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March 07, 1947 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1947-03-07

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Truman Reaffirms
U. S. Policy on Zion,
Endorses UJA Drive

One day prior to British Foreign Secretary
Bevin's attack upon our Government and
President, in his report on Palestine in the
House of Commons, President Truman re-
ceived a Jewish delegation at the White
House and made his position on Palestine
clear with the statement:

PRESIDENT TRUMAN, center, shown greeting a delega-
tion of United Jewish Appeal leaders who called upon him
at the White House last week when he gave his wholehearted
support of the $170,000,000 drive. Left to Right: Edwin Rosen-
berg, Lazure L. Goodman, Jack H. Rubens, Dr. Israel Gold-
stein, UJA national chairman; former Gov. Herbert H. Lehman;
William Rosenwald, UJA national chairman; Mrs. David M.

ALLIED JEWISH CAMPAIGN headquarters have
been opened this week at 1248 Washington Blvd.,
Isidore Sobeloff, executive director of the Jewish
Welfare Federation under whose auspices the drive
will be conducted, announced.

The telephone number is TEmple 3-5250.

Levy, chariman of the UJA Women's Division; Jacob Sincoff,
UJA co-treasurer; President Truman; Julian N. Venezky, chair-
man for Regions; Henry Morgenthau Jr., UJA general chair-
man; Dr. Jonah B. Wise, UJA national chairman; Rudolf G.
Sonnenborn, national vice-chairman for Trades and Industries;
Boris Margolin, Allen Goldfine, Harry A. Cooper, J. S. Resler
and Henry Montor, UJA executive vice-chairman.

This declaration and President Truman's
statement endorsing the nationwide $170,-
000,000 UJA drive thus reaffirm U. S. policy
in support of Jewish rehabilitation and re-
construction efforts.


United Jewish Appeal staff members and local
workers are in charge of the office.

Announcements are expected this month of the
selection of a chairman and the setting of a date for
the $5,335,000 campaign for local, national and over-
seas agencies.

"The situation you are dealing with is
terrible. We have 247,000 Jewish refugees
in the American zone in Germany. We have
been trying to arrange to get 100,000 into
Palestine. We are still endeavoring to get
that jola_done.'

A Weekly Review

of Jewish Events

VOL 10—NO. 25 2114 Penobscot Bldg. Detroit 26, Mich., March 7, 1947 34 .61111.22 $3.00 Per Year; Copy, 10c

Schwartz to Describe Bevin to Discuss Palestine With Marshall
JDC's Work in Europe Greek Problem Must
At Federation Parley

In his report to the Jewish community of Detroit, at the
annual meeting of the Jewish Welfare Federation on Tues-
day evening, March 18, Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, director of
European activities of the Joint Distribution Committee, will
describe the most recent developments among the surviving
Jews of Europe.
Dr. Schwartz returned to the U. S. from Europe a week
ago. With the JDC since 1940, Dr. Schwartz is now chairman
of the European Council of the JDC.

Other highlights of the annual meeting, which will begin at
8 p.m., are election of some members of the Board of Governors of
the Federation and reports on the year's activities of Jewish com-
munal agencies, locally, nationally and overseas. Julian H. Krolik,
president of the Federation, will preside.
Preceding the meeting, four local agencies will hold their
annual meetings. These include the Fresh Air Society, Jewish
Social Service Bureau, Jewish Vocational Service and North End
clinic. Officers of all four agencies will be elected at this meeting.
Guest speaker at the agency meetings will be William Haber,
professor of economics at the University of Michigan, who has a
distinguished record in Jewish affairs as well as in the academic
world. He will discuss immigration as it relates to the displaced
people of Europe. He was the first head of the National Refugee
Service. the national organization formed to assist refugees, which
was the predecessor of the United Service for New Americans.

Dr. Brickner to Address
State UJA Parley Sunday

Because the Michigan State Conference of the United
Jewish Appeal will provide an opportunity to exchange
views with other Michigan communities, as well as present-
ing the most up-to-date information regarding the Jews of
Europe and Palestine, Detroit Jews should make a special
effort to attend the historic conference, to be held Sunday,
March 9, according to Fred M. Butzel, Michigan State UJA
The program will begin at 12:30 p.m. with a luncheon
meeting at the Detroit-Leland Hotel.
"On the eve of the greatest Allied Jewish Campaign in
Detroit history, we are fortunate to be able to hear such
authoritative speakers as Rabbi Barnett R. Brickner, of
Cleveland, Itzhaq Ben-Aharon, Palestine's leading war hero
and Sidney Flatow, UNRRA 'troubleshooter'," Mr. Butzel
During the war, Rabbi Brickner added lustre to an
already - distinguished record of public service when he
toured the Allied battlefields on a special mission for Presi-
dent Roosevelt.

(Continued on Page 14)

Tie In With Zion Issue,

ZOA Parley Declares

Budget Hearings
Underway for
Allied Campaign

Budgeting of allocations by the
Jewish VVelfare Federation to
beneficiary agencies of the Allied
Jewish Campaign will be recom-
mended by subcommittees of the
Federation Board of Governors
and representatives of the Detroit
Service Group divisions, Women's
Division and Junior Service
Group. according to Julian H.
Krolik, president of the Feder-
Allocations will be made out of
funds raised by the Allied Jewish
Campaign for $5,335,000.
Opening the series of budgeting
hearings. Ben Kramer served as
chairman of the subcommittee on
overseas agencies, Feb. 27. Agen-
cies whose programs were dis-
cussed at this meeting included
American Fund for Palestinian
Institutions, Hebrew University
and HIAS.
The second meeting, devoted to
Community Relations and con-
sidering the Joint Defense Ap-
peal of the American Jewish
Committee and the Anti-Defama-
tion League of Bnai Brith and the
American Jewish Congress, and
Jewish Labor Committee, was
presided over by Irving W. Blum-
berg, chairman of the Detroit
Service Group.
Further budget hearings are:
Jewish Education. Monday, March
10, Milton K. Mahler, chairman;
National Health and Welfare,
Wednesday, March 12, Samuel H.
Rubiner, chairman; Local Agen-
cies, Sunday, March 16, Mrs.
Charles Lakoff, chairman.
The allocation of $4,000,000 for
the United Jewish Appeal for
overseas needs, Palestine and
refugees, was set at a special
budget meeting attended by
Henry Morgenthau Jr., UJA gen-
eral chairman, and other UJA

Resume of Latest News on Palestine based on
Jewish Telegraphic Agency Cables

Members of the national administrative com-
mittee of the Zionist Organization of America,
meeting in Pittsburgh last Sunday, went on record
declaring Britain's appeal to the U. S. to take over
her burden of responsibility in Greece should not be
acted upon separately but in context with the whole
political situation in the Middle East, with emphasis
on Palestine.
Foreign Secretary Bevin indicated to Jewish
leaders in London he intends to discuss the Palestine
issue with U. S. Secretary of State Marshall when
they meet at the Moscow Conference, which is to
open on March 10.
Receiving a delegation of Agudas Israel lead-.

(Continued on Page Three)

PIONEERS: Among the Hundreds of American vets studying
at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem under the GI Bill of Rights
is ELCHANAN ROSS of Detroit. Other Americans are attending
Hebrew U. on scholarships provided by the Zionist Organization of
America. In a recent eventful I2-hour operation, 12 U. S. vets
helped establish a new Jewish settlement in the Hebron Hills. In
the above photo are shown three Americans teaming up to erect
a barbed wire barricade to protect the settlement from hostile
Arabs. Left to right: Alfred Dobrowitz, of Indianapolis, Ind., former
AAF bombardier, ELCHANAN ROSS, (standing) Detroit, former
AAF pilot, and Donny Spicehandler.

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