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June 15, 1951 - Image 1

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Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1951-06-15

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Vol. 53—No. 24

<-°74. 27


Friday, June 15, 1951

10c a Copy—$3 Per Year

U-il lintel Buihlittg

UN Authorizes
Ihdelt Project;
Syria Protests

TEL AVIV—(Special)—Israel has been authorized by
the UN Mixed Armistice Commission to resume work on the
Lake Huleh drainage project, according to announcement by
Maj. Gen. William E. Riley, UN chief of staff.

The announcement was hailed4'—
in Israel as a vindication of the Israel. In a note to the Security
government's policy which had Council the Syrian delegation
been bitterly criticized by both I pointed out that the Council's
left-wing and right-wing opposi- resolution of May 18 calling for
tion parties.
suspension of the drainage
Work on the Huleh project
project had covered the entire!
BEIRUT, Lebanon — (Spe-
was resumed Monday after a
zone, irrespective of the owner-
cial)—"In the case of war, the
five-thy stoppage. It will be
ship of land."
confined, however, to Jewish-
defense of the Middle East
Gen. Riley's statement,
owned land in the demilitarized note continued, was a move be.
will be regarded as a whole,"
zone along the Syrian border. yond his authority and might
according to Dr. Charles Ma-
Gen. Riley stated that nego- prejudice a "fair and equitable
lik, chairman of the Human
tiations would be continued to solution."
Rights Commission of the
arrange the sale of seven acres
United Nations and Lebanese
land affected by
o f Arab-owned
minister to the United States.
the drainage scheme or the ex-
Sen. Blair Moody will be the dedication speaker at the laying of
Dr. Malik, it was reported by
change of this land for other
the cornerstone to the new building of Bnai Brith Ilillel Founda-
the N. Y. Times, said in a press
tion at the University of Michigan at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Sigma
interview that "communications
Meanwhile, at United Na-
Alpha Mu House, 800 Lincoln street. Greetings will be brought
and all types of war operations
tions headquarters in New
by Dr. Alexander Ruthven, U of M. president; Prof. William
will establish between us (the
York, Syria protested formally
Haber for the Hillel Commission; Albert Friedman for the stu-
Arabs) and Israel relations and
against the permission given
dent body; Osias Zwerdling for the community; Pad Brasley for
a common responsibility."
the alumni, and Irwin I. Cohn and Louis H. Schostak for the
TEL AVIV—(WNS)--A reso-
Referring to American policy
Billet Corporation. Rabbi Herschel Lymon is director of the
changing the name of the
in regard to peace between Israel
• U. of M. IIillel Foundation.
party to The Zionist
and the Arab states, Malik said•
Pioneer Socialist and Revolution-
"I am more thoroughly in-
ary Party of the Workers Front
formed on this subject than any-
in Israel" was voted here at the
one else. I believe that I know
national conference of Mapam,
more about it than the chiefs of
Israel's left-wing workers party.
sections in the American State
At the same time the confer-
Department, because each of them
A rally meeting of. all mem- ence rejected participation in a
studies matters which concern his
bers of the Bnai Brith Men's and coalition government except on
branch, but I have been able to
LANDSBERG— (WNS) —The One deputy of the German Women's Councils will be held at
gather information from all these seven top Nazi war criminals Reich Party, Dr. Franz Richter, 8:30 p.m. Saturday at Temple the following conditions:
That Israel give no military
sections to compose a precise who were responsible for the called the executions a violation
to foreign powers; that no
image of the situation.
slaughter of tens of thousands of of the "laws of humanity" and
foreign power control the com-
"America has ceased to exer- Jews have paid the supreme and of the West German constitution.
mand of the Israel army; that
cise pressure on the Arabs for
Israel give no assistance to the
the benefit of Israel. America just penalty for their depravity, The Germans conveniently
but not as far as most Germans overlooked that Gen. Oswald
war efforts of foreign powers and
gave up this effort a year and are concerned. Pohl had destroyed the Warsaw
enter into no political or eco-
half ago after she had taken
ghetto and liquidated hundreds
nomic alliances with them; that
note of the firm attitude of the
As news of the hanging of the of thousands of Jews; that Gen.
Israel reject all foreign loans and
Arab states and their peoples in seven became known, a wave of Otto Ohlendorff had confessed
grants-in-aid having political
persisting in their blockade of sadness and resentment swept ordering the slaying of 90,000
strings attached to them and that
over Germany,. with bitter crit- Jews in the Soviet Union; that
Israel's workers never be asked.
"America is not attempting any icism aimed • against the United Gen.. Ehrich Naumann.,. ordered
to fight against the Soviet Union.
more to create political and eco- States.
the annihilation of 1,500 Jews on
nomic relations between t h e
To Dr. Frahz Bluecher,' vice- the central Russian front; that
Arabs and Israel.
chancellor of the Bonn govern- Werner' Braun massacred 33,000
"America will not permit the ment, the executions were harm- Jews
in two days in Kiev; that
Arabs to destroy the state of ful to "faith in justice."
Schmidt was adjutant at the
Israel, but she will not permit
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer Buchenwald concentration camp,
Israel to expand to the detri- was silent, but the official organ where Jews were killed like flies,
Mrs. Ruth Elson will guide the
ment of the Arab states. She of his Christian Democratic and that Schallermair engaged in
Department of Michigan Jewish
will use all possible means to Union noted that the "end of the the beastiality of personally
War Veterans Auxiliary, as presi-
prevent any effort in this Landsberg question is not a sat- killing Jews in the Muehlendorf
dent for the coming year.
isfactory one."
Elected with Mrs. Elson at the
Dr. Malik. urged the Arabs to
recent state convention are the
build up their own armed forces.
• • •
following officers:
"I have very important infor-
Israel, 17400 Manderson road, at
Senior vice-president, Lilllian
mation which proves that we can
Bernstein; junior vice-president,
obtain immediately material aid
The principal speaker wit be Harriet Bogorad; treasurer, Leah
as well as reinforcement of our
Senator A. Blair Moody of Mich- Safran; chaplain, Betty Spinner;
armament," he stated.
conductoress, Fannie Hencken;
In regard to the primary impor-
ATLANTIC CITY — (WNS) — I politicalsituation affecting Israel
All members of Bnai Brith,
tance of Turkey to the Arabs' in- The future of World Zionism, an i and reports of ZOA endeavors in their families and friends, are patriotic instructor, Eleanor Silk;
guard, Natalie Victor, and his-
terest. he emphasized:
asked to attend. Meyer W. Leib
"Our foreign policy must be expanded program of aid to the past year, coupled with a will be chairman of the meeting. torian, Rosalind Marks.
Officers elected to serve on the
oriented toward friendship with Israel, plans for strengthening future program of work.
Judiciary Board are Mesdames
Turkey. We must understand that General Zionism, and the role of
In an unprecedented move, nine
Dorothy Brown, Rose Cowan,
the Turkey of today is one of the the ZOA on the American scene major Zionist organizations in all
LONDON—(ISI) — An exhibi- Louba Lupiloff, Ceila Goldberg,
nations of the Mediterranean—
our lake—and that she plays a in the fields of education and parts of the world issued an tion of Israeli art works is being Helen Kogan, Faye Linden and
youth work, will be among the urgent call, insisting upon the shown at the Ben Uri Gallery Corrine Oppenheim.
primary and important role.
Dedicated primarily to the care
"The condition of peace in the major issues, to be discussed at unification of the Progressive on the occasion of the Festival
Middle East is an entente between the four-day sessions of the 54th Party with the General Zionists of Britain. The exhibit contains of the hospitalized veteran, his
the Arabs and the Turks. There annual convention of the Zionist in Israel. The statement was is- a special section of Yemenite art. rehabilitation and helping with
the welfare of the veteran family,
are many things in common be- Organization of America, being sued jointly by the Zionist Or-
regardless of race, color or creed,
twcen us." held here June 14 through June ganization of America.
the Jewish War Veterans Auxil-
JERUSALEM—(ISI)—A room iary carries out many notable pro-
Among the other organizations
Approximately • 2,000 delegates
and alternates representing more which have joined in this action in the new Jewish National Li- grams.
than 850 districts and regions are the Zionist Organization of: brary building will be dedicated
throughout the United States are Australia, South Africa, Brazil, to the memory of Dr. Stephen S.
NEW YORK — (WNS) — John attending the sessions, which will Mexico, Chile, Belgium a n d Wise with the help of the Esco
Foundation for Palestine.
Hersey's novel "The Wall." de- be highlighted by reviews of the France.
picting the heroic resistance of —
the Jews of the Warsaw ghetto
"This Is Detroit," a new book,
against the Nazis, was chosen
is the official picture-history of
last week by the Saturday Re-
Detroit's 250th Birthday Festival.
view of Literature as the best
It is by Milo M. Quaifc, well
work of fiction focusing interest
known historian and author of
upon the tragedy of racial in-
many books and pamphlets, in-
hundreds of jobs that our Allied Jewish Campaign eluding "Lake Michigan" in the
The author was awarded the
Bobbs-Merrill series on t h e
$1,000 Annisfield Wolf award, 1951 Allied Jewish Campaign and treasurer of the
"All this is accomplished through the 55 great American Lakes, of which he is
sponsored by the Saturday Re-
a contribution agencies and causes, for health, welfare, education general editor.
view of Literature. The chairman ing everyone who has not yet made
Published by Wayne Univer
and general well-being, of the Allied Jewish Cam-
of the award committee, Dr. to the campaign to do so now.
sity Press in cooperation with the
Henry Pratt Fairchild, called the
"Every gift makes more certain that all the Michigan Consolidated Gas Co
novel "original and refreshing" neighbors," Wineman said, "on one man's asking gifts will be enough to do the total job of Jewish the book's 200 pages and more
and said it deserved a place
is what I social service and constructive development around than 400 pictures with explana
among the world's greatest cause important to both of them. That
tory text are lithoprinted.
am doing now in asking for pledges to the Allied the world," Wineman emphasized.
Thousands of pictures were
He urged those who have not yet given to
Jewish Campaign."
"register yourself as a good neighbor of our people considered by Dr. Quaife Mole
here in Detroit, throughout the United States, final selections were made.
TEL AVIV—(ISI)—The mili- given to the campaign," he added. "Their contribu-
Available in book stores the
overseas and in Israel" by making "one big gift
tary governorship of Acre ended tions are at work, to make a home for new ar- for a world of work for a whole year."
middle of June, orders may be
this week. Acre was the site of rivals in Israel and for our old people and youth
Pledges may bq sent to Henry Wineman at mailed to any bookseller or to
the meeting on May 16, 1949, of here in Detroit, to see that the Jews who come to campaign headquarters, 250 Lafayette West, De- Wayne University Press, thus as-
the first mixed Arab-Jewish mu-
suring first edition copies.
off on the right foot, to do all the rest of the troit 26.
nicipal council in Israel.

'4 \1,

Mapam Votes
Name Change;
Defines Policy

Hanging of Seven Nazis
Resented by Germans

Blair Moody
to Talk at Rally
of Bnai Brith


IWV Auxiliary

Elects Officers

Future of Zionism, Israel Aid
Discussed at ZOA Convention

Hersey's 'Wall'
Wins $1,000 Prize

Have Yon Given to Allied Campaign?

Be a Good NeighbOr, Wineman Urges


Wayne Plans Book
on City's History

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