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March 28, 1947 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1947-03-28

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Spurs AJC

The Palestine Scene

Troops Cost Britain
222 Millions in Zion

British Press Raps Zionist Attacks,
Charges U.S. Anti-Semitism Created

LONDON (JTA)—Britain spent $222,400,000 to maintain
army and air force troops in Palestine from July 1, 1945,
to Jan. 31, 1947, Defense Minister A. V. Alexander an-
nounced in Commons.
The total included $192,000,000 for the army and $30,-
400,000 for the RAF, but did not include capital expenditures
on works projects. Colonial Minister Arthur Creech -Jones
reported that 25 ships carrying visaless Jewish immigrants

had arrived in Palestine waters
since November, 191, while one
refugee vessel had been wrecked.
The Colonial Office denied re-
ports widely circulated in Jerusa-
lem that the British government
was laying the groundwork for
challenging the legality of the
election of the Jewish Agency
Major articles charging Amer-
ican Zionists with unjustifiably
castigating Britain over the Pal-
estine issue and with creating
anti-Semitism in the United States
through their tactics are featured
in the London press.
The Daily Express concentrated
most of its fire on the groups
affiliated with the Hebrew Com-
mittee of Liberation. It declared,
however, that most Zionist propa-
ganda is misleading, appealing to
the emotional response of Amer-

as members of the Irgun or Stern
Editors of the Hebrew press
failed to agree on a common
policy concerning the publication
of government advertisements fea-
turing the photographs and de-
scriptions of the 18 men.
The editors met to discuss a
joint policy following threats from
the Irgun that publication of the
photographs and description s
would be considered "cooperation
with the authorities."

3 Irgun Leaders

JERUSALEM (Special) — Three
leaders of the Jerusalem Irgun
were captured in ipeir "war
room," it was revealed this week.
Mcnachem Beigen, top figure in
the insurgent group, remains at
large, however.
Reports that the Irgun is plan-
ning to abandon "terrorism" for
'Passive_ resistance or some other
leis extreme form of political ac-
ti,pn are discounted here.

An Irgun broadcast ,Monday
called for a boycott of British
goods by Palestine and American
Jews. The Stern Group joined
the Irgunists in disclaiming re-
sponsibility for the bombing of
the Jewish Agency press room
last week and accused British pro-
Seventy-eight Jews picked up by
the police and military authori-
ties as "terrorists" during the two-
week period of martial law were
sentenced without a trial to one
month's imprisonment because the
police could not prove that they
were members of an extremist
One of the prisoners, Itzhak
Mizrachi, 22, is on a hunger strike,
demanding his release.
In a communique the govern-
ment cited the capture of the 78
men as justification for the intro-
duction of military rule. The an-
nouncement listed 15 of the de-
tainees as Sternists, 12 as mem-
bers of the Irgun and the remain-
ing 51 as "connected with ter-
One soldier was killed and four
wounded when a landmine blew
up a military jeep on a road near
Zichron Yaacov, near Hadera.
The Palestine government is of-
fering rewards aggregating more
than $100,000 for the arrest of
Beigen and 17 other men "wanted"

Agency Program
at UN Revealed

(Continued from Page 11)
fort to defend the rights of the
Jewish people recognized by the
Mandate and insist on the estab-
lishment of a Palestine regime
ensuring their implementation.
It will seek to expose the Man-
datory's violation of its obliga-
tions and to obtain a solution
which will place the fate of the
Jewish people in their own hands.
The Agency authorized the six
members residing in the United
States: Dr. Abbe Hillel Silver,
Moshe Shertok, Dr. Emanuel Neu-
mann, Rabbi Wolf Gold, Hayim
Greenberg and Mrs. Rose Hal-
perin, and Dr. Nahum Goldmann
of London to speak for it at the
UN. Each of the seven will as-
sume responsibility for a differ-
ent sphere of activity.
The meeting decided to convene
the Zionist Actions Committee on
May 12, at a place to be desig-
nated later, but which will prob-
ably be either New York or Jeru-
salem. It appropriated $28,000,000
for the Agency's activities in the
coming fiscal year.
The Agency statement said that
as a result of the destruction of
the bulk of European Jewry, the
Agency has decided to re-examine
its structure and suggest certain
alterations to the Zionist Actions


Campaign Due
to Start May 6

(Continued from page 1
us in America the tragically small
remnant of Jews surviving
abroad stand alone and almost
"History has assigned to us a
determining role in the destiny
of our people. A year ago we
gave a shining example of leader-
ship and generosity. We can do no
less today. We will, we must
achieve our goal for the very life
of the Jewish people depends on
"We did not save them in 1946
to let them down in 1947. We can-
not take away this year the hope
that we gave them a year ago.
Those whom the world has for-
gotten we must remember.
"Let us together build for them
the road to a new life. Let us
together give them their share of
freedom and security.
"They have earned the right to
rail upon us for sacrifice. I know
that our answer will give them the
_resources. The courage and the
faith to find long delayed redemp-
tion and 'salvation.

$1,850,000 FOR SCHOOL
NEW YORK (JTA)—Over $1,-
850,000 has been raised toward
the $4,000,000 campaign for the
first medical school in Palestine,
the board of governors of the Heb-
rew University was told by Mrs.
Samuel J. Rosensohn, national co-
chairman of the campaign and a
member of the board of govern-
ors. She made this report for the
campaign committee of Hadassah
and the American Friends of the
Hebrew University.

(Continued from page 1)
bers, particularly young people
and professional men, who gave
up four hours of their precious
leisure on Sunday to canvass
their neighbors.
"A Zionist message was left
with every home contacted. Many
hundreds of prospects were not
at home. We urge these people
to join us in the campaign to
rally American Jews under the
Zionist banner so that both the
State Department and the UN
will know that Zionist strength
lies not only in talk and in senti-
ment but also in numbers.
"I ask every Detroit Jew who
was not at home Sunday or who
was inadvertently not contacted
to send in a membership card to
the Zionist headquarters at 1044
Penobscot Bldg. or to call CH.
6559 and enroll himself as a work-
er for Zion."

Banquet Awaite( 1 .:
by Bicur Cholem

Mrs. Eva Golden and Mrs. Celia
Margolis are chairmen of the an-
nual donor banquet of the Detroit
Senior Bicur Cholem to be held
at 6:30 p. m.
Sunday, April
27, at Bnai Da-
Proceeds will
be used for en-
larg ement of tF
the group's pro-
gram, Mrs. Le-
na Techner,
president, said.
"With busi-
ness and em-
ployment experiencing a recession,
the need for relief, especially for
the sick, is growing," she said.
"Our work is done In such a way
that no recipient is embarrassed."


Butchers' Reply
to Plea Awaited

Negotiations between the Ko-
sher Butchers Association and
the Jewish Community Council
were still at an impasse this week.
The Council has sent a letter to
the butchers asking them to recon-
sider their refusal to discuss
charges of exorbitant meat prices
and is awaiting a reply.
In the meantime, Louis Frei-
berg, director of internal rela-
tions for the Council, is continu-
ing his investigation of alleged
unfair differentials between kosher
and non-kosher meat prices.
Conferences are being held with
wholesale dealers to determine if
the differentials are justified be-
cause of the greater expense en-
tailed in slaughtering and dres-
sing animals for Jewish con-




Wedding Ceremony
Bar Mitzvah
and other festivities

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to Support UJA

NEW YORK — Mayor William
O'Dwyer of New York mobilized
all city employes in support of the
United Jewish Appeal.
O'Dwyer told more than 100 de-
artment heads and leading city
officials that he was "extremely
anxious to have every effort made
to assure the success of the 1947
At the suggestion of the mayor.
• ach municipal department head
r ppointed a mcmber of his staff
to conduct the United Jewish
Appeal drive within the depart-
ment. O'Dwyer stressed that
"municipal employes, regardless of
race, creed or color have always
generously supported all fund-
raising campaigns of all religious

700 More Enlist
in Zionist Region


N. Y. City Workers



Frida Muth 28, 1947 :


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