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March 28, 1947 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1947-03-28

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The Legal Chronicle

Pap Four

Friday, March 28, 1947

Letters to the Editor

Detroit Jewish Chronicle


background, who love their Juda-
ism and want to see it grow and
develop making life more mean-
SUBSCRIPTION: 53.00 Per Year, Single Copies, 10c; Foreign, $5.00 Per Year
3, 1879
ingful and significant.
4satred as Second-class matter March 3, 1916. at the Post office at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March
Kashrut, has in the past been
a sinewy and vigorous element
that helped keep Judaism alive
NATHAN J. KAUFMAN, Managing Editor
AARON, Publisher
although interpretations have
CHARLES TAUB, Business Manager
Detroit 26, Mich.
changed. Kashrut holds for our
FRIDAY, MARCH 28 (Nisan 7, 5707)
age of moderns a definite value
Vol. 49, No. 13
in invigorating an enervated and
having wiped the floor with the first

anemic Judaism. It serves as a
opponent or spectator they could reach
force of creating Jewish atmos-
The'Public Backs Us
phere, a power in consolidating
Dear Editor:
who opened his foul yap to utter his
After a year and a half of fruitless
Last night I attended the clos- Jewish life.
anti-Semitic epithets.
ing event of the 1947 Detroit His-
pleading with the executives of the Jewish
Those of us who wish to ad-
The boys might have been ordered off tadrut campaign at Music Hall here to our Kosher doctrines
Welfare Federation for a hearing on the
should be given every help to do
Jewish Chronicle's protest against the JWF the floor, it is true, but the next time there
so. The Rabbis of Detroit should
subsidy for the Jewish News, the rank and would have been no jibes and more respect gram.
However, I could not help but not leave a stone unturned. It is
file membership of the JWF directed the for fighters who know how to handle in- wonder (and I understand others incumbent upon them and lay-
have also wondered) whether such men of the orthodox faith as
board of governors to grant a hearing to sults.
event has not outlived its ne- well as those who believe in
Americans love a fighter. Their deepest an
the Chronicle at the annual meeting last
cessity, and, in view of the cost democracy to see to it that Jews
contempt is reserved for the man who of its production, whether the who wish to adhere to Jewish
When our representative asked the mem- won't stand -up and fight. Their - greatest money spent might not be more tradition and precept be given a
applied to the purpose fair chance to follow the dic-
bership to ensure that the hearing will be admiration is accorded the underdog who usefully
for which contributions are made tates of their conscience.
granted, it was done, first to enlighten the
to the Geverkshaften campaign.
With prices of meat out of line,
membership of the contemptuous spurning licking.
Some years ago when the cam- the practice of purchasing non-
of an honest petition by the officers, and
kosher meats opens the door wide
felt that, in order to arouse open to many borderline cases.
second, to indorse the assurance of Julian with the Palestine insurgents in their battle dently
interest in this very worthy
It wouldn't take too long, with
H. Krolik, president of the JWF, that such against the tyrant. That is why for the first cause, the budget must include an continuous
pressure, to sever the
a hearing would finally be accorded the time in two thousand' years, Gentiles are appropriation for, let us say, edu- already weak link that Judaism
• praising Jews for putting up a good fight." cational purposes.
holds on these people. It's not
With this I must agree. The only a matter of throwing Kash-
The request was no reflection on Krblik.
Here in America, let the heroic rebels closing
event then took the form rut overboard. One thing follows
We knOw that Krolik is a man of his word. and fighters of the Yishuv be our model. of a banquet for those who raised another. Home observances be-
We respect him as a sincere and loyal We are the underdog. We are outnumbered. or donated a rather large sum of came more lax, synagogue ties
worker for the community and as a leader But when one of us stands up to fight, we money, and carried with it the become dulled, indifference sets
of an extra reward for in, then complete assimilation.
arouse the sympathy and admiration of the feeling
of unblemished integrity.
this extra contribution.
If the Jewish butchers of De-
The unanimous vote approving the hear- onlooker who will root for the brave fighter As the years went by, the His- troit cannot -be made to see the
tadrut campaign grew to such an wisdom of immediate price reduc-
ing was a manifestation of public interest against odds.
that the closing event has, tion, I propose that several syna-
in the question and a notice to the execu-
If we cower and try to play the game extent
of necessity, acquired an entirely
pool their funds and open
tive of the JWF that they should stop harder or learn to be great violin virtuosi different character—that of a gogues
one or several meat markets In
or build the largest department stores to meeting and concert in a fairly Jewish centers.
(and expensive) auditorium
These businesses can be oper-
. -OM files demonstrate why the Chronicle prove we are as good as any, we fail be- large
with fine guest artists and speak-
on a non-profit or fair profit
was forced to go to the membership for cause the majority admires the fight in ers. This year there was added ated
basis. Prices will then soon be re-
a large orchestra and chorus with stored to normal. I further pro-
'support of its request.
a New York conductor and not pose that these communal mar-
In February, 1946, after much verbal ority.
but two principal speakers.
kets continue to operate as a
No, Segal, tell those boys of yours that one,
pleading, we wrote to the JWF president
For what purpose, I ask? Some safety valve avoiding any further
asking for a hearing. On Feb. 20, 1946, he
2,000 persons who, presumably trouble.
clean because that is the American way. were admitted only because they A situation of this sort calls
But also tell them that when someone yells or organizations which they rep- for immediate action. Do we have
"I prefer to submit the matter to our
resented had already given their a coterie of staunch and fearless
executive committee for their decision. "dirty Jew" at them, they should bash his pledges to the Histadrut campaign Rabbis in our town as well as
crowded Music Hall for 2 1,:i hours some traditional baaleh-batim who
Several members of the executive commit-
or more to see and to hear a pro- will step forward and be counted?
tee are not in the city. I will call a meeting derstands and respects.
gram which could do very little,
of the committee as soon as possible after
except in the remotest prospect
2696 Collingwood avenue
their return and will advise you immediately Best Wishes, Northwest Synagogue for the campaign. It would seem
that the campaign could obtain
of their decision."
The most striking and most delightful much more and direct benefit
We never heard from him again.
from an "Opening Event" with a Dear Editor:
On May 24, 1946, nearly a year ago, we Congregation is the youthfulness and enthu- radio broadcast for those unable The dissatisfaction expressed by
wrote to Krolik who had by that time as- siasm of its gratifyingly large membership. to attend in person. Last night's the Hashomer Hatzair through
event provided sufficient program this column is regrettable.
sumed the presidency, giving our argu-
As its spiritual mentor, Rabbi Jacob E. material for two such gatherings. We are endeavoring to earn the
ments and asking for reconsideration of the Segal,
of another Shomer, the
pointed out in an address at his in- Admission to a closing event as sanction
subsidy item in the budget.
"reward" is outmoded now. If Shomer Yisrocl, the Keeper of
stallation this week, the Northwest Syna- a there
must be a closing event on Israel. I fear that, under the cir-
Krolik did not reply. When, recently, we gogue is serving as a "barometer" on
a large scale, then let there cumstances, we may have to get
brought his attention to his failure even whether Judaism will really survive in such
be a charge for admission, with along without the support of the
to acknowledge our letter, he checked his America. If Judaism here possesses within profits, if any, going to the His- Hatzair.
files in the presence of our publisher, found itself the powers of regeneration, he said, tadrut. Otherwise such undertak- We would as lief maintain cor-
dial relations with this lovable,
should be eliminated.
our letter and admitted that he had never it can be proved better nowhere than in ings
Solicitation from prospective though prankish, group of young
acted on our request.
contributors is and should be people. The assertion is here ven-
his synagogue.
that perhaps not all the
These are only two instances of JWF
We can advise Rabbi Segal not to have based on the worth of supporting tured
of that organization
snubbing of a bona fide petition of the any misgivings. After witnessing the great the fine work in Palestine—not to members
the abilities of expensive share the official view thereof.
community whose WEEKLY PAID circu- outpouring of members and friends of the display
I am saying this to some pur-
musicians and speakers.
pose though it would be impolite
lation is the largest in the city.
congregation at the installation banquet,
2726 Sturtevant Ave. to cite names. If this were done,
In addition, the number of times we have their cordially and loyalty to their syna-
the sneaking and lurking propen-
sought hearings and been given tentative gogue, we feel that despite its callOwness,
sities of the Hashomer leaders
verbal promises by Fred Butzel and Isidore the Northwest Congregation has already Dear HITS
might result in unpleasantness
Sobeloff that an opportunity to present our shown evidence of leadership and displayed I wish to corroborate your edi- for the dissidents.
It has been a source of won-
manifestations of blessedness in Israel.
case would be granted is legion.
torial of March 21 on "Meat is derment, to this writer at any
For these reasons we sought the indorse-
Your general approach in Jew- rate, that the maturer confeder-
ates of this outfit do not exercise
ment of the general membership for our the congregation has chosen its leaders is ish matters has been vigorous and
a restraining influence on their
in large measure responsible for its magni- militant. I feel that you express younger
request for an investigation.
allies. The tricks which
We are sure the membership and Krolik
(Continued on page 13)
en in our city who have a Jewish

Published Weekly by Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc., 525 Woodward Ave., Detroit 26, Mich., CA 1040

will now understand why we pressed for a
vote at the annual meeting.

Cower or Fight?
Alfred Segal, who writes our Plain Talk
column weekly, is the gentleman, you will
recall, who thinks that to be a good Jew,
ono need only be humane and brotherly,
kind and gentle. We have remonstrated
with him, pointing out that a Jew should
be brotherly as an obligation of humanity
and not of Judaism, that there are prin-
ciples on being a good Jew which are
separate from the attributes which make
one a good Christian or a good Hottentot.
Two weeks ago, Segal came along with
another novel concept. When members of
a high-ranking Jewish basketball team were
reviled by non-Jewish opponents and spec-
tators with anti-Semitic jibes, the boys de-
cided to play harder and show the spectators
that purity, decency, dew and sunshine will
prevail over hate and bigotry.
Segal gave his pontifical blessing to the
boys and called them fine, upright Jews.
We believe the boys would have ac-
complished more permanent good by

Dear Editor:
Your editorial "Stand Up and
Be Counted" in the Detroit Jew-
ish Chronicle of March 14 is so
powerful that I intend to reprint
it in the forthcoming issue of our
Editor, The New Palestine

devoted president who is engagingly modest,
an attribute usually foreign to our syna-
gogue leaders, and who works so hard for
the welfare of his synagogue that it is in-
comprehensible how he finds time for his
personal affairs. The man is a delight to
know for himself and the synagogue is most
fortunate because it has such a wise and
zealous head.
Ordinary laudatory adjectives seem too
tepid in speaking of Rabbi Segal. The genu-
ine feeling of affection between him and
his congregation, the admiration with which
the members all speak of this charming,
soft-spoken and consecrated young man are
evidence of the respect they hold for his
scholarship and his preaching and of the
fraternal bond between beloved rabbi and
loyal congregation.
Rabbi Segal is refreshing at a time when
vanity and pretense are proverbial. By his
presence is the future greatness of the
Northwest Congregation as a leader in tra-
ditional Judaism and the citizenship of the
community assured.
All Detroit, we know, joins us in offering
sincere congratulations to the Northwest
Congregation and its Rabbi.

Looking Back Through the Years

Events as compiled from the files of the Detroit Jewish Chronicle

25 Years Ago
Zionist delegates from 25 states meet in Philadelphia to promote
the Jewish National Home, urge League of. Nations to speed plans
on Zion.
Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver will close the lecture series of the Men's
Temple Club.
20 Years Ago
W. J. Cameron, editor of the Dearborn Independent, pleads ig-
norance of anti-Semitic charges on witness stand.
A call to Jews of all shades of opinion to consider the upbuilding
of Palestine as an all-Jewish problem is sounded by. Louis Marshall,
Dr. Chaim Weizmann and Judge Irving Lehman.

10 Years Ago
Maurice H. Zackheim is reelected president of Congregation Shan-
rcy Zedeck. Other officers include Robert M. Marwil, vice-president;
Harry M. Shulman, secretary; and Isaac Shetzer, treasurer.
Late Joshua Cohen leaves his entire estate of $300,000 to the
United Jewish Charities.

5 Years Ago
Vidkun Quisling orders all Jewish institutions in Norway closed;
plans to deport Jewish population.
Dr. Joseph H. Hertz, Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, to speak
at the fourth annual meeting of the Michigan Synagogue Conference
in Detroit.

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