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January 01, 1943 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1943-01-01

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Friday, January 1, 1943



Page Nine



Mrs. Israel Davidson of the Belcrest Hotel left on Thursday,
Dec. 31, for Miami Beach, Fla., where she will spend the winter
Pvt. Edgar M. Fenton, recently enlisted with the Army Air
Corps, is stationed with the Administration Training Detachments,
Colorado State College, in Greeley, Colo. He is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Fenton of Boston Blvd.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Schlanger of Calvert Ave. are spending
the winter months in Tucson, Ariz.
Mr. and Mrs: Nathan Kline of Cortland Ave. had as their guest
last week Mrs. Kline's cousin, Miss Charlotte Greenwald of New
York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Greenstone have moved from Leslie Ave.
and are now residing at 16909 Birwood Ave.
Complimenting her niece, Miss Ruth Hirsch, whose marriage
to Pvt. Nathan Yoscovitz was an event of Dec. .25, Mrs. Samuel
Friedman of Glendale Ave,. entertained at a dinner and miscellane-
ous shower at the Wilshire Hotel on Wednesday, Dec. 23.
Miss Ruth Salomon of Rogers City, Mich., was the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Marks of Broadstreet the past week-end.
Miss Jeannette Kanner of Highland Ave. is spending 10 days in
Virginia, Minn., visiting with her family.
Arthur Rosenthal of Pontiac spent. the past week-end visiting
with friends in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Winston of 1424 Virginia Park will observe
their 52nd wedding anniversary on Jan. 4.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wesser of 2937 Glendale Ave. are receiving
the visits of their children over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel
Helfman arrived from Cleveland where Mr. 'Hellman is stationed on
active duty as a Petty Officer, Second Class, in the U. S. Coast
Guard. Miss Naomi Wesser is being accompanied from New York
by her fiance, Sidney Heyert. A family dinner on New Year's Day
will mark Mr. 'and Mrs. Wesser's 28th wedding anniversary and the
first wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Helfman. Miss Wesser
will be honored at a shower on Monday at the Wilshire, and Mrs.
Helfman will serve as hostess.
Stanley Winkelman, a senior at the University of Michigan, is
spending the holiday vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Winkelman, 17206 Fairfield Ave.
Corp. Harry Weingarden, who is stationed with the Medical
Corps in Medford, Ore., was home on furlough visiting with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weingarden of 2647 Fullerton Ave.
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Naimark of Roselawn Ave., have as their
guest, their mother, Mrs. Jacob Shrage of Darby, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Schiff of Richton Ave., entertained 100
guests at dinner Dec. 20, at Schiff and Moss' Hall, in honor of their
25th wedding anniversary. Wm. I. Miller was toastmaster. Miss
Dorothy O'Koon and Miss Rosalind Miller rendered vocal selec-
tions. 'Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. Bertha Schiff, of
Cleveland, mother of Mr. Schiff; Pvt. Edwin Schneider of the
Canadian Army; Sgt. and Mrs. Sam Schniff of Wichita Falls, Tex.,
and Pvt. Bernie Hoffman of Brantford, Ont.
Citations for excellent work during their Freshman year were
bestowed upon 15 students at Wayne University. Included in this
group were the following: Syllvia E. Cohen, 17721 Brush; Sylvia
Dorf,. 2020 Elmhurst; Ernest J. Schwartz, 2926 Webb; Irving Young,
2526 Tuxedo.
Staff Sgt. J. L. Schare of the First Motion Picture Unit of the
Army Air Force, stationed at Hal RoaCh Studios, Culver City, Calif.,
is visiting his family in Detroit for a 15-day furlough.
The parents of Doris Fox of 18688 Monica Ave. will entertain
her friends Sunday evening, at Saks Show Bar, at 8:30, in honor
of her 16th birthday. The dinner party will be formal.
Mrs. Alfred Rodner. is spending the holiday week with her
husband, who is stationed with the. signal corps at Camp Crowder,
Missouri. Pvt. Rodner is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis ROdner
of . Elmhurst Ave.
Sergt. Bernard A. Werbe is spending his New Year's furlough
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Werbe. He is attached to the
army air base at Ephrata, Washington, where he is awaiting call to
Officers' Candidate School.
Joseph L. Bale III, a student at Michigan State College, is spend-
ing his vacation with his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice I. Bale of
3359 Cortland Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Baskin and daughter, Saundra, of
Cherrylawn Ave. are in Chicago visiting their families.
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Clamage will be at home Saturday even-
ing, Jan. 2, 9 to 12 o'clock, in honor of their son, Ensign Irwin S.
Clamage, who is home on furlough. ,
Mr. and M?s. Melvin H. Baer of Fairfield Ave. entertained a
group of their friends at a dinner at that home on Saturday evening,
Dec. 26.
Mrs. Jack Wilk of New York City is spending several weeks
in Detroit, visiting with relatives.

Charming Bride

Bar Mitzvahs

Officers Chosen by
Home Relief Society •

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wetsman
of 1675 Boston Blvd., will be at
home on Saturday, Jan. 2, from
7:30 to 11:30 P. M., in honor of
the Bar Mitzvah of their son,
William Morse. No cards.
* 0 *

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kasell
of 2518 Ellery St. announce the
Bar Mitzvah of their son, Arthur,
on Jan. 2, at Congregation Beth
Itzchok, 3836 Fischer Ave.




Mr. and Mrs. Julius D. London,
18105 Parkside Ave., announce
the Bar Mitzvah of their son,
Bertram, at the Shaarey Zedek,
Jan. 9, at 9 A. M. At home Sun-
day, Jan. ,10, 8 to 11 P. M.
* * *

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Reibel of
26339 York Road, Huntington
Woods, announce the Bar Mitz-
voh of their twin sons, David and
Daniel, on Saturday morning,
Jan. 9, at Temple Beth Jacob in
Pontiac. At home on Saturday

—Photo by J. J. Clarke


At 2 o'clocn
k o Sunday after-
noon, Dec. 27, Mi ss Florence Miss,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex-
ander Moss o f Northlawn Ave.,
and Arnold Herb ert Rosman, son
of Mr. and mrs . Harry Rosman
of Boston Blvd., were united in
marriage. Rabbis Moses Fisher,
Jacob Nathan and Morris Adler
and Cantor Dav id Katzman of-
ficiated. The co
uple spoke their
vows in the liv
ing room of the
e under an arch
Rosman hom
covered with w
hite chrysanthe-
mums and glioli
and flanked
m f
with cybotiuerns
and palms.
Preceding t he ceremony, which
was attended o nly by the im-
mediate famili,
es Mrs. Paul Mill-
er, the bride's au
nt, sang "Touj our
d "Because.' She
L'Amour" an
was accompani ed by Mrs. Thomas
Fobart who a lso played the
wedd ng marc i h.
The bride, wh o was given in
marriage by her father, wore a
princess gown of ivory satin and
carried a white
fing leather Bible to
which white or chids were at-
tached. Her
ertip veil hung

from a Juliette cap which was
studded with pearls.
Miss Doris Moss, who was her
sister's maid of honor, was
gowned in rose taffeta and car-
ried a bouquet of tea roses. The
bridesmaid, the bridegroom's sis-
ter, Miss Gloria Rosman, wore a
gown of baby blue chiffon trim-
med with silver lame and car-
ried sweetheart roses. Both at-
tendants wore matching head-
dresses of ostrich plumes and
short veils.
John Erman was the best man
and Irving Ellman served as
Mrs. Moss chose for the occa-
sion a gown of powder blue crepe
and Mrs. Rosman was in dusty
pink lace and chiffon. Both wore
orchid corsages. Mrs. Emmanuel
Rosman, the bridegroom's grand-
mother, wore black chantilly lace
and her corsage was of gardenias.
A dinner followed the cere-
mony, and in the evening there
was a reception for their friends.
Coming from out of town for
the wedding were the bride's
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Miller of New. York City, and
their daughter, Miss Fanchon
Mr. • and Mrs. Rosman left on
a honeymoon trip to New York
City, and after February 1 will
be at home at 27 Cortland Ave.

Some of the -MO-St ' amazing values we 've ever

Convenient Terms



Opening. Daily
9:45 A. M.
Closing Hours:
Monday, 9 P. M.
Tuesday thrn Satur-
day, 5:45 P. M.

Dec. 11—To Mr. and Mrs. Rob-.
ert Friedenberg (B a r b a r a
Strauss) of 2688 Rochester Ave.,
a son, Richard Lynn,

Dec. 17—To Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Erman_ (Hilda Ruthe Fixler) of
4310 Cortland Ave., a daughter,
Meiverie Fern.

Dec. 22—To Mr. and Mrs.
George Seyburn (Flarence Hol-
instat), a son, Bruce Henry.

Dec: 23—To Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel W. Platt (Belle Berris)
of Cortland Ave., a daughter,
Elaine Frances.


at Substantial Savings

tremendous collection while these savings are possible.


Nov. 26—To Rabbi and Mrs.
Isadore Fine (Sara Levine, for-
merly of Detroit), of Canton, 0.,
a daughter.


5.00 7.50 8.50 10.50

cerely advise you to make your choice from our

Jan. 3—Miss Ruth Berkovitz,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. H.
Berkovitz, to Leonard D. Gross,
son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Gross of
Youngstown, 0., at the bride's.
residence, 3289 Sturtevant Ave.
Reception 7 to 9 o'clock. No cards.

Woodward thru Washington Boulevard

!Tolle foundations • • .

fur and exquisite beauty and workmanship. We

Bridal Calendar


features famous Bien

Every fur coat in our enormous stock has been placed
in this sale—all are advanced styles of finest quality

At the monthly meeting of
Home. Relief Society, held at the
home of Mr. Peter A. Miller, 2085
Atkinson, on Monday afternoon,
the following officers were elect-
President, Mrs. Maxwell Em-
iner; chairman of board, Mrs. Ir-
ving Small; vice-president, chair-
man of ways and means, Mrs. Ru-
ben Allender; vice - president,
chairman of cases, Mrs. Maurice
Gerelik; vice-president, chairman
of membership committee, Mrs.
Sam Marks; recording secretary.
Mrs. Oscar Bank; corresponding
secretary, Mrs. Arthur Gould; fi-
nancial secretary,. Mrs. Ben Ru 7.
din; treasurer, Mrs. Louis Frank;
auditor, Mrs. Monty Abelson;
publicity chairman, Mrs. Peter A.
Miller; program chairman, Mrs. S.
B. Danto; courtesy chairman, Mrs,
Chas. Bossey; hostess chairman,
Mrs. William Gordon.
A. war effort committee was
formed to make blankets for con-
va.lesing soldiers who have been
injured in service. This work will
be mostly directed by Mrs. Sam
Arkin, chairman of the war ef-
forts committee. Members desir-
ing to aid this undertaking may
contact Mrs. Sam Arkin.

been able toOfferlIt 's'a'splenclid opporttmity

to pick Up. lUxury-iounoations at rare prices.

Girdles and \Pantie2girdles at 5.00 . .

at 7.50

g irdles

beautiful 'corsettes at 8,50 and

10.50. Junior and regular sizes, Fou•tl Floor


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