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March 05, 1948 - Image 1

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Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1948-03-05

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America: Don't Go Back on Your Promise!
* * *
* * *

Boost Jewish State, Lift Arms Ban, Mr. President




liatizzriat JaartAh,


Vol. 50, No. 7 ••04. 62




Friday, March 5, 1918 10e a Copy $3 Per Year

on Zion Seen

Death Toll
Now 1500
in Clashes

Fighting in Palestine since
the UN partition decision has
taken over 1,500 Jewish,
Arab and British lives, ac-

Chart Roles in Drive

Dem Leaders, Reds
Force New U.S. Shift

WASHINGTON (Special) —As protests and appeals
swamped the White House, a change in the mysteriously
hostile Truman stand on partition appeared in the making.
Forces not controlled by the administration were
chiefly responsible for mould ng the new policy, however.

Democratic party leaders are
appalled at the indignant reoc-
tion from press and individuals.
"A Republican landslide by de-
fault" in November was one of
the nightmares aroused by the
Cording to unofficial estimates.
unexplained reversal by Mr. Tru-
Pressure is accordingly be-
Feb. 29 became one of the
Council Sees Editors man.
ing exerted in panicky measure
bloodiest days in Palestine's his-
011 Allli•SC111116111
to soften the administration blow
tory when more than 50 persons,
to Jewish aspirations and Ameri-
including 28 British soldiers,
Negro newspapers in Detroit can obligations to the UN.
were killed. The British died
have been increasingly unfriendly
when a 'train, bound for Haifa
to Jews in recent months, Louis
from Cairo, was blown up by
Britain, ironically enough, was
a land mine.
for of the Jewish Community forcing the hand of both the
Council, revealed this week. United States and the UN to go
Sternists asserted that • the
The tone of some stories in re- on with the Assembly pahtition
blast was its answer to "last
cent days has bordered on out Plan.
London has made it perfectly
Sunday's Ben Yehuda Street
and out anti-Semitism, Fraiberg
crime", in which 54 Jews were
charged. The Council is seriously clear that when Britain quits
killed in a Jerusalem explosion
disturbed in view of the other- Palestine May 15, she will recog-
which Jewish sources charged
-wise friendly relations between nize the UN Commission as the
Was of British . origin.
the two communities, he added. Palestine government, notwith-
Over 30 Britons were believed
Oscar Cohen, executive director standing the Truman doubts as
to have been injured in the
of the Council, has been in touch to its legality.
On May 15, then, the UN will
train blast.
with Negro editors and is plan-
When Jewish settlers in the
ning a conference with them at have Palestine as its own prob-
vicinity of the blast came run-
which ZOA representatives will lem exclusively, whether it
be present. wants it or not.
ning to help the victims, British
A third factor not to be mini-
soldiers shot at them for fear
Much of the prejudiced talk
has been in the form of attacks mized is. the Russian silence. The
Mrs. harry L. Jones, left, president of the Detroit Chapter of
they were attackers.
Hadassah, and Mrs. Samuel S. Aaron, president of the Greater
There were no casualties and
on Jewish plans for a partitioned chances are that Russia, for its
o good reasons, will insist on
Detroit Bnai Brith Women's Council, discuss their groups'
the settlers helped remove the
Palestine. Negro columnists havewn
participation in the 1948 Allied Jewish Campaign.
wounded, whom they gave first
charged that the Jewish aspira- the establishment of the Jewish

aid until ambulances and doc-
lions have been "disturbing the State as soon as possible.
tors arrived.
peace of the world" and that the REDS MAY SEND FORCE
Jews would exploit the Arabs if
The Soviet, while not averse
they are granted autonomy.
Meanwhile, resentment was
to Big Five control of the situa-
The local papers have also tion as suggested by the United
running high against the Brit-
been overplaying stories in which States wants the power to work
ish over the killing of at least
Jews play an unsavory part and outside the UN. This may mean
10 Haganah members near the
are employing all the usual tricks the dispatch of a Russian force
village of Salameh, near Tel
and at Mikveh Israel.
FOR THE FIRST time in his- the campaign was outlined at a of the sensational press to arouse to the Middle East, a contin-
joint session of the Men's and animosities against Jews, Fraiberg gency that the United States and
The Jews were searched by
tory, the Greater Detroit
Women's Council February 25.
said. Britain greatly dread. The latter
British soldiers who removed Bnai Brith Women's Council and
"We are alarmed at the readi- prefer forces from the small pow-
their arms and left them open the Detroit Chapter of Hadas-
Speaker at the meeting was
to a vicious attack by an Arab sah will join for a meeting, Isidore Sobeloff, executive direc- ness of the Negro papers to take ers.
The American proposal for
mob, which seemed to have been March 16 at the Hotel Book tor of the Jewish Welfare Fed- over in full all the tactics of the
eration, who congratulated Bnai bigoted anti-Negro press in their new
waiting for the moment.
At Haifa, Haganah forces blew
(Continued on Page 2)
Purpose of the session is to Brith leaders for their communi- stories on Jews," Fraiberg added.
"We are sure that discussions
up an explosives laden truck, enlist support for the 1948 Al- ty perspective in putting primary
importance to this total Fommu- with the editors will bring an end
killing five Arabs and wound- lied Jewish Campaign.
to such items."
over 30.
Bnai Brith hostesses will be nity drive.
Jewish refugee
Mrs. Saul Bloom, Mrs. Jack
lers and Fighters, with ap-
Hartstein, Mrs.. Thomas. Zohott,
,ximately 1,000 passengers,
Mrs. Lewis Manning, Mrs. Stan-
• was intercepted and taken by ley Yates, Mrs. Jack Cutler,
British naval units to Haifa.
Miss Pearl Nusbaum.
The passengers were trans-
Discrimination Cited
Also, Mrs. Bernard Sheplow,
shipped to Cyprus.
Mrs. Moe Miller, Mrs. Morris
in N.Y. Announcement
Tack, Mrs. William Phillips,
Mrs. Ben Shurgin, Mrs. Louis
Benson, Miss Fay Zager, Mrs.
nouncement of the establish-
Kalman Bruss, Mrs. Martin
ment of a non-sectarian medical
Friedman and Jane Weisman.
school by Yeshiva University
NEW YORK—Reports in the
Hadassah hostesses will be
was made here by Dr. Elihu
New York Times that anti-Se- Mesdames Julian Tobias, Mau-
Katz, chairman of the Society
mitism is increasing in Russia rice Perlman, Randolph Weber,
for the Advancement of Pre-
and that the Jewish autonomous Sydney Krause, Baer Keidan,
Medical Sciences at Yeshiva Uni-
region of Birobidjan is "being Samuel Rubiner, Milton Mahler,
permitted to fall into decay" Joseph Jackier, Claire Axelrod.
Dr. Katz said the decision was
were branded as false by B. Z.
Also, Mesdames Joseph New-
predicated on a recent "authen-
Goldberg, columnist for the Jew- man, Sidney Brand, Jacob Sauls,
tic government report" in which
ish Day and former managing Charles Robinson, Ellis Thal,
it was estimated "that there will
editor of that paper.
Norman Steinberg, George S:
be, by the present tactics of ex-
Goldberg said he heard no
Stutz and Adolph Tome.
clusion and discrimination, a
American leaders in all walks of life helped launch the
complaints of anti-Semitism dur-
Mrs. Samuel S. Aaron and
shortage of 5,600 physicians in
$250,000,000 United Jewish Appeal at a national conference in
ing his visit in the Soviet Un- Mrs. Harry L. Jones are presi-
the United States by 1960."
Washington. Above, William Rosenwald, UJA national chair-
ion. "Jews are treated the same
dents of the council and chapter
The plan was evolved by 26
man, second from right, gets together with, left to right,
as other nationalities," he said. respectively.
prominent Christian and Jewish
Birobidjan, Goldberg said, is
Joseph Iloltzman and Louis Berry, both of Detroit, and
physicians, business men and
David Vain of Denver, members of the UJA delegation
a growing land, resembling the
Ameripn northwest during the cooperation for the Bnai Brith
which toured Europe and Palestine.
Council of Greatet Detroit with

Negro Papers
Bias Assailed

Hadassah, Bnai Brith Women
Join to Aid Allied Campaign

Detroiters Help Launch UJA

Rise of Bigotry
in Soviet Denied

days of our pioneers.

Yeshiva U. Plans
Medical School

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