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December 05, 1947 - Image 2

Resource type:
Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1947-12-05

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Friday, December 5, 1947


Page 'Two

Eretz Wildly Acclaims
1UN Approval of State

Congress Women
to Hear Leader
of Round Table

$300 Cash Scholarship to Go
to Chronicle Contest Winner

(Continued from Page 1)
new era for Jews but also for effective world organization."
Said Dr. B. Benedict Glazer: "At long last the broken
Jewish survivors of Hitler's death houses have been
granted sanctuary in the ancient land of their faith and
their people."

The human relations commit-
A $300 cash scholarship award in their initiative and leader-
tees of the Northeast and North- to the winner of the Jewish ship. Success of this contest
will certainly warrant continua-
west chapters of the women's Chronicle's Youth Leadership
Contest will be given by the tion of the award in the fu-
division, American Jewish Con-
American Savings and Loan As- ture."
gress, will meet jointly Wed- sociation, 12246 Dexter boule- RABBIS' PRAISE
nesday, to hear a representative vard, Adolph Deutsch, bank
Detroit congregations have al-
ready given impetus to the con-
In New York, the greatest of the Ad Hoc Committee that of the Detroit Round Table Con- president, announced today.
In addition, the association test with assurances from Rab-
Jewish community in the world, Palestine be partitioned into ference of Christians and Jews.
will offer prizes to other top bis Morris Adler and Sidney
11,000 Jews tried unsuccessfully Jewish and Arab 'states.
At a joint meeting of the
contestants, he said.
Ahselrad that junior members of
to squeeze into a Labor Zionist VOTE IS 33 TO 13
South and Center chapters on
Deutsch, head of the only Shaarey Zedek and Temple
meeting where Dr. Weizmann
The roll was then called a the same day, Oscar Cohen, exe-
Jewish bank in Michigan, said Beth El would give full coopera-
was speaking and where scenes few minutes after 5 p.m., with
"With world events shaping up tion.
of hysterical rejoicing were be- the result that 33 countries voted
as they are, we feel that Jewish
ing enacted.
Rabbi Jacob _Segal of the
in favor of partition, 13 against
youth must be encouraged both Northwest Hebrew Congrega-
In all parts of the world, and 10 abstained. Those who
in their awareness of commu- tion said that the contest should
Jews as they received the elec'- voted in favor were Australia.
nity and world problems and "focus the community's atten-
• trifying news over the radio Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Cana-
that redemption had come at da, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia,
tion on the need for develop-
last to the martyred people of Denmark, Dominican Republic,
ing Jewish leaders among the
Israel and that Zion would be Ecuador, France, Guatemala
yotith who are to be the lead-lik
restored, muttered the tradi- Haiti, Iceland, Liberia, Luxem-
ers of tomorrow."
tional prayer for festive occa- bourg, the Netherlands, New
Rabbi Joshua Sperka of Cowl.
sions and special occasions of Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway,
gregation Bnai David called the
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philip-
contest a "manifestation of the
"Blessed are thou, 0 Lord our pines, Poland, Sweden, the Uk-
need and worth of our youth
God, King of the universe, who raine, South Africa, Uruguay,
today and for the leadership of
has granted us life and sustained the Soviet Union, the United
to Have Bags Ready
us ana' brought us to this sea- States, Venezuela and White
This Sunday will be SOS Day
Any Detroit Jewish student
in Detroit and every Jewish fam- attending grades 9 through 12
What was in the hearts of partition were Afghanistan, Cu-
ily was urged by Fred Butzel, is eligible. Leadership in school
Jews -was given expression by ba, Egypt, Greece, India, Iran,
honorary chairman, to have its and community, personality,
Zionist leaders immediately fol- Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi
SOS bag ready when the SOS character and scholarship will
lowing the vote. Dr. Chaim Arabia, Syria, Turkey and Ye-
volunteers call.
all be considered by the judges.
Weizmann declared that the de- men.
More than 500 men, women,
The contest will end at noon,
Those which abstained *were
cision to establish a Jewish
and children have signed up for
Jan. 19.
state is a "victory for inter- Argentina, Chile, Colombia, El
• * •
service in this one-day, all-com-
To select your choice for De-
national equity and cooperation" Salvador, Ethiopia, Honduras,
and said that "it is now our pri- Mexico, United Kingdom and cutive director of the Jewish committee hopes to pass the De- troit's outstanding Jewish youth
mary task to establish relations Yugoslavia. The delegate from Community Council, will hold a troit quota of 300,000 pounds of leader fill out the ballot on page
of peace and harmony with our Siam was not present during clinic on "Prejudice." The South canned goods, warm clothing, 30 and mail it to the 'Youth
and Central groups will meet
Leadership Contest Editor, De-
Arab neighbors and to contrib- the voting.
at the home of Mrs. William Co- layettes, and other comfort items. troit Jewish Chronicle, 548
ute what we can to the regen- SILVER STATEMENT
hen, 2265 Chicago boulevard,
Woodward, avenue, Detroit, 26,
eration of the Middle East and
The American Zionist Emer- and the Northeast and North- to every Jewish family in De-
the welfare of mankind."
gency Council, headed by Dr. west groups at the home of troit, expressing the urgent need
Dr. Emanuel Neumann, presi- Abba Hillel Silver, characterized
dent of the Zionist Organization the UN decision as "a milestone Mrs. Alfred Bleier, 18915 Wilde- vors. Persons planning to be out
of America, hailed the action of in the history of the world." mere avenue.
Sunday are asked to leave this
the United Nations as "a great The United Nations, it asserted. •Mrs. Julius Stross, co-chair- bag filled with canned food in
moment in Jewish history, a had "ended 2,000 years of na- man of publicity for the divi- an accessible place and ready for
triumphant vindication of the tional homelessness for the Jew- sion, said the membership drive the SOS collector.
will culminate in a luncheon to
Zionist ideal at the hands of the ish people."
be held Dec. 17 at the Hotel
highest international tribunal,
However, in the general Jew-
which holds the promise' of na- ish rejoicing which followed up- Book Cadillac at which James
tional freedom and early inde- on the historic UN decision, Waterman Wise will be guest
there were some discordant speaker.
notes from some Jewish leaders.
When the Assembly opened its
Meir Grossman, president of Federation's Forum
last session on Saturday, Le- the United Zionists-Revisionists
Plans are under way for the
banon, one of the Arab coun- of America, described the par- to Be Led by Sobeloff annual Chanukah dinner-dance to
tries, exploded a bombshell tition decision as "clearly unjus-
Isidore Sobeloff, executive di- be held by the Sisterhood of Con-
which, however, proved to be a tifiable", declaring that "it is rector of the Jewish Welfare gregation Bnai Moshe in the so-
dud. Its representative, Camille with deep sorrow that we re- Federation, will lead the fourth cial hall of the Synagogue.
Chamoun, stated that the Arab ceived the decision of the and final session of the Commu-
Mrs. Isadore Pollak is chair-
Your Neighborhood
countries would be 'willing to United Nations to partition Pal- nity Action Conference, spon- man of the affair and Mrs. Paul
Savings Institution
agree on a bi-national state in estine into two states and to sored by the women's division of R. Freeman is co-chairman.
Palestine with Jewish and Arab reduce the Jewish national ter- the Jewish Welfare Federation at
A popular orchestra will fur-
Dexter Blvd. at Cortlanfi
cantons enjoying local 'autonomy. ritory from 44,000 to 5,500 square 11 a. m., Monday, in the Jewish nish music for dinner and for
TO. 9 6611
There was no mention in the miles."
dancing to follow.
Arab statement about permit-
ting further Jewish immigration.
so that the Jews would not for-
ever remain a minority in a
bi-national state. It was pro-
posed that the settlement of the
Palestine problem be again re-
ferred to the Ad Hoc Palestine
Committee which would try to
reach a compromise agreement
by February. .
These proposals were defeated
when Dr. Oswaldo Aranha of
Brazil, chairman of the Assem-
bly, refused to put them to a
vote and instead supported the
proposal of Herschel V. John-
son, American delegate, that the
Assembly proceed immediately
to vote on the recommendation

SOS to Pick. Up
Bundles Sunday

Bnai Moshe Unit
Charts Holiday




American Savings
& Loan Association

id Gold

Chicago Rabbi
at NW Dedication

Rabbi Henry Fisher, spiritual
leader of the Bnai Zion Syna-
gogue of Chicago, will be guest
speaker at the dedication of the
newly-completed social holl of
the Northwest Hebrew Congre-
gation Sunday evening, Dec. 14,
it was announced by David B.
Aaron, chairman of the dedita-
tion event.
Rabbi Fisher, a graduate of
the Jewish Theological Semin-
ary of America, recently con-
cluded a series of lectures at
the Shaarey Zedek Layman's In-
Cantor Pavel Slavensky-Frie-
lich will chant appropriate

turns over
an (1 1d at


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