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January 15, 1943 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1943-01-15

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January 15, 1943


Or. William P. Lemon
Michigan Hillel To
To Address Men's Club, Hold Week-end Party
Shaarey Zedek Jan. 20
The Bnai Brith Hillel Founda-

Stollman To Address
N. Woodward JWEWO

The North Woodward Branch
of the Jewish Women's European
Dr. William P. Lemon, minister tion at the University of Wchi- Welfare Organization is sponsor-
of the First Presbyterian Church, gan will hold its third Sol ier
at the University of Michigan, Week-End on Saturday and Sun-
Jan. 16 and 17. The event
Ann Arbor, will speak at the day,
will also serve as a farewell party
next meeting of the Men's Club for a number of Hillel members
Wednesday evening, Jan. 20, at who are leaving the campus to
8:15 o'clock, in the social hall join the armed forces.
of the synagogue. The subject
In charge of the social and war
of the lecture will be "What's
Right With the World." Dr. activities committee sponsoring the
Lemon graduated from Union affair honoring men in uniform
Theological Seminary in 1915. He and men soon to don uniforms are
has served as minister in three Herbert Levin of Detroit, Char-
university centers where he also lotte Kaufman of Ann Arbor,
directed student work. From Grace Freudberg of Washington,
1921-1931 Dr. Lemon was asso- D. C., Harry Miller of Jersey
ciated with the University of City, and Shirley Winokur of
Minnesota, following which he Watervliet. Others assisting in
continued his ministry at the the week-end affair are Donna
University of Iowa. Since 1934, Weiss, Sue Klein, Shelia Orloff,
Dr. Lemon has been minister and Shulamith Atkin, Ruth Bloom,
student worker at the University Joan Gross, Beverly Witen. Marie
of Michigan. He is also president, Glucksman and Robert Warner,
student director.
of the Ann Arbor Ministerial As-
Guests at the Foundation will
include service men from Fort
For the past five years Dr. Custer, Kellogg Field, Percy Jones
Lemon has been lecturer at the General Hospital, Willow Run and
Men's Club for the Study of Re- the Judge Advocate General, medi-
ligion which meets weekly at the cal and foreign language army
Detroit Y. M. C. A. His courses units now stationed at the Uni-
are attended by prominent De- versity.
ing a memorial luncheon on Mon-
troiters of all faiths. Dr. Lemon
Service men visiting Ann Arbor day, Jan. 25, at 12:30 o'clock,
visited Europe as one of 10 min- from near-by army posts will ar- at the Wilshire Hotel. The me-
isters selected by the Federal rive at the Foundation on Satur 7 morial luncheon is a traditional
Council of Churches for preach- day afternoon. Hillel hostesses and event held to commemorate de-
ing on the Continent. A man of town's women will provide a buf- ceased members of the organi-
great erudition and eloquence, fet dinner which will be followed zation.
Dr. Lemon has a significent mes- by a (lance in the evening. They
Isaac Stollman will
will be housed for the night in make the El Hamorachmim
The meeting is open to mem- Fraternities and in the homes of Members and friends are invited
bers of the Men's Club, ladies town's people and at the Founda- to attend, but reservations must
and guests.
be in at an early date. Mrs. A.
On Sunday morning the visitors Kurzmann is chairman and Mrs.
will attend a meeting of Hillel Morris Fishman is co-chairman
Student Council and a special re- and the originator of these events,
ligious service in the Foundation's the first of which was held seven
chapel to be conducted by David years ago.
Crohn, student director.
Sunday afternoon will be de-
voted to a tour of the campus DOWNTOWN THEATERS
ENDING JAN. 23, 1943
and a reception in which service
FOX—The brilliant talents of
men, students and town's people
will participate. Plans have been Fred Astaire, Rita Hayworth and
completed to entertain up to 100 Jerome Kern are combined in
men during the week-end.
the top feature at the Fox, "You
Were Never Lovlier". The corn-
pardon feature on the same pro-
Beth Tefilo Ebanuel
Membership Social Jan. 19 gram will be E. Phillips Oppen-
heim's masterpiece of thrills,
Members of Congregation Beth "The Great Impersonation," feat-
Tefilo Emanuel and their fam- uring Ralph Bellamy and Evelyn
ilies will gather at the synagogue Ankers.
hall on Tuesday evening, Jan. 19,
Called For and delivered or
at 8:30 for the first in a series
visitthe nearest Famous Store
of monthly social get-togethers ar- ,And Illy Gal," whose cast is
ranged by the officers. In observ- headed by July Garland, Gene
ance of Chamisho Osor Bi Shvat, Kelly and George Murphy, 'kill
next week's function will be de- remain for a third and final week
voted to a Palestinian program di- at the United Artists Theater. As
rected by Rabbi W. J. Wohlgel- the companion feature. also re-
ernter and Cantor N. Schulsinger. maining, is "Sunday Punch." a
COlumbia 1111
Tradit'onal fruit and refresh- Prizefight comedy starring Jean
ments will be served by the Sis- Rogers and Dan Daily, Jr.
MICHIGAN—Errol Flynn and
Alexis Smith in "Gentleman Jim"
are at the Michigan. On the same
Program is an exciting thriller,
If You Are Interested In Quality Meat, Call at
"Busses Roar". Packing all the
excitement of the gay nineties,
11632 Dexter Blvd.
the picture "Gentleman Jim" is
(13etwan Burlingame and Webb)
en action account of the life of
James .1. Corbett, a gentleman
n 71,1 W fighter who could also ro-



Aaron B. Margolis

Kosher Meat B Poultry Market

Montefiore Lodge
Installs Officers Jan. 11

The Montefiore Lodge No. 12,
held its regular meeting on Mon-
day, Jan. 11, tathe home of Dr.
and Mrs. S. B. Danto, 2224 Chi-
cago Blvd.. at which time the
following officers were installed:
Leo M. Brown. nresident• Saul
Lewis, vice president; Maxwell
Emmet:. secretary and treasurer,
and Arthur Gottesman, trustee.
The members discussed plans
for an extensive charitable pro-
gram for the coming year and
also are planning to aid the War
effort in many ways.
The next meeting which will
he a social meeting, will he held
Jan. 25. at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. M. Brown, 16835 Wildemere
A ve.

Primrose Club Annual
Donor Luncheon Jan. 19




Final arrangements for the an-
nual donor luncheon which will
take place on Jan. 19, 19-13, at the
Book Cadillac Hotel have been
completed. Reservations are still
being taken by the pledge chair-
man, Mrs. A. Zohott, and Mrs. J.
Hoffman. Mrs. Carl Pearl is
chairman of the affair. Mrs. Joe
Rodman will give the invocation.
An excellent musical program
has been arranged by the com-
Proceeds derived from this af-
fair will enable the Primrose
Benevolent Club to centinue with
it' charity work.
Contributions made during the
past year amounted to $750.



The local visit this week-end of Ben Kaufman, Na-
tional Commander of the Jewish War Veterans of the
United States, brings to our city one of America's out-
standing war heroes, who wears that rarest and most
precious of all war decorations, the Congressional Medal
of Honor.
Among the many lies and calumnies which our ene-
mies have spread, none is more vicious or outrageously
false than the charge that Jews of America do not bear
their full share of the "blood, sweat and tears" which
alone are the price of victory in war; that we skulk in
safety in the rear while others suffer and die in the
front lines of battle. Typical of this kind of slander is an
article recently published in the Prairie Schooner of
Salina, Kas., and distributed among the officers and men
of Camp Philips, Kas., and other army camps. It runs
like this:


The first American to kill a Jap was Michael Murphy.
The first American to sink a battleship was Colin Kelly.
The first American flier to bag a Jap plane was Ed O'Hara.
The first American Coast Guard to detect German spies
was John Cullen.
The first American to make himself a human torpedo was
John Patrick Powers.


The first person to get four new tires was Abraham Cohen.

Ben Kaufman and men like him furnish a living
refutation of this sort of Hitlerite propaganda. For the
truth is that we Jews possess an abundant share of
courage, both moral and physical ; of that quality which
we Americans call "guts". It enabled Ben Kaufman to
perform his legendary exploit on the field of battle,
when wounded and the sole survivor of his company,
he rushed forward in the face of withering machine gun
fire to capture an enemy position. It steeled the hand
and steadied the aim of Sergt. Meyer Levin, who, as
Captain Colin Kelly's bombardier, released the bomb
which sank a Jap battleship. It was responsible for the
recent act of heroism in Guadalcanal of Pvt. Barney K.
Ross, the game little fighting man who held two world's
championships, who stood guard over three wounded
comrades and blazed away in defiiance although it was
almost certain death to remain exposed to a hidden
Jap machine-gun nest. It won for him a recommenda-
tion for the Army Distinguished Service Cross and the
even more coveted honor—according to him—of hearing
his captain call him a "damned good Marine".
The brave spirit and lion-like courage of the Maccabees
are not dead. They burn in the heart and soul of the
Jew and need but the great and overwhelming cause
of liberty to burst into full and glorious flame.

Gamma Kappa Chi
Induction Dinner for
Pledges on Feb. 8

U. S. War Bonds in the amount
of $200 were purchased by the
Gamma Kappa Chi fraternity of
Wayne University. •
Chuck Kruger will serve as
chairman for the induction dinner
for the pledges on Feb. 8. Others
who are assisting with the plans
are Chester Shaw, Irving Cohen.
Ralph Gross, Maxwell Nadis, Sol
Dovitz, Paul J. Miller and Phil
Ralph Gross will replace Leo
Burg as treasurer of the fratern-
ity. Burg enters the army to
make 32 members of G. K. C. now
in the U. S. armed forces. Pvt.
Sidney Chafetz and Al Seigel,
of the U. S. Signal Corps are
now home on furloughs.

Louis Marshall Bnai Brith
Aux. To Meet Jan. 19

A part of its current member-
ship drive, the Women's Auxiliary
of the Bnai Brith Louis Marshall
Lodge will hold an open meeting
on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1913, at
8:30 p. m. at the Rose Sittig Co-
hen Bldg., Tyler at Lawton.
Current events and Bnai Brith
work will be the topics of the
evening. A social hour with re-
freshments will follow the regular
business meeting.
Mrs. A. Prussin is president of
the organization.

The David Horodoker Juniors
are holding their fourth annual
donor dinner on Tuesday, Feb.
2, at 6:30 p. m., at Pereira's,
9925 Dexter Blvd. For informa-
tion and reservations call Mrs.
Lawton, To. 5-5462, or Mrs. Da-
vidson, To. 5-0465.
Admission of Refugees
The entertainment part of the
program will include Mrs. D.
Into Palestine Is Urged
Kallman as soprano soloist, and
L 0 N D 0 N. — Great Britain E. Lipson, violinist, accompanied
must allow the "immediate ad- at the piano by Mrs. I. Hoffman.
mission" into Palestine of Jewish
refugees from the Nazi terror,
it was urged by Prof. G. D. H.
Cole, chairman of the Fabian
Society, and John Parker, secre-
tary, in a circular regarding the
Jewish massacres. "It is idle to
make appeals to humanity in oth-
er countries," they declared, "if
Britain refuses the one thing
really in its power."
Insisting that denunciations and
ust he taken now— a ter the war
warnings of retribution, which arc
Is too late. All earnings meet lam-
"right and just", are, neverthe- ih requirements plus building for
the futute. Bet all t he Facts and
less, not enough, the circular
Figures from Mr. Bedford.
states that "a plan for coopera-
DORYN--25 attractive opts.
tion of the United Nations and
4 t mutts N. W. sera. SIIIHII 15
the neutral countries is essen- 3 . to I 1 ,4
7„ terms. Earns 52110 monthly
tial" for resettlement after the after all r X peliS• and payments.
war as well as to assist in the
$15,000 I/111'N St ■ 1141 bk and steel
esnape of the refugees and to
27 apt m New ref rig. close estate
induce the neutral countries to
entire price 10,000. Nets $7.1100 after
open their frontiers for them.
all to Res expense. Mary elous pro-
This last implies assurance of ducer.
food supplies by the Allies.
$20,000 DOWN—Imagine 11 opts 2
"For the sake of British na-
to 5 rooms new refrig 111.W stoves.
Item $20,01 1 0 Former $205,900 value.
tional honor we must urgently
Entire price $65,000.
do something." the circular de-
clares. It points to the' possi-
Jt APTS--Big court design 4 to 5
bility of access to Palestine with thorns N \V. see. Marble lobby. New
stram plant new stoves. Rent
Turkey's permission for transit
827,000. Entire price $105,000. ANY-
visas. "While the number of Jew•
who are permanently admissible ing S 1 0 , 0 00 down.
to Palestine is a controversial
political question," it states, "the
SR Years' Dr tamdnble Se• - vice
urgenev of the matter demands 600 Dime Didg•
('A. 0321
immediate admission."



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