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June 28, 1943 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1943-06-28

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Friday, June 25, 1943

Congregational Activities

Temple Israel Purchases
Lot for Synagogue Site

Structure to Be Erected Near Palmer Park Immediately
After War-Time Conditions Allow; Garvett
Re-Elected President at Banquet

Hebrew Union
College Holds

Bnai David Summer
Camp Program Gets
Hearty Reception

Temple Israel has ratified the action of its board of
trustees for the purchase of a site for a Temple structure to
Dr. Morgenstern Will Ordain
be erected as soon as the war-time conditions are over.
This action was taken at the annual meeting last Sunday
New Rabbis on July 3;
evening at the Book-Cadillac Hotel. More than 300 members
Speakers Named
. were present to act on this decision for Temple Israel.

The new Temple will be
cated near Palmer Park, on a
parcel of land of more than
100,000 square feet, bounded by
Manderson Road on . the west,
Merton Road on the south and
Allwyne Lane on the east.
Garvett Re-Elected
At the annual meeting, which
opened with a dinner and con-
cluded with a dance, Morris Gar-
vett was re-elected president.
Ellis M. Thal was elected vice-
president; Harry M. Raden, secre-
tary, and Alexander Freeman,
treasurer. •
Benjamin E. Jaffe was elected
to the board of trustees for one
year to fill the vacancy created
by the death of the late Louis
Frankenstein. Dr. Saul E. Bar-
nett, Joseph Geschelin, Saul H.
Rose, Peter P. Gilbert and Myron
S. Steinberg Were elected mem-
bers of the board for a three-year
term. •
Trustees whose terms have not
expired are: Dr. Samuel B. Dan-
to, George M. Stutz, Murray S.
Sutkin, • Mrs. Leon B. Cowen,
Harry C. Grossman, Arthur J.
Hass, Harry L. Jackson and Max
Osnos. •
Reports Submitted
Annual reports were submitted
at this meeting by Mr. Garvett
and Rabbi Fram.
Garvett complimented M s.
Hattie Fisher and her committee
on the arrangements which they
had made for the dinner and
Following the dinner and be-
fore the opening of the business
meeting, Cantor Robert S. Tul-
man, accompanied by Karl W.
Haas, Temple Israel organist,
rendered a musical program of
Russian and Hebrew songs.
In the course of his report- as
president, Mr. Garvett said:
"We propose to build a House
-of Worship, not only for our-
selves but for our children and
our children's children.
Rare Privilege
"To us of this ge,ileration has
been given the rare privilege of
being the founders and builders
of a new congregation in the
household of Israel and of a
House of Worship symbolizing
the new world which lies beyond
the presently dark horizon.
"When the holocaust in which
the is engulfed today shall
have passed, I can visualize our
Temple-to-be; not one which
shall remind us of the venerable
structures of an ancient day in
the Orient, nor one which shall
call to memory the art and the
classical monuments of more
westerly Greece, but rather one
that through its simple arch:-

Rabbi Klein Named
To Dr. Wise's Post

NEW YORK (JPS)—Rabbi Ed-
ward E. Klein, director of the
Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at
the University of California, has
been chosen for the pulpit of the
Free Synagogue, during the
leave of absence for the duration
of the war recently taken by Dr.
Stephen S. Wise.
Rabbi Klein will serve together
with Rabbis Sidney E. Goldstein
and J. X. Cohen, his particular
division being administration of
the pulpit, of pastorial. service
and of the department of edu-
Born in Newark, Rabbi. Klein
is a graduate of the Jewish In-
stitute of Religion.

Galante, prominent Jewish lead-
er in Turkey and veteran his-
torian of Jewish life under Turk-
ish rulers, has been elected a
member of the Turkish National

Page Thirteen


Dr. Henry Barnston, British-
born spiritual leader and for
43 years Rabbi of Temple Beth
Israel, Houston, Tex., will deliver
the commencement address Sat-
urday, July 3, at Hebrew Union
College, Cincinnati.
President Julian Morgenstern
of HUC will award honorary and
academic degrees and will ordain
the new rabbis.
Dr: Hiram Br Weiss, chairman
of the board of governors of He-
brew Union College, and Presi-
dent Adolph Rosenberg of the
Union of American Hebrew Con-
gregations, will bring greetings
and will confirm the ordinations.
Dr. Eric Werner of the faculty
will be in charge of music.
Admission is by invitation.


tectural lines shall speak of
America, of the new world of
which the Jew has become a
part, of the yet newer world
which America shall help to
build, in which all mankind, JeW
and non-Jew alike, shall live to-
gether as the children of one
Father in peace and harmony; a
world scoured and cleansed by
the blood and the tears of mil-
lions of human beings, and final-
ly healed through Heavenly
mercy and the application of
those ever enduring principles
of justice and humanity which
were the gift of the Jew to all
men and for the realization of
which America is the world's
last hope."

See Possibilities
Rabbi Fram, in his report, said:
"During these closing weeks of
our congregational year, I have
seen and spoken to many mem-
bers of our Temple. The entire
congregation seems to be under
a spell—the inspiration of our
Confirmation service.
"In this Confirmation Service
you saw revealed all the possi-
bilities of Temple Israel. You
realized how infinitely beautiful
Judaism can be, and what a bene-
ficently dynamic factor it can
become in the lives of your chil-
"Judaism can possess this
blessed power when it is Re-
form without the frigidity of
Reform; when it is traditional
without the rigidity of tradition."
Rabbi Fram made acknowledg-
ment to the many men and
women of the lay and profes-
sional groups of the Temple who
contributed to the rich experi-
ences of the year.

Large Turnout at
Memorial Exercises

Beth El Memorial Park Rites
Will Be Made an
Annual Event

Bnai David Synagogue's Sum-
mer Religious Home Camp pro-
gram is being received with en-
thusiasm by the children in the
Children have organized re-
cruiting teams and new groups
are being registered daily.
The Summer Religious Home
Camp will be held in the cool
social hall of Congregation Bnai
David, Elmhurst and 14th Sts.,
Monday through Thursday after-
noons, beginning with Tuesday,
July 6, and ending Thursday,
Aug. 5.
The afternoon sessions will be-
gin at 1:30 p. m. in order to give
students in the Hebrew schools
and Yeshivahs time to go home
after their studies for a noon
At 1:30 the children will be
told a story based on Midrashic
literature of the Sedrahs of the
week. From 2 until 2:30, the
children will be divided into two
groups. Those who do not know
how to read the Siddur will be
taught the fundamentals of He-
brew; those who do know how
to read will be given a course in
the contents of the Siddur.
There will be a play period
from 2:30 until 3:15, the games
including ping pong, checkers
and dominoes.
The period from 3:15 until 3:45
will be devoted to group activity
such as dramatics, singing, craft
work and preparing a newspaper.
The summer program will be
be concluded each day with Min-
chah, late afternoon prayers.
The Summer Religious Home
Camp will be staffed by compe-
tent instructors who are college
students, under the supervision
of Max Chomsky, educational di-
rector of Congregation Bnai Da-
Registrations are accepted ev-
ery afternoon except Saturday
and Sunday. There is a registra-
tion fee.

Prof. Ginzberg
To Be Honored
By Seminary

Jewish Theological School
Graduates Rabbis Year
Early on Sunday

Commencement exercises of
the Jewish Theological Seminary
of America will be held on Sun-
day afternoon in New York.
The Rabbinical School of the
Seminary will confer degrees
upon 10 members of the class
of 1944 who are being graduated
a year earlier in order that they
may enter the armed forces as
soon as possible.
Fourteen students will receive
the degree of Bachelor of Jewish.
Pedagogy from the Teachers In-
stitute and 15 will receive de-
grees of Bachelor of Hebrew
Literature from- the Seminary
College of Jewish Studies.
Dr. Louis M. Epstein,. noted
scholar and alumnus of the Sem-
inary, will deliver the Com-
mencement address. Chaplain Ir-
win I. Hyman will offer the
This year's exercises will in-
augurate the Ginzberg Jubilee
year, in honor of the forthcoming
70th birthday. of Dr. Louis Ginz-
berg, professor of Talmud and
Rabbinics,. it was announced by
Dr. Louis Finkelstein, president
of the Seminary.

The third anniversary exer-
cises held June 13, at Beth El
Memorial Park, attracted wide-
spread interest among members
of Temple Beth El and Temple
At The River
As a result of the large atten-
dance, it has been decided to
The Only Natural
make similar exercises an an-
nual event in the beautiful Beth
El Memorial Park which is lo-
cated on McNichols Road be-
of Detroit
tween Middle Belt and Inkster

Dr. B. Benedict Glazer and Dr.
Turkish and
Leo M. Franklin of Temple Beth
Reducing Baths
El and Rabbi Leon Fram of Tem- Revise White Paper,
ple Israel conducted most im- Australian Press Asks

pressive services.
MELBOURNE, Australia,
(JTA)—A revision of the British I Open Day and Night
White Paper policy in Palestine
Separate Departments
is demanded by the influential
Men and Women
Sydney Morning Herald. The
Evening newspaper says that the situation
created by the war has made the
Noted Cantor Will Also White Paper policy "obsolete."

Pinchick Concert

RA. 6744 1

Conduct Sabbath Services
at Beth Abraham

The concert featuring Cantor
Pierre S. Pinchick will take place
this Sunday evening at Congre-
gation Beth Abraham, 12517 Lin-
Cantor Pinchick will also con-
duct services at Congregation
Beth Abraham this Friday night
and Saturday morning.
Tickets are available at the
synagogue. Proceeds will go for
the post-war relief fund of the
Galician'Society of Detroit.


• •


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