Congregational Activities Temple Israel Temple Beth El Announces High Sets Program Holyday Services Rabbi Fram's Initial Sermon Will Be 'The Coming of the Kingdom of God' For Holydays Local Hebrew Schools Close Until Sept. 20 Dr. Glazer Leads Services in Staff to Utilize Intervening Main Auditorium; Serv- Time to Plan Extensive icemen Invited ' Temple Israel will observe: Studies During 5705 Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in the Auditorium of the Detroit Institute of Arts beginning with New Year's Eve of 5705, Sunday, Sept. 17, at 8 p. m. Rabbi Fram's opening sermon will be on the theme "The Corn- ing of the Kingdom of God." Rosh Hashanah morning serv- ices will begin at 10 o'clock Mon- day, Sept. 18, and Rabbi Fram's subject will be "The Remnant of Israel." Dan Frohman, director of Temple Israel choir, has com- posed many original compositions of High Holyday music to be sung by Cantor Robert S. Tul- man and the choir . and to be played on the organ by Karl W. Haas. Temple Israel Religious School reopens its sessions Saturday morning, Sept. 23, and Sunday morning, Sept. 24. The Saturday morning sessions are for the classes in training for Confirma- tion, grades 6, 7, 8 and 9. Sunday morning sessions are for all other classes beginning with the first kindergarten at the age of 4 and going on through the High School department for grades 10, 11 and 12. Till the High Holydays Temple Israel will hold its Sabbath Eve services -every Friday night at 8:30, in Temple Israel meeting room, Room 14, Boulevard Bldg., 3076 Grand Blvd. Several Hundred Attend Service At Beth Abraham Several hundred persons at- tended the Yom Kippur Koton services Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul at the Beth Abraham Syna- gogue on Thursday, Aug. 17. Cantor Berele Kelemer lead the prayers. Arrangements for the prayers were made by the Merkez Lchi- zuk Hatorah Vyahadus and the Vaad Harabonim. Harry Stol- sky, president of the Merkaz, was chairman. The following spoke: Rabbi JoSeph Thumin, of Beth Abra- ham and president of the Vaad Harabonim; Rabbi L. Levin of Beth Tikvah and Menahel of Yeshivath Chachmey L u b 1 i n; Rabbis J. S. Sperka of Beth David, J. Stollman of Mishkan Israel and Beth Aaron Veisrael. A report was submitted on the activities of the Merkaz since its merger with the Rabbinical Council which has been acclaim- ed by the orthodox Jewish com- munity. Mr. Stolsky reports that the kosher butchers are cooperating with the movement to protect kashruth in Detroit. He stated that efforts will be made to have local butchers act within the pro- visions of the state Kosher Law which prohibits the display of the Kosher signs by those selling non-kosher meats. The Vaad Harabonim through the efforts of the Merkaz will open an office shortly where a judicial council will be illaced. The Merkaz and Vaad •Hara- bonim are planning to provide advice to orthodox refugees at this office. Dutch People Will Welcome Return of Jews to Holland According to E-vice received from the World Jewish Congress, the people of occupied Holland, through a manifesto published in underground newspapers and re- ceived by the Dutch Govern- ment-in-Exile in London, de- clared that they are anxiously awaiting the day when they can welcome back the Jews of Hol- land, Friday, Sepfember T, 1944 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Ten Temple Beth El will conduct The United Hebrew Schools of three services during the coming Detroit, whose branches have Holydays. been in session mornings since Dr. B. Benedict Glazer will the close of the vacation period officiate at the on Aug. 15, this week decided to services and close all branches until the day preach the ser- after Rosh Hashanah, Sept. 20, mons in the on account of the prevailing ill- Main Auditor- ness. iurrt. The musi- The schools' Board of Educa- cal program will tion reached this decision on be rendered by Wednesday upon the unanimous the Temple recommendation of the Educa- Quartet with tion Month Committee, which Julius Chaj es held its first meeting to plan ob- directing and servance of Education Month Jason Tickton 5705, on Tuesday evening, at the at the organ. Dr. Glazer Rose Sittig Cohen Bldg. More - Admission to the Main Audi- than 40 community leaders and torium will be for members and teachers were present at this their families only. meeting. Supplementary Services in the It was announced that the Brown Memorial Chapel will be teachers' staff of the Hebrew conducted by Dr. Leo M. Frank- Schools will utilize the time of lin, Rabbi Emeritus of the Tem- the schools' closing to plan Inten- ple, who alio will preach the ser- sive educational activities and to mons. A professional quartet and arrange for the studies to be pur- organist, trained by Mr. Chajes, sued during 5705. will render the musical program. The services in the Chapel are open to the public. Cards of ad- Solomon Rubins to Give mission are available at the Tem- Sefer Torah to Yeshivath ple Office. Students of the Religious School will conduct the Chil- dren's Rosh. Hashanah 'services on Monday, Sept. 18, at 2:30, and Yom Kippur services, Wednes- day, Sept. - 27, at 2. Provision has been made by the Temple to accommodate in the Chapel all men and women in uniform who desire to attend. No admission cards will be re- quired, Chachmey Lublin Sept.10 Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Rubin of 4027 Duane Ave., will present a Sefer Torah to Yeshivath Chachmey Lublin at a dedication ceremony to be held at the Yesh- ivah building, Linwood and Elm- hurst, at 2 p. m. Sunday, Sept. 10. Louis Rose, vice-president of the Yeshivah, will be chairman of the ceremony. Rabbi Leizer Levine will be the speaker of the afternoon. Professor Klausner 70 An invitation to attend this JERUSALEM (Palcor) — Pro- event is extended to relatives and fessor Joseph Klausner, of the friends of the Rubin family and faculty of the Hebrew Univer- members of Radomer Society, sity, historian and leading con- Kobliner Loan Association, Bial- temporary Hebrew critic, cele- ostoker Society, Ladies' Auxiliary brated his 70th birthday on of Beth Levi and Kazchan Horo- Aug. 20. I doker Society. THE BRANDES SCHOOL AT TUCSON Tucson, Arizona Commencing its sixth year October 1, 1944. For Jewish boys and girls from six to sixteen years of age. Combining ideal climate and a specialized program. for children suffering from asthma, sinusitis, rheumatic fever, delicate health. Sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Wise, Angelo Patri, Rabbi J. X. Cohen, and others. Yeshivah to Resume Sessions Sept. 20 Beth Yehudah Complies with Advice of Board of Health In Postponing Opening Upon the advise of the Detroit Commisioner of Health, Dr. Bruce H. Douglas, reopening of all lower grade classes in Yesh- ivath Beth .Yehudah, Dexter and Cortland, has been postponed un- til Sept. 20, -the day after Rosh Hashanah. . Dr. Douglas has advised that only classes attended by boys over 15 should be Conducted and only the advanced Talmud class will therefore be in session until Sept. 20: Rabbi Max J. Wohlgelernter, president of the Yeshivah, in making this announcement, stat- ed that registration of students will contiue daily at the Yeshivah building. Beth El School Registration Is Now in Progress The Religious School of Temple Beth El now is registering new pupils. The school office is open daily from9a.m.to5p.m. New pupils must be accom- panied by a parent at the time of registration. The Religious School • accepts children from the age of four through .high school age. The opening sessions in the Religious School will be held on Saturday morning, Sept. 16, and Sunday morning, Sept. '17. Plan Supplementary Holyday Services At Shaarey Zedek Arrangements have been com- pleted for the supplementary services of Shaarey Zedek, to be conducted in the social hall of the synagogue. Rabbi Louis J. Haas will deliver the sermons and Rev. J. Silver- Complying with the decision man will conduct the services. of the Detroit Board of Health, Tickets for these services are Detroit Hebrew Parochial School available at the Shaarey Zedek. has decided to postpone reopen- ing of the school until Sept. 20. The school's kindergarten class will dismiss at 1 p. m. and the 7944 first and second grades will meet Sept. 18, 19 Rosh Hashanah until 3:30 p. m. Sept. 27 Yom Kippur A registered nurse will super- Sukkoth Oct. 2-10 vise the serving of school lunches Hanukah Dec. 11-18 and will watch over the health 1945 of the children. Jan. 29 Hamisha Asar b'Shvat Feb. 27 Registration is being taken at Purim March 29-April 5 the school office, Linwood and Passover May 1 Elmhurst, TO. 8-5055, from 3 to Lag b'Omer May 18, 19 Shevuoth 6 p. m. daily. Parochial School's Opening Postponed Jewish Calendar aroalms===i1.71e TEMPLE BETH EL WOODWARD AT GLADSTONE announces that Supplementary High Holy Day Services will be conducted in the BROWN MEMORIAL CHAPEL DR. LEO M. FRANKLIN, Rabbi Emeritus of the Temple, will conduct the ritual and preach the sermons at these services. A professional quartette trained by Julius Chajes, Music Director of the Temple, will render the music. Admission cards are available at the Temple office at a nominal charge. Admission to the Services in the Main Auditorium is limited to members only. Men and Women in Uniform Welcome to the Services in the Chapel—No Card of Admission is Necessary Write for booklet to Raphael Brandes, Director. When writing mention The Jewish News NORTHWEST HEBREW CONGREGATION CONGREGATION BIM MOSHE Dexter and Lawrence HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES CENTER Rosh Hashanah Sept. 18 19 - WILL HOLD SERVICES ON Yom Kippur Sept. 27 Rabbi Moses Fischer and Rabbi Jacob J. Nathan Will Deliver the Sermons Cantor David Katzman With -a. Choir Under the Leadership of Nathan Turbowsky HIGH HOLY DAYS Sept. 18 - 19 — 26 - 27 AT OUR TEMPORARY QUARTERS 19011 LIVERNMS SEATS MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE CONGREGATION OFFICE SOUTH OF 7 MILE ROAD JUNIOR CONGREGATION Separate services for boys and girls will be held in the Social under the direction of Mr. Walter Farber. FREE ADMISSION TICKETS MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE CONGREGATION OFFICE Ifall Tickets Will Be on Sale Sept. 5th 7:30 P. M. to 10:30 P. M. Every Night Before Sept. 5th Phone UNiversity 2-3885