( Coffer CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 Thursday, April 20, 1950 Page 9 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Wed at Shaarey Zedek Women s Engagement Told q3ay city notes By ELLA R. ANTHONY Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kahn, and Mr. and Mrs. William Kentz have returned home after extended vacations in Florida. Chi LS • • • Women's Sabbath League in- . vites Jewish women of Detroit The Junior Bnai Brith spon- to an Oneg Shabbat at 2:30 p.m. sored a Matzo Ball dance at the Saturday, April 29, at Bnai Moshe. Wenonah Hotel recently. Rabbi Leizer Levin will be guest • • • speaker, and the members of the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Surath Batya Club of Young Israel, led have returned from a trip to Cali- by Ecta Levin and Beth Cohen, fornia. En route home they vis- will present a program of Shab- ited relatives in Chicago. bus and Israeli songs. • • • • • • Bnai Brith Lodge 128, held Sheruth League will elect new their annual past president's din- officers May 16. Members who ner in the form of a fish-fry re- wish to join the dramatic group cently. are asked to contact Mrs. Harry • • • Miller. • •„ • Richard Michelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Michelson, a stu- Jewish European Welfare, HARRIET HOPE MELLON dent at U of M is recuperating North Woodward Branch, will • • • at the home of his parents after at the Tuesday meet at noon An early summer wedding is a minor operation. home of Mrs. Anna Goldberg to planned by Harriet Hope Mellon formulate final plans for the Is- and William Frank Steinberg, raeli orphan shower May 3 at whose engagement has been an- Zack& For tickets, call Mrs. nounced by the bride-elect's par- Goldberg, TO. 5-2440. Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Mandell ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morton • • • announce the Bar Mitzvah of Mellon of Manderson road. The Jewish Women's European their son, Stephen Robert, Sat- The bridegroom-to-be, who is Welfare Organization will hold a urday, April 29, at Northwest the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles public joint installation of offi- Hebrew. He will be honored at a Steinberg of Birchcrest drive, is cers with the North Woodward reception from 8 to 11 p.m. that a graduate of the University of Branch at 8 p.m. Thursday, April evening at the Mandell home, Michigan. He is a member of 27, at Bnai Moshe. Arthur Shut- 17560 Greenlawn avenue. No Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. kin, of the Jewish National Fund, cards. • • • will be guest speaker and Israeli Mr. and Mrs. Leo M. Butzel movies will be shown. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Shook • • • havelteturned from a trip to Palm of Indiana avenue announce the The Woman's Club of Beth Bar Mitzvah of their son, Law- Beach and New York. Abraham will hold a membership rence A,, at 8:30 p.m. Friday eve- The Ivor Kahns and their meeting at 8:30 p.m. April 25 at ning at Temple Israel, Institute the home of Mrs. Nathan J. Kauf- of Arts. A reception will follow family are back from a week-end stay in Chattanooga, Tenn. man, 3353 Lawrence. Refresh- the service. • • • MRS. HARVEY GROSS ments will be served. • • • • • Mrs. Aaron Lambie of Pitts- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stewart an- Eileen Weisberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weisberg of nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their burgh was the house guest re- The Sisterhood of Beth Abra- ham will celebrate its sixth birth- Sturtevant avenue, and Harvey Gross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph son, Robert, at 9 a.m. Saturday, cently of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard day with a party to be held Satur- Gross of Richton avenue exchanged wedding vows at a double ring April 29, at Bnai Zion. A buffet T. Lewis of Birmingham. dinner will be given in his hon- day night. ceremony March 5 at Shaarey Zedek. • • • Daniel J. Levy Jr. has returned The bride chose a gown of ivory satin fashioned with a round or at 7 p.m. that evening at the The Bnai David Sisterhood will illusion yoke and a scalloped waistline. The bodice and fingertip Stewart home, 3352 Pasadena to his home in Lynbrook, L. I., following a week-end visit with hold a board meeting Monday sleeves of the gown were trimmed with a leaf design of seed pearls, avenue. his mother, Mrs. Daniel J. Levy. afternoon at the home of Mrs. and her three tier fingertip illusion veil fell from an ivory satin cap The Jewish Chronicle is the Roy Chatlin, 2634 Fullerton ave- with a matching seed pearl design. She carried orchids mounted on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hersh- only newspaper that gives com- nue. Mrs. Chatlin and Mrs. Jo- a white Bible. seph Greenberg will be hostess& Mrs. Harry Docks, the bridegroom's sister, served as matron-of- plete coverage of Jewish events berg were hosts to a group of • • • friends at dinner April 14. honor. Rhea Weisberg was her sister's maid-of-honor. The brides- in Detroit. The Kalvarier Aid Society will maids were Merle Shuman, Joyce Morof and Lillian Rosenberg. hold a card party at 8 p.m. Dr. Louis Gross acted as best man for his brother. Myron Mil- Wednesday, April 26, at Rosen- grom, Jack Solway and Robert Newman ushered. berg's. Proceeds will go to pro- The couple honeymooned in Miami Beach. vide a home for a DP family in Israel. For tickets call Mrs. Harry Among the Detroiters who Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carson Festenstein, UN. 3-8180, or Rose celebrated their 12th wedding spent the Passover holidays at Lewis, TO. 7-8020. anniversary April 14. Kraemer's Olympic Hotel in Mt. • • • Clemens were Mr. and Mrs. Harry The Sisterhood of Congregation Mr. and Mrs. David J. Silberg Cohen, the M. H. Zackheims, Mrs. Beth Tikvah will hold a social card party at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, are now residing in their new S. Epstein, Mrs. William Levin, May 9, at the Beth Tikvah Hall. home at 25509 Scotia road, Hunt- the Leo Brodmans, the Samuel The group's Sunday School ington Woods. Grossmans and the Sam Raimis. classes are being resumed. ...••••• ■ ••••• ■ ••• ■ •••• ■ •• • • • Returned from a Cleveland Discontinued PIED PIPER ... Straps ... The Molly Segal Auxiliary, trip are Mrs. Norman J. Levey The Right Tonic For Any Affair! Jewish Consumptives Relief So- and her son, Richard. Oxfords ... High Shoes ciety, will hold its 21st annual 2-6—$4.45 6'/2-8—$4.85 8 1/2-12-5.85 121/2-3-6.85 donor luncheon May 2 at May- The Nathan Rattners returned and his SHOW BAND fair. Proceeds go to aid consump- THERE IS A PAIR TO FIT YOUR CHILD recently from a vacation in Miami UN. 3-3737 tives. FoL reservations call Ada ' SPESCIZIAEsL2Gy2RO6UP Beach. Ducker, TO. 5-1373, or Mina Shapiro, WE. 3-8797. • • • • A Few at $4.85 An open meeting will be held Official GIRL SCOUTS • by the Primrose Benevolent Club Tuesday at Bnai Moshe. Ross 12 1/2-3....$4.85 3 1/2-8... .$5.85 Mulholland's program "Meet the In a Wholesome Jewish Atmosphere Crowing Girls' PIED PIPER Ladies" will highlight the after- " $ noon. Straps, Pumps, Loafers, etc. • • • FOR FOR Only 4 & 41/2 The Pioneer Women Business GIRLS BOYS and Professional Group will hold $ 0 Special Group of Children's an open meeting Wednesday, April 26, at 11818 Dexter boule- and KINDERWELT ... Chelsea, Mich. Shoes and Slippers vard. For information call Min FOR INFORMATION CALL . WOMEN'S Schneider, TY. 7-0115. MEN'S • • • The Sisterhood of A ha v as Achim will meet Thursday, April Regardless of price $7 95 27, at the home of Mrs. Isadore Sizes Si 98 or style . . . Save $3 or more per Leeman. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. 40, I 2. pair. Sizes G',4 - Nat Glickstein and Mrs. Sidney THAT BEAUTIFY Cohen. Bar Mitzvah Lost Our Lease! I Mickey Woolf HEALTH, JOY and PLAY $5.85 BOYS 4 FARBAND CAMP UN. 3-3626 1 0 ROBLEE PLAY SHOES AWNINGS Mrs. Jack Kurland and Jennie Goldman of Savery avenue left this week for a visit with rela- tives and friends in Memphis, Tenn. Let Me Do All the Catering For Your CONFIRMATION RECEPTION Or Any Other Occasion TY. 6-4956 Canvas or Aluminum Residential and Commercial Top Quality Materials Priced to Fit Every Budget Canvas by the Yard for Chairs and Gliders PHONE for FREE ESTIMATE TY. 6-4100 STAR AWNING, Inc. 8840 LINWOOD LITTLE MONARCH or ROBINHOOD White or Brown—Hi or Low 4-6—$2.98 61/2-8-3.45 8 1 /2-12-3.98 121/2-3-4.45 ALL SALES FINAL MARNER'S 11510 DEXTER TO. 8-0546 Open Daily 10-6; Saturday 1C-9; Sunday 11-2 I.