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January 16, 1948 - Image 1

Resource type:
Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1948-01-16

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Youth Leadership Contest Ends Monday Noon

by Ballots

ath,o-Lt Jauri4h,


Vol. 49, No. 55

•In just three days the Jew-
ish Chronicle's Youth Leader-
ship contest will be over.
To meet the absolute dead-
line of noon, Monday, teen-
agers are flooding the Chronicle

office with petitions in a last-
'e attempt to push their
fla ates into the first five po-
Votes have been cast
candidates to date.
The popularity of the contest
is shown by the fact that one
entry has already received 412
votes, a second, 217, and a third,
208. Before Monday, several
more entries are expected to
go over the 200-vote mark.
After ballots are counted, the
five contestants receiving the
most votes will appear before
aboard of judges for personal

•. 52

Friday, January 16, 1948



10e a Copy S3 Per Year

UN Weighs Army for Zion

. Hadassah Leaders Map Institute •

The judges, Adolph Deutsch,
Charles Rubiner, Harry Yud-
kofT, Mrs. Harry Jones and
*Aaron Droock, all 'prominent
communal leaders, will check
with teachers, Rabbis and orga-
nizations to determine which
student is most likely to be the
outstanding leader of the future.
Leadership in the school and
community, personality, charac-
ter and scholarship will be
weighed carefully by the judges
in selecting the winner.
To their top choice will go a
$300 cash scholarship being of-
fered by the American Savings
and Loan Association, 12246
,Dexter boulevard. Other prizes
will go to the four runners-up.
The presentations will be made
at a public ceremony.

Because the supply of card
ballots has been exhausted, a
substitute ballot is being printed
on page 14. Petitions giving
name, address, school and grade
of candidates and of those sign-
ing will also be recognized.
The winner will be announced
as soon as the judges complete
their interviews with contestants.

Berry, En' ggass
Head 2 DivisiOns

Mercantile Section
Honors Max Osnos


Louis Berry, Maurice A. Eng-
gass and Max Osnos were elect-
ed to top leadership of the real
estate and building council and
of the mercantile division of the
Detroit Service Group Sunday
t the Center. Meeting the same
orning, the services division,
tith Fred A. Ginsburg as chair-
man,. reviewed its 1947 Allied
Jewish Campaign record.
The real estate and building
group elected Samuel Brody,
Meyer M. Fishman, Arthur A.
Fleischman, Max C. Handler,
Joseph Holtzman and Barney
Smith as vice-chairmen and Ben
B. Buten, as executive secre-
In the mercantile division,
Osnos was selected honorary
chairman, while Enggass was
chosen chairman. Vice chairmen
are Ralph Bernstein. Benjamin
D. Lieberman, Herman Mathias,
Samuel D. Plotler, William W.
Sharpe, Morris Shatzen„ James
Wineman and Irving J. Wolf-

8 Ministries Jews Ask
Charted for for Militia
New State of 25,000

JERUSALEM (Special) — The
framework of a provisional gov-
ernment for the Jewish State is
near completion, the New York
Iferaltit✓rribune correspondent
here reported.
The UN Palestine Commission
when it arrives "will find Jew-
ish plans, personnel and equip-
ment ready," a spokesman told
the correspondent.

(Special) — The five-man
UN Palestine Commission is
weighing a proposal of one
of its members that the

Eight ministries'have been or-
ganized, foreign affairs, interior,
agriculture, education, health,
public works, labor and district
"Palestine Today" is the title of an all-day institute being
conducted by the Detroit Chapter of Iladassah from 10 a.m.
to 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, in the Hotel Book Cadillac. The event
Several Arab and British civil
has been arranged by the educational committee of which
servants of the British adminis-
Mrs. Adolph Ehrlich, right, is vice-chairman and Mrs. Harry
tration have offered to continue
A. Paysner, chairman. Guests will be members of the Central
in their posts under the Jewish
States Region of Hadassah, whose vice-president, Mrs. Carl
regime, Walter Eytan of the
Schiller, left, is a member of the speakers committee for the
Jewish Agency reported. Since
institute. Mrs. Ezra Shapero, ..regional .president, will address
400,000'Arabs live in the Jewish
the morning session.
State, it might be wise to sta-
tion Arab officials among Arabs,
he indicated.
The Herald-Tribune writer
said that it was considered cer-
tain that pressure would be put
WASHINGTON, D. C.—Jewish on any Arab who might enlist
the Jewish government. lie
Edwards to Address students make up 5.9 percent of in
the total enrollment of colleges quoted Arab sources saying that
Midtown Assembly
and universities in the East any such official would be de-
North Central States, according clared a traitor.
Jewish leaders have been
Residents of the Twelfth Street to Leon' J. Obermayer, chairman
area Will meet at 8:30 p.m., Tues- of the Bnai Brith vocational working on a permanent consti-
tution, Eytan said. In its final
day at the Hutchins School at a service commission.
The percentage in 1935 was 6.3, form, it will be submitted to a
rally called by the Midtown Obermayer said, in referring to constituent assembly for rati-
Neighborhood Council.
the decennial census of Jewish fication.
Residents of Herzlia, 11 miles
The council is an organization college students, recently com-
north of Tel Aviv, have put in
of residents of the area who are pleted by his bureau.
working together for improve-
The East North Central States a strong claim for the capital of
ment of such neighborhood con- include Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, the new State. They cite the
ditions as excessive traffic and Illinois and Wisconsin. Nearly town's central location and the
inadequate recreational facilities. half of the area's 1946 Jewish fact that it was named for Theo-
The meeting will be addressed enrollment was concentrated in dore Herz!, founder and prophet
of Zionism.
by George Edwards, president of nlipois.
the Detroit Common Council. He
will speak op the ways in which
the residents can bring about
The radio audience will hear Federation" program, which is
neighborhood improvements and
how city agencies will cooperate representatives of Detroit's Yid- sponsored by United Dairies
dish schools tell of their view- through the cooperation of Mrs.
with them.
The Midtown area, comprising points on Jewish education at Hyman Altman.
the section between Grand bou- 8:30 p.m., Saturday, over WJLB.
A. J. Lachover and Max Weiss
They will speak on "The
levard and Clairmount and serv-
are chairmen of the broadcasts.
iced by Hamilton, Twelfth and
Linwood, has a number of ad-
vantages of which full use is
not being made, the Jewish
Community Council, one of the
sponsors, These include
its location which is convenient,
many community institutions in
the area and outstanding shop-
ping facilities, the Council add-
ed: In order to make the most
of these for the benefit of all
residents, the Midtown Council
is trying to bring about certain
improvements such as regula-
tion of traffic in the interest of
safety, cleanliness in the neigh-
borhood and improvement of
recreational facilities.

Twelf th-Linwood
Area Rally Called

Survey Shows
Drop in Ratio of

Jews in. Colleges

Educators on Air for 'Voice of JWF'

Jews Strike Rack at Arabs

Halevy Society Joins Labor Zionist Party

Halevy Singing Society has at- sky of the Northwest Synagogue
filiated with the Labor Zionist is the new musical director.
Rehearsals are held at 8:30
movement of the midwest, Dr.
William Klein, president, has an- p.m., Tuesdays at the Roosevelt

nounced. Cantor Pavel Slaven- SchooL Candidates are welcome.

At a safe distance, Arabs sit and watch flames and a huge
pall of smoke rise - from blazing oil tanks near Haifa re-
portedly set afire by Jewish extremists is retaliation for Arab

attacks as Jews is that region.

Security Council send an inter-
national army to Palestine to
support partition.
Moshe Shertok, political chief
of the Agency, has announced
that the UN would be asked to
dispatch such a force and also
grant authority to the Agency
to create a Jewish militia up
to 25,000 men and to arm it.
Meantime, it was reported
from Damascus that the Syrian
minister of defense had revealed
that a trained 'Arab army would
attack the Jewish State next
month with the intention of
"sweeping Zionism from Pales-
Jerusalem said that an Agency
spokesman had warned that
Jews would blow a breach in
the wall of the Old City where
1,500 Jews are besieged by a
force of Arabs whom the British
have made no attempt to dis-
lodge. The British, instead, have
been convoying food into the
Jewish quarters.
The settlement of Lahovot
near the Syrian border was at-
tacked by Arabs in continua-
tion of their war of nerves in
the north. They withdrew when
British troops rushed to the

Mark 100th Year
of Dr. Schechter

NEW YORK—The one hun-
dredth anniversary of the birth
of Dr. Solomon Schechter, one
of the most distinguished schol-
ars and leaders in the history of
American Jewry, will be marked
at the Jewish Theological Sem-
inary of America Sunday.
Dr. Schechter was the second
president of the Jewish Theo-
logical Seminary of America,
serving from 1902 to 1915, and
he was founder of the United
Synagogue of America.

Maslow to Address
Council Committee

Will Maslow, director of the
commission on law and social
action of the American Jewish
Congress, will be the guest of
the community relations corn-
mitee of the Jewish Commu-
nity Council at its meeting
Wednesday in the Jewish Cen-

Deiroiters Given
Welfare Pa rlev Roles

NEW YORK—Major roles in
the general assembly of the
Council of Jewish Federations
and Welfare Funds, taking place
in Chicago, Jan. 24-26, will be •
taken by Julian H. Krolick,
president of the Detroit Jew-
ish Welfare Federation, Morris
Garvett, a member of the Fed-
eration board, Mrs. Leonard
Weiner and Mrs. Harry Jack-


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