing and Purim sweets
afterwards in Butzel Hall.

Charter Scout Members
To Hold Troop Reunion

Charter members of Boy Scout
Troop 164, sponsored by Shaarey
"r.edek, held a reunion Feb. 20 at
ti'e Lee Plaza and made plans
or a dinner-dance to be held
:'March 29 at Northwood Inn.
The former Scouts present vot-
(1 to plant 15 trees in Palestine
s a memorial to Max Lamport,
f..3riner troop leader. A commit-
tee was appointed to investigate
the possibility of establishing a
i•eek-end camp for Detroit
,couts as a further memorial to
Charter members of Troop 164
who were not present at the
:lecting are invited to contact
)r. Joseph Carp, 15784 Appoline,
r dinner-dance reservations.


relief to reconstruction, Moses A.
Leavitt, executive vice-chairman
of the Joint Distribution Com-
mittee, declared at the executive
committee meeting of the JDC's
East Central Region at Hotel
Lester Alexander of Toledo was
elected chairman of the JDC's
East Central Region, succeeding
Judge Maurice Bernon of Cleve-
land, who was elected chairman
of the JDC National Council at
the annual meeting in New York
on Jan. 12.
Delegates from communities in
Ohio. western Pennsylvania,
northern . Kentucky, Indiana,
Michigan and West Virginia at-
tended the meeting along with
professional welfare leaders in
the area. Fred M. Butzel and Mrs.
Henry Wineman are vice-chair-
men of the region.
Morris B. Seidelman of New
York City was appointed regional
representative of JDC for the East
Central Region, replacing Ira I.
Sonnenblick, who assumed the
position of director of the Detroit
Home for the Aged.

A. Lutzky Guest at
Festival of Humor

At Center, March 16

Turover Aid Society Will Honor
Hoffmans on 40th Anniversary

Turover Aid Society will honor two of its oldest and most active
members, Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman of 8812 LaSalle, on the
occasion of their 40th
wedding anniversary.
at 8:30 p.m. on Mon-
day, March i0, at a
•banquet at Jericho
Mr. Hoffman was
one of the founders
of the society, served
as its president and
vice-president, and at
present is supervisor of
the cemetery.
Both Mr. and Mrs.
Hoffman long have
been active in com-
munity affairs, chari•
table drives and Pal.
estine activities.
On the occasion of their anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman
are distributing $ I .000 to the following causes: $1 00 each to Yeshivath
Beth Yehudah, Yeshivath Chachmey Lublin, Mo'os- Hitim, Keren
Kayemeth (JNF), Hadassah, Mizrachi, Vaad Haezrah; $50 each to
Vaad Hahatzalah, Hebrew University, Jewish Labor Committee,
League for Labor Palestine, Child Rescue Fund; $25 each to Beth
Medrosh LaTorah and Yeshivath Itzchack Eichanan.

war effort and reconstruction ac-
tivities in Palestine. He held the
war-time position of directin of
the Training School and Person-
nel Division of the Jewish Wel-
fare Board with the U. S. Army
and Navy.
When the British front in
Greece collapsed early in 1941,
Ben-Aharon, then a lieutenant in
the British army, was the only
officer in the division - who elected
to remain with his men. He was
in command when the Nazis cap-
tured the unit with its :1,400
Palestinian Jews and 400 Arabs.
He was liberated by the 30th In-
fantry Division of the United
States Army at .Brunswick in
April 1945. The story of his ex-
periences, including his years as
a pioneer in Palestine and his
military service will be published
shortly in England, under the
title, "Listen Gentile."
Saved Thousands
As head of the Zeilsheim camp,
Flatow was instrumental in sav-
ing the lives of thousands of
Jewish DPs, because of the im-
provements he effected in condi-
tions at the camp. In addition to
Wednesday Discussion Group
this magnificient job of adminis-
The Wednesday Evening Dis-
tration and 'humanitarianism, he
founded the 7th Army Home for cussion Group will present Dr.
Orphans, which cares for 150 Ben Marks, noted psychiatrist,
children, and worked in close co- board member of the American
operation with the Central Com- Board of Psychiatry, next Wed-
mittee of Liberate _ d Jews in nesday, at 9 p. m. His topic will
be "Development of Personality."
* •
All interested persons are in-
vited to attend the Conference.
Mothers' -.Clubs Calendar
The luncheon meeting will be fol-
Theme: The battle for FEPC in
lowed by sessions scheduled to the Spring Election. Are you a
last until 5 p.m.
registered voter? If not, register
Palestine's construction pro- at the City Hall not later than
gram to absorb hundreds of thou- March 17.
sands of Jewish survivors is the
Monday. 8 p. m., Center Mothers'
key tci solving the tragic plight Club will meet in USO Lounge of
of Europe's homeless, destitute Center.
Tuesday, 1:30 p. m., Young Women's
Jews languishing in DP camps Study Club will meet in USO Lounge.
and in broken health, Dr. Brick-
Tuesd:,..y, 1:30 p. m., Dexter Mothers'
ner, Rabbi of the Euclid Ave. Club, will meet at lanai Moshe.
Wednesday, 1:30 ;p. Woodward
Temple of Cleveland, cabled from Club
will meet in USO Lounge.
Thursday. E p. m., Twelfth Street
Jerusalem on the eve of his re-
Mothers' Club will meet at Lachar's,
turn home after a survey of con- Twelfth
at Taylor.
Thursday. 8 p. m., Davision Mothers'
ditions there and in Europe on
will meet at Workman's Circle.
behalf of the $170,000,000 United Club
Tuesday, 12 p. m., YoBbg Women's
Jewish Appeal, the largest cam- Study Club luncheon and card party
Women's Guild in Metropolitan
paign in private American philan- at
Building, featuring radio program.
"Meet the Mrs." Prizes will be award-
The swiftly accelerating expan- ed. Wednesday. 8:30 p. m.. Council of
sion of facilities for European Mothers' Clubs annual Purim mas-
Jewish refugees now going on in querade at Jewish Center. Mrs. Bessie
Garfinkle is chairman, assisted by
Palestine represents the "new vice-presidents and former- presidents.
great means of relieving the pres- Prizes for most original costume.
Mrs. William Isenberg. Jacob
sure of the intolerable displaced Judges.
Keidan and Judge William Friedman.
persons caMps in Europe," Brick- The theme for this masquerade is
Atomic Age."
ner said in Urging further sup- "This
Saturday. March 22, 1 p. in., Dexter
port of the upbuilding of the Jew- Mothers' Club Oneg Shabbat at Bnai
ish homeland through the $170,- Moshe Synagogue.
000,000 United Jewish Appeal.
Chelsea Camp Reunion

An evening of Jewish humor
and satire, songs and holiday re-
freshments will be sponsored ')y
the joint Yiddish Cultural Com-
mittee on Sunday evening, March
16, at the Jewish Center.
The program will feature the
nationally known Jewish humor-
ist, A. Lutzky, in monologues,
recitations and inimitable sketch-
es for which he is so popularly
The program also will include
community singing. Purim holi-
day refreshments will be served.
This celebration is the fourth
in the series of cultural and en-
tertaining programs, sponsored
by the joint Yiddish Cultural
Committee of the Jewish Com-
munity Center and the Jewish
Community Council. Sarniiel
Jacobson and Jay. Rosenshine are
Tickets can be secured in ad-
vance at 35c from Jewish Folk
Organizations, - the -Center Mo-
thers' Clubs, the Jewish Com-
munity Center, and the Metro
Music Shop. 'Admission will be
60c on the date of the program.

Jewish Center

lish; folk dancing, community
singing, readings and refresh-
A. committee of hostesses in-
eludes: Mesdames Aaronson,
Graff, Posen, Rose, Rubin, Schiff
and Haidy and Mr. Neuschatz of
the Center staff.


Purim Dance March 9

Estelle Starr Herman and the
Holiday Hop Committee an-
nounce the .38th Holiday }fop
Purim dance, to be held March
9, 9 to 12 p. rn., in the auditorium
of the Jewish Center. Music will
be by Paul La Voie and WJR
Broadcasting Orchestra.

Red Cross to Distribute
U. S. Food in Romania

tary of State George C. Marshall
announced that the American
food and grain to be distributed
in Romania to alleviate starva-
tion, will be apportioned by the
Romanian Red Cross, under su-
pervision of the American Red
Cross, with guarantees against
discrimination on racial, religions,
political or social grounds.


One of America's Finest



Swedish Massage - Redwing

Turkish Baths - Mineral Baths
Mothers' Club members and
Center Squash Players
Showers - Tub Baths
Camp Chelsea campers will parti-
cipate in a Chelsea reunion at
Steals Baths
In State Tournament
Five players are representing the Jewish Center Butzel Hall,
the Jewish Community Center in on Sunday, March 23, at 8:30 p.m.
The program will include mu-
Near,Trunsbull Ave.
the State Class B Squash Tourn-
ament now being played at De- sical numbers, piano and voice,
CA. 5646
troit Athletic Club. Four were in 'Hebrew and Yiddish; drama-
members of the Center's "B" tic readings in Yiddish and Eng-
Team which recently was declar-
ed state champion over seven
competing fives. These players,
competing for the first season
outside the Center, are: Harry
Detroit Jewish
Newman, Meyer Saperstein, Dr.
Milton White and Milton Elson.
Committee For
The fifth team player, Dr. Max
Parker, will be replaced by Al-
Russian Relief, inc.
bert Fruman in the singles play.
In winning the team cham-
pionship, the Center group came
10:06 A.M. to 5:•• P.M.
out ahead of these competing
groups; Sidney Hill, Detroit Edi-
son, Detroit Athletic Club (two
teams), University Club, Racquet
Grand Boulevard 'and Lawton
Club, and Downtown Y.M.C.A.
Members of the winning team
will receive the Palm Leaf and
a team trophy at the next meet-
ing of the Michigan Squash
Chairman Administrative Commit-
N. Y. Employment Law
Racquets Association at Univer-
tee National Jewish Council for
Hits Columbia U. Office
Russian Relief and Chairman of the
NEW YORK, (JTA)—The State sity Club, on March 25.
Board of the Non-Sectarian Anti-
Commission Against Discrimina-
Nazi t.eague.
tion has denied the claim of Co-
lumbia University that its em-.
Please Send Credentials to
ployment office is exempt from
the provisions of the Ives-Quinn
anti - discrimination law, t h e
Aineicart Jewish Congress, which
initiated the action against Co-

ermer Australian Premier
Attacks Liberal Policy On Jews
CANBERRA, Australia (JTA)
—Robert G. Menzies, former
'rime minister and leader of the
T.iberal Party, attacked the goy-
, rnment's policy of admitting
..ewish refugees from Europe in
a statement which expressed
Loncern at reports the refugees
were experiencing less difficulty
n entering Australia than Bri-
lugibua, was informed.


Riday, March 7, 1947


Page Fourteen

, -^

Elect kI

to Amid Cosfereace

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