Amtricam 'apish Periodical eater CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle December 19, 1941 Chanukah Greetings To All DEXTER - WEBB BEAUTY SHOP 11707 DEXTER BLVD. NOrthlawn 9369 Sincere Chanukah Greetings Register for Civilian Defense! Buy U. S. Defense Stamps and Bonds! Have you registered for civilian defense work? If you have not, do so at once, at 51 W. Warren Ave., or at branch offices established for this purpose. Have you purchased Defense Bonds? Are you encouraging your children to buy Defense Stamps? Join the all-out effort to win total victory against the Axis! Register for defense activities! Buy Defense Stamps and Defense Bonds! NELSON AUTO PARTS TRUCKS — PARTS 5055 Fifteenth. at Warren TYler 6-5616 Borin Bros. Give Sisterhood Sabbath Their Employees at Emanuel Forum Defense Bonds Mrs. Wohlgelernter to Speak on Every Person in Their Employ to Be Given U. S. Bond in "Win Victory" Effort Chanukah Greetings to All P RIM BEAUTY SHOPPE 2615 CALVERT AVE. TO. 8-9022 A distinct service to our coun- try's effort to defeat the Axis is being rendered by Bonin Bros., inc., prominent ice and fuel dealers. Nathan Borin, speaking for the company, announced this week that as part of their share in the Sincere Clumukah Greetings SPOON BROS. Builders 3331 WEBB TO. 6-4057 A Joyous Chanukah to All • WINDSOR HOTEL 100 ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATHS In the Grill Room We Serve Wine and Liquor, Domestic and Imported, and Food of Italian and American Dishes ul 2203 CASS AVE. RA. 6268 be ks of Chanukah Greetings to All he he ul- cer sss el, eh, BOB WADE'S GOOD GULF SERVICE GOOD GULF Gasoline - Oil - Service Parking for 200 cars-24 hour watchman service CASS AT TEMPLE Phone CLifford 0033 Chanukah Greetings to All E. E. ANDERSON LUMBER CO. 19707 JOHN R. TOwnsend 9-4200 A Joyous Chanukah to All S. B. TOOL CO. 5303 TWELFTH ST. TYLER 4-4021 A Happy and Joyous Chanukah to All OSCAR KLAUSNER INTERIOR DECORATING STUDIO Draperies, Slip Covers, Re-Upholstering. Good Furniture Estimates Freely Given Good Taste Need Not Be Expensive RANDOLPH 4244-4245 1414 FARMER STREET A Happy and Joyous Chanukah to All DETROIT TULLAR ENVELOPE CO. MANUFACTURERS The most complete line of Friday Eve.. Dec. 26 Commercial Envelopes and Specialties The Sisterhood of Congrega- tion Beth Tefilo Emanuel an- nounces the observance of the annual Sabbath dedicated to the members of the organization and their daughters, Friday evening, Dec. 26, at 8:30. Mrs. M. J. Wohlgelernter, the rabbi's wife, will address the weekly forum on the subject "Frank Talk About Judge Frank's Proposal". She will discuss the recent article in the Saturday Evening Post, en- t itled "Red, White and Blue Herring". Cantor Hyman Schulsinger will conduct the community singing of Sabbath and Palestinian hymns and a thorough discussion of the subject of Mrs. Wohlgelernter'a address, by members of the audi- ence, will follow her lecture. The entire program will take place in the newly remodeled so- cial hall of the synagogue, which was dedicated last Tuesday eve- ning at the annual congregational Chanukah dinner. Mrs. M. Rosen- zweig headed the Sisterhood corn- ,cmittec in charge of that affair. A social hour and refresh- ments will conclude next Fn- day's event. Plain and Printed Established 1901 .4 Happy and Joyous Chanukah to All John A. Mercier Brick Co. 3895 ROULO AVE. TO OUR MANY FRIENDS Virus war effort, and to help this coun- try win a victory over the bru- talitarian governments of Europe and Asia, they will present to every employee a U. S. Defense Bond this Christmas. This act has deeply moved the employees of Borin Bros., Inc., both for their generosity as well as the patriotic manner in which they are thinking of their em- ployees in this wartime Christ- mas season. Russians Explain Failure of Anti-Semitism ATLANTIC CITY (JPS)—Neu- tralization of poliomyelitis virus in the early stages of the infan- tile paralysis disease was report- ed to the American Public Health Association's annual convention here by Dr. Edward J. Rosenow, a member of the Mayo Founda- tion staff at Rochester, Minn. Treatments to nearly 500 per- sons had proved effective, the paralysis research worker told the assembly. Phone Vlnewood 1-0761 DEARBORN Chanukah Greetings Neutralizes Infantile Paralysis NATHAN BORIN Lafayette 2700 2744 W. Fort Street We Wish for Everyone of You - - - GOOD HEALTH . HAPPINESS - CONTENTMENT SERVICE SALES For Economical Transportation SEE THE NEW 1942 STYLE LEADER ON DISPLAY SEPT. 26 - 27 Samuel Lamport Foundation Set Up NEW YORK. (PS)—Thirty per cent of the estate of Samuel C. Lamport, who died Sept. 13, was willed for the creation of a Sam- uel C. and Miriam D. Lamport Foundation, the filing of the will in Surrogate's Court disclosed. Annual gifts were provided of $2,000 each to the New York Federation of Philanthropies, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem acid Yeshiva College; $1,000 an- nually to the Beth Israel Hos- pital and smaller amounts to other bodies, including $150 year- ly prizes at Brown and Oarvard Universities and Vassar College. LONDON. (JPS)—Listing the Jewish heroes in the defense of Leningrad, the Soviet Embassy here explained that the Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda leaflets dropped over the beleaguered city had failed in their purpose because the Russians realized that the Jews are their comrades and friends. In a statement issued by the U. S. S. R. Embassy it was pointed out that the many re- markable acts of bravery and • heroism credited to the Jews have maderidiculous the lying "Fight For Victory" German anti-Jewish propaganda. Stamps Emphasizing that the feats of Jews like the poet Aaron Kop- stein, Professor Orest Tshechno- vitzer and Lieutenant David Margulies have made these men national figures in Russia, the Soviet statement stressed the martyr death of Kopstein, who was killed while saving his com- rades under fire. Other Jews mentioned were the Academicians Stern and Joffe, who have contributed great inventions for the defense of the nation, and B. Spitalni, inventor of an automatic machine gun, who was honored with the Order of Socialist Labor, highest award of Soviet Russia. Nazi Imitator of Russian Kibitzer Attacks Jews Russia's "Ivan. the Terrible," A special series , . of "Fight For the commentator who breaks in Victory" stamps has been issued on Axis programs with disparag- by the Non • Sectarian Anti • Nazi ing remarks and pertinent ques- League. These stamps, which can tions, has apparently won the be used in many ways to carry the admiration of the Nazis, for the message of victory to as many per- Germans have countered with sons as possible, are available upon their own copy of "Ivan," who request. Write to the League for a sheet breaks away from the origignal version with anti-Semitic re- of these stamps, They are printed marks typical of the German in red, white and blue colors. mentality. DEXTER CHEVROLET CO. SLATKIN BROS. 11534 DEXTER BOULEVARD TOwnsend 8-0577 GOOD PEOPLE TO DEAL WITH Seasons Greetings and Best Wishes Detroit Red Wings and Personnel of Olympia -