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May 03, 1946 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1946-05-03

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Page Six


Wayne University Scene

By Frank Beckman

Elliot Schubiner, president of cific. Secondly, it accounted for
the Pi Tau Sigma, Wayne Univer- 45 Jap planes in action at Leyte
sity Jewish fraternity, was just and Okinawa.
three when the organization was
Morrie completed a year at the
founded 17 years ago. Today, he Detroit Institute of Technology
c o uld probably before he was drafted in March
tell you almost of '43. A year later he was draw-
anything y o u ing overseas pay.
want to know
Serving as company medic, Sil-
about this verman handled his share of ach-
ing backs before he was dis-
Schubiner has charged January 18. He remem-
now served 11 bers how he tried desperately to
months as head save the life of a fellow Yank
of the frater- when the latter was shot by an
nity. He w a s American guard, who had mistak-
Frank Beekman instrumental in en him for a Jap.
keeping it
Morrie is it pre-med sophomore
functioning when three-fourths of at Wayne and the son of Mr. and
the membership entered t h P Mrs. D. Silverman, 2680 Monterey
armed forces. Pledging was con- Ave.
tinued throughout the war and 30
names are now counted in the WINS SILVER CUP
collegiate chapter. The total active
The Sigma Theta Delta, Wayne
membership, including alumni, U. Jewish sorority, won the schol-
numbers around 200. Seldom would arship cup recently for having the
a man return to Detroit on fur- highest scholastic average of all
lough without dropping in on one Wayne sororities. This marked the
of the meetings. Seven never re- fourth time that Sigma Theta
Delta has copped the silver cup.
Graduating from Cass Tech in
Give to UJA
1944, Elliot entered Wayne the
following semester as a business
administration student. He is now
a junior with eyes on an adver-
tising or sales management ca-
Slender and bespectacled, Schu-
Cpl. Jerry Krause, son of Mr.
biner was on the Frosh Board. and Mrs. Edw. Krause, of Calvert
the Inter-fraternity Council and is Ave., was discharged from the
now a member of the Hillel Foun- army recently after over three
dation at Wayne. He is the son
y.e a r s service.
of Mr. and Mrs. Morritz Schubi-
He spent 11
months in Ger-
ner, 3800 Buena Vista Ave.
many. Cpl.
Krause attended
the U. of Mich-
Testing the combat durability of
igan before
medium bombers in cold weather
joining the
was to the liking of Martin Ku-
armed forces
pet, erstwhile Army Air Corps
and expects to
lieutenant. Stationed at Fair-
resume his den-
banks, Alaska, Kopel was assigned
tal studies there
to tfie Proving Ground Command,
soon. Krause
a unit that checked on lend-lease
has a brother,
planes before they were shipped
Sheldon, who is
to Russia. He spent a year in stationed at Ft. Sheridan, Ill. The
teeming, modern Fairbanks and latter was in Detroit for the Pass-
marveled at how closely it re- over holidays.
sembled cities in the U. S.
Give to UJA
Thirty-eight months of service
terminated for slender Kopel
when he returned stateside in
T-3 David Baker, son of Mr. and
January. He had already enrolled \ Mrs. Max Baker, of River Rouge,
at Wayne before fiTs terminal
received his dis-
charge from the
leave expired the first of March.
army recently
Now a pre-dental freshman, Mar-
after 32 months
tin plans to transfer to the U. of
service. He ser-
Michigan in the near future. He
ved as a com-
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam-
pany aid man
uel Kopel, 1561 Cortland Ave.
with the 275th
* *
Infantry Regt
5101111111E SILVERMAN
during his 18
Morrie Silverman remembers
months in the
the 485th AAA Bn. for two rea-
ETO. After VE
sons. First, it was the outfit he
Day, Sgt. Ba-
spent 22 months with in the Pa-
ker was as-
signed to an
occupational role with the Third
At t. he last meeting of the Mich- Infantry Div. He plans to resume
his pre-medical studies at the U.
igan Alumni Chapter of the Mu of
Sigma Pi Fraternity, the follow-
Give to UJA
ing optometrists were elected to
Pity the poor razor blade mak-
office: Dr. Leon Firestone, chan-
cellor; Dr. Ben Stein, vice-chan- ers. If their product is good, sales
cellor; Dr, Irving Adler, secre- drop. If their product is bad, sales
tary; Dr. Dave Schiff, treasurer; stop.
Dr. Charles Stolar, corresponding
secretary; and Dr .Louis Gold-
berg, chaplain. Dr. Sol Cole is the
retiring chancellor, having served
that office for the past three
from april 18 to
Dr. Raymond Rose and Dr.
Donald Towlen were elected into
may 22
membership. The following opto-
five 5x7's
metrists have returned from ser-
plus one 8x10
vice: Drs. Morton Benyas, Louis
Falk, Leon Firestone, William
Freedman, Max Honeyman, Sol
Lesnick, Bernard Maness, Ray-
mond Rose,' Harold Rosensweet,
Martin Rosensweet, Ben Stein,
$18 Value
Morton Schwartz, Charles Stolar
and Donald Towlen.


Jerry Krause

David Baker

Mil Siema Pi


$ 1 25 0

phone for appointment
TO. 8-6528



TY. 4.9490

9925 Dexter

Rosenber s


"Caterers of Distinction"

Al Rosenberg

Strictly Kosher

10330 dexter
between collingwood

and calvert

kite. pilot "graphs
and wedding books
c...t tired

Nai ► nark Brothers
Start in Business

Friday, May 3, 1946

Dual Brith highlights

Louis Marshall Lodge

On Tuesday, May 7, Louis Mar-
shall Lodge will hold its annual
election of officers at the Educa-
tional Center at 8:30 p.m.

Give to UJA

Brandeis Aux. Post


On May 15, Thursday evening in
the Brown Memorial Chapel of
the Temple Beth El, the Louis D.
Brandeis Lodge and Louis D.
Brandeis Auxiliary will present
"Hillel Nite." Rabbi Cohen, heal
of the Hillel Foundation of Ann
Arbor, will introduce the Players
who will give a skit and musicale.
On May 1 the Louis D. Brandeis
Auxiliary had a Mothers and
Daughters Nite and food shower
to be donated to the S.O.S. drive.
The Miltimore Dancing Studios
provided excellent entertainment.



Give to UJA

Having returned home after
more than fifty-two months of
service in the armed forces, Nor-
man Naimark, of 2257 Richton
Ave., has entered into busines3
with his brother, Milton Naimark,
of 2297 Glendale Ave., in a com-
plete line of nationally advertised
brands of baby foods and baby
drugs. The firm, the first and only
one of its kind in the city, does
its business by telephone and fea-
tures a home delivery service.
Inducted as a private in the
army, Norman attended the Ad-
jutant General's Department Offi-
cer Candidate School at Ft. Wash-
ington, Md., and also the Com-
mand and General Staff School at
Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. The lat-
ter is reputed to be one of the
finest army schools in the country.
Norman's last assignment was as
a personnel staff officer with the
Seventh Fighter Command at Iwo
Jima, at which time he had at-
tained the rank of major.
Milton Naimark has been man-
ager of the Tiny Tot Baby Laun-
dry for the past seven years.

Give to UJA
The American Jewish Commit-
tee has established an office in
London for the purpose of carry-
ing out its overseas activities.

District Grand Lodge

Plans for the first peacetime
convention of District Grand
Lodge No. 6, Bnai Brith. in five
years are being completed in De-
troit under the chairmanship of
Dr. Lawrence I. Yaffa. The gath-
ering, a four-day meeting of dele-
gates from seven states and three
Canadian provinces, will be held
at the Book-Cadillac Hotel and
will cover the period of July 7
through July 10.
At the meetings, it is expected

that speakers of national renown
will address the assemblage in
connection with the role of Rnsi
Brith, the largest and oldest Jew-
ish service organization, in the
post-war problems of relief and
The Detroit Mud Brith\ Council
is planning a reception or
delegates, to be held the evening ,
of July 6, in the Book-Cadillac

Sale Apartments




costs highest, bldg. costs 11101,
r an you Imagine rents cheapest
25 years. When the Ili comes cit,
believe you me the boom will st;l0
Walt for the fireworks, you ma y )„.
too late.
114.st 20 apt. Buy. All 3
shower, va.. sum. ht ., new iv! t le
new stoves. Worth $75,000
only $50,000, terms $25,000 to eot
new $25,000 mtge. 4 VI. 01',1
$9,000, normal $12,500.
$60,000 dwn. to our new 1
50 apt. Got. Bled. Nets 10t;
bldg. job.
Pillgree - Hamilton. Dig 19 apt,
5 ems. Sold 011,1 $90,000:
i:nl in
;trice $05,000. Terms $55,000.
10 rm. Hotel. Vet y clews ,
$211,000 a year. Terms 125,000 du it
Call Mr. Bedford.



Homer Warren & Co






Presents its



Grand Ballroom, Book-Cadillac Hotel

Tony Marvin and His Orchestra


New 1946 Nationally Advertised Electric Refrigerator, Washing
Machine, Radio-Phonograph, 12 pairs Nylons and Furniture.


For Any Occasion

Tickets on Sale at Grinnell's or Call UN. 3-0921

Floor Shows • Name Bands

Admission $2.50 (tax included)


753 Book Bldg-

CA. 4710

Listen to

"The Drama of Palestine"

Over CKLW Every Saturday Night

at 11:15 p.m.



will be heard this Saturday night, May 4, at 11:15 p.m., in

"The Call of the Sea"

Leading stars of stage, screen, and radio will participate in
every one of the 26 successive programs.

Call your friends and tell them to listen!


It will help the cause of the Jewish people to have non-Jews

listen to this great program.


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