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January 19, 1951 - Image 12

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Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1951-01-19

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Americo( 'elvish Periodical

Page 12




Louis Wechsler P.A., 1415 Cadillac
Tower Gay

No. 384,094
Wayne, ss.: At a session of the Probatc
Court for said County of Wayne, helt,
at the Probate Court Room in the
City of Detroit, on the Eighth day
of January, in the year one thousanu
pine hundred and fifty-one.
Present: Thomas C. Murphy, Judge
of Probate. In the Matter of the
Estate of JOSEPH ESSLER, Deceased.
Louis Wechsler, Special Administra-
tor of said estate, having rendered
to this Court his first and final ac-
count in said matter and tiled there-
with his petition praying that the
balance of said estate be turned ovci
to the General Administration of said
It is ordered, That the Fourteenth
day of February, next, at ten o'clock
in the forenoon at said Court Roons
be appointed for examining and al-
lowing said account and hearing said
And it is further Ordered, That a
copy of this order be published once
in each week for three weeks con-
secutively previous to said time of
hearing, in the Detroit Jewish Chron-
icle, a newspaper printed and circu-
lated in said County of Wayne.
(A true copy Judge of Probate.
Deputy Probate Register.


Louis Wechsler,
1415 Cadillac Tower (26)
No. ,384.084
State of Michigan
County of Wayne, ss.
At a session of the Probate Court
for said County of Wayne, held at the
Probate Court Room in the City of
Detroit, on the fifth day of January,
In the year one thousand nine hundred
and fifty-one.
Present, William J. Cody, Judge of
In the Matter of the Estate of
Louis Wechsler, Special Administrator
of said estate, having rendered to
this Court his first and final account
in said matter and filed therewith his
petition praying that the balance of
said estate be turned over the gen-
eral administration of said estate: It
is ordered, that the SIXTH DAY OF
FEBRUARY, NEXT, at ten o'clock in
the forenoon at said Court Room be
appointed for examining and allowing
said account and hearing said petition.
And it is further ordered, that a
copy of this order be published once
in each week for three weeks con-
secutively previous to said time of
hearing, in the Detroit Jewish Chron-
icle, a newspaper printed and circu-
lated in said County of Wayne.
(A true copy) LLA. Judge of Probate.
Deputy Probate Register.

Frederick Yates, Attorney
911 Gratiot
bate court for the County of Wayne.
the Matter of 38 the
the Estates of:
'Meting Ekengren, Thomas Ekins,
David B. Ekmark and Louis Lombarby,
lly., Peter J. Ekster, Gertrude Ellert,
Bill Ellis, Edith Ellis, Ina Ellis, Otto
Ellis, Robert William Ellsworth, Mary
Ely, Frances Emerson, Ina A. Emery,
William D. Eminger, Edward Ennis,
James Ennis, Charlotte Church Epstein,
Ellen Erickson and Cecelia Ploederl,
jtly., Henry C. Ericsson, Nan B. Erik-
son, Wallace S. Esacove, jtly. w. Judith
Esacove, Mrs. Katherine Ft Eslin,
Naomi S. Estill, Bruce F. Evans, Alice
Fairbairn, Mrs. Frances A. Farrell,
Robert J. Farrell, Mrs. Jeanne Adette
William Feddema, Judith M. Feiner,
Betty E. Fellows, Thomas Felstead,
John Femineill, Joseph Fenkel, Ralph
D. Ferguson, Thomas Ferguson, Man-
uel D. Fernandez, Arnold Fcuerman,
Miss Lena Feuerstein, Chrystine E.
Feuss, Helen H. Fillius, Mrs. Margaret
Finnigan, Arthur G. Fishbeck, Harriet
B Fisher, Ruth B. Fisher, Miss Rose
Fishman, Owen P. Fisk, D. Jerome
Fite, Harold W. Fitter, James M. Fitz-
gerald, Katherine Fitzgerald, Michael
F. D. Flaherty, Miss Katherine A.
Flanigan, June M. Fleming, Marie H.
Fleming, Hilda J. Flignor, Mrs. Ethel
Flynn, Alice Foley, Merman Folgner.
Mrs. Marie T. Font Riccardo Fon-
tana, Gerald Ford, Terence 0. Ford,
Raymond L. Forquer, Edward Forrest,
Mrs, Jennie Foster, Mrs. Wilheirmna
C. Foss, Jack Foster and Betty Lou
Foster, Mrs. Minnie Foster, Dudley
Fournier, Edward C. Fowler, Louise R.
Fowler and Burtis F. Fowler, Ply.,
Henry S. Fowlkes, Mrs. Sarah Bell
Fox, Timothy Fox, Isabel W. Francis,
Paul A. Frank, Mrs. Rubye Miller
Frank, Joseph J. Frankel, Mrs. Libbie
Franklin, Mrs. Nettie E. Frazee, Mrs.
Kathleen Frederick, Edward G Free,
Grace G. Free, Mrs. W Lawrence Free-
burn, Mrs Helen Freed, Ruth A. Freed.
James A. Freeman, John Eugene
Freeman, Nathan Freilich, Alfred L
Frick, Gertrude Friedman, Lillian
Friedman, Charles Lee Fulp, Donald E.
Fulton, John B Funk, G & L Auto
Sales Corp., Mrs. Anna Gallagher,
Robert E. Gallatin, Mrs. Kate Galli,
Lewis Galloway, Louis Galloway, Jen-
nie Geraghty, Jennie C. Garaghty,
Byron T. Gardner, Earle Gardner,
Agnes Garrabrant, Frank V. Garrahy,
Mrs. Elmira J. Garrett, Reuben B.
Garrison & Virgins Koehler & Flor-
ence M. Horton, Frank 13. Garver, John

F. Garvin, Frederick Gasser, Charles J.
Gauchat, Howard R. Gayden, Mary M.
.teller, Angell Gensen, Walter E. Gil-
Johanna Gilbertson, Mr. Edward J.
GM, Sr., Mrs. Helen M. GMam for
crank Edward Atkins (Alain, Janes
F. Gilroy, Mrs. Eva Guides, John
Ginter, Miss Catherine Glaser, Walter
G. Gleason, Mary C. Glenn, Eva Glen-
zer, Pauline E. Glidden, Joseph C.
Gobell, Archibald T. Gober, Albert
Gohlert, Earl Gold, David N. Goldberg,
Dorothy C. Goldman, Mrs. Rosa Gold-
man, Rae Goldsmith, Mrs. Sarah Gold-
stein, Ernest E. Goo, Harold B. Good-
all, Paul Harold Goodman, Ada M.
Goodrum, Wiliam D. Goodwin, Martha
Gordon, Martha Gordon, Loretta Gor-
Frances S Gorton, Miss Gretchen
Gorton, Clayton Y. Goss, Mary Beck
Gothic, Artnur Grafentine, Mrs. Eva
B. Graham, Joanna A Graham, Mrs.
Mary 13. Graham, Mrs, Marguerite New
Gramp, Mrs. Ida J. Grant, Graubard
and Grey, Arthur H. Graubart, Mrs.
Inez and Miss Helen Graves, illy.,
liarold E. Gray, Gray and Wilmerding,
Julia M. Greb, Stanley Greb, Alice
Greek, Alice Green, Mrs. Caroline E.
Green, Hazel L. Green, Quentin La-
fayette Green Robert Allen Green,
Mrs. Lillian Greenberg, Mrs. Hannah
Greenblatt Cornelius S. Greene, Joists
E. Greene, Joseph J. Greenfield,
Jaques L. Grains, David Grifittns,
Adrian T. Griswold, William F. Groes-
chow, Edwin W. Grove, 3rd. •
William H. Grove, Roy D. Grube,
Robert F. Gudgeon, Estelle Guest and
Wilma Montague, jtly., Emil Guggi,
Sam W. Gunnison, Fritz J. Gurgenson,
Mrs. Zarnig Gudian, Waldo Gusie,
Helen Gwin, Thomas T. Gwin, Edith
Haagensen, Kenneth B. Haas, Mrs.
Louise Haight, Esta Ramey, Mrs. Clove
B. flail, Maude hall, Robert Halliday,
Alvin B. Hamill, Evelyn Hamlin, John
Hammond, Mrs. Maude Hammond, Ell
Harlan, Fred Handler, Louise Hansa,
Louis K. Hanse, Mrs Tillie Hansen ,
Henry W. Harding, Alice Hardy, Phil
Harkins .
William Harkness, John J. Harney,
Mrs. Vivienne P. Harpher, David P.
Harrigan and Sherman B. Ruth, illy.,
William A. Harris, Annie E. Barron
Harrison, Frank B. Harrman, Mrs.
Mary Bucas Hart, William B. Hart,
William F. Hart, John Hartmann,
Helen Bell Hartsough, Jos. E. & Robt.
M. Hoerst, Thomas W. Batten, Ray-
mond L. Haulitz Jack A. Hausman,
Mrs. Geraldine Hawkins, 'Stable A.
Hawthorne, Wycliffe Haynes, Elsie B.
Haywood, Patrick E. Healy, Frank T.
Heatly, Mrs. Marguerite Heaton, Al.
fred J. Hedlund, Wanda B. Heler,
Speed F. Hendrickson, Svend Henrik-
sen, Charles B. Henriques, Joseph
Joseph B. Heppner, Martin West-
brook Hess, Mrs. Muriel A. Hesselgren,
Leland R. Hewitt, Albert F. Hezingier,
Mary Hickey, John S. Higgins, Gordon
T. Hill, Thomas J. Hill, Mrs. Bertha
Hiltz, Mrs. Edward C. Hinchcliff, Jes-
sie Irene Hinchcliffe, William Hind, Ida
W. Hines, Fannie Hinson, Ernest Good-
win Hipwell, William A. Hitchcock,
Patrick J. Hoarty, Oral Hoffman, Hans
Hoffmeister, Miss Laura Hofrichter,
Amos Hoggard, Kathleen Holbrook,
Charles G. Holforty, Opal L. Holland,
Ellen Holleran & Anna Holleran, Wil-
liam 0. Holmes, Hiram Allen Holt.
John Homes, Curtis Hooper, Gert-
rude Hoover, Walter Blake Hoover,
Irene L. Hopkins, William Hopmenn,
Nathan Horowitz, Paul C. Horsch,
Arthur Horwitz, James G. Hosie, Rob-
ert A. Hough, Robert A. Hough, John
Beecher Houghton, Fred W. House,
Jason E. Houser, Mrs. Leila M. lious-
ley, Arthur B. Housman, Mrs. Adrieme
R. Howard, Bryant H. Howard, Char-
lotte Howard, Mary & Helen Howard,
Nelle W. Howard, Anthony S. Howe,
Fred H. Howell, Mrs. Lucille W. How-
lett, Margaret E. Huane, Mont Hub-
bard, Mrs. Marry Hudson, Virginia C.
Hudzietz, Richard 0. Huff, W. Earl
Huffman, Frances Hughes, John C.
Hughes, Mary M. Hughson, Bruce W.
Hulbert, Mrs. Frances M. Holcomb.
Frances Hunt. Marcus Hunt, Charlie
W. Hunter, Ella C. Hurd, Thomas S.
Rusher, Mr. Shelf Hutkin, Gertrude
Hyslop, Investments Incorporated,
George H. Irwin, Jr., Fritz Ischer,
Elizabeth Pinchon Isherwood, Leslie
Ivey, Mary Jackson E., Thomas J. Jack-
son, Harry Jacobs, Joseph J. Jacoby,
Jr., Frank J. James, Harold H. James,
Louis D. James, Winifred Jaquish,
Thomas A. Jawston, Mary Bertha
Jenokes, Mary E. Jennings, Carl I.
Johnson, Mrs. Davenport Johnson, Eric
G. Johnson, Evert Johnson, Mrs.
Frances Johnson. Henry A. Johnson,
Julius Johnson. Mrs. Mary L. Johnson,
Mrs. Mary Louise Johnson.
Miles 13. Johnson, Simon M. John-
son, William H. Johnson, Roy Ivan
Johnston, Waldo C. M. Johnston, Dor-
othy Jones, Mrs. Helen C. Jones,
Markley L. Jones, Mary A. Jones, Mrs.
Mary Verna Jones, Ward M. Jones, A.
Izard Josey, Allen I. Josey, John
Juchowicz, Luther E. Julian, Mrs.
Sarah Jullhn, Robert Jung, Mrs.
Eleanor B. Kadleo, Fred E. Kaiser,
Fred W. A. Kaiser, Alfred W. Kamin,
Samuel S. Kaplan, Matthew F. Kara-
pita, Pentti Karjala, Elizabeth Kesel,
Yone Kashiwabara.
Meir Katz, Seymour Katz, Clifford L.
Kaufieid, Anne Kaupas, John Kava-
naugh, Minnie E. Kean, Miss Honor
Keane, Frank B. Keefe, Frieda C. Keel,
William C. Keeley, Mrs. Edna W. Kei-
givin. Mrs. Laura Keller, John C.
Kelley, Brenton E. Kelly, Marion R.
Kelly, Scott T. Kelsey, Dudley F.
Kelso, Harry D. Kennedy, Myrtle M.
Kennedy, Pauline E. Kennington, Gor•
don A. Kenyon, Mrs. Marjorie Scott
Kenyon, Blanche H. Keppler, John F.
and Mrs. Esther A. Kerkey, jtly., John
S. Kermath, Ferne Ketcham, Mrs.
Martilla F. Ketchum, Allan Keusch,
Claude F. Keys, Frieda C. Kehl, Leon-
ard A. Kiel y, Rita Kilbride.
Julia F. Kinder, Albert King, Eileen

Why Worry About the Details?

The Classified Columns of
Provide the Answer

•••• ■ ••••••• ■ 0411•I•

King, Miss Lea King, Miss Madeline
King, Margaret L. King, Charles 1.
Kinney, Klayten W. Ktroy, Mrs. Isa-
bel Kiric, Jonn R. Kittreoge, Selma H.
Klein, Joseph Klosowski, Mrs. 'nine
Klugman, Lillian 1. Knapp, Viola B.
Kneeland, John Knox, Jr., Frederick
J. Koch, Joseph Kochseder, George
Koehler, Hannah Kohl, Herman Koh-
lendorfer, Miss Agnes Kohling, Franz
Koine, Thomas Kopanichanes, Evelyn
Kopsno, Annabelle /Korn, Ernest
Koughn, Samuel Kourlouris, Nick
Kounans, George Kragel, Mrs. Fannie
Kramer, Benjamn Kraut, Mrs. Hen-
riette Kraut.
Mathias Kreuzer, John Krewer, Mrs.
Ruth Kristiansen, Emma Kruger C..
Mrs. Mina Kruse, Mary E. Kucich,
Michael. Kurde, Michael Kurde, Helen
A. Kurmo, Sidney W. Kutchin, Mary
Syne, Donald 0. Lacey, Jr., William
P. Ladd Jr., Gladys Laffredo, Edgar
M. Laird, Lewis M. Lally, Mrs. Dor-
othy E. Lamb, Milton Landes, Ben-
jamin Landsman, David Landy. M.
Pearl Lane, Harry C. Lanz, Sam La-
port, Conchita Larchzabal, Erling
Disappeared or missing persons.

Notice of Hearing of Final Accounts,
Petition for Extra Compensation
and Assignment of Residue:
At a session of said Court held in
the Courthouse in the City of Detroit,
in said County, on the 4T11 DAY OF
JANUARY, A.D 1951.
Present: honorable Thomas C.
Murphy, Judge (Si Probate.
FREDERICK YATES, Administrator
in each of the above entitled and com-
bined estates having this; day ren-
dered to the said Court his first and
final account of said estates, and filed
therewith a petition praying that the
residue of said estates be assigned to
the State Board of Escheats of the
State of Michigan as escheated estates,
and also having filed therewith his
petition as administrator praying that
he be allowed compensation for extra-
ordinary services rendered and ex-
penses incurred in each of said es-
tates; It Is Ordered that the 7T11 DAY
OF FEBRUARY, A. D. 1951, before the
Honorable Thomas C. Murphy, Judge
of Probate, in his Courtroom in the
Wayne County Building, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon, be appointed for the
examining and allowing of said ac-
counts and hearing said petitions;
It Is Further Ordered that a copy
of this Order be published once each
week for three successive weeks prev-
ious to said time of final hearing in
the Detroit Jewish Chronicle, a news-
paper printed, published and circu-
lated In said County.
This notice is given in accordance
with the provisions of Act No. 329, P.A.
1947, being the Michigan Code of
Escheats, to the said disappeared or
missing persons their unknown heirs,
assigns or grantees, and to all persons
claiming by, through or under them.
(A true copy) Judge of Probate
Deputy Probate Register.

Frederich Yates, Attorney
911 Gratiot
bate Court for the County of Wayne.
No. 383-701
Stella Her ma n, Nick Arsenich,
Madeline Barnes, G. & V. Service
Station, et al; Jeanette Wells Washer,
et al; Theodosia Uhrainee, Robt. E.
Bell, John May and Sophia May,
Elizabeth Henrehowski, Anna D'Agos-
tina, et al; Mary Crawford, et al;
Blanche Cutler, Ida Augustyntah,
Joseph Karpinski, Edith Kleefuss,
Renee G. Rodgers, Louis G. Pouliot,
Adam Sobolewski, et al; Widmer A.
Howard, Louise Wittmaach, Ignazio
Ventigmiglia, et al; Harold Price, et
al; Burno Cien, James P. Granger,
Gernadine Doran Bonsecose, Susan
Creusel Colyer, Joseph Henry Mar-
shal• Roy P. G. Palmer, Sylvia Mack
Chmielewski, et al; Elizabeth Kindle,
et al; Frank Phelan, et al; Herbert
Menefee, Edward J. Roach, Mamie
(Mrs. Peter) Kerschgens, et al; Harry
F. Smith, Helen Zakszerski.
Disappeared or missing persons.

No. 383,107
In the Matter of the Estate of:
Mrs. Ethel Lasarow, Bernard Lasker,
Isidore J. Lasurdo, James Iatees, Mary
Lawlor, Rebecca H. Lawrence, Owens
Laws, Scott Layne, Frank Leahy, Jean
B. Lean, Velma Lean, Mrs. Elma
Leary, Miss Helen C. Leary, Jean Le
Bel, Helen LeBou, Carrie E. S. Lee,
David C. Lee, James Q. Lee, Paul
H. Lae, Walter E. Lees, John Lef-
kowski, Thomas W. Lemmon, Alfred
Lensner, Harold Leonard, Victor Leo-
pold, Edna Leslie, Mrs, Hazel Les-
trade, Annette Ethel Levey, Esther
Levin, Harry C. Levin, Jessie Levy,
Louis L. Levy and Clara M. Levy,
illy.; Elizabeth Lewis, Grace Helen
Lewis, Harry I. Lewis, and Mrs.
Guiguitte G. Lewis, War.; Laura Lewis,
George K. Libby, George Liddle, Jr.,
Milton Light, Lloyd W. Lile, Charles
H. Lilienfeld, Mrs. Cora B. Lilja, Mrs.
Audria Lindeman, James R. Lindsay,
Jr., Ruth Lindsay, Ruth G. Lindsay,
Ruth G. Lindsay, Joseph G. Lipke,
Frances Lipner, Morris Lippman, Ray
L. List, Edward G. Livingston, Etta
Lockhart, Alice M. Lockwood, Mrs.
Lorna 13. Lockwood, Henry A. Lod-
dick, Frank J. Loftus, Aldie R. Logue,
Mrs. Caroline F. Lohri, Ernest F.
Lohse, Estate of Richard Y. Lombard,
Eleanor Jane Lookabill, Aurelio Lor-
onssetti, Juanita Loving, Mrs. Dora
H. Lowry, Mrs. Adele Ludwig, Wini-
fred Luotzel, Lynne D Lundberg,
Virginia Otley Lundberg, • Margaret J.
Lundy, Aarne A. Lucza, Arthur W.
Luster, Lilly Lux, Genevieve F. Lyon,
Agnes B. Lyons, Garvey E. Lyons,
John Hoover Lyons, William H. Lyt-
ton, Clyde E. MacCullough, Evelyn
Maclnnes, Esther W. Mack, Henry B.
Mack, Nellie Mae Kimmie, Mrs. Hattie
J. MacKusick, William Converse Mac-
Laurin, Mrs. Clyde C. Madison, Mrs.
Rose Magill, Edward S. Maguire, Wil-
liam A. Maguire, Patrick Maher,
Maintenance Products Corp., Miss
Lydia Maisch, Oscar R. Makarl George
Makric, Anne W. Mallison, Richard
C. Mallonee, Mrs. Agnes Mangan,
Mrs. Della Mangan, Edmond M. Man-
ning, Victor G. Manych, Roscoe
Mapes; Virginia Leo Marchant, Charles
Marks, Michael and Margaret Marie,
jtly., Mrs. Geraldine M. Marsh, Mrs.
Frieda H. Marshall, Adelle Martin,
Mrs. Ann Martin, Mrs. Dora E. Mar-
tin, Ethel Martin, Peter W. Martin,
Thomas Martin, Una Marx, Mrs.
Marion Marx, Benjamin A. Mathews,
Benjamin A. Mathews, Sidney W.
Mathews, Jr., Susan Mathewson, Pat-
rick C. Mathis, Henry Mathus and
Mrs. Addle May Mathus, jtly, Henry
Matsumato, Raymond K. Matteson,
Miss Ruth Mattison, Mrs. Mary Matz-
ner, Mrs. Mildred P. Maunula, Lewis
L. Maxwell, Martin Alexander May,
Alexander R. Maycock and Agnes
Maycock, illy., Carl William Mays,
Jr., Gordon Luther McAdams, Bertha
J. McAllan, William McAllister, Wil-
mer J. McAllister, Edward H. McBride.
Mrs. Birdie W. McCain, Julia McCann,
Anna L McCarthy, Madeline A. Mc-
Carthy, William McCarthy, Mrs. Anna
13. McClear, Chalmer K. McClelland,
Douglas McComb, Harry McCon-
naughy, Miss Margaret J. McCormack,
George P. McCracken, Jr., Gordon

• • t • • •

McCrae, Gordon P. McCrae, Charles
S. McCumber, Mrs. Doris D. McCune,
Walter G. McCutcheon, Agnes C.
McDermott, Mrs. Ante W. McDevitt,
Kate H. McDonald, John J. McDon-
ough, Mary L. McElroy, John' F.
MeGavock, Regina McGrath, Michael
McHugh .1., Duncan McInnes, Flor-
ence A. McIntosh, Alma P. McKinley,
Robert H. McKinney, Margaret Mc-
Knight, Andrew McLaughim, Miss
Christine E. McLeod, Earnest McLeod,
James McMahan, Mrs. Louise Olds
McMalm, William McMahon, Sadie D.
McNamee and Katherine 1. McNamee,
jtiy., Sadie V. McNamee, Mrs. Bella
McNaughton, Elsworth McNeff, Mrs.
Anne E. McNeill, Walter A. McNichols,
Vera McWatters, Russell Meadows,
Jr., Paul A. M ehlhorn, Edwin C.
Meister, Joins H. Metoan, Jacob Mel-
tzer, Marie A. Merkel, Adrian Merk-
lin, 'Allured Meyer, Theodore Meyer,
Adolph Miller, Andrew A. Miller,
George Michie, Dominik Mikenas,
Charles Elbridge Miles, John M Miles,
Mr. Albert J. MIlour, George Millar,
Emily J. Miller, Hyman Miller, John
Chester Miller, Mrs.' Nettle Miller,
Wallace B. Miller, Marie H. Mills,
Henry G. Milne, Stephen W. Miloch,
Adolph Minetti, Morris L. Minsk,
Abranam Mintz, Tons Mistilis, Jesse
and Jessie Mitchell, jtly., Ora L.
Mitchell; Mrs. Ruby N. Mitchell, Ells-
worth K. Mizon, Florence Modena,
Shapurp Hormasji Mody and Mrs.
Snirin Shapurji Mody, jtiy., Agnes C.
Mohun, Grace Moll, Mrs. Caroline
Monn, Carl R. Monroe, Mrs. Mabel
B. Monrose, Frank Monty, William
Mooers, Carlton E. Moore, Dale M.
Moore, Mrs. Ethel B. Moore, Floyd
D. Moore, George S. Moore, II. Dale
Moore and Dorothy E. Moore, jtly.,
Judson Moore, D. Edward L. Moran,
Miss Carolina Murano, John A.
Moreno and Stuart G. Moreno, An-
drew and Nellie Morgan, jtly., Ethel
Nix Morgan, John E. P. Morgan,
Walter G. Morgan, William M. Morin,
Miss Winifred Moroney, Alice D.
Morris, Edmund B. Morris, Jr., Joseph
T. Morris, Mrs. Sarah L. Morris, John
C. Morrison, Jr., Mrs. Frances L.
Morrissey, Mrs. Edith A. Morton,
Mrs. Olga Moss, Miss Katherine
Motherway, Mrs. Reva Mott, Florence
H. Mountain, Charles L. Moynihan,
Mildred Mudie, Garland E. Mudyette,
Thelma Muir, Anna M. Muldoon,
James Mulligan, Beatrice Munroe, G.
Kibby Munson, Daniel F. Murphy,
William V. Murphy, Mrs. Caroline F.
Murray, Donald M. Murray, Willa L.
Murray, John Murrin, Vincenzo
Musacchio, Vincenzo Mussacchio, Rob-
ert John Musgrave, W. R. Mybeck,
Edward Myers, Oscar Myers, Archie
Nadeau, Valentine Naftali, Alexander
Nahlovsky, Mrs. Millie Naranchich,
Frederick liemmant Nash, Doris K.
rotske, Jack Nedell, Charles Neldner,
Christine Nelson, Ethel C. Nelson,
Leo and Maude Nelson, fitly., George
Nass, Joseph D. Nathan, Walter Naw-
and Catherine Neubauer, illy., C.
Raymond Neville, Ralph T. Newell,
Mrs. Josephine Newhall, Clyde New-
strand, Gladys W. Nichols, Leo Niel-
son, Costa Nilsson, John S. Nittrowr,
Morris 0. Nobbe, Chula, E. Noland,
Mrs. Anna Noppert, B. Arne Nord-
strom, J. Frank Norris, Howard L.
Norton, Paul L. Norton, Peter Terry
Norton, Julia Nosbonne, Louise and
Julia Nosbonne, jtly., Andrew Now-
icki, Gretchen Nuebel, Austin H. Nunn,
Benjamin Nusbaum, M. J. Oberwise,
Matthew J. Oberwise, Rosemary
O'Brien, Leo O'Brien, Minnie O'Con-
nell, Charles O'Connor, Grace O'Con-
nor, John J. O'Connor, Katherine
O'Donnell, Josephine A. O'Donoghue,
Edward V. O'Cara, Mrs. Bruce Ogle-
tree, Mrs. Ruth Olenikoff and Peggy
Weingarden, jtly., Douglas N. Oliver,
Elsa Olofson, Clarence Olson, Gilman
W. Olson, Walter E. Olson, Herbert
W. O'Meara, Miss Valeria O'Neil, Edith
O'Neill, Edward J. O'Neill, Jeremiah
E. O'Neill, Mrs. Madelyn Streeter
Orcutt, Alfred J. Orselli, Pauline J.
Ortman, Harry C. Osberg, Bartley P.
Osborne, Bonnie L. Osborne, Mrs.
Mildred O'Shea, Edward A. Ostermann,
Virginia Mae Overholt, Ann Brackett
Owen, Thomas J. Owens, John Oxton,
Mrs. Esther M. Packard, Francis C.
Paddock, Clement A. Paffe, Frank
W. Page, Paul G. Painter, Ray Paint-
er, Mary Jean Elizabeth Palmer, Mrs.
Rose Adler Pape, Frederick W. Park,
Carol F. Parke, Sophie Parys, Elias
Pasternak, William R. Pate, Joseph
G. Paterno, Joseph G. Paterno, Mary
C. Paterson, Frank Patterson, Jr.,
Frank T. Patterson, George N. Patter-
son, Thomas E. Patterson, Fedele
Pavia, Mary S. Pease, Mrs. Nettie H.
Peck, Stitan Jane Peck, Rudolph F.
and Mildred E. Pedersen, jtly., Agnes
Pelky, Joseph F. Pelotte, Ralph N.
Pendergraft, Whitcomb L. Pendrigh,
Mrs. Hazel Bricker Pepper, Chester
Lardy Pershing, Mrs. Dagny Peterson,
Elizabeth C. Peterson, Mrs. Martha
Mary Peterson, William Peterson, Wil•
Liam Peterson, Mary Pettingill, Sebas-
tian Pfnur, Merritt M. Phare, Arthur
Phelan, William Phelan, Clarence Wade
Phelis, George G. Phillips, Jr., George
W. Phillips Hugh M. Phillips, Mar-
garet A. Phillips, Wm. S. Phillips,
Mrs. Estella 13, Philpott, Joseph Piku-
lik, Herbert O. Pillars, Frank W.
Finger, Stanley D. Pinkham, Miss
Kate Pinkula, Arthur J. Pion, Miriam
Pitkin, Francesco Pizella, Mrs. Harriet
J. Plaut, Alexandra Ponieka, Louis
S. Porter, Doris S. Potter, John G.
Potter, Vogt Powell, John F. Power,
Robert E. Powers, M. Edith Prager,
Eunice M. Pratt, Leonard C. Pratt,
Margaret D. Pratt, Anna H. Prender-
grast, David A. Proston, John S.
Printy and Mariam T. Printy, jtly.,
Ferdinand Prucher, Lloyd Tallman
Pulkingham, Franklin Quardokus, Al-
bert W. Quinn, Mrs. Delia Quinn,
Florence G. Quinn, Rose Rabkin Wil-
liam Radner, Edwin C. Raedel, Jr.,
aGeorge Rafter, Mary E. Ramsdell
James E. Rawleigh, Jr., Edgar 13. Ray',
Leonard M. Rayner, Mrs. Myrtle L.
Read, Maurice F. Reardon, Victor Reas
Meta Reavill (Ida), R. Edgar Redman,
Edward II. Rood, Paul R. and Mrs.
Peggy Snook Reed, ply., Joseph Reese,
Mrs. Naomi Reese, Robert Reese, C.
William Reichert, David C. Reichman,
Edith Relchman, Mrs. Esther Reilly.
Disappeared or missing persons

No. 383,108
In the Matter of the Estate of:
Manuel Abrahams, Hearld Adams,
Fred H. Anderson, Philip L. Arkin,
Jess W. Arnold, John T. or June Baker,
Dora Bandy Jemima Bell, George
Benyak, Stanley Bialkowski, Lep E.
or Catherine M. Bloink, Arthur N.
Blum, Jr., Nick Bocancea, Emmett C.
Bono in trust for Mary K. Ward,
grand-daughter, John J. Bovitz, John
R. Boyle, Daniel M. or Helen Brough,
Robert K. Brown, Melvin Bryant, Mar-
garet or Rita Hughes Cadden, Roland
J Caldwell, Betty Campbell, Harold
Campbell, Henry or Gertrude M.
Burger, Eva Carstea, LaVerne H. or
Ruth D. Church.
Albert S. Clark, Robert Collins, Jr.,
Rosalie Compton, Delma Coomer,
Henry W. Crawford, Hubert J. Crock-
ett, Jack Cross, Calvin W. Cruzen, Sam
or Cecilia P. Czuli, Tony Della Santa,
Wilfred David, Dorothy Davis, Eddie
J. Davis, John Dayney, Chamber or
Commerce Dorn, Jr., Frank Dougher,
Jr., Buel C. or Rose Evans, Jessie M.
Fetterly, Sidney M. Fetterly, Elizabeth
M. Franjac, Ralph D. or Lucille

Friday, January 19, 1951

Franks, Donald L. Freeman, Edgar C.
Frieulander, Joyce Ann by Mrs. S.
J Kenneth Gamier, Betty
Glom% Paul H. Grandsko, Forrest
Gray, Paul or Frances Gregoricn, Jolla
Green, Tnomas Green, Maryelyn Grif-
Florence Gritz, Helen N. Gudat, Mrs.
Nell Harter, Emery Harrison, Jr., John
Wm. Hawn, Jr., Myron Heath, Pat.
riot J. Hennessey, Amy Virginia
Henry, Johnny Hnatlo , Jonn linatow,
Raymond or Margaret flonman, Edwin
or Lucille Horger, Stephen J. or Mrs.
Mary Horwith, Kenneth R. or Marian
R. lioucK, Stanley Huckabone, Gerald
Jahnke, Helen Jersmias, Lucille John-
son, Earle E or Tillie A. Johnson,
Charles R. Kalbfleiscn, Basil Keefer,
Jacob A. or Rhea hammer, John Klan,
Robert L. Koiarik, William J. or
Thelma.M. Kollar, Elizabeth borne,
Joseprillar. or Florence Korte, Michael
F. or Mary Kovach, Pearl Phillis
Krause, in trust for sun, Henna! Wil-
liam, Antomette Kress, Ralph J. or
Jessie Kropp,
Kataryn Kurzeja, Agnes LaDue, in
trust for Gary iticharu, Alberta Lange,
Arthur or Helen Lange, Gent uue B.
Langer, Homer Lashbrook, Steve Lesh-
kevich, Gordon Long, Elizabeth Lukol-
sky, Alfred Lupo, Ceelia McCabe, Mary
McCuiston, Mrs. Helen McKean, Uuno
P. Maki, Albert E. or Kathryn alanof-
sky, Luella Markowski, Ervin Marsac,
Reuben E. or Josephine Martin, Mo-
hamed Massa, Charles May, Ida
Mendelson, Clarence Mervich, Lorton
Mikolis, Leon J. Miller, John Mitchell
in trust for Nathan, Homer R. Morris,
Edward R. Mullenix, Margaret Nagle.
Shirley Nierinec, Shirley Orlaski,
Dorothy Orlowski, German S. Partam,
Milan H. Parshall, Carl Patrick, Lloyd
W. Perkins, William L. Peterson, Jr.,
Dorothy E. Phillips, Harry E. or Bar-
bara Pirtle, Hazel M, Preston, Monroe
Purcell, Motk or Ranee Hans Ram,
Annie Reid, Archie G. Reid, Richard
or Maude Reit, Elaine Rinke, Otis
Hobbs, Douglas M. Robertson, Elaine
Romanow, Arlene Ruddy, Donald
Rutherford, Nick Sandru, Henry or
Nancy Sarkozy, William H. bailer,
Paul A. or Margaret Schemers, Clark
or Margaret Schwaderer, Dorothy See-
Wald, Harry Shaffer, Henry bonier,
in trust for Lawrence, Allen Smith,
Julius H. or Bonnie M. Smith,
Robert Jr. or Marjorie Sparks, D. W.
or Charlotte Spoerke, Nat G. Sporn,
Don or Ruth Stevens, Edgar or Lynnie
Stokes, J. E. Stubblefield, Robert
Suartz, Arthur or Etta M. Symonda,
Alexander or Ann Tarbett, Thayer
School-General Fund, Julius B. Thies,
Bernard Turenek, Ukranian Grocery 7
Butchers Ass of W. Det., Edward F. or
Ida M. Vargo, Genevieve Vasiu, Walter
Wagoner, Isabel' Walker, Don R. or
Irma E. Wallace, Morris S. Wein, Ralph
Jr. or Erma Whipple, Phyllis L. White,
James L. or Er Young, Ann
Zahara, Viola A. ,aellman.
Dorothy Mackey Allen, in trust for
son, Hubert Montgomery, Win. II. &
Cynthia H. Bell, Nelson S. or Dorothy
M. Bice, Anita Blum, in trust for son,
Roger Jerome Blum, Robert Braun,
Talmadge W. Burkeen, R. W. Byers,
Marion Burgett, Eugene P. or Steph-
anie W. Carr, Roger Chapman, Frank
or Lillie Mae Charles, Christopher L.
Cunningham, Mrs. Ona Crumbaker,
W. R. (Reece) Cummins, Antonio Dal-
bo, Floyd Lee Davis, Margaret Davis.
Louise E. or Ralph E. Davis, Myrtle
M. DeVore, Robert Dewar, James W.
or Mrs. J. W. Diroff, Gloria (Phyllis)
Donner, George or Idamae Dourth,
Louis A. or Hazel Dubke, Eleanor K.
Durley, Mabel Dunn, William M. Ed-
Suanne Ellyson, August F. Engel-
berg, Marion Evans, May Feeley Flor-
ence Finley, William or Anette Meyer
Fleming, Katherine Fray, in trust for
daughter, Ann Arrington, Katherine
Fray, in trust for daughter, Dorothy
Arrington, June G. Freda, Robert Fox,
Johnny Lester French, Joseph J. Gian-
nola, Joe Golke, Helen Gomolak, Don-
ald Gorde, Granvil Edward Grass, Ray
F. Guenther, Karl W. Hansen, Kath•
leen E. or John M. Hardy, James A.
or Ann Harvey, Ralph S. or John W.
Hedgcock, Nina E. Henry, Elmer Hitt,
Carl M. or Ruby Mason, Ella or Leon
Hodge, Robert L. Hale.
Marvin Holland, Ruth Signe or Carl
Holmer, John W. or Jessie L. Holt, Lim
Hoy, Edith H. Howell, in trust for
daughter, Mary Ruth, Natalie S. Hurst,
Florence Hurst Warren, Ethel Hurst
Mattern or Gertrude Kittsley, Robert
E. Houston or John C. Houston, Clare
R. or Ruth Hubert, Gloria Hutchinson,
Blanche Ish, John W. James, Wilford
D. or Mrs. Nora D. Johns, Lester N.
Johnson, Lula Kaniuk, Ruby or Dennis
Kelly, Patrick Kerszulis, Fred E. Kim-
bler, Henry Koczynski, Edgar R.
Kogelschatz, Helen Landsberg, Loretta
Lapan, Miss Grace Larsh, Mansel or
Mina Lowry, Alice or Albert J. Leach,
Fred W. or Augusta Leach, Blanche
Lemirande, Edmund J. Lokuta, Mary
Stanley Lowry, Orpha MacNeill, Sam
Martin, William Matthews, Janice B.
McDonald, G. Rosemond or E. Tyrus
McGinty, Stella McGraw, Mr. A. C.
McMaster, Howard McWilliams, Edgar
or Attie Meachum, George F. Merwin.
Henry or Lillian Mida, E. R. (Eugene)
Miller, Herman Miller, Charles E.
Moore, Frank P. Montie, Charles H.
Morris, Charles or Lydia Myers, Bart-
ley J. Naughton Jr., J. G. Nettlow,
Doris L. and B. J. Naughton.
Joseph Neuvirth, David G. Nleland,
Gorman Noland, Alfred Ochadlens,
The Paul Bunyan Rifle Club, Millie
Phelps, Olive B. or Emil Popp, Evelyn
J. or Minnie L. Radtke, Walter E Rat-
cliffe, in trust for daughter, Donna
Marie Ratcliffe, Adolph Rebmann,
Robert Reckinger, James M. Roach,
Alma Robinson, John H. Robinson,
Fred or Edna Rode, Helen F. Rooney.
Wm. A. Rowlands, John Edward Rupp,
Emma Sakcnska, 011ie C. Schuttheiss,
Elizabeth Schoner, Florence or Carl
D, Smith, Margaret E. Smith, George
M. Spencer, Louise Stace, Brook Stev-
ens, Evelyn Taylor, Kenneth or Cly-
detta Thomas, Wm. B. Timmons.
Madeline Tonge, J. K. Ussery,
Blanche Walker, Ruth Anne Walker,
Thomas J. Walsh, Janet A. or Margaret
D. Howard Watkins, Mary Elizabeth
Weathers, Norman .1. or Rita Weber,
Thomas Weston, Conrad E. or Jeanne
L. Wiest, Clara A. Wilkins, John A.
Wilkins, Robert C. Wilson, Wayne A.
Wood, Elizabeth Wootton, in trust for
Susan E., Robbie Worthy, Caroline
Disappeared or missing persons.

Notice of Hearing of Final Accounts
Petition for Extra Compensation
and Assignment of Residue:
At a session of said Court held in
the Courthouse in the city of Detroit
in said County on the 3rd day of Jan-
uary, A.D. 1951.
Present: Honorable Thomas C.
Murphy, Judge of Probate.
Frederick 'Yates, Administrator in
each of the above entitled and com-
bined estates having this day rendered
to the said Court his first and final
account of said estates, and filed there-
with a petition praying that the resi-
due of said estates be assigned to the
State Board of Escheats of the State
of Michigan as escheated estates, and
also having filed therewith his petition

(Continued on Page 14)

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