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January 05, 1950 - Image 12

Resource type:
Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1950-01-05

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Page 12


Thursday, January 5, 1949


dy; Ned Oliver; Charlotte E. Iglehart, District Ass'n; Philip Rosenzweig; Mrs. erick Merrill; Alexander Kelmaa Blr- Joe. J. or Alice Gougenn; Edna M.
R.N.; Julia Mercer; Vernone Maschke Ann Oblak or John Oblak; Mary E. nie and Adeline tannic; Miss Betty Reed or Eldena Cole; Mildred Ray
'Tracey; Mary Cameron; Pearl Wills; Dwyer; Nancy Jane Callaghan; Eino Long; Milton 0. Richard or Mrs. Lit- (Gds) Paul Januacheski; William Cos-
Mary N. Berger; Earl McDonald; Huovinen; Theresa A. Davis; John Ilan Richard; Tony Mole; Alex W. sick.
Eileen B. Norris; Mike Cliycinski; Winnilhi; Mary Ann Dicello; Robert Ferguson (Tr.) Mary Isabelle; Richard
Disappeared or Missing Persons
Helen Frances Greenaway; Louis R. Seliady; Edward Abrahamian; Miss Charles Flynn; Jack E. Fleury or Hazel
Honick; Katherine Wilson: Eva Mae Esther Noilanen; Eddie E. Saari; Peter L. Fleury; Douglas Haskins or Cornell
--- -
Robinson; Eddie Lee Smith; Marjorie Peterson; Mrs. Fred R. Clarke; Mollie Haskins; Revona Langford; J. N. Na-
In the Matter of the Estates of
Horace W. Gilmore, Public AtWink. Conover; Leon Rousseau; Robert A. Cooper: Samuel D. Elliott; Mrs. Antoi- doleki. Jr. and Margaret Nadolaki; John
John C. Cook; Minnie H. Matthews:
tester, 2116 Natioual Bank Bldg. (26) Howe; Edward J. Bielese; Mrs. Ber- nette; Betty O'Connor; Albert J. Sal- A. Course; Russell Kunath or Yvonne Emery
Monash; Charles E. McGregor;
nice or Stanley Pakula; Marguerite J. linen; Theodore Felt or Hannah Felt; Kunath; Mrs. D. Whelan (Tr) Joan Katherine E. Wallace; Albert E. Arndt;
STATE OF MICHIGAN—In the Pro- . or Dale B. Hornung; Max H. Field; Calvin E. Heikkinen; Sylvia B. Green- Birmingham; Elsie Campbell; Jack Nedra J. Haas (by Alfred Haase Rua-
Ben C. Love; Harry B. Bennett, Jr. field (Tr) Arthur P. Greenfield; Clif- Gallagher or Marion Gallagher: L. M. sell W. Hartwell; Jeanette Ling; Dor-
bate Court for the County of eVayne. (Tr) John Edsall Bennett; Wm. Vin- ford Lounds; Marine Rifle & Revolver French or Helen S. French; Beaulah othy
J. Carns; Mary S. Down; Robert
cent Colway; Anthony or Elsie Vas- Club of Detroit; Mrs. Claud Seay; M. Thompson; Clifford Childs; Bea E. Wisner;
In the Matter of the Estates of:
L. Bruce Grannis; Harry R.
e en A ge xlsseonn
Dorothy sE. kiar
egre Olive Mary A. Wilson (Tr) Robert S. Wit- Carlew; Esther Kelly Smith: Mrs. Beu- McCullough; Eleanor Scroeder; Ilarry
Geraldine Waltensperger; y
C harles 5 .
son; Jonas Koskela; Agnes R. Prather; tali or Michael Sokol; Grace Dale;
Chobaniate Harold William levingston: Sohn; Harry Whilt Dowden; Helene Waiho E. Ails; John McKay; Annabelle Charles Konelke; Mr. or Mrs. Charles Clianian;
Hope B. Coolidge for Elizabeth Jean
Briggs, Jr. (by S. Esther Briggs); Mar-
Wilson F.Williams;
ams, Wm. E.
. Anderson (Tr) Janice R. Thompson; J. Scott; Mrs. Elliott Dalian (
Coolidge; James C. or Harriet D.
Trustee) /ode Drake (by Mrs. R. Drake): Mary
Hildegard Rohde; George T. Dugan: A. Thompson; John E. Wills. Jr.; Eva Schuh; Patricia L. Belton; Dan Carl- Louise McIntyre or S. A. McIntyre;
or Jessie L. Oswald; Catherine Louise
Edna Frantz or Carlton II. Wolf or
e Va
Peter Muldrc;
h Fred lesery or Inez Evans; Paul Edward son; Walter Edmondson.
Bader; Edward Dunn: Andrew or If. Behan; Wm. C. Sowell, Jr.; Joseph McGtory; S. Arthur or Mildred Smith;
Disappeared or Missing PersOns Ruth Wolf; Monna Sommers; Dorothy
Evelyn Skelton; Willie Bribe Thomaa; Kea
E. Anderson; William A. Compton (by
Edwin H. Luoma; Albert Katz; Fred-
Mrs. N. J. or N. J. Neuman; Norman
Virginia S. Compton); Carson Schultz
Disappeared or Missing Persons eric Baker (Tr) James Frederic Baker;
Scheer; Virginia Coddington; Mrs.
or Gwendolyn Schultz; Hazel H. Bisset
Hilda Shupps; Sarah McFarlane or
In the Matter of the Estates of:
or George Bisset; John W. Bissell or
son; Albert C. Gaabo; T. Stuart
ar or
Lillian Gray; Elizabeth Madison; John
F. E. or Mrs. Fred E. Axt; Mrs. M. George Bisset ; Thomas B, Jacques:
Horchak: Agnes Maycock or Alex-
Russell; Arax Kasparian; Willie N. (Helen) E. and Montgomery N. Paul V. Gignac; Mary Rennie; Forence
ander It • W. G. or Florence Booth; Nicola Cantalini; Leslie J. Cramer: Mae Cook; Walter , U. Lampe Uno Kerr; Isabel C. or Legler Paxton; FlOr- Borders: Bradley W. Shackett; Robert
Charles E. or Betty McCoy; George Matilde Michell Gentled' John or Simila; George Poulos; Robert Kazan- ence C. Paxton (by Legler Paxton); S. MacDonald (by Mrs. Ruth Mac-
or Ruse Oldani; A. H. Smith (Tr) ('rovanna Cann; D. Americo; JohnJan; Gordon Pomroy (Tr) Donald Mrs. Albert Sampson; Max C. or Emma Donald); Charlotte B. Haskell, Lotta
Thelma and Barbara Smith; Louis Verona; Madelyn Louis Fagan or Grace fomroy: Ann Keranen; Clarence E. Von Mack; Mrs. B. Edelman (Trustee) B. Haskell; Rose L. Moscow; Elwood
Anderson or Margaret A. Barnes; Ken. A. White; Mary C. McGrath; Fred W
Heller; Grace Orme; Richard Kay: Joseph Edelman; Allen W. or Florence Mickens or Mrs. Grace Mickens; Law -
nett' or Virginia Ilene Proxmire; Flaeltsmante Guiseppe Albanese: An- Horace V. Scott; Shirley Burtenshaw: Jaques; Robert John Craigie; Mrs. rence J. Eichorst; Helen Diemer; W. J.
EcWaid J. or Mrs. E. J. Homer; Den- tonia Carlise; Edward or Dorothy Roth- Ralph Wright; William W. Schervish Ilarold Marriott; Elizabeth or Eugene Ross, Jr.; Mary Ellsworth; Stanton C.
nis Soja; Rose A. Mat-Beek; Gabrielle Ciccu; Alice J. Rose or Clifton W. (Tr) Thomas Wm. Schervish; Reino R. Thurman; George F. Liberty; 'lemmas Crawford; Edward B. Sharp: Miss Mar-
Belleau; Albert Gadoniske; Mrs. Tillie earlier; Nicola Catinella; Angelo Di !kneel; John Komula; Fred A. Russe; Muir; Mrs. Hans or Hans Schenk; garet Fitzpatrick; Alexander C. Taylor:
Dorothy Jacobs (Tr) Dillon J. Fred J. Toll: (tarsi Harrison; Wm. Thomas Harold Foster; William Dunlop Ivynelle Rigbye or W. A. Rigbye; Cm/ e
Rusin iii (Tr); Robert Hussman; Clare Hu:
Lyke 'Tr) Nelson Lyke, Minor; Szerene Jacobs; Finehart Adile; Gertrude S. B
Lorraine Pol. or Esther Marie Campbell; Roy A. J. Fleming; Richard If. Fleming; Me, )
Alvis D. Finch.
M. D.; George
or Arthur L. or
Ruin; Mrs. Minnie Nelson
l Clemens
Lindblad; Charles Walker; W. R. garet Muffley—Pearl Muffley; Robe .
Glenn Nelson; Babette G. DuBois; H. or Augusta Brumm; Dornenik Cau; lins;
Meese; Charles Weiner and Max Wolfe:,
Muhlitner: Richard D. Mansfield;
Jeannette Kaner; Louis or Frances John L. Pappas; Louts Lualdi; Luther Janet
Mrs. Gertrude
(Tr) Ralph Vogan; Rose or Herbert Jen.' W,
L. Cole;
Eve Lane;
J. W. Tyla; Leo Haddas, Jr.: Elmer
Cobb; Hector or Florence Bousson;Perlis's: Peter Zacharopoulos; Kathryn nings; Jos. E. Davison; Hussey; Betty Kapanke;
Kress; Mildred Ruggers; Thomas Miff-
Fred W. Brand, Estate; Chas.
l J. or Domenico or Leschiera or Angelis Popovich; • Albert J. Farrington; Ed- Steinberg; Judson McMichael; Henri- Ed Crudgington; George le Massengill:
dock; Ruth N. Campbell:
J. Leschiera; Earl or Helen Rosinske ward W. Miller; I. N. Kilpatrick; John etta Buckingham (Tr) Kay Ann Buck- George Sopkowiak; Dorothy Nelson;
of J
Caroli ne Molionev; E state
Disappeared or Missing persons ingham; Helen Vengris; Harry J.
Flannel v (by Margaret Mulvihill); Gititalilla Cipriani; Vincent Paersante;
or Fred
Baker; Jeanne
Robert B.
Ling; George
Jr.; W.
Stanley . I. or Evelyn A. Lundsten; Madge Dyeau; Maria Nesci; Joseph %alter Cliff; Verna Marie !Jaime; Fred Clauida 11. Wells; Edgar J. or West,
Victor • Lim; Ethel S. Sanders; John or Ventimigle Antonia Endre; Mollie or Walter Stevens; Joseph A. Youker; Evelyn
J. Baisseau; Harold Miller; beth Stocker; Orville C. Howey; Har-
Geraldine Peeler. Mildred Lindinan: Sanford B. Gerber; Alfred G. Deratany; George W. Leineke•
Donald J. Maskell; Marjorie Guenther; old 0. Erickson, Jr.: Marie Sullivan;
Charles Katz; Walter or Mildred Giovanna Meilen(); William Sing leton, .
Disappeared or Missing Persons Kenneth L. Fisher; Erma or Maurice Lana E. Dowries William or Lorraine
Bench irks; Margaret Stevens; Elsie Jr.; Luigi lafrate; William Ensile or .
' --
J. Thompson; A. F. or Josephine De- Krenz; Robert E. O'Brien; Betsy Na-
koninek; Della E. Rusian; Bernadette dine Whitehouse; Thomas J. Stodula;
lbv Van H. Ring (Gdnl; Donald IL Vigna; Silvio A. Vettraino or Stelvio
Peter Cburnra; Florentyna Miele- McKinley; Hope A, or Ann P. Seigni- Carlton A. Stewart; Laura Van Dell;
or Mrs. Nina Fogle: Mack M. Rocklin; Padilla; Nicholas L. Schaffer; Sarah' zarek; John Gierlach; Sophie and Frank ous;
N. C. Kennedy (Tr) Paul J. Everett W. Lewis; Chas. Leonard
J. Thomas or Sonia Miller; Male:nut POneelli, Jr.; Natalino Carducce Clan- Krause; Stanley Bogdanowicz; Anna Kennedy; John It Jernigan art Don- eves,
Gertrude Wenger or Christine
A. Siefert: Florence Yates; James D. ence Mitchel; Carl Calati; Joseph iga; Groner; P.L.V.A. odd s i o t 3 Leg i on pan aid Stanley Jernigan; Geneva
or Mar- Klock; Norman or Lillian Fealk; Laura
or Gladys Dailey; Mrs. Florence Mabel John 11. Robertson or Ara Mae Rob- przy Post No. 3 Quentin Roosevelt; eel E. Livergood; James W. Elswick, Moore; C. D. Mosher; Ignace Capizze
Goss; Royce B. or Dorothy Howes; ertson: Rose Ruvolo; Mrs. Amelia Mes- Lottie Ruszkiewiez; Mary or Stephen Jr.: Francis Anderson; Arthur lat. Bru- Anna Irene Saint John; M. B. &Intl);
Shirley Sprague: Katherine Walsh; sans ITru.steel; Paul J. etessano; Ralph Makowski; Francis Sobcak; Jennie lard); Robert A. McDonald :
Mrs. Val- Mr. or Mrs. P. P. Barker; Mrs. Vera
Marty 'Campbell; Irene Wilson; Arthur Vona; Royal Boeller; Giuseppe For- Kokarzycka; Katarzyna Keirp; Tony zeda Stephens: Marjorie Miller;
Alma Egglestield and Gertrude Lillian a:gales.
or lizabeth Barker; Philip M. Morns- nasiero;
Albert or Michalina Bellek; Helen Nuwoslel- Deskovitz or Mrs. Clara Mclean; Mrs. field; Nellie N. Cottrell; Georgina Plat-
e . : Leonard Brooks; R. L. or Martha Knack A. E, or Mary Thorpe; Maria
ski; Stanley Phillips; Emma or
Kow- lips; Roman Kelso; Mrs. Cora L. Blake;
C. Brown; Ralph S. Monte (spec i a l, : Lorenzano; Robert A. Lewis; Eric H. Chencharick; Stella or Joseph Kota ski; Charles F. or Marcella M. Ryan;
Henry Ray or Mrs. Henry Ray; Her-
Beatrice Cook; Mac A, Eby or
Virginia Novak; Norbert Kurkowski; Loraine koski; Mrs. Helen Bergter; Dr. Chester Raymond P. Brauhare Edna ilertlerth; man Henning and Milton D. Henning;
. A. Nunn; Frank B. Bacon; Minnie M. or Karl Wenzlotla John or Lucinda A. Bahorski; Miss Charlotte Kline; Irene Jones: Irene H. Marvin, Wm. H. Kathleen Obrecht or Mrs.
J. H. Clinger,
Thompson; Roy Maki; J. Duress Ken- Berry; Stanley C. Kossalske; Primo Albin or Casimira Chronowski; Mrs. or Robert Wrinn; Wrn. H. Wrinn or Henry Cook (Trustee) Harriet



welter (By Ethel Keiswelter); Edward Minor: Mary Verast; Ethel Rae Fidler; William Verner; Stella or Joseph Raja; Harry Williamson; Arthur E. Loughlin; Cook; Joseph L. or Pauline DeLorme;
Broehwell; Charles L. Burke; J. Car- John Thatch; Onus McMahon or Eve- Helena Gorgol; Harriet Krzymanski; Margaret Cain: Mrs. Jeanette J.
Hardy; Charles DeLorme (Mrs. Pauline De-
or Gladys Peters; Charlotte C. Iyn McMahon; Milton J. Donee Harold Zigmunt or Jean Pypkowski; Celia or Marie K. Ryan; Ann L. Davidson
or Lorene am; James Beames; Louis A.
cuarran; Friendship Baptist Church; H. Clayton; Clara Crenshaw: Louis Joseph Kozlowski; Mitchell Rukat; Leo i Jack Holcomb: Leo Edwin Pollard: Sherwood;
Cecil A. Best; Grace B.
Maud Van Court; Richard 0. or Lure I Merlo; Katherine A. or Win. R. Pol. or Matron Litwin; Concetta K. Marano:1E101'We J. or Wm. N.
Click; Mary Theresa Schulte (by F. C.
Etiling. Dora E. Peterson; Athena E. leek; Joseph Labita; Mick or
Anna Stanley or Cecilia Szymanski; Ted J. Brown: Daniel Normand; Harold F. Schulte); Cora B. Hatt: Josephine Ar-
Wojtastek; , Croce: Frank Conte John F, Seely; Ciborowski; Frieda Niedwicki; Arthur Ewing: Harold L. Chaves; Dorothy dito (by Angels Ardito); Mary M.
Theta Kappa Rho; Allie St. John; Wil- , Hose Stodola; Mrs.
Jennie Lobbia; Paul B. Dumais; Sophie or Christina Sliwin- Anton% Cora Linenberg; Adrian Boulet Carney; Mrs. B. H. Kalmar; Irvine
('lark; Bernard D. Owens; Thomas I Biuccoleri; Sam or Rose Polizzi; Claude ski; Lawrence Pruss• Edward Lilla• Addison Latimer Doenges or Adlia L Stahl (by Mrs. Harry Schaefer); Earl
or Min n ie Ice; James Ferguson; Earl , Armour; Ernest J. Hopkins; John J. Louis J. or Josephine Corneae Anthony or Hula D.
g ea ges; Donald McGaffey Koyle; Mary Zachereder; Carl F.
H. Lampkins; Erlmond or Mrs. N. or Frank Prusah; Alexander Webster; Matyak;
Forest Community Club; Pierce E. Woodworth; ESto
e re L
hmlAta;ryLor.laJ ailrgTaarteli;
Fuller; Mrs. Jessie Farquharson or eaeser Calcaterra; Ida Jannazeo; Vet Russell
Wozniak; James Bracey; Albert
- !
t MMcRobbie
Eleanor I. Grubber E. M. coburn; ; erdo Tony; Mrs. Janet Rudor (Tr) Wil- or Helen Nowakowske Mrs. Frieda F.
Ethel Wiener (T
Daugherty C. McRobbie); Andrew or Helen


Wayne of
ine Candela; Victoria Flidolle Robert 1 or Marie Zielinski; Walter Kowalski; !lionkola; Glen 0. or Lucille Rogers; Marie Prothero; Nettie Dennis or Rich-
District Ass: Estate
H•nry k Licher
Nelson Jones; Ralph Gallo; Gordon ,
Sofia Winiski; Ben Novik; Stephan P, I Carl Frank Thorp: John Vlacs: James ard Dennis, Jr.; Sarah J. Kennedy;
(By Joseph Shaw); Roland B. SOI11 0 0r: !ROSS:
Betty Toeco; Harry D. Huff; 1 Marshall; Leo Adler; Josephine Reed; Flanigan; Robert Guina; Miss Kather-
Robert Schemanske; Patrick Bergin or Jolly 8 Social Club; Sam or Rose Jul- , Eugene C. Jablonski; Edward T. or me Burke; Mrs. Willa or Earl Cris,•); g
irtial SfvtZiacieneC11;"rLelniaatt i
John Droulard; Kenneth Weckesser: Ian: Edward Wm. Guilloz—Eleanor : Gertrude Szymkowski; Frank or Bal- Marion
P. Byrd
I...1. McMillan; Louis H. or Maysie H.
, a
. rlde:ionalsli: eJoanh Arl.e Dajliaersa;
1 '
, Jennie or Robert A. bins
Mildred . ik( Url rs e ) bPr
toil t i e; i a Pearl Wick:J
Dobrowolski; Byrd;
Bur bey; I. Pappas; Charlie or Addle Pisching; Louis Plantz; Angeline or , Bertha Barron; Kenneth Kruszewski: Sinimon: Thomas P. Monahan; Albert Dickerson: C. G. Regan; Pearl Scott:
Mae Jackson; Harold Bialk; Laura , Leo Giacchina; Christina M. Jackson; I Margaret B. or John
Jame Elliott
C. Ahern; Edvesird
Jarrett; Clarence Chisholm: Asenes
a 111:0,E
n N Madigan;
adr j ( iv t wHeet:enricits ey;
VIliaoltl; :t
tf."iJoatsteoleT: l'F'ra
eiss Dnoer
Lundstrom: Mn.
Albert Goodman: alms E. Kingliton; Jack Cappellaro; i Koss; Anna or J. M. McMahan; Theo- is llleP
Seeplia Maria; Lillian Webb; Angeline 1 done Werner; Raymond J. Alex; Ben. E M'Gee; Robert Leon Peltier: Elva Harriet W. Hoeller); Paul F. Schmidt;
lby A. C.
bert Berry ,Minor Joint Control ('rimer Turtle; Vincent Giord a
no Thelma Ladzinski; Kathleen L. Page; John R. Bahia; Mrs. Gertrude Hutzler; Nit:Robbie (Father); Estate of Arynotus
with United States Fidelity A.: Guai-
anty Company; Anchor Humble; Elir- Martin E. Ericson; James L. Holmes 1 Jerry Adams;. Anna or George J. Beulall Berry; Harriet Law: A. N. or Beatty, Mary Collins Clinton. Adm.;
abeth Ketcham: Albert Sahel; Henry Ann Curvado; Freda Sutton, Jack I Schur:wee; Julies peszka; John or Joan Basting , : Carl G., Grace G. Hall; I Jacob Maday; F. T. Forsyth; Ida Reyn-
h n Johnson:
Simone Holder , recl
P. Hawkins; Myrtle N. Steven or Ward; Lase Ingram; Thomas A. Nas- !Helen B. Jauct: Bruno Ragan; Jean Kenne t hgeE.,
e os,:,aerldrsLl Lon, nor; etris ajoarggiine : S l one;
Donald W. Stevens; Phillip Grasza; ten Michael Boyehtik; Mrs. T. Pierre- Gordon; John Alazdrek; Daniel L. T
Dm erI:eeS
da Smith; Frances W. Duro- derroi; James Gray, Jr.; Paolo Mon- , Pterron, Jr.; Joseph J. Sckowron; Ed- Gracie Cochran; Mr. Gordon or Mrs. E Engleliart; Mrs. Louise Wrege:
A Rose-
Calni110 ]rnund P. or Emma Buohl Martin V. Arvilla Garner; Clayton Brown; Lil-
/yirtt:enriai‘ i fi leanrituisn ogn;
Lathe.; Capin; Gerald P. Gatilte; Jean Pill- or Irene D. Gorski; George Syaesure: licit psur (C'etiocata. or ucjicralrlsekiic. Lf:v
e,-, igs
W. or F.,
N. Aldora
Nord quist:
Rose Ventmiglia; J. G. or Alma Ray ette; Peter Toprosky; Robert An- John Przeslicz, Jr.; Estelle Goss; Stan- I'll I
Elizabeth Rittingen William or Isobel
Margaret thony Nagger; Marg a r e t G ra ham; N ic e ! Icy Nowieke; Peter A. Jacobs or Rita Margaret Rielly; Yancey E. Williams. , Dahlka;
Mary V. Mannausau; Wilber
Vera Whalen;
Tony II. Jacobs; Walter Murawski: Zella
Moore; Calistn Alvarez John I., or Clarizio (Tr) Frank As
j II. Rader (by H. J. Putnam); Paul R.
J. Canna In: Vi ncenzp stub
Thelma Steineke: Morris Chisik; Vim Mirk Louis
Valen- Harbarius gliarian;
Ru — Mrs. Alice E. McNulty; Jack Woods Bryant; Mrs. J
• •
ginia S. St. John. Mrs. Henry F. . . s raianni, Kenneth J. Asam or tme Rakowski: Alp honse Fe
Felix or lune Miller; Jelin Arnold or Mrs. D. Arnold; j E. Smith; Myrtle Donaldson, by Amos
Rambow; 'Kenneth W. Beach; Donald , . Berenise C. Asam; Alfred Brado; , Miller: R. J. McGrath; Stephen Koby- Ilazel Allen; Mr. or Mrs. F. A. DeJohn; Jackson; Emily Victoria Dalwitz (by
Gordon; Leonard McHugh; Jean E. Eleanor Reske; Sloths St. Aubin Wie. • lam; John Mareimak; Frances Freder- Marilyn Jean Erealing; Fred Heinen; Ella V. Dalwitz; Mary Harris; John
Fled; John J. Siegrist or Kay Sie- Rand; Charles Gillette; Erna Marie ick: Zyginunt Turkiewiez; .Marion F. Mrs. Mary Juengel; Mrs. Marie Belan. • Martin; Charles T. Cole; Lillie Martin
grist: Eva Burton; Mias Doris J. • Davidson or Windsor M. Davidson.
or Mary Nowasielaki; Edward Kozlow- ger or Elmer Belanger; James Bay; . iIronsi: Ida Elizabeth Daiwitz (by Ella
Statizell: James L. Hart (Trustee for '
I ski; Sophi
i or Wm. R. Ryther; Virginia Walter Yurgelatis; William Judson; • Victor an; Victoria Sentkowiki; Elvira
James Norman Hart; Wanda Katoor:
Sarah Llaiel; Fred Cadwell; John or Alex: Margaret Glasser: John Wallace Teofil Uazinski or Helen Sryinewski; , Sentkowski by Victoria Senikowski;
Julia Partyka; Ida Muller; Manuel :Senile: Klapansk; Mrs, Rennie Gist; Mary V. Warner; Marion Stritttnatter Arnold J. Colvenbach; Silas Patterson; ! Marilyn Metdrum or Rose Meldrune
Wolner: V. H. Chisholm; Roy Lee Florence or Anna Happonere Norbert etarguente•D. Brae Edward W. Runde , 13. B et A. Roschy, Mary N. Cole- Ida H. Shutt: Frank Zueblin: Harry
Guy; Jo Ann Duke; Mildred V or or Margaret Lofy; John Fromson; Mrs. Edward Nusser; Alfred Zatewski; John man or John Welton; Hattie Barbara , Rifkin; Frank Klump; Elias Ifirsche;
Sara Margaret Balks: Lynn B. Glass: • Marion Lohr; M.D. or Mrs. Line Mc- Wisnievieki; Frances or Eugene Sliwin- Sem Whiting G. J. Schaller CEr) Jell- • Dennis Dowd, Ily Dennis Dowd (Grand-
Genevieve Pastorino.; Brown Wit- I Namera: Leun Bleifele: Lebo Stein; ski; Alfred Gabrish or Emily White; my Schaller; Robert T.
McNeil; John father); Floren7e Llnahan; Mr. or Mrs
llama; Harold Wagner; Frank Cliud- , Win. Inc
i, Sr. (Tr) for Wm. Inc. Jr.; Irene D. Gorski; Virginia Kirchner; James Gustaitis; Leonard W. Jefferson L. H. Harrison: Ruth Keith; Catherine
elk; Bernard Cornbein; Michael Do- F.dward E. or Mae K. Biltonen; Rufus Stanley Ludwiczewski, Jr.; Alex War- or Francis Jefferson; Cresie Paolucci; Jones for Mildred Jones; Cola Nye
briansky: Gladys Ruyster; Charles W. E. or Clara C, Patton; Annie Screen aksa; Frank D. Alez: Frances Gale. Carrie Ernerick• Donald C. Will i
ams; Givan: Arthur Carson; Donald Cochell,
Rumlyold, Jr.: til•en M. Kent: Remy segue; Gordon Stewart; Toivo Suho- biowaki (Tr) Roman Galebiowski; Aug- Louis Tapavicza: Marintha V. Crane;
Hudson Cochell; Leola Hawkins or
S. Newman: Robert R. Steven,: John nen; Lillian Forger:11; F,dna L. Turner; ust Bureiza: James Schultz; Loretta Raymond Kowalski; flerbert or Nellie Walter P., Harry Erickson; Shirley
Thompson: Ver ncr Wrn. Smith; Zelma Mrs. G. or James II, Myall; Ann Ribant; Ritr. Ribant: Lila Brown; Sally Styles; Donald C. or Virginia G. Burn- Annie Unger by Annie M.; Anthony
M Sykes' Mrs. Herman Eelleide: Inez. Schlenker (Tr) Georgia Ann Schien- Kokaszki or I.. T. Lanigan; Joseph ham; Hazel Harris Davis; David M. or Pock's; R. E. E. McCullough; Mary
Jager; Elisabeth Parsons Kavanaugh: ker; Edward Niewuje Edla Wiitala; Lucas; Harry Panetta; Andrew Kraw- Bessie M. Bole; Margaret Sabo (Tr) Marshall by Stanley; Mary E. Dion;
Harris C. Wood; Fred Waisanen; Mrs. ezyk.
Perry J.
Fremont or Elizabeth W. Fre- George
Sam P Andy Leiria Sabo; Miss Joyce Camp- Faustno Guteres; Mary Lucille Lazier
alley; Joe
mont; Jean Montgomery; Michael or
bell or 'Mrs. Charles Campbell; Bob by Slyvia; Rose Dangler; Paul Brown
Veronika Kuritar: Katherine Miller; ski; Dora Letvin; Evelyn Green (er)
Alfred Skirtington (by Marie Skil- Christy; Carter Wells; Marvin Barrett; 1 or 0. Brown; David William Beards-
Marion F. Cohn; Bernard Fedak; Chats Suzanne Green: Harty Rosengard; fingtone Ruth Heine
by Mrs. C. Rubin Rabb; Laberta F. Blown (Tr) : ley by Flora Beardsley; Leonard M.
mer C. or Helen Stockwell; Eugene C. I Willi° Kuoppala; Steve Croce: Albert Heine); Howard A. Love W . M. or Robert Wesley Brown; Clarence D. or Criffore by Mary Griffore: Malcolm
Thompson or Margaret J Webster. E. Spahr); Lulu Mae Mitchner; Reino Virginia H. Wallace; Leo Riney; Julia Ruth Stanton; Helen Szalai; Ernest , Kraatz or Gladys; John or Marie Rend-
Mrs Wendell Forsman; Mrs. May or Elvira flirvela; Alexander Hogg; tetras: Walter I.. Keller; J. F. Tievii- Hans or Anna Zirnmermene Michael • berg; Donald B. Frederick;
J. Clair
Bailey: Margaret Fraser Chisholm or Lucille or George V. Macier; Sadie ban; Maud M. Snyder or Lyle R. Soy!. Todt Ciro Ronald Michael l'odt: Ed- WiLson: Emmet
et it Edens; , , J. Denip-
Jack O'Brien: Geraldine D. Brooks; Cohn; Natale Cusenza & Steve Croon; der: Layten E Bury or Alice Calla. ward H. or Catherine F. Somers: Don-'
sey; George W. Chrysler or Adeline B.
Vernon Rott; Mrs. Freda Morrell: Mrs. Norman or Mrs. Norman Silets; Harold' nack Bury; Allan Stirling: Doris Eves aid 0. Eleanore Moore; Ivan Arthur Chrysler;
Delia .Theisen; E. Freeipan;
Theodore Kubick; Juanita L. Munoz; or Ellie Krupsbe Mildred V. Merle, lyn Simpson (Tr.) Barbara Simpson;
or Edith Mae Proctor; Elizabeth NI. Mrs, Annance Flotte; Junior Doyle by
David F. Kindred: Juanita Louis
C. John Pontikis; Constance Symons;
Louis Henry J. lei/Berman; Eugene
Miller; Alva 0. or Edwin Charlotte
Corneus Giumette:
Ports: Scott Russell Mathews; Roderick Thompson; Mrs. Pauline Hill (Tr) Eve- Clayton or Elva Marhoff; Edw. J. or Christen() Strasberger; Arlie or Kate- Carl Stadelnian;
Leroy or Margaret
K. Wilson; Eugene Campbell; Catherine Ism Carole Hill; Raymond shears; L. Marie M. Drogoach; Harry J. or Martha
ryn Brumley; Thelma L. Hacker: Alvin Payne; Mary Dombro•skl—Sophia:
or William Horniman; Alex S. Peters' A. or Florence E. Stoples; Israel Sokan- ' C. Brett: Abel or Zenobia Milleville; or Fern Stinson; Helen K. Rosebrugh; Tillie Birnkrant; Isadore Berger,
or Mrs. Nellie Goddard; June Taylor i Off: Elizabeth Jackson; Alexander or Stephen Thomas: Bessie Bell; Ernest Alexander Clark, Jr. (Tr) Alexander Charles Alfred Bounds; John eloisiss.
Carol Lee Taylor. Frederic J. Fisher Alice Parlow; Louis Fisher; Mol- A. Brown or Ruth A. Loon; Sara or remit III; Enuna Kaiser; Barbara or George
J. Gatecliff; Ann Williams;
William letriallicig;
argarete Paradia I lie Kaiser; Bob *Mc('ray; Crawford Gus J. Scherling; Wallace G. Irving; ' Martha
Pattinson; Elma McNeal (Tr) Fannie Marie Davis; Ethel Hoyt; Thee
Hildegard RumPf Sat asin (Tr) Faith Sarasin; Mildred William T. lee or Jesie
Paul Bertrand:
Lee: Waller John McNeal, Jr ee Albert J
J. Parch(;
1118 Lambert; Whitney or Bessie Beat-
Valentine A. W. Klein; l'oun g Kum
r; Mildred Allied; Norbert John or Dorothy M
&lee- tie; Harriet M. cionenweee Tony
Stitch and Chat Club r/o Louiae • Club; Mrs. E. L. Findley (Tr) Doris Agnes or Morman Bohrer; Loretta lett: Alex T. or Eveiyn J. Mullen; Modesto;
Kate J. or John Atkinson;
Clemens: Norman P. Miller: Henry Jean.
Vivian Dunn- outton (Tr) Be:it:may Hutton: Francis Thomas E. Fudd: Ronald Smith; Don Frederick Klemow, Sr •, Frederick
' • Joseph

. Ik'
k ; . P
Brontman: Dorothy
Dirkie: S. Grier i Me; George or Delia 1 Lee
Paul Wi l- D. Leonard: Dorothy if. Wolf or Cora or Louise Vollman: A. Chutes; Eugene Kleinow, Jr.: A. 0 or Marguerite 7
Foster; Muriel H.
II irai
.th• , Margaret
H Schoolcraft; Ruth bur Robbins; John Thurman; Georgia G a
• t Till Much: Lydia Chesar or Joe
Blaizle; Clarence A. Willis; Winfield or Mary A. Lockwood: .
Kraft; Inger Jacobsen: Donald
J. ' 11 • Cre enleaf or L. B. Greenleaf; Saul S. Goetz, Jr. or W m. C. Goetz, Jr.: Melee; Jack or Esther Seen; Eugene William T. Johnson; Harold se
. Gibson;
Fischer; H
or Jack Lawrence Za- I Frie d man: Edna or Richard Duncan; Marie Head (Tr) Donald !lead: Vance Chesar:
William or Katherine E Mox• John
gorski: Mrs. Willa Mae Capers or ' (Lary Reed; Irene or Cecil C. Al e x. Jessup ur Mrs. Doris .1e.eup; Richard tow; Robert Dalilka; Mandy F. Kenty: Jos.
. Michael
J. O'Brien,
Wilbert Winston: T J. Wfiliarns; David I imili•r; Charles or Eleanor Misenar; J. Ashton, Jr.; L. IL or Grace N. :George
A. Canfield. Jr.; Zelo Barnabo: M. Nelson; Charles L. Mann; Jack
Greenberg; Willard L. Couturier: ' William John Smith: Williard Creep; Cessna; Margaret E. Macaulay (Tr) Helen or Louts P. Marudas; Frank Katcher: Durene Center; George Harry
Norma Odom: Fred W. Long; Alma Sylvia Roller Jimmie Younker: Bern- Lynda Macaulay; Marion I,. or Walter , Gouckenour; Arnold J. Colvenback: Rettig; Rose Meyers; Elemer Barnwell;
E Butler: Marion E. Collins; K atie '' hart Rippe: Mrs. John E. or John E. C. Rose: Frank W Reno or Wm. L. Richard Smith; Jame,
Mary Robert- Robert William Erb; Dale W. Vogt by
Brooks I Trustee ) Johnell Brooks, Joiinsen; LaWave Sweeney: George Reno: Lillian A. Kasper: Margaret i son; John W. or Mary or Ann
Moyer; Marie A. Paul: Wanda M. Poplar; Al-
Mime': Katie Brooks (Trustee) Ray- Cooper; Elmer Seppanen; Lewis Hon- MacGillivary; J. Clifford Wood (Tr.) chas. Farmer or Pauline Hanley; Al- fred R or Evelyn et. Papert: Evelyn
mond Brooke Minor: Lillian Kay: Al- vath • Jr.; Leona or William D. Flushin• Beverly Wood: Eva C. Swanson: Mrs. • yin Winkelman: John P. Ambrose; Berdan; Eleanor Golinske (Tr): Mari-
berta M. Franks: Mrs. Grace 'Marie Thomas Stokes: William McMillan Katherine Phillips; Arlene Norton or' Acton Campbell; Buelah Berginuller• lyn Louise Golinske: Mrs. Alfredda
Franks: Benjamin Williams; Anna Romani Zinudcrynski; Kenneth Ford Chauncey A. eorlon; William G. Joseph Such; Catherine Clifford (Tr)
Polhemtia or P Fl d P
• Ve_
Gertrude Guimip; Ruth B. Etter; Avis, Smith: Mrs. Joseph Fisher (Tr
Smale; Katherine M. Kohl or Catherine Kay Ann Clifford; Harold J.
Heim; anna or William Sullivan; Cora Sales:
Ella D. Miller: Persia Harrison; How- Marilyn J. Fisher; Robert J. Vail Kohl; Jean Mesler; Omer Denomme or 'Lillian White or Idabel) Wheeler;
Margaret Mere:lards (Tr) Betty
ard Jacobs:: Jack la hiftley; Mancefleld Vito Baldarotta or Tony Messina: An. Marie J. Denomme; Dorothy H. tome; ' Li/sucks Patch fTri Joyce patch; Ur- Ruth NI:aqua
-Mt; Pearl Elizabeth Mil-
Waters or Ada Watery; Catherine nil' Soyer; Harry M. Sampson: Wal- Kenneth Wm. Brancheau; Mary De- sula Sally Sage; William Robertson; ler or Hazel Stewart;
Frank or Vivian
Schwartz:elarilyan J. Davidson (by lace Pangborn; E'en° A. or Elms E. Rebels; Mn or Mrs. Haydn lishwick; Len Walker: Russell A. or Gertrude Skvarce; David Arthur Stulberg by
Mildred Davidson); Anthony Zanebia; Nistila. Patrick White Price or Mrs
E. Wilbert L. Magee; Eleanore or Nor- F. Long; Leo C. or
C. Negri
Miller E.
F. 0. Aitken;
M. A. Oliver; Ou.asie Galafaro: Carl Helen Price: Mrs. Courtney Eidt; Rich- man J. Shultis; Laurette DeMeulenacre Edward Weaymouth: Pauline
or Ebenger
Selma: Nettie Grand; Edward Musial; ard Hill: Edwin W. Nordstrom; Madge or Peter J. DeMeulenacre; Margaret Clifford J.
James Fenimore Cooper, Jr. (by A. Hinckley: Joe or Minnie E. Dubin- Lathrop: George W. Buohl: Jack Cof- J. L. Bartholomew; Leo Pe(sc
hor Laura
It or C. Lena
Louise S. Woods): Henry Gordon sky: Cecilia Gardener; Irene Nikkenen; fey; Albin L. Urban orJeanette Urban: C. Watson; Alvin Ewin Hackney;
Ed Ralph
or Arthur
.. Laidlaw. Jr.; Wm. D. Henry. Jr.; Edna Mrs. Mildred Dawe i Tr) Alfred D. Mrs. Louise Harris; Otto W. or Mildred Sundberg; Elizabeth S. Lennox; Mrs. A. Chall; Gertrude E. Matson; Florence
W. Carpenter for letterer Lynn La Dawe: Roy Torassian; James F. Sleph- Kaiser; Louis J. Dembite; Elnora Mey- or Mr. Woodrow C. O'Neal; Irene Barth'? or Ernest Rouleau: Arlo Trous•
Plante: Hope Pleas; D. J. Brooksor ems; Charles Credo; Joseph or Lucille er: Florence M. Negus (Tr) Robert Sassak, Jr : Elizabeth Aiello; Adolph .
dale; Ralph Allen Hamel , —Betty Hamel;
Harry Dwight Nevis; Ross J. Harlooker; Ed. Presidio; Sue Benno: Robert Martin: Mildred
Agnes Brooks; Gerald J O'Conor; LaCrosse; Robert Karjala;
or Mrs. Ida Roggers; Gene-
Wilfred T. Hanlon (Tr) Sharon L. Dunn; H. C. Wildman: John H. Corbin; ward Jack Bisque; Charles E. Burch: Theresa Papp or Hugh Powdrill: Wm. vieve Quinn; Samule Geo. Gentile:
Banton: John Hendy: Gertrude Feld- Irving Pitzak: Jill Lightsey; J. Arthur Vern Bronson; Frank Connolly: Maude B. or Peggy E. Cromwell; Alfred Bat- Vincent P. or Margaret C. Cole; Marian
stein; Marion Robbins (Tr) Virginia Saare: Neil Creighton: Donald Brooks; Reuben W.. Lynde Lee, or ley; Earnest E. Root: Ernest R. Meyers: A. Jennings; Wesley A. Rider; Rather-
Arlene Robbins; Ingrid E Guertz Stroup; Susanna Luppino: Jerome B. Alameda Miatele: Lertis L. West or Johnnie A. %elks; Mrs. Lila or Ralph Ise R. Rider,
Willie Mae Jones; Leona C. Bract Blanche Florence Letvenon; Helen Elizabeth West; Bessie Monoroeff; Ruth Tombley; Wm. B. Anderson or Eve-
Disappeared or ar(saing Persona
Anton Markel, Jr. or Margot Markel Feldhouse: Mrs. Mildred Sigel; Bert Engelhart; Austin Parkinson; Everett lye C Nichols; Raymond or Gladys
John Dugan Mara; Velma McKinnon Hooper: Joseph Gordon Eddy; Robert B. Howie or Chester C. Howie; Robert Mendez: Jean N. Penberthy; Alfred
Anne E. Ifoskina or Fredmond Hos- O'Hara; Willard W Nousianen; Mar- L. Spieles; Harry Duke or Corinne Bush: Marvin Fox; Edward M. Haugh-
a session In
of the
said city
held In
Duke; Mrs. D. MacFarland (Tr) Law- ton; Madan Harhauser; Lloyd Ledge; the At
of Detroit
km: Rune Sibert: Alex Figg; Wesley jorie M. Yettaw; Alex Debrovodaky;
Maclrarland; Herbert R. Hale or Francesor Lee W. Spires; Wilbert T. in said county. on the 22nd day
J. Skowron; Phyllis Siegal: Max Wein- ephine Pitkowski; Gladys Atkins; retire
Katherine L. Hale; John Norlock or Thompaon; Harry 0. Engle (Trl Harry
stein: Dorothy Hen?: Margaret V Sophia &Mere or John Selberg:
Chris Zazanis; le syne County Voters Louise Norlock; J. G. Kennedy; Fred- C. Engel, Richard Woodrow Musson;
(Continued on Page 15)
Zrake; Margaret
et M. Rabb; Edna Mon-

7,,..ai rdamMiellectncr4 I i


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