DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 2 Women's Council Needs Volunteers For Resale Shop To serve the growing demand at Resale Shop for clothing and miscellaneous articles, the De- troit Section of National Council of Jewish Women needs more women to work on its volunteer solicitors committee to contact stores for merchandise. Volunteer workers devote one- 1- lull day each week contacting specified merchants, many of whom are regular contributors of salvage merchandise. In this way large groups of merchants become familiar with the re- quirements of Resale Shop and with the uses of Council's Schol- arship, Refuge, and Camp funds, raised through the sale of mer- chandise contributed by them. Mrs. David Feerer, chairman of the Resale Shop Committee, reports that despite sub-zero weather, the Council's bundle tea held on Jan. 5, at Shaarey Zedek yielded more than 300 articles. Special mention is accorded Mrs. L. C. Touff, Council's "Wo- man of the Month," for her splen- did work in Resale Shop this season. Anyone wishing to be active on this committee may contact Mrs. David Feerer, Un. 1-2834. Program Arranged For U.H.S. Women's Donor Event Jan. 28 An unusual program has been arranged by the chairmen, Mrs. Jack Tobin and Mrs. Bertram Smokier, to be presented at the annual donor luncheon of the IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear mother, Belle Barnett, who passed away Jan. 21, 1931. Hazel B. Sobel. In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister, Minnie Pe- chensky, who passed away 16 years ago, Jan. 12, 1926. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweet, tender and true, There Is not a day goes by That we do not think of you. Aaron B. Margolis Kosher Meat U Poultry Market TO. 8.8118-9 11632 DEXTER BLVD. (Between Burlingame and Webb) Next to Kresge's "My—that was GRAND!" Prominent Leaders Join in Spon- soring Movement; Dr. Ginz- burg Speaks Here MME. MARGUERITE KOZENN Women's Auxiliary of the United Hebrew Schools, Jan. 28. The artists will be Mme Mar- guerite Kozenn and Julius Chajes. In addition to the musical pro- gram, a "March of Time" sketch depicting 10 years of progress of the organization, in celebration of this 10th annual donor lunch- eon, will be presented. Included in the program will be a session of the kindergarten class from the Rose Sittig Cohen School, conducted by their teach- er, Mrs. D. Schakney. Mrs. Saul Levin of Boston Blvd. and Mrs. Abe Kasle of At- kinson Ave., opened their homes to the members attending the pep rallies the past week. The Women's Auxiliary of .the United Hebrew Schools will hold an open meeting and dessert luncheon, Wednesday, Jan. 21, at the Rose Sittig Cohen Branch at 1 p. m. All members and friends are invited. Rabbi Fram to Address • the Ladies Aux. of Kvutzah Ivrith on Feb. 4 The seventh annual donor luncheon of the Ladies Auxil- iary of Kvutzah Ivrith will be held Feb. 4, at the Fort Wayne Hotel. The guest speaker will be Rabbi Leon Fram of Tem- ple Israel. The last meet- ing was held at the home of Mrs. I. Willis, 1821 Oakman Blvd. Dr. S. Ginzburg, He- brew poet and scholar. gave an inspiring ad- dress on the work of Keren Rabbi Fram Hatarbut. The next business and liter- ary meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. B. Fealk, 3253 Clements. Mrs. A. D. Markson is the president of the organization. Further information may be ob- tained by calling Ty. 6-9159. Testimonial and Silver Wed- ding of Ethel and Abe Dorf, on Jan. 20 ...that's • What They All Say When They Drink STEM'S BOHEMIAN BEER The Detroit League of the National Home for Jewish Chil- dren at Denver will hold its an- nual paid-up membership lunch- eonette on Wednesday, Jan. 21, at 1 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Louis Davidson, 19563 Canter- burg Drive. Mrs. Monte Weston, Mrs. Edward Krause and Mrs. Harry Greenspan are chairmen of the hospitality committee. Mrs. Sidney Wallace and Mrs. Charles Lapides, chairmen of the program committee, have arrang- ed to have Rabbi Leon Fram as the guest speaker. Rabbi Fram will review a popular current book, and will devote a period to discussion of vitally important subjects. Mrs. Daniel Siegel, president, invites all members of the organ- ization to attend this affair. Keren Hatarbut Supported Here Sadly missed by her parents, sisters and brother. You Can Buy QUALITY KOSHER MEAT with Confidence from RABBI FRAM TO SPEAK TO N. H. J. C. JAN. 21 At Littman's Peoples Theater, on Tuesday night, Jan. 20, a double gala testimonial perform- ance, together with a silver wed- ding celebration on the stage of the two Jewish artists, Ethel Keren Hatarbut, the Palestine Hebrew Culture Fund, is receiv- ing encouraging support in De- troit. A committee consisting of Rabbi A. M. Hershman, Bernard Isaacs, Maurice Landau, M. H. Zackheim, and others, is assisting Dr. Simon Ginzburg, the execu- tive director of the movement, in gathering a fund to support the Hebrew writers of Palestine and to sponsor the publishing of Hebrew books, under the auspices of Keren Hatarbut. Dr. Ginzburg, now in Detroit, addressed the Kvutzah Ivrith Saturday night and spoke to a group of leaders Monday in the interests of the fund. Dr. Ginzburg will deliver an- other address before the Kvut- zah on Saturday evening, Jan. 24, in the Rose Sittig Cohen Bldg. His subject will be "Pal- estinian Modern Hebrew Litera- ture." Dr. Hershman will be the chairman. Herman D. Boraks is president of the Kvutzah Ivrith; Morris Lachover, chairman of the cultural committee. Install Officers of Home Relief Society at Luncheon Jan. 26 The Home Relief Society will install new officers for the com- ing year, at a subscription lunch- eon at the Wilshire Hotel, Col- lingwood and 2nd, on Monday, Jan. 26, at 12:30 p. m. The luncheon is optional. Members and friends wishing to attend the ceremonies starting at 2 p. m., are invited. For reservations call Mrs. Jerome Kanter, To. 6-0756, or Mrs. Sam Lucas, To. 8-4039. Mrs. S. B. Danto has arranged a most interesting program. There will be a speaker from the Red Cross who will talk on "Women's Place in Defense." Fulton Oursler to Speak at Cass Town Hall Jan. 23 Fulton Oursler, novelist, au- thor and editor-in-chief of Lib- erty Magazine and 10 other Mac- Fadden monthly magazines, speaks for the Detroit Town Hall at the Cass Theater, next Fri- day morning, Jan. 23, at 11 o'clock. Many editorial scoops are cred- ited to Mr. Oursler: Hitler's sen- sational article "When I Take Charge of Germany"; the article on savings banks published be- fore the moratorium; the article written by Leon Trotsky advocat- ing recognition of Russia; and Senator Wheeler's article on bi- metalism. Primrose Benevolent Club Fashion Show Jan. 20 ETHEL AND ABE DORF Dorf and Abe Dorf, will take place. The entire cast will rip- pear in a new play, "New York After Dark." After the regalar performance, the ceremonyT o the Dorfs' silver wedding will be performed on the 50ge with Cantor J. H. Sonenklar officiat- ing. Primrose Benevolent Club will sponsor a fashion show at J. L. Hudson Co. on Jan. 20. The donor luncheon is to be held at the Webster Hall. Mrs. S. Kleinman will be guest speak- er. There will also be singing by Ruth Soifer and music. Mrs. C. Pearl will be toastmaster. At the meeting 'of Jan. 12, delegates were chosen to attend donor luncheons. Mrs. T. Zohott, resident, attended the Pioneer's omen's affair. M. Worman of the League of Blind was guest speaker on Jan. 12. His Seeing-Ege cloy compan- ion was with him. January 16, 1'42 Part of Military Ball Proceeds for U. S. Pursuit Planes The Department of Michiran Jewish War Veterans of the Uni- ted States have added to their ,kif, local projects assistance to the national program to raise funds for the purchase of six pursuit planes which will be donated to the United States government, A part of the funds raised from t he military ball which will be held Feb. 14, at the Masonic Temple will be earmarked for this pro. ject. On Monday, Jan. 19, at 10:15 p. m., Dr. Robert Rosen, district national vice-commander, will he the guest speaker over WXYZ. Other speakers will be heard at later dates. Nathan Lerner, de- partment commander and general chairman of the ball, is actively assisted by Dept. Senior Vice- Commander Dr. Perry P. Burn- stifle, director of publicity and J. W. V. Good Will Radio Pro- gram; Dr. Hilliard Goldstick, chairman of arrangements; Ar- thur Fixel, chairman of the pro. grain ; Philip Kantor, chairman of ticket distribution; Morris Bordelove, Harry Madison, Ben Colan, Samuel Zusman, Samuel Rose, Mrs. Loupiloff, Harry Benjamin Gladwin, Schaffer, Harry Carson and many others. Regional Meet Jan, 17.18 The fifth region will hold a conclave on Saturday, Jan. 17, and 18, at the Pfister Hotel, Milwaukee, Wis. National Com- mander Benjamin Kaufman of Trenton, N. J., will be one of the principal speakers. Dr. Rob- ert Rosen will preside. The slogan for the conference is "Victory Through Unity." Na- tional Ways and Means Chair- man Harry Schaffer of Detroit, Ben Colan, Philip Kantor and other local veterans will attend the conference. Local Unit Activities The Lt. Eli Levin Ladies Aux- iliary Unit requests the donation of heated quarters to do Red Cross work in the northwest sec- tion. Any one who is willing to make this donation, contact de- partment headquarters, 1022 Fox Bldg., Ra. 9223. This auxiliary unit with its president, Mrs. Mor- ris Loupiloff, are actively en- gaged in Red Cross for national defense. Post 135 will hold installation and dinner-dance on Sunday eve- ning, Jan. 25, at Webster Hall. The newly-elected administration is as follows: Commander, Ben- jamin E. Cowan; senior vice-com- mander, Harry I. Liebson; jun- ior vice-commander, Ellis G. Gold- berg; adjutant, Benjamin A. Gladwin; judge advocate, Harry Madison; quartermaster, Harry II. Newman; trustee, Leon Gins- burg; executive committee, Louis Schlein, Dr. Perry P. Burnstine, Nathan M. Lerner, David Kay and Al Curtiss. Joint installation of officers of Detroit Post No. 135 of the Jewish War Veterans and Ladies Auxiliary will take place Jan. 25, at Webster Hall. The following officers were elected by the Ladies Auxiliary: President, Mae Ginsburg; sen- ior president, Henrietta Niman; junior president, Sarah Schwartz; conductress, Yetta Sterns; chap- lain, Hattie Cohen; recording sec- retary, Ann Elias; corresponding secretary, Beatrice Zeientz; treas- urer, Birdie Rosenberg; patriotic instructress, Sadie McGinty; judge advocate, Marion Rubenstein; historian, Annette Kahn; trustees, Mabel Gray, Lee Walt, Lillian Fink; guard, Sarah Berent. Equality Club Installs Offi- cers; Gives $50 to the Red Cross The following officers were in- stalled at an informal installa- tion which was held at the home of Betty Berkowitz: President. Luba Lupiloff ; vice-president , Emma ech; treasurer, Sonnie Gertzman; financial secretary. Clara Breitman; recorded secre- tary, Betty Berkowitz; visiting committee, Minnie Bloom, Dora Berkowitz; coul committee, Em- ma Pech, Sadie Fisher; publicity. Anna Berkowitz. Fifty dollars was sent to the Red Cross in the name of tilt' club. Plans were made for a formal dinner to be held in March. Pro- ceeds to go towards a bombe] for the government. Final ar rangements for this affair will bi made at the next meeting, or January 21, at the home of Clara Breitman.