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October 11, 1946 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1946-10-11

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Fridays .October 11, 1946


Danny Raskin's





Basenko to Appear
At Windsor Peretz
School Fete Oct. 20

The annual Peretz School ban-
quets have become one of the
Windsor community's most up-
lifting affairs of entertainment

THE ANNUAL Beauty-Person-
ality COntest is officially open ...
Send your photograph or snap-
shot to the column as soon as
possible . . . They will be re-
turned . . . Preliminary judging
will be from the pictures only
... with judging by eminent per-
sonalities in the entertainment
and beauty expert fields ... Don't
delay, you may be "Miss
Final selection and awarding
of prizes will be made at the
Julius Rosenwald Post Infantile
Paralysis Ball in January.
• • •
SUGGESTIONS will be appre-
ciated for a title to be given the
winner of the Beauty-Personality
Con test.
• • •

Berle, who bellowed, "What the
kind of an audience did
you bring me?" . . . The friend
had to explain that Helen had
her nose changed and couldn't
move her face as it was still sore
... Berle replied, "Oh, that's dif-
ferent. But the next time you
bring a girl, make sure she has
her other nose with her."
• • •
community dance director, who
did a magnificent job for the Gol-
den Jubilee, will assist with
the choreography for the musical
show to be presented .. . Paula
Max of the Arthur Murray Stu-
dios, will aid in the South Amer-
ican dancing .. . Lavish costum-
ing and scenery has been arranged
for .. . If you have talent, don't and culture. Ben Basenko of the
THE JEWISH community miss the boat! . Write to the
-.comes up with a child musical column immediately for an audi- Yiddish Art Theater of New
prodigy in the person of 6-year- tion! . .. It could be the break York, will honor the school's
old Melvin Tichik, son of Mr. and you've been waiting for to get banquet on Oct. 20 with his pres-
Mrs. Sarah Tichik of 1694 Hazel- going in the entertainment world! ence for the first time in the his-
wood . . . He's a fast-chewing
tory of the Windsor Jewish corn,
drummer boy with tip?* hands
that just about hit everything
within sight and reach ... Melvin
Basenko joined the American
began beating the rhythm when
group of the Moscow Habimah
he was only. two years old and
WASHINGTON—Prof. William in 1930, appearing with them in
his next birthday found him the Haber of the University of Mich-
"The Dibbuk" and "The Juggler."
owner of a snare.
igan has been appointed to the
Then he turned to the English
Last February, the folks gave
him a complete set . . Little
stage, appearing under the direc-
Melvin picks records for play on
tion of Boris Glogolin and Maria
the portable and then, writhing
his tiny body in solid beat, gives
At the same time he furthered
out with the hottest bit of drum
his musical studies under the tute-
accompaniment this side of Har-
lage of the en.inent voice teacher
lem . • . Lionel Hampton is eager
Madame Achron, the wife of the
to have records made with him
Jewish composer, Joseph Achron.
. . . Gene Krupa, Melvin's idol,
In 1933 he turned to the Yiddish
appears in Detroit soon, and will
stage, where he has appeared in
see him upon request of the
many productions of the Yiddish
Music Corporation of America.
Art Theater, namely, "The Brot-
hers Ashkenazi," "Jacques Berg-
BEST BET of the weekend .. .
son," "The Water Carrier," "Sixty
33rd Holiday Hop opening its fifth
Thousand Heroes," in the English
Season at the Jewish Community
version of "Yoshi Kalb," etc.
Center. . . Sunday, Oct. 13 . . .
Basenko is one of the foremost
Will be a Sukkoth Dance, featur-
leading figures on the Yiddish and
ing Phil Brestoff and his WXYZ
English stage.
All organizations of the Wind-
• • •
sor Jewish community are re-
DEAD ORCHIDS . . . to the
quested to keep the date of Oct.
owner of that drugstore on Dex-
20 open.
ter who transformed it into a
"synagogue" for the lucrative re-
wards from holiday services . . National Bnai Brith Hillel Found-
ation Conlin iSS ion, it was an-
The soda fountain stood by in
grim temptation . . . a wonder nounced by Henry Monsky, chair-
soft drinks weren't served to man of the Commission. Dr. Ha-
ber will replace Rabbi Milton
complete the act against holy
Steinberg, of New York.
On page 8 of this issue of The
Dr. Haber is an alumnus of the

• •
University of Wisconsin where Jewish News appears an unusual
JEWELRY DEPT . . . Babbette he taught economics following advertisement.
Lichtenstein and Robert Golden his graduation. He served as ex-
Headed "An Accounting to
will say, "I Do," Nov. 17 . . . ecutive director of the National Taxpayers," the paid message is
Elaine Weinstein and Seymour Refugee Service from 1939 to from the State of Michigan
Greenbaum will climax destiny 1941.
through John D. Morrison, state
by wedding at the Statler, Oct.
auditor general. It is a handy re-
port to Michigan taxpayers of
• • •
Ignore Hate-Mongers,
revenues received and expendi-
THE NEW Young Men's group Rabbi Fineberg Urges
tures made by the State of Mich-
established by the Beth Aaron
igan during the past fiscal year
Congregation is certain to loom
Can men like Gerald L. K. ending June 30, 1946.
as a big noise in community Smith be fought by the silent
Mr. Morrison, who incidentally
doing . . . Future planning calls treatment? Solomon A. Fineberg, is not running for re-election,
for a top-notch group to carry in an article in the September chose newspapers as the most ef-
out a continuous program of issue of Commentary, asserts that fective and economical way to
steady ideas on social and cul- the most effective way to treat inform taxpayers about t h e
tural themes . . . The organiza- hate-mongers is to ignore them. state's financial operations and
tion will be affiliated with the
In "Checkmate for Rabble- the current surplus.
The official report shows total
Rousers," Rabbi Fineberg, Na-
• • •
tional Chaplain of the Jewish receipts of $304,118.039.36 and
THE BACHELORS, young War Veterans, and an authority total expenditures of $286,499,-
men's club at the Jewish Center, on minority problems, urges a 092.39, leaving a year's surplus
will hold their annual dance Nov. program of civic education in of $17,618,946.97. As the state be-
3 ... with rhythms by Don Pat- democracy as the best defense gan the year with a surplus of
against the poisoned ideas of $5,219,753.68, t h e unrestricted
• • •
screaming bigots. "The public surplus in the treasury on June
JERRY BLOOM answers the mind must be immunized against 30 that was available for legisla-
phone` at Perry Rag & Barrel all of them."
tive apropriation was $21,532,-
Co. . . . Does it sort of mechan-
Using Gerald L. K. Smith as 356.01.
ical-like . . . For reasons made an example, Fineberg says, `In
The above surplus does not in-
obbious to her, recently, she has St. Louis on April 1, 1946, 35 vet- clude funds restricted by the
changed her reply from, "Hello, erans marched into 'the hall legislature for future definite
this is Perry's Bag" . to just where Smith was scheduled to needs, such as tine veterans' trust
plain, "Perry's."
speak, denounced him and ap- fund and others, and hence not
• • • 's
pealed to the audience, number- available for legislative appropri-
WHILE IN NEW YORK, Helen ing several hundred, to leave. Not ation.
Raimi sat with a friend of Mil- one person complied. In fact,
ton Berle's watching the great Smith was greeted with increased
comedienne go through his al- enthusiasm."
ways humorous routine . . . With
the friend in near hysterics,
LONDON, (JTA)—Sir Oswald
Helen remained sullen and quiet Mosley, leader of the outlawed
. . Following the performance British Union of Fascists, served
the fri6nd went backstage and notice that he intends to revive

Prof.Haber Appointed
To Hillel Commission

State Accounts
For Taxes Spent

Ze:almost bad his head torn off by his fascist movement.

Page Fifteen

Relatives Sought Here

Anyone knowing the where-
abouts of the following is re-

quested to call the Jewish Social
Service Bureau, 5737 Second, TR.
2-4080, Monday through Friday,
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.:

Isaac Levinson, father's name Jacob.
age 60, physician, sought by N. G. Dra-
gun, of Vinnitsa, Russia.
Aaron. Israel and Reuben Borstein,
from Dombrowitz. Poland. sought by
their nephews, Srol and Oser Kircidel,
displaced persons in Bavaria.
Mrs. Fala Bette, nee Sculimowicz.
emigrated from Lodz to Detroit about
35 years ago. age 50 to 55. father's
name Alterschill, sought by nephew
Joseph Sculimowicz. now in a displaced
persons camp in Germany.
Paula or Pessa Brenner. nee Lober-
baum, daughter of Mordecai and Sarah
Yisers Loberbaum is seeking her ma-
ternal aunt, Yita., married name un-
known. The uncle was formerly a
baker. The aunt emigrated about 1921
from Bilgoral, near Lublin. Poland.
Leib Rubenstein at Zeilsheim bei
Frankfurt seeks Dina Kleinman, who
emigrated to the U. S. in 1939.
Mrs. Pola Brandstatter, nee Kaczko,
from Czestochowna, Poland. seeks Mrs.
Adele Mutzenmacher, nee Kaczko.
Ella Petrokofsky. - Zbrox. Glasgow.
seeks Mr. Max Petrokofsky, formerly
of 2219 Gladstone Avenue.
Marya Gittle Cytrynbaum, Team 597
UNRRA, Blok 19/16. Berlin, Marien-
dorf, Germany. is seeking Bella Szmai-
der Schneider), age 60, in U. S. for
30 years and her son Szymon (Simon).
age 30.
Pesta, Wojewodski Komitet Zydow-
ski, Szcecinie u Stowackiego. 12. Po-
land, seeks a Fink family, also a
Rothman family in Detroit.
Feiwel Bilinski is seeking Prof. Max
Lewi. son of Rabbi Pinkas of Ante-
Micht Pietrohowocz, Camp Pine City.
Team 180. Pocking, Bavaria, Germany.
seeks Dora Seins. 45 years old, also
Esril Judel Wolssohn. 78 years old.
Rosa Grimberg, 80 Canternir-Buca-
rest, is seeking B. Fiedler. formerly of
20911 Adams Ave., Detroit.
Enta Sim Smil. 210 Cal. Nationale.
Botosani, seeks sister, Edith Kersch,
formerly of 1500 Seventh Ave.. Detroit.
Also sister Dora and brother Aron.
Sloim and Esther Fleischer, Strada
Stefan eI Mare Nr 24. Dorohoi, Ru-
mania, seeks Jonas ....Fleischer, origi-
nally from Siret-Bukovina.
Pinchos Fuxmar, son of Jacob-Arie
of Michneh, Germany, Siebert seeks
his uncle, Aaron Furman.
Leib Grunbaum, D. P. Camp voith
Settlement. UNRRA Team 67. 20 Paul
Prim Street, Heidenheim, Wurttem-
berg. U. S. Zone, Germany. seeks :Mor-
ris Krakowsky and his wife, Basia,
nee Grunbaurn, who is the enquirer's
Szebail Chaiczkis seeks his brothers
Jankil (Jacob) and Eli Chaiczkis or
Drekos, who lived at 1921 Owego. De-

Relatives Sought Here
By Women's Council

Detroit Section, National Coun-
cil of Jewish Women, is anxious
to locate the following to deliver
messages from relatives abroad.
Anyone having information about
them should notify the Cpuncil
of Jewish , Women, 8904 Wood-
ward, Room 203, MAdison 6970,
Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m.

Klara Ulanow, daughter of Yankel.
Poland, seeks Golde. Moishe, Katie and
Max Llanow in Detroit.
Mosche Cymberknopf of British Zone.
Germany. seeks his uncle. Aron Good-
man in Detroit, born in Poland.
Irene Markie•lcz of Cracow. Poland,
wishes to locate an aunt, Beta Neu-
Abraham Szmajser of Palond cecks
M. Schwartz of Detroit.
A letter from Sandor Hoffer of De-
brecen, Hungary, awaits the Hoffer
brothers, sons of Merman Hoffer.
Freda Rosse of Bielsko. Poland.
seeks her uncles. Moritz and Max Ti-i-
berger, sons of Emanuel and Julia.
A postcard from Mosha Szenekower
of Poland awaits Victor Cashivcr.
A letter from Mr. M. Weiner. fo --
mei- 1y of King Ave.. was written 1-..y
Izak Kusewicki. now in an UNFtKA
camp in Germany.
Yesel and Mayer Liesnick of Ukraina.
USSR, seek Mendel Liesnick, Shiame
Liesnick and Moishe Kandel.
Symcha Klajman of Detroit i.
sought by Yankel Waksherg of Stutt-
gart. Germany. A letter awaits
Esters Meisner of Belsen Camp .seeks
a cousin. Anna Leitson.
A letter from Emil Fishman now in
Germany awaits Martin Schiff.
Jakir Apelewitsch of Linz. Aust?ia.
has sent a letter for the family of
Rilka. Roismann.
A letter from Leon Epstein, sc.n (.1
Bajla Aka•ie-Epstein awaits Mr. Hiroti

LONDON, (JTA) — Two hun-
dred Jewish orphans from Poland
are expected to arrive here
aboard a chartered ship some-
time this month.



Veterans and Civilians





headlines Borden's great new


Is■ Glea Plaids, Chalk Stripes

sad Solid Colors
Ia the Latest Y.ssg Ilea's
D. B. Lowlife Models

We Have What Yon Want



Ginny Simms Radio Show.
Hear it every Friday night for
a half hour of music and fun.
With Frank De Vol's orchestra,
Don Wilson, guest comedian
Donald O'Connor. It's solid-
packed entertainment. Don't
miss it!




Social Book

On these pages are inscribed the
weekly social events for which
Rosenberg's Kosher Catering was
proud to serve. As "Creators of Pei feet
- ateiing.•' Rosenberg's takes pride in
-Zs -ability to offer the absolute finest in
preparation and service for complete
and thorough enjoyment of the oc-

Shower for Ruth Wexler. Giv-
en by Mrs. Morris Lex - in.
of Ann Alper tc
7, iurray Kagan.
ShOtver for Mildred Bronstein.
Honored by family and friends.
Shower for Shirlee Sklar.
Shower for Sally DIskin. rztv-
Given by Mrs. P. jacoh,3. Mrs.
en by 3.-Trs. Mary Leshmon and
A. Jacobs. Mrs. R. N.Vinger and
:Mrs. Lena Abrams.
Mrs. R. Friedman.
Congratulations and best wishes to the honored
above. It was our pi ivilege to serve you and may
we continue to do so at all your future social
functions. Whether it be a wedding. bar mitz-
vah, shower or banquet. we are always ready to
provide the finest in catering beyond the most
desired satisfaction.

25th Silver Wedding Anniver-
sary at Workmen's Circl Cen-
ter for Mr. and Mrs. :Ntor, is

Sincerely yours,

Your Host




TY. 4-9490


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