December 4, 1942 42 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Right Over Might it The Maccabean revolt which left its imprint not only on Jew- ish history but on the whole of civilization, did more than to make possible the establishment of a Jewish kingdom in Palestine. Were it not for the ardent Hasi- dim who rejected pagan idolatry and the Hellenistic mode of life, the entire future of the Judeo- Christian tradition, the fountain- head of our democratic way of life, would have been endangered. Te ill rs to n. III Te if Id 'n A Joyous Chanukah to All )f Nurses Bureau 8 Registry Registered Graduates, Under- graduates and Practical Also Male and Hourly Nurses Prompt Service Day and Night ' TEmple 1.0777 TErrace 2-9149 MRS. N. B. CHRISTIN, Manager Established 1904 3708 TRUMBULL By JACOB KABAKOFF Editor's Note: Jacob Kabakoff, a student of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, is a well-known contributor to the English-Jewish and Hebrew press. In his current article he discusses the significance of Chanukah in the eternal battle for freedom. The miraculous outcome of the Maccabean struggle may be view- ed as a decisive turning-point in the history of humanity. The Hel- lenistic world, with its concomi- tant idolatry and syncretism, was certainly unable to assure the furtherance of the ideals of equal- ity, freedom and peace. Had not the Maccabees arisen to chal- lenge the Hellenistic outlook, the world would have remained a world of Might, not of Right. It is inconceivable that Greek-Orien- tal thought could have rescued the world from the spiritual mo- rass into which it had sunk. It was the Battle of Emmans, in which Judah the Maccabee and his valiant soldiers repulsed their powerful Syrian oppressers, that turned the tide against paganism and encouraged the continual growth and extension of the re- ligious ideal. For it was not merely the force of arms, but rather the power of the spirit which enabled them to prevail against their enemies. How far-reaching was the in- !; i !tit If SINCERE CHANUKAH GREETINGS t' from CLUB ROYALE Detroit's most beautiful supper club . . . Top-flight entertainment, music, cuisine. PRospect 1666-7 Gratiot at 8 Mile Road SINCERE HOLIDAY GREETINGS GREENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY GENERAL INSURANCE 1401 WASHINGTON BLVD. BUILDING CADILLAC 0726-0727 DETROIT, MICH. fluence of the Maccabean strug- gle can be seen from the fact that the Pharisees, who during the Second Commonwealth were in- strumental in the development of a Judaism and an ethical system of law, are seen as an outgrowth of the Hasidim. In their own age, the Pharisees continued the bat- tle for Judaism, stressing as did the Hasidim before them, that it was a "time to do for the Lord." Through the Talmud and a Jew- ish way of life, they set an ex- ample of an ethical order worthy of emulation by the world. Here- in lies the religio-national signifi- cance of Hanukkah for the Jews and its importance for the world at large. The historic event with which Hanukkah is associated is the dedication of the Temple, whose date, 25 Kislev, corresponds ac- cording to legend with the day upon which the work of building the Tabernacle was completed. The symbol of the eight-day fes- tival later became the Menorah, and the institution of the joyous custom of kindling the lights gave rise to the name of Feast of Lights for the holiday. The first source to discuss the lighting of special lights for Hanukkah is the Jewish histor- ian Flavius Josephus who, giving a symbolic interpretation of the custom in his "Antiquities of the Jews," was led to state: "I sup- pose the reason was, because this liberty beyond our hopes appear- ed to us." Thus the lights are a symbol of the liberty which was affected on Hanukkah. In an- cient times, the lights were kin- dled with great ceremony and were placed at the left side of the entrance to the house, opposite the Mezuzah, as a demonstration of festivity. In modern times they represent a symbol of faith, their numbers increasing daily and implying that Jewish devo- tion must constantly be strength- ened. In Palestine there has again developed the practice of kindling the lights outdoors. Until the adoption of the recent wartime restrictions, large electric Men- oras were lighted in Tel-Aviv and the colonies as the climax of an evening of ceremony and parade, featured by a candle march in which the children took a leading part. The Rabbis in the Talmud A Joyous Chanukah to All Outfit Yourself for the Holidays b•ations took. In the Orient it is still the practice of Jews to mas- querade on the holiday. Hanukkah has also become an occasion for the practice of charity and the pursuit of the general commun- ity welfare. In the modern period, Hanukkah came more and more to symbol- ize the will of the Jewish people to survival to the continuance of their religion and the furtherance of their cultural life. The Zion- ist movement has continually pointed to the Maccabeean revolt as a symbol of rebirth and heroic effort to a generation desiring to see the realization of Jewish statehood in Palestine. Hanukkah has been widely used as the oc- See RIGHT—Page 8 A Joyous Chanukah to All HANDY Manufacturers Twisted in Wire and Wire Drawn Brushes Special Twisted Steel Brushes ROY L. HATHAWAY, Pres. 1745 ABBOTT STREET CHERRY 9187 CHANUKAH GREETINGS IN THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON, WE EXTEND SINCERE WISHES TO ALL THE JEWISH PEOPLE FOR A JOYOUS CHANUKAH • FRANK & SEDER A JOYOUS CHANUKAH TO ALL HENRY'S STORE, INC, HIGHLAND GARAGE 11661 DEXTER HO. 0100 GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIR SERVICE Body and Fender Bumping—Acetylen e Welding Electrical Service — Alemiting — Greasing — Motor Oils 1231 HIGHLAND AVE. (Rear) TOwnsend 8.6157 NATIONAL COAL Z4 COKE CO. 9141 MONICA TYler 5-8600 A Joyous Chanukah to All • SINCERE CHANUKAH GREETINGS MAJESTIC TOOL & MFG. CORP. INTERNAL GRINDERS AND PARKER HI-SPEED SPINDLES J. W. PARKER 2950 E. WOODBRIDGE ST. MODERN COLLET AND Manufacturers of MACHINE CO. FITZROY 1011 HOYT'S LAUNDRY - Just Phone - CAdillac 4124 BRUSH CO. STETSON HATS WEMBLEY TIES ARROW SHIRTS INTERWOVEN SOCKS A Shop for Men HOLIDAY GREETINGS rightly stressed the spiritual as- pect of the Feast of Dedication, and in reply to the question "What is Hanukkah?" answered that it symbolized the miracle of a single cruse of undefiled oil which sufficed for eight days. Sensing that the importance of Hanukkah in Jewish history lay chiefly in its religious significance, the Rabbis placed the military ex- ploits of the Maccabees in the background and emphasized the spiritual elements which made possible the survival of Judaism. Throughout the ages it was this stress, together with the emphasis on the national element, of the holiday which rendered Hanukkah a source of hope to the Jews everywhere and an occasion for rejoicing and merriment. During the Middle Ages, it was the prac- tice of various synagogues to read the Scroll of Antiochus, con- taining the legendary lore in Aramaic and Hebrew on the events of the holiday. The festive character of Ha- nukkah was enhanced by special meals and gatherings and by deli- cacies (largely made of cheese) whose preparation came into vogue as early as the fourteenth century. The playing of games was encouraged after the kindling of the candles, since it was pro- hibited to do any work by their light. Theatricals were another form which the Hanukkah cele- WE JOIN OUR JEWISH AGENTS Herman J. Agins Israel M. Malek R. Blumcr Abraham Schmidt Nathan Kaplan William Mcisler IN WISHING YOU ALL A JOYOUS CHANUKAH H. B. CLARK C. H. CARPENTER GENERAL AGENTS The Michigan Mutual 401 Salliotte St. Auto Insurance Co. Ecorse, Mich. OF TRAVERSE CITY ATlantic 1500 314 Fox Theatre Bldg. CHerry 5605