6 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The Legal Chronicle "Significance" Baptist Student Receives Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation Inter-Faith Fellowship at Alabama The skies were clear Above our land so dear, Yet a day goes down in history When so subtle an act As the Jap attack Brought war to our nation, born—others to free. On that December seven 'Twas recorded in Heaven Aggressors struck hard our democracy; Forever are such records kept For those who died, who bled, who wept, And all who still protect sweet liberty. Some pattern fair Is woven there To restore this world- to its just peace; As in eras before Justice settled the score We hope on, the inferno soon will cease. On our Chanukah, too, Aggressors struck at the Jew With abandon—no mercy in reserve; Chasmonoyim heroes rose To vanquish all our foes, The Maccabean victory can a present example serve. The Grover Cleveland Hall Award, established by the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at the University of Alabama, in memory of the late Grover Cleveland Hall, crusading Alabama editor who smashed the Ku Klux Klan in his state, is awarded to James Davis. Baptist student, who was adjudged by a faculty committee to have done the most to promote interfaith relations on the campus. Left to right: James H. Newman, dean of men; Professor Mont- gomery, chairman of the award committee; Rabbi George Ende, director of the Hillel Foundation; James Davis, award winner, and Dr. Raymond R. Patty, president of the University of Alabama. MIRIAM G. SLOBIN. Palestine Rabbinical Assembly Appeals To Democratic World To Rescue Jews Greetings of the Season! WAGNER BAKING CORP. Mrs. Wagner's Pies 2002 FOURTH ST. CADILLAC 1320 JERUSALEM (WNS )— More than 400 Rabbis, gathered at an unprecedented rabbinical assem- bly here, appealed to the gov- ernments of the United Nations and to church authorities to do all in their power to rescue the millions of helpless Jews in oc- cupied Europe doomed to de- struction. The rabbinical assembly was held in Jerusalem's oldest syna- gogue—the traditional seat of Palestine's chief rabbis for the SINCERE CHANUKAH GREETINGS TASTY BAR-B-Q 3 600 WOODWARD 8548 GRAND RIVER FOR FREE DELIVERY TE rrace 2-9577 TYler 4-9898 — We Never Close — We Are Pleased to Extend to Our Many Jewish Friends and Patrons Greetings for a JOYOUS CHANUKAH DETROIT CANDY CO. 35 W. JEFFERSON AVE. RANDOLPH 3940 ewish Assembl y Meets We take pleasure in extending to our many Jewish Friends and Patrons SINCEREST CHANUKAH GREETINGS DETROIT BREWING CO. 2536 ORLEANS ST. CAdillac 1600 A JOYOUS CHANUKAH TO ALL A SERVICE FOR EVERY NEED • SANITONE DRY CLEANING • FREE STORAGE CALL La Measure Bros. LAFAYETTE 2200 last twe centuries. Following special prayers for the hundreds of thousands of Jewish victims of Hitlerism, the rabbis marched in procession to the Wailing Wall. Marching side by side with the mourning rabbis were Chap- lains of all the Allied armies stationed in the Holy Land. Opening the assembly, Chief Rabbi Herzog stated that the meeting had been called to "raise the conscience of human- ity in view of the massacres per- petrated on our people in all the Nazi-occupied countries " "This great rabbinical assem- bly appeals to all nations and governments in the name of the living God, in the name of hun- dreds of thousands of martyrs and in the name of the remnant struggling in torture and agony; awake to the divine and historic call of Israel's supreme agony. Rescue those who can still be rescued. Take measures while there is yet time to stay the fiendish hand of the assassin." The Chief Rabbi continued: "Let all humanity unite to save a nation from slaughter, use all means to take out of the valley of death those doomed to utter destruction. Let the gates of all ands be flung wide open. Let shelter be accorded to those flee- ng from the inferno, until God vouchsafes grace to His people and their historic cradle." Addressing himself to world eaders of the Church, Rabbi Herzog said: "See what has been wrought on the people of the Prophets; the blood of their sons and daughters and babes has been spilled like water through- out Europe. Gather all your hearts and souls and might; use your influence to halt the shed- ing of innocent blood. Have we not all one Father and has not ne God created us?" Isaac Ben-Zvi, president of the, ewish National Council of Pal- stine, speaking before the ex- raordinary session of the Jew- sh National Assembly convoked ci protest against the mass laughter of Jews by the Nazis, barged that "the democracies re standing aloof in the blackest ay of Jewish history by refus- ng to open the gates of their ountries for Jews escaping the word of the Nazi assassin." Another speaker at the special eeting of the assembly was iss Henrietta Szold, world lead- r of Hadassah, who called upon to women of the world to save he Jewish children in occupied urope from certain death at he hands of the Nazis. Sir Harold MacMichael, High ommissioner for Palestine, cle- ared in a message to the meet- ig: "You are not alone in your • et*. The entire civilized world, gardless of race and creed. ands aghast at the atrocities of e sadistic maniacs. The United ations are determined to exact tribution• Though the mills of istice grind slowly, they grind ceedingly fine" The three-day mourning period roughout Palestine was ended Wednesday, Dec. 2, with a December Rabbi Installed at The First Hebrew Cong. of Delray 4, -142 Marshall Lodges To Hear Chicago Speaker Jack Sperling, vice president of On Sunday, Nov. 29, 1942 the the Chicago Bnai Brith Council, First Hebrew Congregation of will address a joint open meet- Delray installed Rabbi Ernest nig of Detroit Louis Marshall E. Greenfield as their new spirit- Lodge of Bnai Brith, its Aux- iliary and The Business and P•o- ual leader. The ceremony took place in fessional Women's Group, on the Synagogue at the conclusion Tuesday evening, Dcc. 8, at 8:30 p. m., at Congregation Bnai Mo. of which dinner was served by she, Dexter at Lawrence Ave , . the Ladies Auxiliary The Rabbi Mr. Sperling is director of was installed by Leo Feder form- er president of the congrega- membership for the Chicago area. tion and by his brother in law, A musical program appropriate Rabbi Sandor Engel of Duluth, for the season will follow the address. The public is cordially Minnesota. The newly installed Rabbi invited to attend this meeting. promised to cooperate to the best of his ability to further the Junior Congregation aims of the Congregation. He OfThSe haraegruely Zedek services of the then went on to say, "My efforts regular shall be directed along these two Junior Congregation of Shutt rev channels. To do whatever is pos- Zedek will be held on Sabbath, pible to hasten the victorius con- Dec. 5, in the Kate Frank Me. clusion of this calamitous war, morial Bldg. Sheldon Lutz will and to strengthen with all my act as cantor, while Philip C a p. power the religious values of Ian will be Baal Koreh. Rachel America at home." Rosenstein will deliver the Bi- Rabbi Ernest E. Greenfield, blical resume and Barbara Eder installed the newly elected offi- will summarize the Prophetical cers of the Congregation and Selection. Barbara Dann will lead the Ladies Auxiliary, president, in the reading of the Ashrey. Sam Klein, vice president; Wm. - - — B. Stearn, financial sec'y; Louis Mike Galanda. Tischler, treasurer; D. Lang, re- Ladies Auxiliary: president, cording sec'y; Joseph Rosenberg- Clara Lebovitz, vice presi- er, Chevrah Kaddishah, presi- Mrs. dents: Mrs. Wm. B. Stearn and dent; Leo Feder. trustees: Mor- ris Moroff, Robert Soble and Mrs. Louis Rosenthal, treasurer, Mrs. Sam Kohn financial sec's, Mrs. Philip Schwartz ; Recording day of fasting and prayers. Jew- sec'y, Mrs. Leo Feder. ish workers, except those en- The program of the evening gaged in vital war industries, was closed by the singing of the called a stoppage of work from Hatikvah and the National An. noon to midnight on Dec. 2nd. them. IN THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON, WE EXTEND SINCERE WISHES TO ALL THE JEWISH PEOPLE FOR A JOYOUS CHANUKAH —HAROLD C. ROBINSON Film Truck Service 466 W. COLUMBIA CADILLAC 6475 A JOYOUS CHANUKAH TO ALL Central Distributors EST. 1889 BEER 216 SOUTH FORT STREET VINEWOOD 1-1161 GREETINGS OF THE SEASON SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLY CO. COMPLETE OFFICE OUTFITTERS NATE BALABAN — SOL ALLEN BALABAN HERBERT KLEIN MORRY WASSERMAN BILL LEONARD 6th Floor Vernor Bldg. — 19 W. Woodbridge St. RA. 8030