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December 17, 1948 - Image 16

Resource type:
Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1948-12-17

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Page Sixteen


Our Athletes

Frankel Helps
to Fast Start

mighty proud of its basket-
ball team and with good reason.
To date, the Tartars have been
victors in five of their six
games. They meet the University
of Omaha, Saturday at the State
Fair Coliseum.
One of
Wayne's o u t -
standing play-
ers is Charles
(Chuck) Fran-
kel (picture
else where on
page), 21-year-
o 1 d, Northern
High alumnus,
who was his
tea in ' s third
highest scorer last year with 151
Frankel won three basketball
letters in high school and was
awarded all-city honors in 1943.
While in the navy, Chuck starred
for the Norman (Okla.) Naval
Base, a quintet that won 23 out
of 24 contests.

• • •

JWV`Hears Israeli Officer

Capt. Yaakov Wayland, commander of the Israeli forces in Negba, spoke to the members of
the Jewish War Veterans, Department . of Michigan, at an Ones Shabbat. Pictured from left
to right: Norman L. Berkley, Ilerman Marsh, Philip Cantor, Department Senior Vice-
Commander, Capt. Wayland, Michael Thiede, Department Commander, Military Order of the
Purple Heart, Leon Ginsburg and Harry Sherman. Capt. Wayland was in Detroit on behalf
of the Histadrut campaign.

.ci t tre fnr iVa v r•o

THE SIX FOOT, three inch
center, pitched a no-hit game for
the Tartar baseball team last
The other Jewisli member of
the Wayne aggregation is Lloyd
Adelson, a reserve.
Adelson, 21, a letter-winner in
1947-48, was graduated from
Central High, where he compet-
ed in 'football, basketball, base-
ball and track. An army veteran
who served in Puerto Rico, he
stands six feet, one inch.
Other Wayne home games in-
clude Ripon College, Dec. 23;
University of Connecticut, Dec.
28; and Quantico Marines, Jan. 8.

• • •

Sid Ends Holdout

AFTER MUCH bickering, Sid
Tannenbaum has come to terms
with the New York Knicker-
all-city high school player, is
bockers of the Basketball Asso-
having another successful sea-
ciation of America.
' son with the Wayne University
Sid, former New York Uni-
quintet. (See "Our Athletes,"
versity All-American, holds that
column 1).
school's scoring record, being the
only Violet player to tally over
1,000 points. His four-year total
Gifts for Israel
is 1,074.

• • •

Pace Rochester

ANOTHER BAA quintet, the
Rochester Royals, is making a
determined bid for the title, due
in great measure to the fine
work of three Jewish performers.
They are Lionel Malamed and
Red Holzman, former tCNY
stars, and Fuzzy Levane, ex-St.
John's ace.

• • •
Connie Seeks Rosen

• • •
Saperstein Product

THE FAMED NewYork Globe-
trotters are the product of Abe
Saperstein, the hustling promo-
ter, who was also instrumental
in signing Satchel Paige to a
Cleveland baseball contract. . . .
Leo Marson is coach of the
Paterson entry in the American
Basketball League.
• •

Named by Catholics

University of Indiana football
and baseball player, is assistant
athletic director at the St. Louis
YMHA. . . . Bert Goldman has
been named basketball coach at
the Catholic High School in








Stars on Diamond

REPORTS HAVE it tat Con-
nie Mack is interested in obtain-
ing Al Rosen, the American As-
sociation's second best hitter last
season. Al played in the World
Series for Cleveland and, at
present, is scheduled to go south
for spring training with the In-

Friday, December 17, 19411

Israeli Derides
Invasion Charge

NEW YORK—British charges
in the United Nations that the
Israeli army invaded Transjor-
dan territory "are frivolous and
without foundation," Arthur
Lourie, Israeli consul general in
New York, declared at a meet-
ing of the New York Chapter, of
the American Jewish Commit-
"I think that we are entitled
in retrospect to regard with so-
ber satisfaction what has been
achieved militarily and politi-
cally in the last 15 months,"
Lourie declared. "But the strug-
gle :s far from over.
"As reported in the press only
today, the British government
whose 'neutrality' was so con-
spicuous at Lake Success last
year and in the earlier months
this year, when it looked as if
the Jewish State would either
not come into existence or must
certainly be destroyed, has now
again assumed the offensive.
"It is extraordinary that the
government of Transjordan
should have made no ■ complaints
about Israeli army incursions
into its territory. These charges
which, as my government has
already indicated, are frivolous
and without foundation, obvious-
ly have once again the ulterior
motive to make difficult and to
discredit the position of the Is-
raeli government before the
United Nations."

Citywide Drive
to Aid Hospital



(Contihued from Page 1)

tal is being tentatively planned
by the Hebrew Hospital Associ-
ation, an older organization, at
Wyoming and Outer drive. This
hospital is intended to supple-
MRS. BEN MALCOW, left, ana ment the larger medical center
Mrs. Mitzi Garfinkle, the latter since it is being planned as a
of Buenos Aires, with the 24 physical and mental convalescent
dozen sweaters and motorcycle home.
donated to the Aid to Israel
Conferences between the archi-
drive by the Ekaterinoslow tects and Dr. Jacob J. Golub,
Relief Association. The group's noted hospital authority and
35th anniversary banquet will planning consultant to the Jew-
be at 7 p.m., Sunday, in Work- ish Hospital, have been held with
men's Circle, President Louis a view to expediting the build-
Sherman announced. Chairmen ing.
The $2,400,000 contributed to
are Mrs. Malcow and John
the Jewish Hospital drive in
1944 and 1945, together with the
additional funds to be provided
by the citywide campaign will
The Center's young adult de- lift the project out of the blue-
partment has organized a choral print stage and will result in an
group, which meets at 8:30 p.m., early announcement of the actual
every Tuesday.
breaking of ground.

are invited to a meeting of the
Yetz-Cohen Ladies Auxiliary at
8:30 p.m., Monday, in the home
of Florence Bernstein, 2080
Philadelphia avenue west.
• • •
Auxiliary will meet Tuesday at
the home of Florence Leinoff,
3272 Calvert avenue.
A contribution of $200 to Is-
rael was made at a meeting in
the home of Rose Marion of
Gladstone avenue. The group
also pledged 36 cases of milk for
Israeli children.
• • •
"JUDAISM IN the Home" was
the subject of George Weiswas-
ser, editor of the Jewish Chroni-
cle, before the Ginsburg-Rosen-
berg Post.
• • •
the Pfc. Joseph L. Bale Post will
meet the strong Sandwich (Ont.)
quintet at 9 p.m., Monday, in the
Jewish Center.
• • •
on A. Silverman Auxiliary mem-
bers gathered at the home of
their president, Sylvia Koss of
Stoepel avenue, during which
materials were collected for mak-
ing cancer pads.

Arts, Crafts Tell
Chanukah Tale Hails ZOA Item
by Petagorsky
at Bnai Moshe

A series of demonstrations on
arts and crafts for Chanukah
by Mrs. Walter Farber will high-
light the third meeting of the
Bnai Moshe Parents' Institute
at 11 a.m., Sunday, in Rosman
Meanwhile, the sisterhood is
completing arrangements for its
Chanukah party, an evening of
games, scheduled for 8 p m.,
Sunday, in the banquet hall.
Mrs. Joseph Beck and Mrs. Ig-
natz Auslander are chairmen.
The institute will feature a
display of Chanukah table and
wall decorations, favors and
gift wrapping.
A quiz, games and songs will
also be part of the program,
Mrs. Harry Robinson, chairman,
said. Mrs. Shirley Kurzman,
former speech instructor at
Wayne University, will discuss
"The Story of Char)ukah as
Told to Young Children."

Keshenever Hails
Israel at Dinner

Every seat of Congregation
Beth Tefilo Emanuel was filled
recently for the "Israel Din-
ner" of the Keshenever-Bessara-
bier Verein. All proceeds went
to the Jewish State.
The entire cost was assumed
by 16 members of the organiza-
tion, including Sam Kempner,
Louis Bassin, Nathan Aronoff
and Philip, Sol and Ben Kaplan.
Louis H. Cohan, financial sec-
retary, entertained with English
and Jewish songs.

(Continued from Page 3)
ity in Jerusalem • . . Efforts to
petsuade Prof. Einstein to accept
the position have failed ... The
statement against the former Ir;.
gun leader M. Beigin, co-signed
by Professor Einstein made a
deep impression on important
American leaders who heretofore
indorsed Ben Hecht activities ...
• • •
rod anti-Semitic movement is
spreading in areas which until
now were considered forbidden
ground for the spokesmen of
these merchants of hate and pre-
judice. The salesmen of these
groups whisper that the Smith-
Winrod axis has the moral and
financial support of Gene Tunney,
Gen. Jonathan Wainwright and
Senator Vandenberg among oth-
We investigated these claims
and found that these gentlemen
had given their names to the Na-
tional Council for American Ed-
ucation in the belief that this
organization had a clean record.
When it was proven however that
the council is masterminded by
notorious bigots, these prominent
personages resigned forthwith.
We recommend that Americans
eager to join organizations boast-
ing super-Americanism, check
with the American Jewish Con-
gress or the ADL before lending
their names to letterheads which
are known as fronts for the
Smith-Winrod axis.

DP Yiddish Dailies
Planning to Suspend

MUNICH (WNS) — Two of the
largest Yiddish dailies circulating
in the DP camps will soon cease
Tivoli' Brewery Takes
publication because most of the
writers on their staffs and their
Name of Altes Beer
readers, are preparing to leave
The name of the, Tivoli Brew- for Israel.
ing Company, one of the oldest
brewing concerns in Michigan
and maker of Altes Lager beer, Dr. Harry Markowitz
has been changed to Altes Starts Practice Here
Brewing Company.
Dr. Harry M. Markowitz, grad-
"The change is one of name uate of Northern Illinois College
only," Howard Colby, president, of Optomery, has reestablished
said. "Our policy of making the residence in Detroit and will
best beer possible continues begin his practice in the clinic
foremost in our endeavors. Of- at 16901 McNichols road west.
ficers and directors of the Altes
Dr. Markowitz is the son of
Brewing Company will be the Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Markow-
itz of 11531 llolmur avenue.

Camp Habonim is taking reser-
Phyllis Stern, state women's
vations at the Center for its mid- table tennis champion, will give
winter session, which opens Dec. an exhibition for teen-agers at 8
p.m., Tuesday, in the Center.

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