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August 10, 1945 - Image 2

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1945-08-10

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Page Two





Inhumanity- of Anti-Seini tism

" Noted - British Writer and Statesman; Former Secretary of the Britisl

Administration in Palestine

We may say without very much exaggeration, that Gentile governments
and Gentile people have Created. certain peculiar conditions which are inimical
• to normal development—and now complain because those conditions have
inevitably produced certain results in those who have been victims of them.
This very general statement needs, I think, only to be qualified by saying
that not all Countries have been equally had in these respects and that not
all Jews (not those,' for
who have risen _ in the social scale) have
_ example,
suffered. -
But even in the Blessed British Isles although Jews do not suffer frOm
political or economic diiabilities yet . . well - there is nnti:-Semitisiii. con. 7
scious and :Unconscious in England today,
Is all the fault on the side of the Gentiles? some reader will ask. "Are
the JeWs in no ,way responsible for anti-Semitism?" Oh, yes, in quite a num z
ber of cases they,are. But—while they may quite often provide the "occasion,"
it is the Gentiles who haVe Provi"ded the "cause"..:
is 'My belief that if - Gentile. goVerninenti and peoples .reinove _the
cause—if Jews everywhere, as individuals -and' as communities_—are given
equality of treatment and. if in national life.- every road is open to them,
the occasion for anti-Senntism will tend to diSappear. Not• that I must add,
there is any, excuse for it even today.'
Furthermore„• it
my personal belief that• if, and when, the Jews have
a -small portion of the globe which they . can call -their
°An-4f 'and When in
fact, they, have a National Home in Palestine a dissolvent
• of anti-Semitism
will have been provided.. For the- root cause of anti-Semitism
is the feeling
which so Many people' have, that. the Jews - are unlike and what is unlike men
tend to fear and what men fear alas! they tend to - persecute. The _Jews are
unlike other people - notably in -having no home • Center
of .their own. Not
that if, and- when, there be a National Home all Jews will- go there. That
' would be a physical impossibility. But all Jews will have something of which
to be proud and -:gain self respect. And the first step towards winning
-the respect: of others is, so I'believe,'to have 'respect for oneself.

Friday, August 10, 1945



Copyright, 1945, Seven Arts

Featuree Syndicate, Inc.
On July 6, The Jewish News published
an article by the Rev. William C. Kernan--
This year's Fourth of July celebration
as a -"Challenge • to Pastore Martin Nie-
in the home town of the N
moeller," on the ground that even now
was something its Nazi denizens. won't
"the pity is that, after the facts are So
forget so soon . . It took, place at the,.
clear, Dr. - Niemoeller should still -say
Nuremberg Sportsplatz, and featured,
among others,- screen:. star - Jack- Benny
that the was not opposed to Nazi Politics,
and `harmonica virtuoso tarry Adler .
but only , to the persecution Of • the
The aucliende course:
church." • •
The- Story told. by a coltithnist that Dr.
Three weeks later, Major Samuerreitel-
Leiy•-:Baetk, - Milner - Chief Rabbi of BerL
baum, U.. S. Army Chaplain, in, a" letter.to
refUsed . to zianie ',the :Nazi: Gestapo
torturers • at the Tlerezin concentration
the New Republic, accused Pastor Nie-
camp is a stupid tale without any founda-.
moeller of being a "refined Nazi" who
tion whatsoever in fact.
could not kill or torture. Jews but would
The fixing _ of- prices and: rationing - in
like to deprive them of their equal status
the American-administered one of Ger;.
as citizens jor Teitelbaum wrote that
many will be in the hands of Capt. DaVict
Giniburg; former OPA counsel:
Niemoeller had insisted that the Jews
• *- *
*- -
form a distinct racial • classification arid
strongly objected to the immigration of
The Labor government of Britain will
"Eastern Jews into Germany."
, definitely issu• no less than •75;006 im-
Taking our readers: back another
migration visas to the Jewish Agency for:.
month, we desire to call their. attention
Palestine within the next few weeks.
to an interview with Dr. Niemoeller in
Paul Gervasi, the foreign correspond-
Naples cabled to this country • by Lan-
ent, is preparing a . bdok on Jewish' Pales-
drum Bolling, Overseas NewS Agency
tine. - •
correspondent. Bolling quoted Nieinoeller
The Zionist Organization of America
as saying that the German people is not
has completed its 7th War Limn' Drive .
ready for a. demOcradY and that they The Story of Cpl. Jerry Rubin WhO
with a total of $125,000,000 . . . Con -
would: never adopt an American or.
Was Shot I I Times •
British equivalent , of it. Bolling corn,-
mented in his dispatch that "after almost
eight years in the Gerinans' concentra- (Copyright, 1945, Jewish Telegraphic .Agency)
(Copyright, 1945,. Independent Jewish
It has just been revealed thaton a cer-
tion camps, the Rev. Niemoeller is in
Tress Service, Inc.)
We talked with Cpl. Jerry Rubin last
credibly ignorant of what has . happened
tain night of May, 1941, Winston Churchill,
in the world at:large • and in his country:".. week, and he didn't' look to us like a man ORCHIDS FROM BERLIN
was annoyed at being intertupted: by the
* *
s 'whO had been shot 11 times and left for
Never befoie_ has_ Walter Winchell, the news that Nazi Rudolf Hess had landed
- dead in--a Belgian: ditch. Nevertheless,
noted • orchid distributor, received finer , in Scotland ... The then Prune Minister
This background material is of the that's -what-happened- , to him;-- rand Ws •a orchids -than the- news - conveyed 'to him had been having a wonderful time seeing
utmost importance to the world at large miracle that he's alive today, walking by correspondents that he , was number a Marx . Brothers picture. .
The death of film- producer Winfield
- in view of the most recent report sent around and talking about it. - He looks one on a death list of American news-
men found in Goebbels' headquarters. He Sheehan recalls that his first Hollywood
from Wiesbaden, Germany, by ONA cor- pretty well, too.
Jerry became a target for a vicious Nazi was : equally proud of the International success; •30 years ,ago, was his build :-.up of
respondent Pat Frank that the American
officials in Germany have picked Nie- officer's gun play on Jan. 19. His outfit News Service Argentine -dispatch quot- that era's Number One glarricir girl; the
ing Fritz' Mandl, the baptized Jew and "vamp" Theda Bara, who up - to 'that time
moeller as their choice to headjlie- IirSt • was attacking the city „of .St Veth
• Axis ar;ins deliverer , as saying: The had been just plain. Theodosia Goodman,
--•-- •:•••
* postwar German government. Niernoel- . - Belgiuni. •
ler, we are informed, has been visiting
"It was prettty-' bad fighting therei", AmeriCan press has done me a lot of an aspiring young actress from
American headquarters at - FrankfUrt-on-: Jerry said.: "Yot•i: didn't fire without harin.. ,'Espeially Walter Winchell, who nati.
* *
Main and has been conferring With - A-in-_ taking a chance of hitting your own men." keeps throwing dirt on me!" Sidney
bassador Robert Murphy, pond-Cal ad-:
Jerry's executive officer told him to
viser to Gen. Dwight Eisenhower.: •
look around for. gun -emplacements. He added:, ,"I wish Wirichell could throw •I The -late . novelist Gharles G. Norris
some on Mandl for the lait time."• Not used to tell this story on himself in re-,
The Russians, the report adds;• have Went out With several other men. The a
bad . idea. -
cent years . . . It concerned the time he
other ideas on the subject, and once again enemy snipers, who were hiding all over
met Hitler, back in 1933, and thought
we have division in the ranks of the the area, started to fire at them. Jerry'
Adolf' was a great guy doing a fine thing
United Nations leaders on the subject of was - hit in the left arm. One • of the then- THE ADMIRAL TOLD HIM OFF
Froin Leonard Lyons! Broadway column for Germany ; . . When Norris returned
the future of Germany.
was killed.
•On the basis of the facts we have stated
to America he expressed this opinion. to
* * *
Brendan Bracken, who rose with
here, it is clear that all thoSe who are
Jerry took cover in the bank of a road, -Churchill in the past nine years, until the reporters, and was quoted at length
in the New York papers . . . "Next day,"
concerned that the things we have- been but ran into rifle fire. Two more men
fighting for should not be sacrificed, that were killed, and one was captured. he became First Lord of the Admiralty, he would continue, "I met Edna Ferber
Nazism should never again return any- Jerry lay there with his radi.O. He kept also went down to defeat with him. Last on the' street . . Without a word she
where on earth, that there should be an signalling for headquarters. When he month at the Admiralty, Admiral Sir hauled off and slapped me full in the
Andrew: Browne Cunningham, G. C. B.; face . . Well,' it turned out she was
end to all political shenanigans,
be contacted them, he gave his own position
anxious to see the Russian viewpoint pre- and that of the enemy. He radioed that D. S. O., the First Sea Lord, requested right" . . But Miss Ferber, 'very indig-
vail on the subject involving Nieitioeller he needed :a medic to pick him up. Then Bracken to place a Nazi Admiral on' the' nant about the tale, assures us' that the
list of war criminals. "His conduct incident was but a figment of the Norris
and his like.
he smashed the instrument, and , lay there
- Niemoeller, it is quite evident; began pla:Ting dead as he saw a tank stopping throughout the war was ruthless. and imagination.
inhuman," Cunningham stated- . . "Just
as a Nazi, and his incarceration was the directly above him in the road.
moment, Admiral," Bracken reminded ABOUT_ PEOPLE
result only of his being anti-Hitler. From
The thoroughgoing Nazi officer whO
the data we have quoted, it is - just as stepped out of the tank did note oVerloOk him. "We shouldn't put everybody 'who - Pierre van Paassen's new book, a major
evident that he has remained a Nazi. Per- Jerry. 'He came over and stood over him, fought for Germany 'on the War Crimes tome Of 200,000 Words, is scheduled for
haps we shall have to raise our voices in while an enlisted man who was with the List. Because on _that basis you would publication on Feb. 7, 1946 . . The title
have found yourself with a rope around,
protest again against the selection of a officer kicked Jerry over.
your neck, if we had lost the war" . . . is "Earth. Could -Be Fair."
Nazi for a post which must—fOr the sake
Jerry told the officer he was wounded, Admiral Cunningham replied:, "Ah, but ' There is nothing to the rumors that
of all the terrible sacrifices made:by the in German, but no one was inipressed.
Maxim , Litvinoff will return to Washing-
didn't lose."
world—remain forever free from Nazism. The Germans asked him the number Of
ton. as Soviet ambassador to the U. S. A.
* * *
his regiment and its approximate posi- LONDON CONFERENCE
Watch for possible attempts, unwise,
Hats off to Prof. Everett Brown, head
"I don't understand the question," Jerry to muster forces at the world Zionist
al the University of Michigan political replied in English.
conference in the manner of a miniature
science department! .
"You're lying," said = the officer. "If "red scare," with the Revisionists re-
Prof. Brown had the courage, in an you don't answer me, you will be shot." entering the World Zionist Organization
Jerry would not answer. He heard ma- to unite with Group B in a rightist front
address at the Conference on the Post-
(From Zionist Review, May 11, 1946)
chine , gun fire, and his finger was bleed-
. . We hope that this does not occur.
War World held_ in Ann Arbor,
A vigorous pro-Zionist speech was de-
•to condemn America's immigration ing. He had an agonizing pain in his Rightist-leftist divisions can only serve
livered' by Prof. H. J. Laski, vice-chair-
policy in the laSt half century. Speak- back, :and he started to spit blood. He Zionism's enemies.
man Of ,the British- Labor Party, when he
* • *
ing on "Patterns of Political Thought, didn't think he would live.
addressed a large May-day meeting under
National or International,"\ he declared:
Ex-Secretary 'of Ate Treasury Morgen- the aUspices- of the Manchester Poale Zion
"I had a gun in my overcoat," he re-
"No one can deny that racial discrim-
ination is at the bottOm of ()Ur past im- lated, "and, as I saw- the officer walking thau may accept a radio offer. As a side- on a recent Sunday. The Cheetham Public
migration policy. • An unfriendly • at- away. from me toward the tank, I fired line he may open a giant roadside Hall was Crowded_ to capacity and many
titude toward any race or creed is a at him. He fired back.. I had. nine bul- • market for his own farm's produce. -people had to' be turned away. Councillor
Leslie Lever -presided. Prof. Laski said
pattern of political. thought which .. can- lets in my gun and I used .them all on Refused flatly offers from banks. •
he is completely convinced of the
not be allowed to continue."
'him, but he couldn't hear me shooting,
Harold Guinsberg, Viking-Press biggie,
justice of the. Zionist cause. Until the out-
TheSe are brave words. Few people -because of the -, artillery fire all -around. will be relieved -of his Government duties break of the present war he was an
,in- London after . four years, to return
have had the courage to state the facts The tank ,drove away."
ardent advocate of the assimilation policy.
The officer :had shot Jerry
as frankly;
times: to publishing.
But he revised his views. The Jew is dif-
with his rnachine gun. There were
But it would be the height of self-
ferent, because :he made up- his mind.
deception if we were to believe that wounds in Jerry's arm, shoulders, back another bullet removed from his left 'arm. that - there runs through the fellowship
this admonition can possibly bring because they, assumed he was dead. •
of Jews-. that special spiritual princiPle
All the bullets were eventually removed. upon which the nation has been built.
adequate positive results. The enemies
Flown to -America in March, Jerry 1, In order to be able to express itself
of immigration in Congress—Whose
treatment for .his freely In the spiritual sense -the Jewish
Policy is harmful for the land's prosperity of the ditch and dragged himself half a underwent was
w given a 30-day furlough, people -needs a territory. Speaking as an
right arm, as
es well as for true democratic prin
he passed out.
_ - and,, on June 20, was honorably • dis- historian he can find no territory that
ciples—are determined not only to con-
woke up in the cellar of a house," charged. • He has - been awarded the has
tinue the existing policy but even• to he "I
any meaning , for the Jewish people
related. "The medicS gave me plasma.. Purple Heart..
" reduce further the immigration- quotas:
except -Palestine. Moreover, if a Jew in
Later I. was operated on and they re-
Jerry lOoks like an average New York any part of the world is to receive the
We are not doing so well in the ad- moved two bullets. My right arm was
vancement of highest principles in polit- in a cast. My left elbow was in a traction." boy in civvies, like a youngster whose rights to which he is entitled, the Jewish
closest contact with gunfire would have people require an- Embassy 'in London,
ical thinking. But it is encouraging to
* * *
been in the movies.
know that men of the stature of Prof.
Paris and any other important world'
Jerry was transferred 'to PariS; where
He iAani to 'attend Yale University in center..Palestine.must be developed as an
Brown continue to let their voices be they removed two more bullets. Later
heard in the defense of just American on, in a hospital in England, he under- the fall, where he expects to major --in example to the _rest of• the :world; it must
business administration. He's
went an operation on his -right hand had old, and his . , life is- ahead of him. 20 years be a society ',built on new _and . better
" . •






Heard in
The. Lo b les


Prof.---H. J.

Faith in Zionism


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