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March 15, 1946 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1946-03-15

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- The Nazi Line in America





Eclipsing in significance all Palestinian
news of the past few weeks is the report
that all of the Jewish resistance move-
ments had united into 'a single whole.
This is strikingly important, in view
of the grave ideological differences which
had hitherto existed between the official
defense movement of the Jewish Agency
—the Haganah—and the militant groups
of Revisionist origin—Irgun Zvai Leumi
and the Sternists.
The report emanates from Heruth-
meaning "freedom"—the Jerusalem peri-
odical published by the Jewish liber-
ation forces in defiance of the British
"Blessed Be the United Resistance
Forces" is the title under which this
sensational repOrt is made known by
While there is no further verification
of this • announcement, the American
Zionist Emergency Council has made pub-
lic the known strength of the Palestinian
defense movements. Haganah is listed
with the numerical strength of 80,000; the
Irgun, 1,500 to 2,000; the Sternists, 300.
These forces represent an impressive
element in the enforcement of Jewish
rights in Palestine. Great Britain is slow
in listening to reason. But the Jews of
Palestine have indicated that nothing
will be permitted to stand in the way
of forcing the opening of Palestine's
doors to Jewish immigration.
It took the British a very long time to
learn that the Irish, three decades ago,
meant business when they fought for
justice. They are learning quickly that
Jews similarly :mean' business in :Pales-




Friday, March 15, 1946


Page Two

Pew works of recent origin are aE.=. fasci-
nating -as -the brochure :"The Jew in
Battle" which has been published by . the
American Zionist Youth Commission.
.RufuS Learsi (pen name of Israel Gold-
berg) . is the author- of `this very s plendid,
booklet, which was inspired by the
heroism of the Jewish Men and women
who hae'foUght in world. War
Rufus- Learsi deals- Wlth - individual - and.
groub heroism... He reviews the - courage.
of Jewish fighters -on all fronts and de--
votes a, special and most- interesting chap-..
ter to a resume of the activities of Jewish'
warriors in the battles waged by the
American armies dating back to the -War
of Independence .. - - -
Histdrically; this - pamphlet
standing- contribution to the .gathering .'of
data- ,rek. rding : Jewish:. coniribUtIons to-
the: 'wars of-the . dernoc•acies of the world:
Rufus Learsi's • "'The Jew in *Battle"'
(night to be made a -"must"' iri.•-the read-
ing Material - Selected.:_by Jews Oi:a11. -ageS.


About a quarter of a century ago, a
militant Irishman, the late William
Marion Reedy, publisher of "Reedy's
Mirror" in St. Louis, * Mo:, learned the
values of Zionism frOin a battling Zionist,
the late Jacob de Haas, one-tithe 'Secre7
tary to Dr. Theodor Herzl. Joining forces
with his Zionist friends in behalf of a
Jewish Palestine, Mr. Reedy, paraphras-
ing the. Irish slogan "Ireland Go Bragh,"
said to .de. Haas: .-
This is, in essence, what the pioneers
of Palestine are saying to the World-in
defense of the Jewish position in Eretz." .
"Zion forever" is the battlecry of the
survivors from Nazism who refuse to ac-
cept substitutes for a genuine home in
the Land of Israel.
The decent elements everywhere know
that this slogan is not a new creation,
that it- emanates from the Bible which
records the inalienability of Israel from
Eretz Israel. Those who are trying to
interfere with Israel's destiny in Zion
are attempting to controvert the Bible to
stop the wheels of progress from turn-
ing in the Middle East.




Last week, and the week before, we
indicated that \' e were bored by Franz
Werf el's "Star of the Unborn," his
posthumous work which is hailed by his
publishers, Viking Press, as the greatest
of his career.
Many other reviewers expressed dis-
like for the book.
At last, however, we have found a re-
viewer =who likes the book. ,
Maxwell Geismar, writing for the New
York Herald Tribune, dissents. He likes
Werfel'S 'book because "his reflections are

Executive Director, Institute for American Democracy, Inc.
There is in. Washington a committee of the House which was created for the
purpose of investigating un-American activities and which, contrary to its avowed
purpose, is itself proving to be one of the most glaring examples of un-Americanism
in the United States today. For example, it was .reported on Feb. 15 that a Mr.
Nicklas, an investigator for the committee, had said to Professor Clyde Miller of
Teachers College, "You should tell your Jewish friends that the Jews in Germany
stuck their necks out too far and Hitler took good care of them and that the same
thing will happen here unless they watch their step."
Mr.. Nicklas, who spoke these words in the presence of the coinmittee's chief
counsel, Ernie Adamson, has apparently swallowed the Nazi line. For it was no re-
liable authority—no honest man—who ever charged - that the Jews in Germany
or anywhere else "stuck their 'necks out." It was Hitler who made that charge
which certain of his stooges in America have been repeating after him ever since.
We ought to remember that Hitler used anti-Semitism to gather a following
with which to destroy freedom and to attack Christian civilization. Why does Mr.
Nicklas, working for Rep. Rankin's un-American Committee, now make the' same
false charges against the Jews that Hitler did? Why does Mr. Adamson, the Corn-.
nzittee's chief counsel, permit him to repeat the Nazi line in America? Do they
want to create a political following too on the basis of anti-Semitism with which
later to- destroy democracy—a word which Mr. Adamson doesn't like as applied
to America—and with which to attack Christian civilization?
The Greater New York Federation o_f Churches, under the, direction of Dr.
Robert W. Searle, which no doubt knows more about Christianity than either Mr.
Nicklas or Mr; Adamson,..answered Mr. Nicklas' blast against the Jews by stating
in a formal resolution that it "outrages American and Christian principles, reflects
on the spirit 'and purpose of the committee and challenges the House, which is the
body responsible for its activities, to bring this sort of thing to an end."
Chalk up another score for Christians who defend the. rights of man.

Heard in
The Lobbies




(Copyright, 1946 ; Independent Jewish
Press Service, Inc.)

Copyright, 1946, Seven Arts
-Feature Syndicate, Inc.

Remeniber • the days when Dorothy
Thompson crusaded against Nazism? In
the light of those endeavors ; her present
crusade for Germany is baffling to
friends and disguSting to readers of the
New York Post. Miss Thompson's column
on Lincoln's birthday ranted 'about -the
horrible plight of • the Germans, accused
the . Allies of perpetrating on the German
people the horrors of Belsen and
AuschWitz, and repeated the . canard
about - German starvation,, which several
days - before was refuted by teams of
army _doctors who surveyed the situa-
.tiOn- _in Germany. - And doesn't Miss
Thompson know. that Auschwitz and
Belien:7Were extermination factories in
:which : millions were gasSed? Is she .
accusing the Allies of mass extermination
lof Germans, or is she merely using.
for purposes of obfuscation?
Mr.- Gudstadt, executive director of the analogies
.• ... -
* * *
DefaMation..- League s- -: 'protested
-against ouf--7-itern that Henry Ford's anti- FLORIDA FLOURISH
distrib-. - -Ed Sullivan reports that there is a sign
Semitic_ literature
uteri in Latin ArrieriCa' ..; . Cafi fie explain at -B: ar Harbor which reads "Reservations
have reliable - in- are now being taken for next winter at.
away this item
the Sea View Hotel, which will be built
-forination - that bOoks under . the
International- Jew'.' are _being distributed- here."
in a number of Latin A _ inerican countries
The title pages of the books..read- as The captain objects against the jokes
"The. -Internation.al . Jew, the Jew 1010 in broken Jewish dia',.ect on the. pro-
.in Character .and•BUSiness .. ;•Being -.the:-
. Usually these jokes, writes Saf-
first reprint -ol . a?series articles.orig: ..f•dp, portray the Jew "as many gentiles
like- 'to, of him, as a 'graSping, vul-
pendent, publication of - Mr. Honey- Ford., -gar, boorish perSon, speaking broken
,Re-prin tea -
issu -:; -Max s2p', 1 9 20
English. and generally making himself
.bst the Knights. -of . the,lat Klux' objectionable" . . . Saffran makes the
Atlanta,- Georgia,. point that the radio audience does not
Klan 'in.- 0.
'These: books, dear -Mr...Gut- laugh- with the comedian who tells these
stadt, can be found in a number of Amer- jokes but at him and "at the Jews whom
ican public libraries, including the New he holds up for ridicule by his derogatory
York Public Library . . . Do you mean to caricatures" . . . We agree with Capt.
say that if. Mr. FOrd would have his law- Saffran .. . Harry Hershfield who is the
yers address ..a letter: to P. O. Box 1204, principle culprit on this program happens
Atlanta, he could not stop the use of his to be a nice fellow who renders - many
original sin.
services to Jewish charities . . Yet he
nullifies his noble deeds by the distaste-
ful role he plays on "Can YoU Top This?".
British Jewry is looking for a Chief . . . Can't you stop it, Harry?

It is high time to throw • the spotlight
on Father Staskievicz, a Polish priest
from Pennsylvania . . "The Committee
Reporter," issued by the American Jew-
ish Committee, reports that Father Stask,
as he is known, is carrying on dangerous
propaganda for "nationalism" -and anti-
Semitism . . . Father Stask has managed
ta.„.t ayoid publicity although he • works
closely... with such outstanding anti-
Semitic propagandists a's - Elizabeth Dill
ing.; Harry Jung. and Father Aubert, a
former associate- of Father Coughlin . . .
The A. J. C. Reporter says that Father
Stask was busy at the . United Nations
Conference at • San FranciscO, : where "he
was -endeavoring:tip :create turrnoil'among
the representatives of smaller nations".


Rabbi to fill the vacancy created by the
recent demise of the very Rev. Dr-. Joseph
H. Hertz ... . Of the several - suggested
American candidates, two have already
been eliminated, Dr. Louis Finkelstein
and Dr. Leo Jung . . . The first it is said
because of his sometimes wavering posi-
tion on Zionism . . . the other because of
his close association with the Agudas-
Israel movement . . It is not unlikely
that the Rev. Dr. Louis Isaac Rabinowitz
of Johannesburg, South Africa, will be
the successful candidate . . . Dr. Rabin-
owitz, who is 40, is a brillant scholar and
eloquent preacher . . . He served . as Jew-
ish Chaplain of His Majesty's forces in
World War II . . . He is the author of a
brilliant article in the current issue of
Jewish Quarterly on Jews of China.



Capt. B. Saffran (0-1317198) of New
York City writes to protest against the
radio program "Can You Top This?" . • .

usually tolerant and often penetrating."
..Well, we regret that we must continue

to disagree.
We found it dificult to struggle through
."Star of, the Unborn."
It'_Was difficult reading, and we did
not like it.
Sorry to disagree with the man who,
liked the book.





Prof. Albert Einstein will make one of
his rare appearances; March 27, at New ,
York Madiscin Square Garden . . . He will
officially dedicate the Jewish Black Book
to the conscience of the world.
Orchids to James Marshall for- his lone
dissenting, courageous utterance at the
N. Y. Board of Education meeting exon-
erating May Quinn charged with spread-
ing anti-Semitic propaganda . . James
is the son of the' late Louis Marshall, one
of America's outstanding Jewish leaders.
The American Council for Judaism, un-
der attack ever since its inception, re-
ports that it has a membership of 11,000 .
and that its yearly budget is $300,000.
The other day we observed Laurence
Dennis, self proclaimed leader of Ameri-
can fascism, in the magazine reading
room of the New York Public Library
taking notes from the "New England
You might read with interest Rabbi
Joseph Zeitlin's new book "Disciples of
the Wise" • .. It contains an interesting
study of the views of rabbis concerning
sex and race relations ... Dr. Zeitlin is
a graduate of the Jewish Theological

You and Me


(Copyright, 1946, Jewish Telegraphic
Agency. Inc.)

All is quiet on the Zionist front in
America • As long as the Anglo-Amer-
ican Inquiry Committee is conducting its
hearings, very little active work can be
done in Washington, or even in London
. . . All inquiries are met with the reply:
"Let's wait for the report of the Inquiry
Committee" . . . Meanwhile officials in
Washington are quietly watching develop-
ments in Palestine and the negotiations
which Emir Abdullah is now conducting
in London for the indepelidence of Trans-
jordan . . . It is on record that several
years ago Emir Abdullah condemned the
separation of Transjordan from Palestine
. . . In a statement at that time he in-
vited the Jews of Palestine to come to
Transjordan and "work together for the
benefit of our country".
A heated discussion on Palestine took
place in.New York at a luncheon of the
Overseas Press Club . . .• The discussion
was provoked by a pro-Arab book, "Why
Palestine?" by Henry Noble Hall, a Brit-
ish correspondent' . . . Hall was roundly
criticized by all who participated in the
discussion . • Which goes to show that
American public opinion -is not inclined
to swallow pro-Arab propaganda as easily
as British diplomats think.
Mrs. Rose Jacobs, only woman Member
of the executive of the Jewish Agency, is
soon to proceed to Palestine in connection
with a constructive project,-on which she
has been working quietly.
Abraham Friedman of Palestine re-
turned • to Jerusalem from New York
where he purchased several million dol-
lars worth of American products . . . He
spent about a year- in this country
negotiating large shipments to -Palestine
from the U. S., Canada and Brazil..



Those interested in the attitude of the
American Jewish Congress towards the
question of permanency of the American
Jewish Conference, will learn Much-from
a letter I received from David Petegrosky,
executive director of the Congress, who •
writes the . . "The American ,Jewish
Congress has been .foremost in .insisting
that the Conference become a permanent
organization and that its scope be broad-
ened to include all matters of Jewish
concern,. . . At Cleveland, the leaders of
the American Jewish Congress, both in
the committees and in the informal dis-
cussions, pressed for a resolution which
would have gone far beyond the one
finally adopted . . . Today, as ever, the
Congress stands committed Wholehearted-
ly to the development of .permanent
democilatiC Jewish body in America to
speak -and act authoritatively for the
Jewish :community of this country . . .
We are pledged to fullest cooperation
with all other groups in . the creation of
such a' body" ... This is the firSt. clear-
cut statement on the subject ever. made
for publication by any of the leaders of
the American Jewish Congress..
An . excellent exhibition of paintings
depicting the life in the Dominican Re-
public is now taking place in-New York;
at the Binet Art Gallery . .. The' artist is
Ernesto Lothar, a Jewish refugee from

Vienna, who settled in the Sosua colony
in the Dominican Republic in 1941, and
who is now professor of art at the Na-
tional School of Fine' Arts at Cuidad
Trujillo . . . The exhibition is attracting
wide-spread attention . . . It is Lothar's
second one-man show in the United
States . . . The first was held in Wash-
ington last November.
Mordecai Tamir, Palestine-born archi-
tect, participated as an expert in the
selection of the. site of UNO's world
headquarters . . • Tamir was. architect-
in-chief of the Palestine Pavillion -at the
Paris World Exposition in 1937 . . He
is . the only Palestinian ever designated
"Laureate of -the Academic _ des Beaux
Arts de .Paris," a citation he received in
1943 for his book "Les Expositions Inter-
nationales a travel's les Ages" while - he
was in- jail in France 'for underground
• activities.
Louis J. Rosenberg, vice dean of the
Detroit. consular - corpS,. was decorated by
-the Panania 'government for his services
to that nation . . . Rosenberg has been
connected with foreign .affairs . for 40
years . . President Theodore Roosevelt
appointed him U. S. Consul -at Seville,
Spain, in 1906 . . • Later he was consul
at Pernambuco, Brazil . . . He is presi-
dent of the _Detroit Philosophical Society
and- a former president of - the Michigan
Author's Association.


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