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September 15, 1949 - Image 15

Resource type:
Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1949-09-15

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Thursday, September 15, I949


"Teen Tempo," a program that
is solely by and for members of
the teenage community beginning
this Saturday from 11 to 11:30
a.m. on station WDET-FM.
"Teen-Tempo" should be of
great interest to high school and
college members. One part of
each week's pre-
sentation will
concern itself
with a high
school and col-
lege calendar of
events and news
In addition to
the records and
chatter, there'll
be inter views Helen
with some of our leading citizens.
The three permanent members
of the program are Centralites
Sonny Dahlgren and Len Ostrow
and Wayne's Ralph Chicorel while
yours truly writes the scripts ...
Be sure to let us know what you
think of the show.

berg and Sheila Frankel are in
New York and will return in
time to start their freshman year
at Ann Arbor . . . Arnie Fuller
is heading for Alma College .. .
Loads of luck and success to Ed
Levy at M.I.T.... Jerry Viedrah
still carries fond memories from
Charlevoix . . . Aubrey Meyer-
son and George Dean speak of
great times in L.A. ... Temples
Beth El and Israel have started
their new semesters of learning
and social activities for the high
school members.
Temple Beth El will hold a
Sunday School breakfast and
elections for the school's officers
this Sunday, while Temple Israel
members just had student council
elections (more on that next
time). How about letting us hear
from Shaarey Zedek!



ler's Sweet Sixteen her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Max Eisler, and
sister Sue planner) a luncheon in
her honor. Wearing a lovely
green shantung dress, Hannah
greeted Zita Jacobson, Beatrice
Hartman, Shirley Ckarfas, Do-
lores Simon, Annie Spitzman,
Esther loon, Maritza Merin and
Justine Michaels who helped pre-
pare the delicious food.

Belinsky. The following day it
reception in Shirley's honor was
held at Lachars.
• •

were Lois Gordon and Doreen
Lelchok when they walked into
a party on Glendale avenue given
to celebrate Lois' 17th and Dor-
een's 18th birthdays by Marilyn
Weisman. Ralph Chicorel squired
Lois and Doreen was escorted by
Leo Mertz. Marilyn was with
Mary Mony.
Wishing the gals their best,
aancing, and having a great time
were Marelyn Kuretzky with Sam
Mahler, Sid Wais with Eleanore
Lelchok, Evelyn Zbick with By-
ron Jaffe and Elaine Gittleman
with Benny Grossinger .. .
• •

are going fast for the gala
cabaret night of the Young Adult
Guild dance and flobr show to be
held at the Bel Aire Terrace room
on Oct. 1. Tickets are $2.

AT THE U.D.W. ballroom one
of the greatest of all BBYO an-
nual Yom Kippur Night dances
will take place on Oct. 3. Bob
Strong will supply the music.

WATCH TV: This Friday night
between 7 and 7:30 p.m. on Chan-
nel 2, WBK's Bob Murphy will
feature "Ralph and Earl" as his
guests of the week.

MR. AND MRS. S. Liptzen
chose the Normandy Room of the
Book-Cadillac as the site for the
Sweet Sixteen luncheon of their
daughter Shirley. Figure "16's"
stood on each table decorated
with individual P. awer corsages
for the girls. Some of those who
wished Shirley a ''happy birth-
day" were sisters Joyce and
Phyllis, Aviva Freedman, Arlene
Leon, Cyma Goodman, Carol
Bloom, Shery La Pides, Henri-
etta Hermelin, Milly Lewis, Fran
Dwoskin, Joan Stark, Edith Sil-
ber, Harriet Bressoff and Joanie

Jewish Education

Urged by JWF

Gypsy Violinist
Set for Carousel

Fresh from a successful stay at
the Gold Fiddle in N.Y., violin-
ist Geza Sandray will open Fri-
day at the Car-
ousel, Wood-
ward at 14 Mile
Phildsopher, vi-
olinist and gypsy
historian is San-
dray. lie will sit
at your table
and gladly dis-
cuss the relative
merits of Hue-
garian, Roman-
ian and Russian gypsy music.
So for that soulful gypsy mu-
sic, its Col. Maybohm's Carousel,
Woodward, past Royal Oak.

Danish Physician
Seeking Relatives

A letter from a Dr. Max Fried-
land of Copenhagen, Denmark,
was received by the Pioneer Wo-
men's Council. Originally from
Germany, Dr. Friedland has re-
sided with his wife in Copen-
hagen for the past 15 years.
He is seeking possible relatives
in the U. S. Dr. Friedland is 65
and a physician. Persons having
information, call TO. 9-7180.

Hadassalt Welfare Program
Features Gifts of Children

Shown here are Sally and Susy
nton, three-year-old daughters
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fenton
of Oak Drive, who have donated

will install the following officers:
President, Runny Weinhart, and
Louise Helfgot, Doris Lane, Jerry
Kasmer, Selma Metz, Elaine
Weingarden and Margie Rowen.


to the Birthday Corner", a new
feature of the Hadassah Child
Welfare program.
"We want our children to
know through their own contri-
butions that they will bring
health and happiness to a child
in Israel," Mrs. David Siegel,
chairman, said.
Mothers are asked to honor the
birthdays of their children with
contributions to the fund until
the child is old enough to con-
tribute himself.
Each child who contributes
will receive a "thank you" card.
Contributions will be accepted
by the following chairmen: Mes-
dames Harry N a t h a n. TY.

Pay City ndei


Dr. and Mrs. David Kahn and
their daughter of Lansing were
weekend guests of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kahn.

4-4018, Central east; Samuel S.

Topper, TO. 6-7392, Central west;
Irving Swaab, TO. 7-7690, Russell
Woods; and Ben Jones, UN. 1-
8935, University east.
Also, Mesdames Marvin Wets-
man, UN. 1-5502, University
west; Archiel Harwith LI. 2-
5921, S. Oakland County; William
Auster, UN. 2-0329, Wyoming;
and Miss Lee Harrison, .TY. 4-
3349, B. and P.

Bnai David School
to Open Sunday

The Bnai David rtligious school
will open Sunday, Sep 18. Regis-
tration will be followed by class
instruction dealing with the High
Holy Days.
The curriculum will include
Hebrew for all children from the
6th grade and up.
Since Sunday, Sept. 25. is Rosh
Hashanah, the school will next
meet on Oct. 2.

Need Cash
Prices Cut

• Machzorim
• Sidurint
• Talaisim
• Tfilin • Wine
• Candle Sticks
• Bridal Prayer Books
• Yarmalkes

Mr. and Mrs. Al Rotberg have
returned from a trip to Boston
and Providence, R.I.

Full Else of New Year Cards
Printing Orders Takes

Vacationing in Petosky are Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Rotberg.

Sarah Silverman's

Mordecai Podet. student Rabbi
at the Hebrew Union College,
will officiate at Ansche Chesed
Temple for the High Holy Days.


Page Thirteen

Air Tensions
of Schoolchild

A little girl ''who feared to
go to school" was pictured in the
initial broadcast of the docu-
mentary radio series, "Family
Closeup," Sunday, Sept. 11, ever
station WXYZ.
The programs are being spon-
sored nationally by family serv-
ice agencies whose affiliates in
Detroit are the Family Service
Society and the Jewish Social
Service Bureau.
Sunday's story dramatized the
anxieties and tensions in the
family that produce the childish
fears so often found in boys and
girls who are ready to enroll in
s•hml. Programs to follow will
tell the stories of other families,
in an effort to give the public
greater insight into the causes
of family discord and suggest
where close-at-hand professional
help is available.
The next program will be
heard at 8 p.m., Sunday, and
thereafter at 8 p.m. on Tuesdays.
Dr. Lawrence H. Seltzer, pres-
ident of the JSSB. stated that the
"Family Closeup" series will
present' the problems of Amer-
ican families as they are, with-
out judgment or preachment.

The Downtown Synagogue is
celebrating its 10th anniversary
with a commemorative honor
scroll, upon which will be in-
scribed the names of patrons and
A commemorative memorial
tablet is also being prepared for
the names of deceased friends
and relatives of the Synsgogne's
A Yizkor service will be held
at 1 p.m. on Yom Kippur in honor
of those whose names ale in-
scribed on the memorial.
The Downtown Synagogue has
no fees. All are welcome.

Open House to Honor .
Herbert Slobin Nuptials

Mrs. J hill Slobin will be at
home at I 1436 Broadstreel ;ivy-
nue Pram 3 p.m., Sunday, in
honor of the marriage of her son
Herbert m Sept. 3 to Jean Handy
of Union City, N.J. No cards.

The Jewish Chronicle 'lens
deadline is noon on Hondas s.


(Ir•rnier1• of the Victor Hotel)

announce. his acquisition of the
newly erected ultra-modern


on the Ocean
at 64th a Collin• as.

Miami Beach, Fla.


No Contract Necessary
Prices Reduced .. .

Special Prier to Thom
Who Fill Tanks Now

Joe Sinai

24-Hour Phone Service
TR. 1-4804

Yr conditioned
itea,11..Erloor swimming pool.
Cabana • Art.. Vince patio. Ilatine
deck. i rt-••li dining loom facing
Ocean 1 , t aopoiellments.

31'7 1,1t1' rsws
To Our Guests and Friends
A Hipp, and Prosperous
New Year

w• hope to see
!is soon at the
14r. And Mts.
awe (mm11%.

worth of


headline news-

it's the


near Montery


Tenor .1..a Peerce has made a
recording of Jewish songs c iim -
memoratina, the hohflay
It is an RCA Victor recording in
Hebrew and Yiddish.
Side 1 is "A Dudule" (tradition-
Side 2 is "A Shepherd. A
Peerce i3 accompanied on both
pieces by an orchestra, Werner
BASS. conductor.
"A Dudele" is the song of al
man on 3 hill addressing God.
"A Shepher J. .A Dreamer" relates
the story of the sacrifice of the
pastoral limo.

Scroll to Mark
Fete at Downtown

Book Store

in Shaffer's Meat Market
Rabbi Hillel Rudofsky of Brook-
A ea ► ! to Jewish parents to
consider the Jewish education of lyn has been engaged as local
TO. 5-3733 TO. 8-8981
their children is being issued by Rabbi for the Temple of Abraham
the Jewish Welfare Federation on Congregation.
behalf of the Hebrew and\ Yid-
dish schools.
"Without Jewish education,"
the JWF statement says, in part,
"our children will have no un-
derstanding that American de-
mocracy derives its faith in the
concept of dignity and equality
of man from the Hebraic tradi-
Jewish schools include the
MAdison 5300
United Hebrew Schools, United
Jewish High School. Workmen's
Northern Heating Company
Circle Schools, Yeshivath Beth
Yehudah and Farband Folk
15 Years in Business


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