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September 04, 1942 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1942-09-04

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Friday, September 4, 1942



Mrs. Lawrence Kert and her three children returned on Sun
to their home in Toronto after spending the summer with Mrs. Kert
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Meretzsky, at their summer home
Belleville, Ontario, Canada.


Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Wald-
man of Belleville, 111., announce
the engagement of their daugh-
ter, Sylvia, to Seymour Simons
of Detroit.
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Zemmol
of Fullerton Ave. announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Jean, to Joseph Linver, •son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Linver of
Toledo, 0. Mr. Linver is a grad-
uate of the University of Toledo
and is now a Petty Officer in
the United States Navy's Public
Relations Office at Kansas City.

• • •

On Aug. 23, Mr. and Mrs.
Nathan Grant announced the en-
gagement of their daughter, Sara,
to Charles J. Dubin, son of Mrs.
Morris Dubin, at a reception held
at their home on Hazelwood Ave.
The wedding will take place in
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kaplan
of Fullerton Ave., announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Shirley, to Corporal Sheldon J.
Goldstein of Chicago, Ill. Corp.
Goldstein is stationed at present
at Fort Wayne. The wedding
date has been set for Nov. 7.
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Roth of 3735
Grand Ave. announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Evelyn,
to Corp. Meyer Wiss, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Nathan Wiss of 2733
Grand Ave. The marriage will
take place in October, when Corp.
Wiss, who is stationed at the
Army Air Base in Salt Lake City,
Utah, expects to secure a leave
from duty.
• • •
Mrs. Valeria Burgess of 3709
Richton Ave. announces the en-
gagement of her daughter,
Gladys, to Benjamin Schweid,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stein
of 2492 Pingree Ave. A dinner
was given for the immediate
family in honor of the engaged
couple at the Club Royale.
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kohn of
WeBb Ave., announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, An-
nette, to David Simon, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Simon of Mc-
Quade Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lieberman, their daughter, Marilyn, and
their son, Edwin, of Birchcrest Dr., left on Sunday, Aug. 30, to, spend
10 days in Northern Michigan.

Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Lind of Wisconsin Ave. have returned from
Frankfort, where they had spent the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Z. Brown, their daughter, Agnes Anne, and
their son, Morris, of East Boston Blvd., will return this week end
from their summer home in Charlevoix.


Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Grossman and their son of Parkside
Ave. returned on Monday, Aug. 31, from an extended, trip to

a • a
Returning on Friday, Sept. 4, from a vacation spent in Minn

sota and Wisconsin are Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Wigderson and the
daughter, Marlene.

Among the guests this week at the Colonial Hotel in Mt. Cie
ens are Mrs. T. Lebovitz, Mrs. A. L. Copelan and Mr. and Mrs. Ha

Mrs. Joseph Falk and daughter, Nancy, of 17417 Stoepel Av
left for a two weeks' visit with their mother and grandmother,
Martha Schless of New York, and with the M. Falks in Boston,

Mrs. B. Komisaruk of New York, who was the guest of h
children, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kay of Parksidc Ave., and Mr.
Mrs. Samuel Komisaruk of Clements Ave., returned to her ho
after a two weeks' visit here. She was accompanied on her tr .
Dr. Allen H. Kline, a recent graduate of the University of De- by her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Naiman, and grandchild, To
troit, has been commissioned as a lieutenant and is leaving on Sun- Komisaruk, also of New York. They had come here to atte
day, Sept. 6, for the Great Lakes Naval Training Station. He is the the 35th wedding anniversary dinner of Mr. and Mrs. Charl
son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kline of Cortland Ave.
Usher held at the home of the latters' children, Dr. and Mr
• •

William K. Usher of Balfour Road. Others who came here fro
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lipson of Fairfield Ave. have returned from New York to join the Usher family in the celebration includ
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Komisaruk, Joseph Naiman, Mrs. S. N
a vacation in Mackinac Island.
and Mrs. E. Pogorelsky.

• •
Mrs. Tobias Garon and her daughter, Gita, of Stoepel Ave., have
Corporal Norman Naimark of Camp Croft, South Carolina,
returned from a month's visit in Duluth.
spending his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjam

Miss Ruth Solomon returned to her home in Rogers City, Mich., Naimark of Clairmount Ave. Parties were given in his honor
his brothers, Dr. Martin Naimark and Milton Naimark.
on Friday, Aug. 29, following a 10 days' visit with friends.

• •
Ave. returned from a 1
Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Kaltman, their daughter, Rita Sue, and their
Georgian Bay.
son, Stuart, of Boston Blvd., are spending the Labor Day week-end cruise to Mackinac Island and

in Chicago at the Edgewater Beach Hotel.

Paratrooper Marvin C. Greenbaum of Fort Benning, Ga.,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sandorf of Warrington Rd. will have as spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
their guests over the Labor Day week end Mrs. Sandorf's brother and Greenbaum of 3741 Cortland Ave.
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Benjamin of Buffalo.

Ensign Milton Doner returned to his post at the Brooklyn Navy
Yards following a brief visit with Mrs. Doner and their small
Open Monday, Noon 'Til Nine
daughter, Jill, of Renfrew Rd.

• -

Mrs. Saul Victor Mattus and her daughter, Marilyn, of Fairfield
Ave., returned from a short stay in New York City.

Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Winkelman of Renfrew Rd. left on Aug.
28 to spend 10 days in Northern Michigan.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown and their sons, Roger and Charles,
Jr., of Warrington Rd., are planning to spend the week end in God-
erich, Ontario, Canada.

Max Weinberg returned to his home in Los Angeles on Thurs-
day, Sept. 3, after visiting for several weeks with relatives and

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krause and their sons, Jerry and Sheldon,
of Calvert Ave., returned on Aug. 30 from a summer's vacation in

Mrs. John Feldman of Los Angeles is in town visiting with
Perfect for the Holy Days . . .
relatives and friends.

• •
a high hat
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Epstein and their daughter, Norma, of
to accent the advent of autumn.
Toronto, were the week end guests of Mrs. Norman Helpert of Park
See Sax Kay's lovely collection



. . . priced from 10.50


Sept. 2—To Mr. and Mrs. Ger-
son B. Chertoff (Estelle Katz, of
Cleveland) of 2086 Blaine Ave.,
a daughter, Judith Ellen.
Sept. 2—To Rabbi and Mrs.
Jacob Brown (Tillie Silverstein)
of Sioux City, Ia., formely of De-
troit, a son.
Aug. 29.—To Mr. and Mrs.
Allan L. Weston (Ethel Rom), a
son, Lloyd Hanan.
Aug. 16.—To Dr. and Mrs. Har-
vey D. Lynn (Marcia Diamond),
a son, Charles Allan.
Aug. 7.—To Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Hirsch of 16210 Kentucky Ave.,
a daughter, Carol Florine.

Van Riper


1520 ( WasAinsters .23outcvauf

—For Anything
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Timely Thought ...
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Entire Shop Air Conditioned

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at prices that are definitely
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