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January 05, 1950 - Image 10

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Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1950-01-05

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vifflericam lavish Periodical ,

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Page 10



Chairman of Day!

bridge. Hazel E. & Richard D.: LovIn g, Eithinan. Seymour D : Stein, Morris;
Mary Helen & Alvin:-Jackson, Bar ry '1'reban, Mrs. Jessie: Washburn, Clatk
& Wilma; Mot, Agnes Mrs. & Ma c; W; Petro, Louis W.; - Jenkins, Cullen;
Burnett, Eatell C. & Waller; Weinber
Richter, Harold; Cross, E. K.; Ottati,
Samuel Lee & Ella; Rice, Edward E. G. J.; Hollister, Marie; Goldstein. Mrs.
& Iluminada: Brown, Arthur Wyk es 1 R.; %V imbless Ella Mae Mrs.; Green,
& Marjorie Woodward; Davis, Bonn ie"Sanniel M.; Miller, Joe; Haar, Mortis;
& Mitchell: Horning, George & Wilm a; ItICKe
C. L.; Stephens, Donald; Ber-
Snell, Priscilla E. & Minnie L.; Sta n- mins 141111, ('harks;
Soil. Nathan;
ford, Helen & Lidia; Nichols, Wm. G. Johnson, Mrs. Irene; Beauchamp, Mir.
& Irene D. Mrs.: Chmielak, John & Julia; Cohen. Mrs. Leon; Bitter,
The mid-winter concert of the Mary;
Holland. Joi n t & Coozie; Bo r- Burr; McPherson, Marian Mrs.; Sylk-
Jewish Folk Chorus will be given chard, June & Fenton. Hatt y; Kona •- man, Maggie Muss Walker, Gwynn L.
diowsti, Bella & Aloysius J.; Mel n- Lorenzo. Vitale; Braun, Daniel; Gilday
The Lt. RA, mond Zumwalt
at 8 p.m. Sunday at Durfee Inter- lost,
Elizabeth B. & William G.: Ilia z- Jane; Ayers, ft: H.; Pill, Pauline: Kali
Auxiliary will hold a social meet-
mediate. Henri Goldberg will di- man, Howard & Mary; Hawker. Mr s. William IC; Pielaszkiewicz. I relic
Lillian & Gerald; Bartolotta. Robe rt Whiting, E. Clare; Smith, Doyle L.
ing Monday at the home of Mrs.
rect a program of Yiddish, He- & Rose Nits.: Hill. Eric & Gloria Join
Harrison. Beatrice L.; Lindsay, Lurel
Julia Zipser ,8484 Kentucky ave-
brew and English folk songs. son. Mrs.; Austin. Ruth & Juiiu s; Mrs.; Padilla, Stelvio Rs Lynch, Mrs
Mrs. Ruth E. & McCoy, Donal d Marie; Bradley, Mrs. Wm. Little, Mrs
nue. Guest speaker will be Mrs.
Rose Bassin Stein will be the Clow,
W.; Schell, Mrs. Josephine & Jose')
A nnie; Wick, Wallace M.: Elliott, Mrs
Clara Blumcnstock, a member of
J.; Scott, Walter Jr. & Bette Mrs.; 111 c- Elzada Jr; Sypret. Mrs. Maly Jr.; Bel-
the personnel committee of the
Donald, Audrey & Howard; %%attire d, cher. Russell; Marx, Genevieve F.;
Euta & James W.: Marieb. a! s Juan
..riss.. Be
Bot otyk;erUrlq.u;
Detroit Board of Education. Her
n L.
The Gallow Family Club held ita & John A ; Walker, G
topic will be "You Child in The
Gewert, Minnie 14.; Johnston, Kaifus' n Mrs. Ophelia E.: Kilonsky, Rudolph;
its 10th anniversary party at the Mrs. & Roger, Jack; Schultz, Jean E. Ley. Mrs. Ann.; Ewasiak, Andrew;
Schools." There will also be a
Mrs. & Elmer A.; Splicers, Louis V. Grauzer, Elsie; McKee, Russell O.;
question and answer period. To
& Muir Alex & Shewell, Patrick Strong, E. Alma (Ernestinei; Forsyth,
James; Lukasiewier. Ignatius J. & Mrs. Harriet; Stone, Emanuel; Blough,
further their interest in intra-de-
Dorothy; Ball, Marie & James II.; Mary; Erb, Gertrude Mrs.; Putts,
The Adult School of Jewish Ruhl.
partment relationships, the Pfc.
Oscar P. & Jessie; O'Toole. Mar- than Bennett; Kingston, Helen C. ?Ara.;
Studies of Bnai Moshe will hold ion Keating & Joseph S.; Goff. Miss McHugh,
Jo.. Bale Auxiliary is invited to
Mary E.; Hilyer, Gale Pills-
its regular session at 8 p.m. Tues-
bury Jr.; Patterson. Lou is Albert ;
partici' ate. Fur further informa-
& Lillian L.: Lane, Everett B. & Peryl
Jessie J.; Bee, Ralph; Wyse
day. Rabbi Moses Lehrman will E.; Young, William D. & Emma; Rip- Slack,
tion, call Mrs. Trudy Bale, TO
Joseph Brown; Lundgren, Mrs. Min
ley, Roy C. & Alma Ca Hartwig, II er- nits; Bernstein, Miss Roslyn; Franeola,
man & Minnie: Carlson, Selina & Joh
John; Norton, Harry Edwin; Davidson.
View on Marriage." No admis- son, Berman; Campagna. Rosa & S y7 . James
NI.: Steam, Leon J.; Pardo ,
vestro; Laughter, Geraldine & Edwa eel; Norman; Robison, Frank; • Hisey,
sion charge •

The second annual joint Christ-
Champ, Clara & Frank; Moody, Cat h- aldine; Forth, Jack F.; Carter, Rose
erine & Roy; Graney, Doris & Mart In Mrs.; Petty, John; Cody
mas party sponsored by the La-
Frances; Nor-
J.; Mainville, Jeanette & Louis; Bee k- ber, Samuel; Cone, Barbara
The student group of the Music Cr.
dies Auxiliary together with ii
Otto & Vera; Roberts, Mary & Harold; Logan, Margaretalisa
Griffore, Leonard; Reich, Mrs. Mary
other allied veteran groups, held
2 ( : 1 !dn ille: Siaka, Dorothy V. & Jos. I
Tuckel, Bertha Mrs.; Lee, Edward B .
meeting at 8:30 p.m. Friday at C o nne .r.
at the Dearborn Hospital. servic-
r, Jesse G. & Eleanor M.; D(
Kiffner, Nicholas: Clements, Glen
the home of Rosalie Mandell, ring, Stephen II. & Marie E. • G I ysha w. Lynch,
ed more than 1.000 disabled vet-
Ernest; Wilde, Mrs.
Eunice & Vernon J.; Goer i i tz. Eli a- Franks, Jack; Dean, Nancy; Kirk, Daisy
2716 Grand avenue. A discus- bent
erans during the holiday season.
"Israel's Challenge to Hadas- sion of modern Russian compos-
I..; Slanaker, William H.
& Linnea; Goerlite, Elizabeth M. & Thompson,
Mts. 2,1:,y Ginsberg, JWV de- sah" will be the title of the key-
Dorothy; Darshawitz, Lii
Donald Leslie: Shipley. Harold & Flo r- Ilan; Miller, Herman J. Keyser, Fred.
partment president, served on note address to be given by Rose ers led by James Keene will be enc
V.; Bond. Anne & John; Altana • Massaria, Frank: Hammer, Fred; Reis
the central planning committee Bloom of Toledo at the Hadas- featured. Music students are in- Jas. D. & Frances; lessler, I wren ee ner, Isadore; liumler. Herbert W.;
& Chas.; Owen, Ras• B. & Glenna G. Krell, Kenneth; Raabe, Richard Wil-
with three other executives of sah Business and Professional vited.
Campbell, 1...awr•nce & Elinor K: New son; Saincome, Mabel Miss; Schafer,
the Allied veteran groups. Host- Ti i-City Institute, Sunday, Jan.
man. Margaret & Kenneth; Pereira Mrs. Delia; nankin. Doris Miss; Teal,
Myron N. & Eleanor: Hinkle, Keith & lThomas; Edwards, Howard Wm,: Eng
es:a•, far the p ar t y Were mea. 15 at the Wilshire Hotel.
Tesaile; Tansey, Patricia E. & Strid - ler, Sone Mrs.; Kobylanski.
iron, Catherine, : Mathews, Jerome Dl Ilynek, Mrs. Joseph:
chinas la'ity Spinner. Mary Kap-
/aunty, Grace:
& Ethelwyn R.: Mitchell, George & Loding, Allan Ss PhIlhps.
John; Page
lan. 11,,rat by Brown. Evelyn Star-
Evelyn: Gros.sel. Mrs. Jane & Joe; Sir- Thomas hl.; Grode, Leonard C.; Ditt:
loan, :`.1innic Herman, Bertha member of Iladassah. The Insti-
wait's. John G. & Helen; Parke, Allen mer, Fred A Jr.; Wiclunan, Max; GIs)-
Schaap, flarriet Mellin, Lorraine
BUCHAREST—(YIVNA)—The H. & Estella M.; Dinnen, Raymond C , jean Arthur A • Heal Marguerite 4
of Grand Rapids, Detroit and Communist controlled Jewish & Evelyn C.; Walton, Olive G. & Maty Lieckfell, Ernest E.: Bog, Joseph; Mc-
Tann:s and Fannie Hencken.
Jane; Reed, David L. & Alfreda; Stev-
Geo. %Vs Hudson, Miss Florence;
Toledo in the business and pro- Democratic Committee of Ro- enson, Ralph F. & Mrs. Darlean: Bark- Guire,
Bradley, Bill; D - Errico, Peler; Harvey,
er, Sam & Ethel; McDonald, Frank & Earl Nicol, Mrs. Christina; Chat-
fessional divisions.
mania has formed a council of Shirley Jean: Schubert, Geo.
Lt. 77 iy F. Green Auxiliary
& ham, Harold; Stier, Harry; Leszczyn.
The workshop program, which Communist Rabbis to lead Ro- Dorothy L.; GrMin. Otto C. & Lillie: ski, Jennis; Forni, Marie E.; Clyne,
danatei $200 to the Memorial
Katie, Mrs. Florence & Earl: Sand- Rohl. G.; Stivason, Charles Howard Jr.;
Home. Yrieda Fantair was nom- will follow the 9:45 a. m. regis- manian Jews "in the spirit of the storm, Edith M. A. & Eripar; Ed. Sutter, Jack; Tapley, Bert Lloyd;
wards. Eva Dell & Earl G.; MacDon- Scheirer: A. I.: Haslip, Sara: Felts,
inated 'Aid to Israel" chairman. tration and brunch, will discuss new era in Communist Romania." ald. Maud & Orville; Bliss. Homer & Lawrence
Boyd: Smith, Franklin 0.
Rabbis from various parts of Mindrop, Miss Shirley; Cameron, Jo- ' Deplore, Donald
The next meeting will be held membership, education, program-
A.; Crown, Eugenia
ming, fund-raising and leader- Romania attended the first ses- seph H. & Mrs. Helen M.; Story. :Static Brairn, Dorothy; Harding, Robert E
on Taw day at 14600 Wyoming.
Morris, Ekie 0. & Clarenee A. Nicholson, Enoch S.; Roebuck, Ruby
sion, including the chief Rabbi of Jr.; Roy;
Jones. Robert Si. & Mrs. Mary . Mrs.: Hendrick, George J.; Hall, Fred
Catherine: Barlett, Mrs. Elizabeth & W.; Sherman, Delbert; Lippman, Miss
Roslyn A. Corn, Detroit mem- Romania, Dr. M. Rosen. The con- Walter;
Moffitt, Mrs. Anna & Robert: Betty; Devereaux, Sirs. Shirley; Wertz,
ber of the central states co-ordi- ference was devoted primarily to Nichalstin, Ada Marie & Swiderski, Mrs. Leona; Ylimainen, U110 E.; Han-
John; Poder, Joseph A. & Violet E.; cock, John: Rotten, Ira W.: Peake,
nating committee for B. and P.
Lyons, James & Mrs. Airetta; Fuller, Meet Lela Mae; Batumi:a Hubert W.;
divisions, will be chairman of former Chief Rabbi, Alexander June Adele & Barnett. Jos. Fred; Schiff • Ruth: SiicKenzie, Thomas A •
la a, Joseph B. & Agnes; Head, Levine David; Maurer, Joe; Hommel,
the day.
Charles R. & Mrs. Gladys; Crow, Al- Bernard NC; Summerville, Rohe, t;
bert & Willman, Donald; Pritchard, Mayday, Jessie L.; Bishop, Herbert 1..;
Eva Ravintzky, vice-president
William E. & Miklred; Giannotti, Icenoe as Carl; Mind tisk . Leo P.
Anita & 'resin, John; Brustiaber, Mrs. Collins, Donald Charles; Lyon, Lena L •
of the Detroit group, is institute
& Ron. Emilie; Barbs', Shir- Itnekinaii. Nathan; Keenan, Mary: Nak-
chairman. Jan, 12 is the deadline
ley & Sirs. Bertha: Parish. Meridith J. kat:a, Albert; Webb, John A.; Bewen,
The Young Israel Institute for taken by Miriam Goldstein,
& Mrs. Verna E.; Taylor, George; Bab. Richard; Durantme, Miss Lillian P.;
or*, Wesley S. & Mrs. Plis Ilia L. McIntyre, Robert A.; Jonnson, Robert
Jewish Studies enters its fourth 5-0237 or Mrs. George Kolb, UN.
NEW YORK—(WNS) — The oBet s, Mrs. Thelma & Walter S. W.; Mansfield, Edward: Davis. Write
week of the current term, with 1-7;178,
Smith, Mrs. Sallie & William: Madi-
Feldman, Mildred; Pelscon, Itsy;
a few realsions.
gan, Edward J. & Eleamw; Schack, Kesler, Mrs. Maude; Felieitsit, Sam;
$150,100',1580 in Israel during 1949, Lahloyne & W. B.; Sullivan, Clarence Kleiber, Stanley; Boyce. ( Sitherioe
On Teesday evenings, "Jewish
& William Sr.; Howell, Eric & Miss; Leinaira, Alexander B.; Pirtle,
Judge Morris Rothenberg, acting C.
Laura; Cameron, Roderick J. & Kalil- Annie M.; Salt.s. Bertha; Ishans Mrs,
History," Dr. Max Kapustin; and
national chairman, announced.
ryn T.; Gough, Clarence F. & Mrs. Rueberta B.; Bolling, Tluamas:
"Jewish Laws and Ceremonies,"
Immigrants are enoiring Israel Ruth I: Tolliver, Mrs. Sadie & F. J.; Henry; Meyer, Newton O.; Hutchinson,
Mitchell. William James & Isabel L.;
Rabbi Samuel Prero at 8 p.m.;
R.; Jepson, Mrs. Lelali; alartin,
at an average of 600 to 700 per Woodard , Lknotnv & W. C.: Shales. J.
Ted; Sanders, George Reidel,
"Elementary Hebrew," Dr. Hugo
NEW YORK—Establishment of day, he said, estimating that Arba, & Elisabeth M.•, Noble. Jas. tame. Durocher, Leo N11,; Friesaluth,
Mandelbaum at 9 p.m.
A. & Edith M.; Hughes, Vern & Eliza- Berm's! T.; Withers, Hugh A.; Walker,
a scholarship in the name of Jo- about 250.000 Jews will have beth;
Sikes, George A, & Geraldine;
Wiseman, Richard; Rupert Er-
On Wi•lnesday evenings, "Con- seph and Clara Ford of Boston, reached Israel by the end of the D avis. Jesse Lee & Sainella; Pritch- Alfred;
win L., Wells, Mrs. 4ireinsi; Popov
& Irene; Nesvik, Earl & La- Viola; Cornish, Euhert; Ryan, Walte r
versatan Hebrew." Miriam Fish- providing one year's university year.
Vonnes Poola, Ahti & Irene Elizabeth; C.; Diebold. Kathleen: Wools Muriel
bein: and selections from the Tal- tuition and maintenance for
Tisterffak, Alfred & Dorothy A.; Mac- Ingalsbe, Wayne; Kalialley, Fred
Williams, Neal J. & Daisy D.; Denis, Shaver, Fred: Winningham, Chester
mud (Rabbi Israel Halpern) at 8 student brought to this country
John & Irene; Keilnian, Vera & Clar- Green, Miss Ernestine; Buehler, Wil-
p.m.; "Contemporary Currents in by Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations
ence R.: Patton, Emily & John Win.; ton G.; Bowman, I,. V. Mrs.; Russett,
Farr, James G. & May; Frig°, Mrs. Frank J.; Barrows, Mrs. Kittle; Urban,
Israel" and the "American Foreign Student Service, was an-
Santina & Rainano; Volansky, A. S. Edward NI.: Bell., William M. Jr ; Long,
Scene," Rabbi M. J. Wohlgelern- nounced by Rabbi Arthur J. Lely-
& Elizabeth; Davis, Mrs. Ruth & Miller, Miss Edith Marie: Henderson, Chas,
ter, clearman at 9 p.m.
Theodore; Cranston, Mrs. Lila & Bar- Lavern: Ruder, Mrs. Betty B.; John-
veld. national director,
( n, R g. L.; Cupp, Harold; Sellars.
b ara Joan, Murphy, Mrs. Ada E. &
On Thursday evenings, "Daf
The $1.100 scholarship is the Ralph R. Goldsmith, Public Adminis- Henry C.; Lytikainen. Erick & Ruth; Mrs. Anna; Leahy, John S.; Aucou-
trator, 1637 National Bank ftleg. (24). Miller, Ralph M. & Benjamin H.; tuner, Anton; Nevedal, Joseph, Curry,
Yomi," Rabbi Leizer Levin, gift of Benjamin Swig of San
& Lydia; Tate, Ed- Wm. L.; Conn, Mrs. Sylvia; Collins,
chairman: guest Rabbi each week Francisco, Its first recipient is bate Court for the County of Wayne. Jamieson,•John
ward J. & Mrs, Mildred Johnacm; Philip S.; Clark, Robert; Murphy, Rob-
Ford, Jay B. & Mrs. Viola J. Ovens; ert L.; Brusca, Dominic: Dora,,, Mts.
and oven to all laymen; "He- 25-year-old Sabin Joseph, a na- In the Matter
of the Estates of Walter, John & Bertha; Winters, Wal- Emma; Ensign, Kenneth; El isman.
brew Lettering." Dr. Hugo Man- tive of Bulgaria, now a senior at
Roberts, E. Nelson; Long, Arthur L.; ter II. & Mrs. Walter; Bade, Elis & Harry; Duffy, James P.; Montain, El-
Rainsbas Marvin; Schreiner, Dorothy Jesse; Snider, Marvin &
delbaiiai at 8 pan.
Sophia; bert; Carter, Lucas. Wettlauger, Fred
time College of Engineering at E.; Wilson, Ralph L.; Katz, Harry; Moore. Lyal D. & aladeline; Persinger,
A.; Nfaxwell, Charles J.• Abrahamson,
On Friday evenings, "Youth Texas Agricultural and Mechan- Kaplan, Campbell, Jr., Murray; Mrs.
Gladys & Tryon. Crawford; Ravrisrmit Rush, Robert E.; Garrison,
Libby; Azusen, Charles Freshman, Marie & Gilbert' Hoff- Nieholine; Stevenson Walter. Mangan,
Study flour." Rabbi Abraham ical College, College Station, Tex. Taitelbaum,
P4 limes, George; Dustan, George A.; meyer, Elisabeth & Michael Romanic; William; Kam•nsky, George; Vrorrian,
Zentini n, and "Bible and Com.
Cowell. Harvey H ; Ramey, Mary; Wil- Cinch, Guido & Julia: Miller, Ashel & Basil: Savarino, Pete: Inthinson, Os-
liams, 1 .10 3d E.: tones, Gerald; Mc- Mrs. Marian; Martichis, Mary Anne & mond A.; Platt, Russell Albert: White,
mentar..:," Rabbi Samuel II
Clory, John; Reichard, Richard Cs John; Davies, Clayton C. & Theresa Wilson; Pitts, Mrs. Lillian; Harrison,
Prero at 8 p.m.
Mooch. Joe; Sekulich, Daniel; Bylin,
rehrt, Agnes Mrs. & Mae
Floyd W.: Aaron, George M.; Wroblew-
Doris Miss; Sekulick, Mrs. Zora; Ma- Prince, Solomon & Prince. Ruby Miss;
Lee: ska, Ida; Anderson, Alice; Hudson,
son, Joanna C.: Fealk, ti.•, Blackwell, Wise, Sara P. & Abram Trustees for Myrtle R.: Parker, Kenneth W.; Hoer.
The Detroit Senior Bicur Cho- ter J.; Nelson, Maud Tislov; Kierczyn- Wise. Marshall Jay; Jones, Anna Trus- J.; )runt, Gordon; Ashman, Mrs. Pearl;
for Jones, Geraldine; Zaborowski, Carr, Alberta M.; Johnson. Osinond F.;
leinh has announced its new of- ske, Violet: Martin, Ann; Campbell, tee
Mrs. Josephine Trustee for Zaborow- Reynolds, Ann Martin; Hatcher. Robert
Hiram P.: listand. Bernard J.; Stoke, ski, Lorraine Patricia; Clancy, Marie F.; Shaffer, Miss Marian: Barager,
M. J.; Kaan, John; Deasy, Gladys Es Trustee for Clarity, Sarah C.; King, Jai• Carr, Jack;
Speer, Robert A.:
Mrs. Lena Techner, president: Mladenich, Mary; Howell, Hence L.; Myrle Trustee for Benger. Barbara Scott. Jack: Paris, Paul
A.; ('at r, Mrs.
Three additional organizations,
Deskins, Weaver; Ingham, Paul M.; May; Fenton, Mrs ]fatly Trustee for Jack: Dunn. Irving; Monticello, Wil-
Mesdames Edith Golden, Anna Thompson,
bringing the total to 259, have
Borchard, Charles Walters; Holder,
m G.: Simpson, Daniel Jr.; Faulds,
Bennett, Zelda Charlip, Zelda ald; Barlow, Mrs. Robbie C.: Langford, Leonard F. Trustee for Holder, liar- Mrs. Patricia Butler: Garrison, Miss
been approved for membership Wainger, Teme Kron, Sophia Ross G.: Goldsworthy, Robert .I.; bars
Louise; Brown, Mrs. Eileen Trus- Alma
Heathfield. Elsie Wilma;
Mitchell. John Harding; Firose. Rich-
on the executive council of the
for Brown, Barbara Carol; Ford. Sayle, Vitas F. J.; Franchuk, Mrs.
Bregman, Leah Davison, Shifre ard; Focedlander, Donald; Ferguson. tee
Marion L. Trustee for Ford, Robert J.; Nellie; Clark, Otho; Ganone. Nina M.
Jewish Community Council,
McQueen, Arminta Trustee for Mc- Disappeared or missing persona.
GofT, Gittel Kaufman, Celia Mar-
The newly admitted organiz- aolia Rose Rubin and Gertrude Gordon WiLfred: Yester, Frank; Leber Queen, Jean Marie; Hartwig. Hervey
Paul A.; Coed'. Ellen L.•, Anderson, W. Trustee for Waller, William; Kade,
ations are Lawrence H. Jones Phillips.
Leroy: Podbielska. Stella; Spaven, Ervin A. Trustee for Katie, Miss
Ladies Auxiliary, JWV; Tikvah
wella; Kas.. Ervin A. Trustee for ute a session of said court held In
In the city of Detroit
gel, Mrs. Evelyn; Ratchford, Paul; !Cade. Ervin G ; Pereira, Myron M. &
Chapter. Bnai Brith, and Work.
Spaven, Genevieve: Strome, Mrs. Eleanor Trustees for Pereira. Frede- in said oounty, on the 23d day et
Present, Honor-
men's Circle.
Murray: King, Francis N. &
' TEL AVIV—(ISI)—Yemenite cholson, Mrs. Virginia; Duffy, Miss rick
Mrs. Leslie E. Trustees, King, Nancy able Thomas C. Murphy. Judge of Pro-
As constituent organizations of Jews brought to Israel by the Marion; Mott, Mrs. Amanda: Schaf- Elizabeth,
given of the
minor; Ketternian. Ruby M.
fer, Charles S.; Sinischo, William; Trustee for Ketterman, Nancy Jane; granting in administration on the 23d
the Council, the group's repre- "Magic Carpet" secret airlift are Whiteford,
Mrs. Ruth; Hoffman Har- Livingstone, Anna NI Trustee for day of December, A.D., I919, by Order
sent dives will attend Council already being absorbed. Of the m . :
Anton-; Ga el
Living/tone. Nancy; Nelson, Mrs. John of this Court to Ralph R. Goldsmith, a
0114 , Mrs.
T " Trustee for Nelson, Jack; Laskas, Mrs. Public Administrator for said County,
qua, 'erly'clelegate meetings, and 32,000 who arrived from Yemen Helen Es' Sparer,
a er Miss
Miss E''t er;
Virginia Trustee for Laskas. Miss upon the petition of D'Arcy O'Brien,
rec( ye program counselling and by mid-Noveinber, 7,000 have left thur. Mrs. Irene; Bernard,

Fred; S w ift, Betty Jane; McCabe, Stewart Trustee Public Administrator of the State of
.Bernar d L Mrs. Theresa
McCale, Stewart Patrick; Gordi- Michigan. duly filed in this Court, in
all a. services offered by the the camps either for cooperative
near, Louise Trustee for Gordinear, each of the above entitled and clm.
Cot: acil..
rijo i n'mAt. o: n 'Sinh, James L. Atherton, Paul J. & Hilda M. biped estates of the above named per-
settlements or for various hous- B.; Cloyd. Miss Marion
James R.; Mafewski, Chester A.; Trustee for Atherton, James Paul; sons who have disappeared and have
ing projects.
Kriszt. Connie N.; Kennedy, John N.; Northey, Mrs. Chas. Trustee for Nor- not been heard from for a continuous
Goldberg. Esther; Seay, Oakley: Ward, they, Richard F.; West, Mrs. Shirley perind of more than seven years.
Joseph A : Walker, Julian; Johnston, Trustee for West, Gary Douglas: Mon-
This notice is given pursuant to the
VIENNA — (YIVNA) — Elec-
Robert: Brennan John; Conan Al- toy, Emil Trustee for Montoy, Yvonne; provisions of Act 329, Public Acts of
Geraldine Mrs.; Fusin- Siniseho, Mrs. Lydia Trustee for 1947. being the Michigan Code of
tions are being held by the
TEL AVIV—(ISI)—A total of bino;
h na; g).. vll,1;ytoSniri
Bankston, Sinischo, Robert Frank; Inter Sc
Jewish Community Council of 18,500.000 pounds in foreign
It is ordered that this notice be pub-
Disappeared or missing Persons.
Pearson, William D4--
lished once in each week for three
Vienna, with the Zionists. So- private capital was invested in kins,ilson;
has: id:lot4.1
weeks in the Detroit Jewish
ty. Grace; Tuttlebaum,
cialists and Jewish Union Party Israel during the first nine
Inson, Foster; Tanko, Joe
In the Matter of the Estates of Chronicle, a newspaper printed, pub-
io Frank, Virginia
all ur'`ed on a common platform tnunths of this year, in addition A.:
Burson, Myrtle T. Mrs.; Whitton, lished and circulated in said county.
Mu riel; Lit
John Sara C.; Karagine, John F.; Ward,
of fighting the resurgence tld to Imported public capital which G.;
ItItriBa sAl erry
' Ann
Ferguson. Evedena: Kaplan, IA true copy) Judge of Probate.
George J. & a George. Cora;
Nazism and anti-Semitism.
amounted to 35,000,000 pounds, W.; Peters, H
ard A. & Entente; Del ow J. S.; Heller, Morris; Lenk, Harry R.; THOMAS M 13F.RNARD,
Deputy Probate Register,


of the Week


Hadassah B.P.
Slates Parley

Romanian Rabbis
Form Soviet Cell

Yoini EY Israel


Thursday, January 5, 1919

I ns tit te Lists

Citi.;s Changes


$150,106,580 Spent
by LTA in Israel

1113 Scholarship

for Miens Set Up




3 Oirganizations
Added to Council

Mrs. Techner Elected
Head of Bicur Cholem

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