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August 10, 1945 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1945-08-10

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Friday, Ateguif 10, 1945

Wineman Vice-President
f War Chest Campaign

'Jewish Community Leader Re-Elected to Post He Held Last
Year; Anderson, Kanzler, McNamara, Pierce, Webber
and Mrs. Shelden to Guide 1945 Drive

Henry Wineman, president of People's Outfitting Co.,

a top officer in each of the three previous War Chest drives,

will again serve as vice-president of this year's War Chest
campaign, to be held from Oct. 3 to 31.
Edwin J. Anderson is general chairman of the campaign.
. Ernest C. Kanzler, chairman of the board of Universal

C.I.T. Credit Corp., will add the'..>
Vice-chairmanship of the 1945
drive to his already long list of
war activtities, while Patrick V.
McNamara returns, after a year's
absence among the campaign
leaders, as the vice-chairman
representing labor.
McNamara is vice-president of
the Detroit and Wayne County
Federation of Labor and served
as a War Chest campaign leader
in 1943.
Frank R. Pierce, vice-president
of the General Motors Corp., has
been appointed a campaign vice-
chairman and also will head the
campaign's public relations com-
Oscar Webber, vice-president
and general manager of the
J. L. Hudson Co., will serve as
chairman of the Corporation
Gifts Committee in addition to
his post as a campaign vice-
Mrs. Henry Shelden follows in
the footsteps of her father, who
was the first president of the
Detroit Community Fund, when
she takes over as a campaign
vice-chairman this year.

(JTA) — More than two months
after the liberation of all of
Czechoslovakia, anti-Semitism is
still rampant in Slovakia, and no
steps have been taken to annul
the anti-Jewish laws introduced
while Slovakia was an "inde-
pendent" puppet state of the
Germans, a survey by a Jewish
Telegraphic Agency correspond-
ent reveals.
Jewish communal aid religious
activities, however, are beginning
to revive in the larger cities of
Slovakia, although only 12,000
Jews remain of the 135,000 who
resided in Slovakia in 1942.
About 5,000 of the other 123,000
escaped abroad, and 115,000 were
murdered by the Germans.
Four thousand Jews are in
Bratislava and Jewish communi-
ties exist in Kosice, Nara, No-
vezamsky, Dunstreda, Presov and
The majority of the young
Jews want to leave the country
as they feel that there is no fu-
ture here for Jews.

Jewish Brigade Unit
Shifted to Belgium

ish Brigade, which has been sta-
tioned on the Italo-Austrian
frontier since the cessation of
hostilities, is being transferred to
Belgium and is expected to ar-
rive here any day, the Jewish
Telegraphic Agency has learned.
The Brigade will be stationed
at Tournai, near the French
frontier. Palestinian companies of
the Royal Army Corps and of the
Royal Engineers will remain in
Capt. Leon Shalit, son of the
late Mark Shalit, British Jewish
industrialist, who has arrived
here with an advance unit of the
Brigade, expressed his outrage at
the sight of thousands of Jews in
"liberated" German and Austrian
camps who are still "confined
like prisoners, treated like ene-
mies, underfed and wearing their
old prison garb, without being
given any hope for the future."
(A report this week stated that
the Jewish Brigade will be as-
signed to duties in Germany).

Palestine Elections,
Except in Jerusalem,
Ok'd By Government


Palestine Arabs
Agree to Recall
Mufti, Axis Pal

Anti-Jewish Laws
Exist in Slovakia,
JTA Survey Finds

The recall to leadership of the
Mufti of Jerusalem, Ha Amin el
Husseini, reportedly high on the
war criminals list because of his
complicity with the Axis, has
been agreed on at a meeting held
July 31 at Amman, capitol of
Transjordan, between Emir Ab-
dallah. Transjordan's ruler, and
four leaders of Arab parties in
The meeting decided • to re-
establish the Palestine Arab
Higher Committee, which was
dissolved on government order at
the time of the 1936-39 riots. The
committee is to open headqUart- -
ers in Jerusalem.
The recall of the Mufti, exiled
from Palestine as leader of the
riots, was implied in the decision
of the meeting to leave the chair-
manship of the Arab Higher
Committee vacant for Husseini's

Buy War Bonds!

The Government has announced
that it considerS it desira 7
ble that elections, in accordance
with the municipal corporations
ordinance be held, as soon As
;suitable opportunities offer the'11-•
selves, in all municipalities of
.Palestine, with the" exception .of
Jerusalem. '
As a preliminarY step, the
District Commissioners are being
requested _ to consult the _ mu-
nicipal authorities regarding the
appointment of electoral com-
mittees and preparation of reg-
isters of voters."
In view of. the fact_ that the
municipal administration of Je
rusalem is at present subject to
a commission of inquirY, a sirni-_
lar procedure --in regard to
Jerusalem -- Would be inappro-
priate at." this juncture, the Gov-
ernment announcement asserts-.


Fa theriana. Vrtint Slate
In Bulgaria Lists 3. Jews
*SOFIA-, - (JTA)
Three JeWs
are 'included* in the offiCial list
Of parliamentary candidates of
the Fatherland Front released
here: Two are Socialists and
one is a Communist. One of the
Socialists is chairman of _ the
jeWish Central Consistory in

Now Under the

Management of

5 A. S. Landis
and A. Soifer

David Frankfurter
Expected in Zion

Underground Chiefs Talk
At Public Rally Here Aug. 13

Dr. Eck, A. Rajski and M. Topiol to Address Open Meeting
at Shaarey Zedek, Monday Evening, Under
Auspices of Federation of Polish Jews

The three Jewish underground
leaders from Poland and France
who recently arrived in this coun-
try will address a public meeting
in the social hall bf Shaarey
Zedek at 8:30 p. m. on Monday,
Aug. 13, it is announced by the
Detroit Federation of Polish
Jews, the sponsoring organiza-
A number of important local
organizations are cooperating in
sponsoring this meeting, the three
visiting guests being:
Dr. Nathan Eck, Polish-Jewish
leader, editor of the Jewish jour-
nal "Dos Wort" in Paris.

Abraham Rajski, leader of the
Jewish Maquis in France, editor
of the journal "Di Fraje Pres-
Majlech Topiol, leader of the
underground movement in south-
ern France and president of the
Federation of Polish Jews in
First hand information on the
-activities of the underground
movements and on the heroism
of the Jewish fighters against
Nazism in Europe will be related
by the three guests. All De-
troit Jews are invited to the

had authorized the emigration to
Palestine of 1,000 persons.
A report from Prague says that
the first Zionist meeting since
BUCHAREST, (JTA)—An an- the end of the war has been held
there, and it was decided to est-
nouncement by the Romanian ablish an organization to train
Ministry of the Interior reaffirm- youths wishing to emigrate to
ing the legality of the Zionist Palestine. A report from Buda-
movement in this country, and pest discloses that the first Zion-
reports reaching here within the ist group in Hungary has been
past few days from Bulgaria, formed there,
Hungary and Czecholovakia seem
to indicate that the apprehension Palestine Radio System
felt in some quarters concerning Called. Zionist Organ
the attitude of the new govern-
ments of Eastern Europe towards man radio, located in the capital
Zionism was unfounded.
of Transjordania, broadcast an
Minister of the Interior Tech- attack on the Palestine Broad-
ari. Georgescu sent an order to casting System, charging that
local administrative authorities since Edwin Samuel, son of Vis-
informing them that the Zionist count Samuel, was named di-
organization in Romania enjoyed rector of the PBS, it has become
the same rights as • all other "an annex to the Jewish Agency's
groups, and is recognized as a house. The station has ceased to
legally constituted body. A dis- be a neutral government organ,
patch from Sofia, said that the but has become a Zionist insti-
Government announced that it tution,

Legality of Zionism
Voiced by Romania

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David Frankfurter, amnestied by
the Swiss Federal Council rec-
ently, after having served nine
years in jail for the assassina-
tion of Wilhelm Gustlof, Nazi
gauleitter in Switzerland, is ex-
pected to reach Palestine among
the first arrivals from Switzer-
land in the middle of August,
according to David's wick,


The Beauty Spot

of Northern Michigan

Austrian Jews Back
From Theresienstadt

VIENNA (JTA)—With the ar-
rival here of 360 Jews from the
Theresienstadt conc e n t r a t i o n
camp, the Jewish population of
Vienna, which once numbered
180,000, totals slightly more than
8,000. Of these, about 6,000 are
married to non-Jews and 1,300
returned in recent weeks from
A JTA correspondent who wit-
nessed their arrival was struck
by the fact that they were mainly
middle-aged and elderly. There
were no children. One of the ar-
rivals told the correspondent that
the Nazi had given high priority
to the extermination of all Jew-
ish children up to the age of 14.

Page Seven







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