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December 04, 1942 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1942-12-04

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'friday, , Decemt;er 4, 1942



Page Nine




Mrs. Emma Fechimer is leaving this week-end for her home in
New York City following two months' stay in Detroit.

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Saltzstein have returned to their home in
Milwaukee following a short visit with their son-in-law and daugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Hirsch Krieger, of Wildemere Ave.

Miss Betty • Kahn of Lincolnshire Dr., spent the Thanksgiving
week-end in Chicago as the guest of her brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hartrick.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Frank of Fairfield Ave., entertained a
group of friends at a dinner in their home on Saturday evening,
Nov. 28.

Colonel and Mrs. Harold Schlessinger have come from Fort
Bragg, N. C., to spend a week visiting with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Sobeloff of Atkinson Ave. and Mr. and
Mrs. J. Shurly Horowitz of Atkinson Ave. have returned from a
week's visit in New York City.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Levi and their small daughter, Lois,
have returned from a short visit to Cincinnati.
Mrs. Louis Rosenthal of the Belcrest Hotel returned on Thurs-
day from a week's stay in Chicago. Her daughter, Miss Marjory
Rosenthal, returned on Sunday from Madison, Wis. where she
visited with Miss Ruth Welling who is a student at the University
of Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Winkelman of Fairfield Ave. entertained a
group of friends at a dinner in their home last Saturday evening.

Mrs. Herman Finsterwald of Longfellow Ave. has returned
from Flint where she spent a few days visiting with her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Finsterwald Jr.

Complimenting Miss Florence Moss, a bride-elect of this month,
Mrs. Harry Robinson of Tuxedo Ave. gave a luncheon and linen
shower at the Belcrest Hotel on Tuesday.
Mrs. Samuel T. Gilbert of Arden Park is spending two weeks
in New York City. 0 -

Dr. and Mrs. Herbert I. Kallet and their daughter, Mary Judith,
of Muirland Ave., returned on Sunday from Syracuse, N. Y., where
they visited their son, Merrit, who is a student at the University
of Syracuse.

Mizrachi Women's
Luncheon Tuesday

Heads Zedakah Event Rabbi Fram to Speak,
To Hadassah Division

Mrs. Shulamith Wald, national
vice-president of Mizrachi
Women's Organization of Amer-
ica, cultural chairman of Ivriah,
will be guest speaker at. the sixth
annual donor
lunettieon of the
Sisters of Zion
Mizrachi, at
the Shaarey
Zedek, next
Vocal s ele c-
tions dealin
with the festival
of Hanukah,
Cantor Tulman and other Jew-
ish melodies, will be rendered by
the celebrated singer, Cantor
Robert S. Tulman of Temple
Proceeds of this affair will aid
in the maintenance of homes and
schools in Palestine, for refugee
girls who are trained, vocation-
ally and avocatoinally, according
to the tenets of traditional Juda-

The Business and Professional
Division of Hadassah announces
a meeting on Tuesday, at 8 p.m.,
at Hotel Statler, to be addressed
by Rabbi Leon Fram.
On the occasion of Hanukah,
Miss Esther Charnas, program
chairman, has planned an ap-
propriate musical program.
Members and friends are in-.

For reservations and further
information call Mrs. Abraham
Caplan, general chairman, TOwn-
send 7-0869; or Mrs. Isaac Shet-
zer, reservation chairman,
TOwnsend 8-8477.

Bridal Calendar

Dec. 5—Miss Mildred Schultz,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Schultz of Tuxedo Ave., to Offi-
cer Candidate Elmer Raskin, son
Mr. and Mrs. William Wachs and their son, Jerry, have re-
turned to their home in Cleveland following a short visit with of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Raskin of
Mrs. Wachs' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schlafer of Longfellow Normandy Ave. Mrs. Raskin will
journey to Florida for the wed-
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vass of East Kirby Ave. returned on Mon
ding and will also be there when
froma six weeks' stay at their country home on Lake Shore
her son graduates from Officer's
Blvd., near Lexington, Mich.
Training School, Dec. 9.
Joan Lederer has returned to her home in Chicago following
* * *
a short visit with Suzanne Dreifus of Birchcrest Dr.
Dec. 6—Miss Ilene Shenkman,
Mrs. William Hordes and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Earl Hordes,
are spending a month in Pittsburgh, Calif., visiting their son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
husband, Pvt. Earl Hordes, who is attached to the Adjutant Gen- Shenkman of Pingree Ave., to
Sidney Korman, son of Mr. and
eral's office at Camp Stoneman.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund B. Linx of Byron Ave. were at home to Mrs. Joseph Korman of Tuxedo
their frierids on Wednesday in honor of their son, Franklin Linx, Ave. The wedding will take place
at Lachar's on Twelfth St., Rabbi
Seaman 1st Class, who is home on a three weeks' furlough.
Max J. Wohlgelernter officiating.
Miss Norma Siegel of Glendale Ave. returned last Sunday from
* * *
a two weeks' visit in Washington, D. C.
Dec. 6—Miss Peggy Delaney of
Complimenting Miss Elaine Rosenberg, who will become the Brooklyn, N.Y., -
to Paul Edel-
bride of Pvt. Charles Canvasser this month, her aunts, the Mes-
3rd class, U.
dames Robert, Herman and Samuel Rosenberg, gave a dinner and
miscellaneous shower at the Wilshire. Hotel on Thursday evening. S. N., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome
Edelstein of Rochester Ave. Ac-
Mrs. Jerome N. Grossman (Craina Gittelman) has left for companying the parents to New
Champagne, Ill., to be with her husband who is receiving training York, will be Mr. and Mrs. Sam-
at Chanute Field..
uel Raskin of Pingree Ave.
Shirley August of Chicago Blvd. had as her guest last week
Margery Fischbein of Rochester, N. Y.

Mrs. Waldo Sloman of Fairfield Ave. is making an extended
visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Sloman, of Kansas City, Mo.

Dr. Emil Rothman and his son, William, of Glastonbury Ave.
returned last Sunday from a short trip to New York City.

Following a 10-day visit with relatives in Detroit, Mrs. Joseph
Friedman of Los Angeles has left to spend some time with her
daughter in Montreal. Her son and daughter-in-law, Lieut. and
Mrs. Seymour Friedman spent a week here with her. Lieut. Fried-
man, who is serving in the U. S. Air Corps, has been transferred
from Joplin,' Mo., to San Antonio, Tex.

Dr. Glazer to Address
Women's Council Monday

Detroit section, National Coun-
cil of Jewish Women, will enter-
tain paid-up members at a lunch-.
eon on Monday, at 12:30 at the
Jewish Community Center. Dr.
B. Benedict Glazer will address
the meeting.


Mrs. Joseph Staub is chairman
of the 11th annual honor lunch-
eon of Zedakah Club which will
be held at the Masonic Temple
on Tuesday, Dec. 15. Mrs. Staub
will be pleased to accept calls
at HO. 2027 from those who wish
to cooperate in Zedakah's major
event of the year.
Mrs. Marvin Goldberg, finan-,
cial secretary, 3047 Tuxedo Ave.,
TO. 8-7732, will have open house
until the date of. the luncheon to
accept pledges.
Luncheon proceeds will be used
to carry on Zedakah's charity
work and to meet the club's war
effort responsibilities.
Zedakah's next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Norman
Adilman, 3200 Collingwood Ave.,
Monday, at 1:30 p. m.

Mrs. Gilbert Michael, chair-
man of the Council Resale Shop,
has asked all members to bring
a bundle to the luncheon.
Mrs. Maurice Siden, chairman
of the luncheon committee, is as
sisted by Mesdames H. J. L.
Frank, Leonard Radner, Manuel
Arfden, Harry Jacobson and
Morton Ashner. This committee
assisted at the USO on Nov. 16,
and furnished 900 sandwiches for
the service men.
The committee on social legis-
lation conducting neighborhood
study groups on current prob-
lems. The first of these groups,'
of which Mrs. Marshall Silver
is chairman, will meet the first
and third Tuesdays of each
month at 1:30, at the home of
Mrs. Charles Feinberg, 2215 Bos-
ton Blvd.
Friedland to Address
Another group under the di-
Hadassah on Tuesday
rection of Mrs. Bernard Lieber-
Rabbi Eric Friedland of Pon- man will meet on the first and
tiac will be the guest speaker at third Thursday of each month at
the meeting of Detroit Chapter 2 P. M. at the home of Mrs. Wil-
of Hadassah, at Hotel Statler, liam Frank, 18426 Wildemere.
Tuesday, at 2:15 P. M.
A third group is planning eve-
Rabbi Friedland's topic will be ning discussion classes under the
"The Role of Palestine in the chairmanship of Mrs. Benjamin
World We Want to Live In."
A community songfest has
been aranged by Mrs. Maurice
Landau and Mrs. Julius Chajes. 3351 West Davison . TO. 8-1650
Mrs. Sol Q. Kessler will act as
accompanist. Copies of Hebrew,
Palestinian and folk songs will InnirtnnnninnrrinfirnrrnThTh
Carry your load smartly with a
be distributed to those present.
well balanced body in a KEL-
LOGG foundation. Back lace—
Mrs. Walter Field is program
front lace or wrap around gar-
ments which relieve fatigue and
that let down feeling.
The next Oneg Shabbat will
be held Dec. 19. The program,
Kellogg Corset Shop
planned by former presidents,
Clifford 0959 0
Taller Hotel
will be "Henrietta Szold Day."




Woodward thru Washington Roplevard

Mr. and Mrs. William Mazer, their daughter, Barbara, and
their son, William
f Birchcrest Dr., have returned from a
short visit with Mrs. Mazer's family in Columbus.

Mrs. Samuel Hoffman and small son of Sturtevant Ave. are
leaving Friday for Buffalo to visit Mrs. Hoffman's brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nathan. •

Gifts for
Small Fry

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Buchner of Pontiac have as their guest
their son, Pvt. Noel Buchner, who is on a 15-day furlough from
Camp McCoy, Wisconsin.

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