Page Four DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Detroit Jewish Chronicle Friday, September 20, 1946 LE And the LEGAL CHRONICLE 1 EIL0 Published Weekly by Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc., 525 Woodward Ave., Detroit 26, Mich., CA 1040 SUBSCRIPTION: $3.00 Per Year, Single Copies, 10c; Foreign, $5.00 Per Year Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Postoffice at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879 GEORGE WEISWASSEH, Edltur•In.Chlet A. W. SHAFER, Adv. Mgr. CY AARON, Pub. NATHAN KAUFMAN. Man. Ed. Vol. 48, No. 38 FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, 1946 (Elul 24, 5706) Coloring the News ground to Palestine" and a trip on a blockade runner to the Holy Land. The absurd lengths to which the news agencies and the press have been going to sensationalize the news from Palestine was placed in high focus last week when the first editions, one day, put the loot in the Tel Aviv and Haifa bank robberies at $420,000 and the later editions pared the figure down to $10,000. When all through the Hitler nightmare, Jews were being slaughtered by the mil- lions, the average newspaper printed lit- tle about it. There were a f en• oinus words of revulsion and commiseration in the editorial columns but precious little else. Now, because extremists driven to desperation, are carrying out violent counter-measures against the tyrant in the Homeland, the American press, in a typical move, plays the incidents up beyond their value as general news, 'plasters exaggerated headlines on page one and makes out every Jew in Eretz Israel to be a "terrorist" or a "gang- ster" or an "illegal" immigrant. When the Maquis in France, the un- derground in Belgium and the Partisans in Yugoslavia and Greece were assassin- ating the enemy of liberty right and left, blowing up trains and administrative buildings and making wholesale attacks on the oppressor, the American newspapers acclaimed them as heroes and lieberators. When Jews are committing similar acts, many prefaced by careful warnings to avert unnecessary bloodshed, they are no heroes, no patriots. In the newspapers they are "terrorists" and "gangsters"— the Nazi vocabulary for the Maquis and the Partisans. Let your Detroit newspaper know that you find those terms unfair and offensive when applied to patriots fighting for their Homeland. Let it know that sensational- izing the battle against tyranny is a blow to freedom and must stop. A Firm Foundation The Northwest Hebrew Congregation is building on a firm foundation. Hardly three years old, the synagogue has completed a wing of its first floor despite setbacks and heartaches because of the building shortages and has dedi- cated it with beautiful ceremonies and a communal celebration. Above and alongside this basic struc- ture will grow one of the mosE beautiful synagogue buildings in the city. But if the sincerity and devotion of its membership is any criterion, the synagogue will have more than the beauty of symmetrical architecture. It will have a beauty of the spirit en- gendered by reverence for tradition, by loyalty to people and community and by a love of God and of fellow men. The synagogue is led by two outstand- ing figures who have consecrated them- selves to its service—by its spiritual lead- er, Rabbi Jacob E. Segal, and its presi- dent, Ira G. Kaufman. Both have the vision and enthusiasm of youth and the wisdom and foresight of older men. Under their guidance, the Northwest Hebrew Congregation, we are certain, will grow in distinction and at- 'inment through the years. A Tide of Immigrants • 1. F. Stone, the perspicacious student of national and foreign affairs who is Wash- ington correspondent for PM and the Na- tion, has just completed several weeks of travel through thi• European "Under- Detroit 26, Michigatk He has lived with Jews who are fleeing the terror in Europe. He was aboard a vessel en route to Palestine which a Brit- ish warship refused to help when its supply of water and food 'ran out. Stone, in a clear-cut statement, advises Jews of the world to "put all their money and energies into so called illegal immi- gration." Fill all the waters of Palestine with so many "illegal" vessels, he urges, that the pressure on Britain and the con- science of the world will force open the doors to the Homeland. He calls for support of the "illegal immigration" as a moral obligation for American Jewry and as an act of justice by Christians. Stone has no faith in Britain at all. He sees no rational solution of the Palestine issue. He advocates a bi-national Arab- Jewish state under an international trus- teeship and with guarantees of higher living standards, but he knows Britain will never approve it because it presages a peaceful social revolution, completely inimical to imperial policy. Stone's idea of fostering "illegal immi- gration" is not exactly new. Haganah, the non-violent resistance majority in the Homeland, has backed it for many months. New York groups, supported by sincere Christians, are helping to finance such projects. Yet, it would be well for all Zionists to take Stone's suggestions to heart and weigh their implications. In the face of so much disillusionment, perhaps an over- whelming tide of "illegal immigrants" may be the only solution. Rosh Hashonah Prayer The New Year means new hope. As we prepare to welcome the year 5707, let us forget our bruises and our sorrows in anticipation of a year of joy and of peace. Brooding about our troubles and our disappointments, recalling to our minds our disillusionment and misplaced confi- dence will just be pouring salt on our wounds. SINCERE THANKS Dear Editor: Chapter I of the Detroit District of the Zionist Organization of America wishes to extend sincere thanks and appreciation to the Detroit • Jewish Chronicle for the courtesy and attention given the publicity submitted in connection with the Autumn Festival Dance held recently. It is certain that your coopera- tion was instrumental in attract. ing the many interested friends and members of this organization, making it possible to achieve the outstanding success realized 13y this affair. HAROLD 13, WEISMAN, Pres. FROM HONOLULU Dear Editor: I would like, through the Jew. ish Chronicle, to send my sincer- est good wishes and holiday greet- ings to all my relatives and friends in Detroit. Until my appointment in 'Dec., 1945, to the, Office of the Inspector General, Honolulu, Hawaii, I lived with my mother, Mrs. Caroline Weiss, at 4090 Clements avenue. There are still many of my friends whom I have been linable to contact. Therefore would You publish the following address, with the comment that I would appreciate hearing from them? MISS HEDY WEISS Hdqs. AP&SC IG Division APO 455, c-o PM San Francisco, Calif. Gentile Girl Welcomed Into Fold But Is Warned of Jews' Discipline (C'ontinued from page 3) because she looks like a cour- ageous character. (Certainly, no courageous char- acter should be turned away from Israel in which there are pusilla- nimous people who at times are given to wondering why they were born Jewish). I would say to her, Welcome, dear Alma, to the discipline of character and to the feeling of brotherhood that is for those who understand what being Jewish is all about. Sure, there's a lot of pain in being Jewish. You may feel it even in a night club in a moment when everybody is trying to have a good time. Of a sudden some- body may make a cutting re- mark about Jews. Or you may feel it when you go to look for a job and they ask you what your religion is and you reply that you are Jewish. The employment manager seems to grow cold, though a moment ago when he knew you only as Alma you seemed to be enjoying the favor of his managerial judg- ment. He says he will let you know but you never hear from him again. B UT YOU, DEAR ALMA, will mind none of that. As one who understands why she is Jew- ish, you will be sure of your aris- tocracy. I mean fhe aristocracy of the Jews who are aware of spiritual and moral possessions. The aristocracy of people who know they go back all the way to Sinai where the Commandments were given! Their riches are the Law and the Prophets by which they gov- ern the conduct of their lives. Their geneology contains saints, sages and martyrs: Moses who to God in the valley of the shadow gave the Taw and David who sang by the still waters; Isaiah whose Let us, instead, list the blessings of the past year—the return of so many of our young men and women to their firesides and to their loved ones; the resurgence of the religious spirit that is sending our people flocking to synagogue and temple for the High Holy Days and the holidays and Sabbaths to come; the easing of economic burdens which is offering us relaxation of mind; the sympathy of a big majority of thinking Americans who recognize and condemn our betrayer; the sc,›-t'' development in Palestine of a nation of figh ters, who refuse to take oppression meekly as their brothers did in days of old; and the magnificent material prog- ress in the Homeland despite turmoil and strife. speeches keep on being trumpets for justice; Malachi who preached brotherhood. ("Have we not all one Father?") You are Joining a great con,. parry, dear Alma. It's a com- pany in which a mindful Jew walks with lofty dignity and self-respect, and what if his head is beaten and bloodied? He. says: In this good company I must watch my step; I must go where these old kinsmen of mine lead. I may not fall be- hind them on their way to the mountaintop. This is the blessed discipline of character that goes with being a Jew who understands what is re- quired of a Jew. • • • T SHOULD TELL you also about 1 the social discipline of being Jewish. As a Jew you will never be allowed to go your own way apart from the Jewish people, You will constantly be hearing of brotherly duty, however far the brothers ate away from you. The brother hungers and what's the difference that he re- sides in Manchuria, Shanghai or in Kielce, Poland. He is a bro- ther, though you have never seen him and ho must be fed. Ile is ono of the human kind who happens to be Jewish and, therefore, your special obliga- tion. Or, lest you forget, enemies will always be pushing you back into an awareness of your broth- ers. You can depend on that. You, dear Alma, will say, 'Thank God for that. I am not allowed to for. get my brothers in the world. As a Jew I seem to be a privileged person who is made a social be- ing by the discipline of circum- stance.' That way I should speak to Alma and rejoice that one like her was coming among us. Epic of 25 Years in the Emek These are some of the blessings of the year 5706. Contemplating them helps to efface bitter memories. Yet, as we utter our prayers on Rosh Hashonah, make our confessions and plead for forgiveness for our selfish and unkindly acts, let us take a few minutes to utter a special prayer to the Father of us all. "As we review this day your precepts of justice, of charity and of loving-kind- ness, teach the rest of the world, also your children, that it is time, at last, to make amends for their centuries and cen- turies of hounding us and of wounding us. "Let them learn to be just and merciful. Let them finally consent to give the weary among our people a home in which they can rest their heads." Preoccupation with the political struggle for the future of Pales- tine has overshadowed a significant anniversary which, as a mile- stone of uninterrupted Jewish progress, merits wide celebration. The 25th anniversary since the acquisition by the Jewish National Fund of the Valley of Jezreel and the• founding there of the first modern Jewish village, Nahalat, occurred on Sept. 14 (the 18th day of Elul). The picture above Illustrates the groat transformation which has been wrought by Jewish pioneering in the Emek (as the Valley of Jezreel is referred to by Palestinians). Prior to its acquisition by the Jewish National Fund the valley was a swamp and had only a few Arab hamlets with a population of 1,800 stricken and disease-ridden souls. Today the Emek constitutes a Jewish Commonwealth in minia- ture where 18,000 sturdy pioneers till the soil of the Homeland.