-Friday, THE- JEWJSH•NEWS 10, 1.945 Zionist Leadership Resumed By Dr. Abba Hillel Silver rJ Eminent Leader Recalled to Chairmanship of Emergency Council; Will Head Delegation to London Meetings; Shapiro and Manson Get` Appointments 1,166 Refugees Arrive in Zion Page Seven Charter Foe Esc6rted from Hearing JTA Correspondent Reports Interesting Scenes on Their Arrival By BERL CORALNICK NEW YORK, (JTA)—The seven-month old split in the Amer- ican Zionist movement ended at 1 a. m. last Friday when a meet- ing of the Zionist Emergency Council voted unanimously to recall Dr. Abba Hillel Silver to leadership of that body. Under the council's decision, which came after several months of protracted negotiations between Dr. Silver's supporters and adherents of the policies of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Dr. Silver and Dr. Wise will be joint chairmen of the emergency council, while Dr. Silver will be sole chairman of the council's executive CQM- mittee which sets and executes policy. All Parties Represented in Executive The executive committee will also have three vice-chairmen— one each from the Poale Zion, the. Zionist Organization of America and the Mizrachi: Hayim Greenberg, Herman. Shulman and Leon Gellman, respectively. A representative of Hadassah—Mrs. Rose Haiprin—will remain as treasurer or become a fourth vice-chair- man, depending on which post the women's Zionist organization chooses. A new top body, called the Board of Officers, was created to act in carrying out policy and planning strategy between meetings of the executive committee. It will consist of Drs. Silver and Wise, the three vice-chairmen of the executive committee and the treasurer, with _Dr. Silver as chairman of the board. It was also agreed that in order that Dr. Silver may have co- workers on the council - in whom he has full confidence, two mem- bers of the ZOA representation on the body will have to be ac- ceptable to Dr. Silver. The executive committee was enlarged by the addition. of Emanuel Neumann and Louis Lipsky as members at large. • Heads Delegation to London Conference - Members of the executive of the Jewish Agency in the United States will be invited to participate without vote in the meetings of the council, of the executive committee, and of • the Board of Officers. Under authority vested in him, as chairman of the executive committee, Dr. Silver • announced immediately after'conclusion of the meeting that Harry L: Shapiro had been re-appointed execu- tive director of the council, and Harold - P. Manson director of press and information. Dr. Silver also. reappointed Abe Tuvim as dizector of activities with cooperating organizations and Harry A. Steinberg as assistant In charge of special events. It was disclosed that the delegation of the council which is leaving shortly for London to attend the world Zionist confer- ence, opening there on July 31, will be headed by Dr. Silver. JWF Sets Aside Funds for Jews At Percy Jones Fishzohn Will Head Jewish Committee's Youth Department uel S. Fishzohn, formerly •Sam At the request of Fred M. But- director ot the New York Educa- tional Alliance, largest com- zel, Michigan State chairman of munity center in the United the- National Jewish Welfare Board, the Unit- ed Jewish Char- ities of the De- troit Jewish Welfare Feder- ation has set a- side a special grant for one year to meet the needs of Jew- i s h servicemen and patients at the Percy Jones Mr. Butzel Hospital and Convalescent Fa- eility in Battle Creek. The fund will supplement the local USO-JWB budget in Bat- tle Creek and will be used for such activities as socials after religious services, picnics and SAMUEL FISHZOHN outings for servicemen and hos- States, has been appointed di- pital patients,, kosher foods- and rector of the newly established special holiday programs., youth department of the Amer ken Jewish Committee'. Dr. John Slawson, executive vice-president ,grtirrttire..5' of the committee, announced the appointment. . Mr. Fishzohn has had a long and distinguished career in gen-, eral as well as in Jewish com- munal and social work. He was SICK FOLKS LIKE at one time connected with the Federation of Jewish Philanthro- Pies of New York and also served as president of the Metropolitan Association of Jew- ish Center Workers. From 1938 BEING SURE , . That's why they al- - to 1944 he was on the bOard of trustees of the United Neighbor- hood Houses of New York City. He also served on the board of directors of the Metropolitan most always think Seaton of the Jewish Welfare 'Board. prescriptions. of Schettler's f o r ADL Hails Alabama U. For Withdrawing Course It costs no more ATLANTA, (JTA)—The action of the University of Alabama in eliminating from a correspond- ence course offered to civilian extension students anti-Semitic excerpts from "America Comes of Age," by • Andre Siegfried, French writer, was hailed by the Southeastern regional office of the Anti-Defamation. League. of Bnai Brith, which was instrumen- tal in having the anti-Jewish ma- terial removed. for certain care and quality. Or ilettter',6 (Special Wire to Jewish News) HAIFA (JTA)—The 1,166 ref- ugees from all countries in Europe who disembarked here on Tuesday from the British steamer Matarda represent a cross sec- tion of surviving Jews on Europe, among them being • former in- mates of concentration camps, partisans who accounted for sev- eral Nazis and youngsters who spent the war years training for —International News Photo Palestine. • The children from Bergenbel- The name of Mrs. Agnes' Waters of Flint has figured in the news sen, all of whom are orphans, in recent years •in connection with groups which have been an- showed me prisoner numbers tagonistic to Jews. In this photograph, Mrs. Waters is shown as tatooed on their arms. A boy she was being escorted from the hearing room for exceeding the from Oswieicm has a number time allotted her before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee as burnt into his flesh. Young Shmuelbaumfolk, 13, who left Warsaw May 28, report- ed life among Polish Jews re- turning to -normalcy. He- related how he joined a partisan Palish _band, and killed four Nazis. At the other end of the age level an octogenarian Spent lour years in camps. This aged "Scheherazade" attributed escape to the factthat he beguiled Nazi guards with jokes. Authorities apprehended among arrivals three youths born in the Palestine German colony Sarona who attempted 'to smuggle them- selves into the cmountry. How they succeeded to board the Ma- tarda is undisclosed, but it is learned that they will be sent back to Germany. The happiest among aarivals-- if one can single out any group —are brides for whom bride- grooms waited in Palestine for seven, eight and in some cases lip years. President of Zionists In Hungary Killed BUCHAREST, (J T A) — At- tempts to locate Otto Komoly, last president of the Hungarian Zionist Federation, have been abandoned, because reliable wit- nesses have stated that Komoly was murdered in Budapest last December by fascist troopers, it is reported from the Hungarian capital. -Among the surviving Jews in Budapest, however, is aged Samuel Stern, former president of the city's Jewish community council, who escaped deportation and death. it held hearings on the United Nations charter. ' •Mrs. Waters, whose claim to representing the National Blue Star Mothers was denied by executives of the organization, charged the charter was "an international conspiracy" against the U. S. government. ADL Issues 'Trends in Trades' CHICAGO—"Trends in Trades" is the name of a new monthy publication issued by the com- munity service department of Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith, designed for business and professional men throughout the country. The three-fold purpose of "Trends in • Trades" as outlined •in its first number, follows: 1--L-To stimulate and keep at a high level interest in the pro- gram of self-discipline in busi- ness and the professions. 2—Provide suggestions f o r activitiy by similar trade groups in other communities. 3—Illustrates the techniques employed and results achieved. Berlin Radio Urges An End to Racism , • BERLIN, (JTA) — The Nazi slogan that "Jews are our mis- fortune" must be supplanted by a new slogan: "Racial biology is the curse of our people," a speak- er on the Russian-controlled Ber- 1M radio said this week. Declaring that only by ridding themselves completely of racist ideas can the German people hope to be re-admitted into the community of nations, the broad- cast said that "the soul of the people . was systematically poison- ed by these doctrines, and the mind of the people was pervert- ed. This led to the Gestapo tor- tures and to the Maidanek gas chambers." Dinner: 5 to 10 p. m. 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