Friday, August- 10, 1945 THE JEWISH NEWS Reads Jewish News, Learns Brother-Elected British MP 29 Jews Elected to British Parliament in Labor Party's Landslide; Prime Minister Attlee Appoints Two Jews to High Cabinet Positions One of the most interesting calls to come to the office of The Jewish News was received last Friday noon—shortly after the Aug. 3 issue had reached our readers. Harry Perin of 2944 Burlin- game informed The Jewish News that he received "the sur- prise of my life" when he read the front page story that his brother — Philip Piratin — was one of 29 Jews to be elected as members of Parliament in the elections in Great Britain. Mr. Piratin is one of the two -Com- munists elected to Parliament. Mr. Perin is an ardent Zionist who belonged to the London University Zionist Society. He had not seen his brother in 30 years, but is confident that he will be a credit to his' people and to his country. _ "The family background, the Jewish training our father gave us, provide me with confidence that my brother will be an asset in the House of Commons," Mr. Perin said. He immediately dispatched a cablegram to his brother tender- 12th St. Day Camp Begins 8th Week Climaxing a successful sum- mer season, the 12th Street Coun- cil Center Day Camp, 12th and Blaine, will begin its eighth week of Camp next Monday. Sponsored by, the Jewish Com- munity Center and the Detroit Section, National Council of Jew- ish Women, and supervised by Manuel S. Simon, director, assist- ed by Marilyn Gold, Marilyn Tankus and Blanche Fitlow, the camp has already served more than 200 children, 6 to 12 years, of age. Much credit is due Mrs. Bar- ney Isfael, chairman of the 12th Street Council Center's Volun- teer Committee, for her valuable assistance. The camp is offering many ac- tivities for the eighth week, in addition to its regular program of arts and crafts, dramatics, swimming, and group activities. These include a visit to the Jew- ish Community Center, a trip to the "Arms for Victory" exhibit at the General Motors Building, witnessing a broadcast at. Radio Station W.J.R., and a picnic at Belle Isle. The fee is $3 per week, and the hours are from 9:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. For information, call at the 12th St. Council Center, 12th at Blaine, TY. 5-2300. JDC Provides Funds For Greek Orphanage NEW YORK — An orphanage for Jewish children who lost their parents during the German occupation of Greece has been opened with funds supplied by the Joint Distribution Commit- tee, D. Joseph -C. Hyman, JDC executive •viee-chairman, made known here. ' Located near Athens, the Es- ther orphanage is the first per- manent Jewish children's home to function since the Germans overran 'Greece. Dr. Hyman pointed out, however, that the JDC has been extending medical care, relief and other- forms of assistance to the Jewish children of Greece since the inception of its aid program there. t1 During the first six months of 945, the JDC has kpropriated a total of $550,000 for the relief of the 8,500 surviving Greek Jews. A loan fund of $200,000 to aid approximately 1,000 family heads reestablish themselves in small businesses was set up recently by the JDC. LONDON, (JTA)—Dr. Stephen Hurwitz, a Jew, has been named to represent Denmark on the United Nations War Crimes Com- mission in London, it was an- nounced here. ^ Mg his good wishes. 29 Jews in Parliament 2 Named to Cabinet Posts • LONDON (JPS) — The final tally of English election results show 29 Jewish members in the British House of Commons. It is almost certain that George Hall, who voted against the White Paper as Laborite member (31 Parliament, but sustained its policies as Undersecretary foN Colonies-in the days of the Patria disaster, will be appointed Col- onial Secretary by Prime Minis- ter Attlee. Arthur Creech-Jones, Labor M. P., who has consistently pleaded the douse of Zionism in the House of Commons, is cer- tain to become Undersecretary of Colonies. Two Jews were named by Prime Minister Clement R., Att- lee as members of his Cabinet. They are: Emanuel Shinwell, 60- year-old union organizer, as Minister of Fuel and Power; and George A. Isaacs, 62-year-old printer, as,Minister of Labor and National Service. Jewish Center Activities "Starlight Dancing" Party At Center This Saturday • The Adult Party Committee will present "Starlight Dancing" in the Jewish Community Cen- ter's Outdoor Court, at 9:30 p. Saturday. Gene Fenby and his orchestra will furnish the music. Plans for the affair were made by the following members of the adult committee: Bea Bortman, Bernice Friedland, Ruth Fried- land,_Ethel Ravine, Harry Stern- berg, Sylvia Weiss and Sol Wick- strom. Refreshments will be served and Dancing will be available until 12:30 o'clock. * * Three Films On Center Progiam Next Tuesday The Jewish Center will present another in a series of Motion Picture Nights next Tuesday at 9:15 p. m., in the Outdoor Court. All are invited. The featured films will be "Road to Paris", which shows the combat scenes of the recap- ture of the city of Paris; "Dutch Tradition", presenting the color- ful story of the -Netherlands dur- ing the last four years, and "Re- member These Faces" dealing with the wounded in the inva- sion of the Pacific. Relatives Sought Here Catholic Paper Hits Editor for Praising Bilbo _ Page Eleven Children of Camp Habonim Enjoy Programs at Center .„.•• Tolerance Is No l t Enough to Eliminate Bigotry, Editor- ial Declares HARTFORD (JPS)—Declaring that tolerance is "not enough" to eliminate prejudice and bigotry, the Catholic Transcript, of Hart- ford, Conn., editorially denoun- ced as "sickening" a letter written by Thomas B. Dawson, publisher of the Metropolitan News in West Hartford, praising Senator Bilbo (D) Miss., for his anti-FEPC stand and his attacks on minority groups. Dawson's letter, lauding Bilbo and "his friends" for trying to "save" America and complaining that "real White Christian Amer- icans" in the North are outnum- bered by "Johnny-come-latelys from Europe" who speak with "broken accents," was read. by Bilbo on. the Senate floor and was inserted into the Congressional Record. The editorial in the Catholic Transcript asserts that Dawson's letter may shock some readers into making an "impassioned plea for tolerance." The editorial adds, however, that "to tolerate Jews or Protestants or Catholids, Ne- groes or Asiatics or Eskimos means simply to put up with them temporarily in the expecta- tion of being eventually rid of them. Tolbrance, then, is not enough. It is not worthy of human beings. What is required is justic and charity." Rabbi Irving Miller's Son, 13, Dies of Illness Joseph Miller, NEW YORK 13, son of Rabbi and Mrs. Irving Miller of Far Rockaway, N. Y., died after a brief illness, Aug. 2. Rabbi Miller was in Mexico City, attending a meeting of the Jewish National Fund to launch a campaign for funds in Mexico for land redemption in Palestine, and Mrs. Miller was with him, when news reached them of their son's illness. They returned a few hours before his death. The deceased was the grandson of Rabbi A. M. Ashinsky of Pitts- burgh, formerly of Detroit. Rabbi -Miller is chairman of the executive committee of the American Jewish Couress and a member of the executive com- mittee of the World Jewish Con- gress. Jews at Cornell University Collect $3,000 for UJA • ;Kff,"*.. • With only one more week left before the conclusion of the current season's activities at Camp Habonim, the indoor camp of the Jewish Community Center of Detroit, counselors, parents and children are enthusiastic over the program sponsored this year. The photographs show the children taking their daily swim in the Center swimming pool and the rest period in the outdoor court. During the play period after their swim, the children are shown drinking the daily bottle of milk. Reuben Young, director of Camp Habonim, says that there have been as many as 125 children in attendance at one session. Detroiters Sought By Liberated Kin Commounications have been received by the Detroit Section of the - American Jewish Con- gress for the following: Hilel Fajkars from Kalmus Estera (airmail). Moritz Deutsch from CsontoW Vera. Berger Deszoe from Friedman Erszebeth. Morne Denhofer frdm Livia Silberstein. Leopold Falk from Drehmel Werner. . - Syinchand Abram Kon from Lola Epsztein. = Rose Wise from Ella Zaks. Selma and Erwin Mautner, Mt. Clemens, from • Mellish Maut- ner. Maurais Weintraub, Lansing, Michigan, from Sara Newman- Himel Akawie, from Lola Epsztein. A. Polish refugee now living in . Paris, Rue Esquriol 31, Paris (13), France, by name of Yankel Niski is looking for his uncle, Menassy Friedman, a painter, originally from Lomszy, Poland. Hella Tauszewitz, liberated from Belsen-Bergen, is looking for her brother Sol Philips, lock- smith, whose former address was 125 Cameron, % M. Perkers. There - are ,also letters for I. Tenenbaum from B. Tenen- baum. Mendel Rosenblum from Tyla Ainster.- Anyone knowing the where- about of people sought, please communicate with the secretary of . the Detroit Section of the American Jewish Congress. Mrs. Sam Lichtenstein 9124 Linwood, or call TY 6-1971. NEW YORK:—Recognizing that a far greater measure of support must be given this year by the -Jews- of the U. S. .to the cam- KOSHER paign of the United Jewish -Ap- Restaurant and Dining ,Room peal' if the surviving Jews of UNEXCELLED FOOD Private Dining Room for Parties Europe are to receive speedy 12017 DEXTER BLVD. NOrthlawn 9786 rehabilitation and if the largest possible number,- of 'them are to find a new life - in Palestine, Jew- ish students at Cornell University Michigan's Ideal Vacation Spot Invites You To Summer Comfort contributed - $3,000 for the pro- grams of the Joint Distribution Committee, the United -Palestine A-Pleasant, 'Private, Sandy Beach Appeal and the Na't'ional Refugee American-Jewish Cooking . . American Plan Service. Dr. Toni Neubeyg of Basel, Switzerland, is trying to locate his uncle, Mr. Newberg, music teacher, native of Tarnow, Po- land. - Lola Ianchelevici, nee Gold- man, and husband, Benjamin, of WANTED: Bucharest, are trying- - to locate Couple Desires Clean Flat D. Siegil, formerly of 506 Mt. or Apartment by October 1. Vernon, Detroit. Best References. For more information call Mr. Wineman, TR 2-4080, Jewish So- CALL VErmont 5-5233 cial Service Bureau. FREDSON S MICHIGAN BEACH HOTEL Acquire your suntan by swimming, promenading, on the --beach, or playing golf, tennis, shuffleboard, fishing or horseback riding .. you will . -find , The Michigan Beach in a position to gratify vou. Owned and Operated by Martin Eichenhaum 269 N. Shore South Haven; - Mich. Phone 40 Coolest Spot in Michigan Samson's Resort North Shore Drive A Spacious Resort with Accommoda- tions s All Times Write for Illustrated Folder or Phone or F. Samson, Prop. South Haven, Mich. Phone 379 or 441 South Haven, Mich. Complete Accommoda- tions for a fine Vacation of Leisure' or Activity! You need not drive your own auto. Our bus and private cars available at all hours. We meet our : guests at nearest bus and train depots. Conic prepared for the per- fect vacation . . . You can fill every minute of .the day or take your ease in restful relaxation. es-