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July 26, 1946 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1946-07-26

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Page Six

Murders in Poland Increase
Despite Government Threat

160 Jews Stain Since Kielce; 5,000 Fleeing to Germany
Monthly; Influx iirqo Auskia Adds Fuel to
Sernitism; Warsaw Secret Police Accused

Polish gangs continue to molest Jews, and murders are
increasing in spite of warnings by the government that the
guilty will be dealt with drastically, according to reports
received this week.
One report stated that more than 160 Jews have been
murdered by Poles since the Kielce . pogroms.

In the meantime, mass exodus,„,
from Poland continues. In Paris, letter continues, "cannot be view-
M. R. Blass, ORT Union delegate
ed in the light ofracial violence
Who just has returned from a tour
of Germany reports that 4,000 to as the government would have it,
5,000 Polish Jews are anTivine in thus justifying abroad the per-
secution of its political opponents,
Germany every month.
especially Vice-Premier Mikola.-
juzy's Peasant Party."
Cardinal Hlond Rejected
"The Kielce pogrom," Ari sags,
3 Pleas Before Pogrom
WARSAW (JTA)—Polish Pri- "was merely a screen for a poli-
tical maneuver which the Church
mate Cardinal Hlond rejected
cannot countenance."
three requests to take a stand
against violence and anti-Semi- Polish Jews Arm To Protect
tism during the six weeks previous Selves From Anti-Semitic Bandits
to the Kielce pogrom, one of
BERLIN, (JTA)—The situation
which was made on June 8 by
Rabbi David Kohane, chief Jew- of the Jews in Poland has deter-
iorated to the point where in most
ish chaplain of the Polish Army.
communities Jews are forced to
The Cardinal refused to see Rabbi
carry firearms for self-protection,
Henry Montor, executive vice-
Last week Cardinal Hlond told chairman of the United Jewish
reporters than only one such re- Appeal, said upon his arrival
quest had been received before here from Poland.
the pogrom, which took the lives
In a brief interview before de-
of 41 Jews and four Poles, and parting by plane for Paris, on his
said that that appeal had been way to Palestine, Mr. Montor said
turned down because it was felt that the Jews of Poland are liv-
that the situation had not deter- ing in a perpetual state of fear.
iorated sufficiently to warraitt the Attacks upon Jews are increas-
issuance of a. pastoral leter.
ing, and anti-Semitic bands are
The Primate was apparently operating openly. Jews are stop-
confused. At first he said the re- ped in the streets and attacked
quest was from "some Jewish without any provocation, he re-
group." When it was called to his ported.
attention that the setialoffibial
non-Jewish League to Combat Truman Asked To Intervene
Racism had sent him an appeal on With Pope in Polish Situation
May 18, the Cardinal said: That
NEW YORK, (JTA)—President
is the one to which I referred. It Truman has been asked to appeal
is the only one received."
to Pope Pius to issue a statement
It was learned, however, that urging the Polish Catholic popula-
two other pleas—both from Jewish tion to observe the Vatican pro-
sources—were made to him. Be- nouncements that anti-Semitism
side Rabbi Kahane's letter. There is a violation of the precepts of
was the requst for a pastoral let- Christianity.
ter made by Dr. Joseph Tene-
In a letter from Joseph Pros-
baurn, president of the World and kauer and Jacob Blaustein, presi-
American Federations for Polish dent and executive committee
Jews, during a private interview chairman, respectively, of the
with the Cardinal on June 3.
American Jewish Committee, the
President was urged to have My-
Influx of Jews Increases
ron C. Taylor, American repre-
sentative at the Vatican, inter-
Anti-Semitism in Austria
VIENNA, (JTA)—The influx of vene with the Pope on the Polish
Polish Jews, about 5,000 of whom situation.
The American Jewish Commit-
have arrived here in the past week,
besides overloading the facilities tee officers took exception to the
of relief organizations is causing recent statement of Cardinal
a rising wave of anti-Semitism. Hlond which attributed Polish
Although the refugees are being pogroms "in part to political con-
cared for by the JDC and UNRRA flicts." They pointed out, in the
and therefore are not taxing local letter to the President, that per-
facilities, anti-Semitic groups are secution of a group because of
circulating rumors that the large political opposition to some indi-
number of displaced persons will viduals who are acting entirely on
lengthen the stay of the occupa- their own behalf is "contrary to
all principles of humanity and
tion powers.
With JDC and UNRRA accom-
Dr. Hillel Seidman, a member
modations. overflowing, t r ai n-
of the committee that organized
loads of Polish Jews leave here
the Warsaw ghetto uprising, and
daily for Salzburg in the U. S.
a former member of the Warsaw
zone, and Udmont, in the British
Town Council, called for the mass
zone. Jewish leaders have ex-
evacuation of Jews from Poland,
pressed the hope that an inter-
charging that "the opposition
national agrement will be reached
forces in Poland already have
on transporting these refugees.
worked out a methodical system-
atic plan to exterminate the re-
If. S. Group Asks Probe
maining Jews in Poland."
Of Warsaw Secret Police
NEW YORK, (JTA)—Investi- Asks Hlond Withdraw Statement
gation of the anti-Semitic out- Blaming Jews in Kielce
breaks in Poland by an interna-
LONDON, (JTA)—The Agudas
tional commission has been de- Israel has appealed to Apostolic
manded by the Society for the Delegate Godfrey, representative
Promotion of Polatid's Indepen- of the Vatican here, to intercede
dence, a local group opposed to with August Cardinal Hlond to
the present Warsaw government.
withdraw his "unfortunate and
The Society charges "the crimes unjustifiable statement" concern-
committee in Kielce are the result ing the Kielce pogrom. In a let-
of an infamous provocation plan- ter to Godfrey, the Agudas Israel
ned by the secret police of the emphasized that the Plibpe in var-
Warsaw regime." The Go•ern- ious pronouncements had con-
ment's policy is aimed at driving demned anti-Semitism as "un-
all Jews from Poland, it adds.

Vatican Publication Biame.s
Pogroms on "Jewish Authorities"
ROME, (JTA)—The recent anti-
Jewish outbreaks in Poland "re-
sulted exclusively from political
passions provoked by measures
s,dopted by responsible Jewish
authorities," the unofficial Vail,-
(can newsletter, "Ari", declares in
A comment on the Kielce pogrom.
The attacks on Jews, the news-

France To Admit
5,000 Polish Jews
PARIS, (JTA)—France is pre-
pared to accept 5,000 Jewish im-
migrants from Poland, and will
issue 1,000 entry visas immed-
iately, M. Hugues, chief of cab-
inet to the Minister of Intreior,
told a delegration headed by I.
Kkornicki, president of the Po-
lish Jews of France.

Suzanne Starnier
Named to U. of A.
Honorary Society

Friday, July 26, 1946

Anders' Followers Plan
Memorial for 9 Poles
Hanged for Kielce Riot

JERUSALEM. (iTTIA.) — Adher-
ents of Gen. .Anciers among the
several thousand Poles here are
Miss Suzanne Dolores Starnler, arranging a memorial meeting for
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry the nine Poles hanged. on July 14
Stamler of 17314 Muirland, a
freshman at the University of

for participation in the pogrom
at Kielce, wher 41 Jews were
The meeting, publicized as a lo-
cal tribute to the "Kielce mar-
tyrs," will be held in the Dom
Polski (Poish House) in Jerusa-
lem. Admittance will be by invi-
tation only,

We are not raising prices because


of the end of O. P.A., we will con-

Arizona, has been accorded the
honor of being the only Jewish
girl in the history of the univer-
sity to be elected to Spur, honor-
ary student society.
Miss Stamler, a graduate of the
Liggett School in Detroit, also is
school librarian. She is a member
of Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority of
which she was elected treasurer.
She has been active in religious
activities on the campus through
Hillel Foundation.
At present she is spending her
vacation at home with her parents.

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sale, and at all times,


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prices possible, in keeping with the

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Leo Weisman to Handle
Business Matters in Zion


Leo Weisman, who lived in Pal-
estine for a number of years and
is well informed on Palestine in-
dustrial affairs, will leave for Pal-
estine shortly.
Mr. Weisman is prepared to
handle business matters in Pales-
tine for interested Detroiters. He
states that he is in position to
offer bankers' guarantees for
whatever affairs may be placed
in his trust. He can be reached
at 2434 W. Buena Vista, TO.


Daily 9:45 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.

Saturday 9:45 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

A. Zwerling Has Letter
For Alex Saperstein

A. Zwerling, 1664 Blaine, TR.
2-5172, reports that a letter has
been at his home addressed to
Alech Saperstein from Gindind
Majer, Barick 58, Camp Tyler,
Wegshieg, Linz, Ober Astreich.
Mr. Zwerling states that Mr.
Saperstein has not resided at this
address for seven years. Mr. Sap-
erstein or any one knowing . of his
whereabouts may call for the let-
ter or for further information,

Brethren, Messengers
Lead in NW League

By virtue of their fifth straight
victory, Brethren of Men's Club
of N. W. Hebrew Congregation is
tied for the Softball League lead
with Messengers.
Brethren downed the pilots 10
to 9 in an extra inning game.
Mittledorf, Cameron and Sosnick
were the batting stars for the
Messengers walloped Guardians
16 to 8 to gain a tie for the league
The standings:
W L Pct.



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