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December 19, 1941 - Image 17

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1941-12-19

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DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE aad the Legal Chronicle

December 19, 1941




Register for Civilian Defense!
Buy U. S. Defense Stamps and Bonds!



dreds of thousands of men and
women enrolled in the Zionist
(Continued from Page 1)
David Ben Gurion, chairman of
Have you registered for civilian defense work?
Defense in Washington, Mrs. the Jewish Agency for Palestine,
reviewed at length the war ef-
Hartmann said :
If you have not, do so at once, at 51 W. Warren
"For 55,000 women of the Na- fort of the Palestine Jewish com- Ave., or at branch offices established for this purpose.
tional Federation of Temple Sis- munity and the activities ini-
Have you purchased Defense Bonds?
terhoods whose executive offices tiated to secure the establishment
Are you encouraging your children to buy Defense
are in the Merchants Building, of a separate Jewish army to
Cincinnati, but whose members fight under its own banner along- Stamps?
are in 382 units throughout cities, side the British Forces on the
Join the all-out effort to win total victory against
towns and villages of 45 of our same basis as the Poles, Czechs,
48 states, I send to you and Free French, and other units of the Axis!
Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia in this countries fighting for the restor-
Register for defense activities!
grave hour full assurance that we ation of their national rights
Buy Defense Stamps and Defense Bonds!
stand prepared to give unstinting after the war.
service to our beloved country
the Nazis and the assistance ren- he would "take the opportunity
and to the cause of democracy.
Among Deed of Hawaii
dered to Jews by Soviet forces of looking at it. On the other
Do command us."

The 100,000 members of Sen- first list of Army casualties in was reflected in the bulletin is- hand, I don't want to go so far
sued by the Soviet Army through as to prevent a British subject
for and Junior Hadassah are be- Hawaii mad
here by the the Embassy here on the capture from expressing his reasonable
ing enrolled for national defense NHval ameesaorf
announcing of Rostov. views on a subject on which there
work, and the organization is the names
soldiers killed d ur i ng
Over 2,500 bodies of civilians is no
common agreement."
pledged to devote all its energies the Japanese air attack on Sun-
Oliver Locker-
towards all-out war work.
day, ' December 7, included the murdered by the German troops Lampson, Conservative, asked
In behalf of the American names of three Jews : Louis and Gestapo were picked up in the whether it wasn't true that Mr.
Jewish Congress, Dr. Stephen S. Schleifer, private ; Theodore J. streets of the city when the Red Sieff is very much honored and
Wise pledged President Roose- Lewis, corporal, and Jack H. troops entered Rostov, the report liked as a representative of his
velt the organization's entire re- Feldman, private. The latter two declared. "Only the fact that the race and that he had offered to
sources on the day war was de- left mothers in Philadelphia, Red Army quickly recaptured fight for England at the begin-
dared. His statement appeared while the parents of Schleifer are Rostov, it may be presumed, pre- ning of the war.
vented a re-enactment of the full
in these columns last week. in Newark.
Geoffrey Mender, Liberal, add-
The War Department later an- horror of the German oceupat'on ed that there were good reasons
Emergency funds were sent
of Kiev, where 52,000 persons,
by the National Jewish Welfare nounced that Otto C. Klein and mostly old men, women and chil- for criticizing the British gov-
Board to its representatives in Sherman Levine, both privates, dren, were murdered, most of ernment's policy toward Palestine.
Hawaii and th e Philippines. had been killed in action. Klein them principally because they
After three days of continu- left a father in Pittsburgh and were Jews. Rostov residents told Synagogues Asked to Pray for
ous attempts to establish con- Levine had a father in Chicago. an Izvestia correspondent that the
"Speedy Victory"
21-year-old Louis, in sending Germans had made Jews objects
tact with its workers stationed
NEW YORK. (Religions News
at these bases, the Board fin- his pay check of $45 from Pearl of especial humiliation and insult. Service)—A call to all synagogues
ally received a brief message Harbor, had written to his par- Jews were ordered to paint green in the country to pray for a
from Israel Weinstein, Jewish ents : '''Don't save it! Spend it! I stars on their doors and sew "speedy victory" of • the principles
Welfare Board worker in Hono- might never get home to use it." similar stars on their sleeves and Of right and justice" was Voiced
lulu for the past 12 years, read- Fear for Refugees Held Unfound- a census of all Jews in Rostov here in a statement issued by
ing simply "send funds quick-
ed Despite War Declaration
was begun. It is noteworthy that the Synagogue Council of America
ly." The Philippine worker,
A comprehensive survey of the great pogroms at Kiev and in behalf of all organized Jewish
Morton I. Netzorg, so far has government agencies reveals that, Odessa began with similar regis- religious bodies in the United
not been contacted, although despite stringent regulations and tration of the Jewish population. States. The statement was re-
funds and instructions have powers affecting "enemy aliens," Fortunately the Germans did not leased by Dr. Marx Arzt, acting
been sent.
there need be no special fears for have time to complete their meth- president of the Council.
(Word was received in De- refugees, inasmuch as precau- odical preparations."
Agudath Israel, national Jew-
troit on Wednesday that Mr. tions are being taken by Attorney
ish Orthodox body, in a wire to
Netzorg had been c ontacted General Francis Biddle to pre- Morrison Defends Sieff for Uni- President Roosevelt, declared that
and that he is well and is car- vent unwarranted interference
"Orthodox Jewry stands united
ted States Mission
rying on his task as the refu- with the activities of friendly
under your leadership in this de-

geee committee's coordinator in aliens.
hour for our country as
sharp attack on Israel M. Sieff, cisive
the Philippines).
All aliens, including the great British-Jewish philanthropist and for the entire democratic world."


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The board also reported that a mass who are loyal to this coun- industrialist now in the United
Jewish chaplain, Lt. Herbert C. try, are subject, however, to the States, for views which he had
TO. 8-7105
12146 DEXTER
Straus, is serving with the Navy provisions of Section 20, Title 50 expressed regarding British pol-
at Pearl Harbor. The Jewish army of the United States Code which icy in Palestine, was met with
Everything for the Home
chaplain in Hawaii is Chaplain give the President broad powers defenses from Home Security and
Harry Richmond. Chaplain Rich- to supervise and contral aliens. Defense Minister Herbert Mor- of 2208 Elmhurst Ave. died on
Washers - Refrigerators - Ironer:
mond and his family went to Hon- The new regulations that have rison, Oliver Locker-Sampson and Dec. 16, at the age of 75. Fu-
olulu during the summer. As- been issued forbid all aliens to Geoffrey Mender during a dis- neral services were held Dec. 17,
signed to Schofield Barracks, he is, change their places of
cussion in the House of Com- with Rabbi J. S. Sperka offici-
for the second time, seeing actual to own firearms or short-wave mons.
atOk. Surviving 'him are a
war service, having served over- transmitting and receiving sets
daughter, Mrs. Jennie Eifer, and
seas as a chaplain in the first and to enter or approach transit by Mr. Morrison that Mr. Sieff three sons, Max, Louis and Jack.
World War. zones or public utility locations
"not open to the public gener- had been given permission on Sep-
tember 16, 1941, to leave for the
Jewish National Workers' Alli

" appointment
ance Pledges Unqualified Sup- ally.
of Leo T. United States on a government
port, Buys Defense Bonds, Crowley, chairman of the Fed- mission to promote export sales.
Dedicates X-Ray Ambulant eral Deposit Insurance Corpora- Mr. Morrison defended the right
any Britisher to express his
tion , t oranize the section of of views
on Palestine especially "on
In a telegram addressed to
Justice deal-
subject on which there is no
President Franklin D. Roosevelt,
the Department
of ing
with alien property,
high- a common
agreement." Mr. Mor-
general National
board Al- lighted the early difficult•es be-
the Jewish
to use rison has long been a defender
'lance, through David Pinski, ing their
by banks
aliens assumed of the Zionist position in Pales-
funds, since
president, and Louis Segal, secre-
tary, pledged the unqualified sup- be
that frozen
all deposits
by aliens would
Tom Culverwell, Conservative,
until clarification
port of its membership and from the Treasury and Justice asked in Commons for the grounds
on which permission had been
branches to the government of Departments.
the United States in the present
Another result of the declara- granted to Mr. Sieff to travel in
war effort.
tion of war was the automatic the United States inasmuch as he
At the same time it announced invocation of the 1940 Nationality "indulges in propaganda attacks
that it has purchased $25,000 in Act, which suspends citizenship against the Palestine policy of
Defense Savings Bonds, and that proceedings by enemy aliens for the British government." Mr. Cul-
on Monday it will dedicate an 990 days until individual cases verwell asserted that Mr. Sieff
X-Ray ambulance unit for serv- can be studied. This period may was "stirring up anti-British
ice with the Allied armies in the . be extended indefinitely. The law feeling among his co-religionists
permits the naturalization of in America and was antaconizino .
Near East.
In a call addressed to its more aliens who, at least two years the Arabs by urging that they
than 270 branches throughout the before the outbreak of war, filed be sent to other Arab countries
es, the general execu- application for citizenship. A sur- to make room for more Jews in
U nited Statof
the Alliance urged ve y indicated that the applica - Palestine." The Conservative mem-
t ive board
them to lose no time to stimu - tion for citizenship of about 180, - ber asked if that sort of prone-
Important Announcement Regarding the
bite the members to buy Defense 000 German aliens are outstand- ganda ought not to be stopped.
The reference was to a speech
Savings Bonds, and volunteer for ing.
In the meantime, Federal and made on Nov. 16 in the future of
service as air - raid wardens, Red
Cross workers and blood donors. other judges of their own volition the Jews, involving a new politi-
Maximum. Contribution by Jew' or on specific instruction from the cal instrument for Jewish rights
Department of Justice announced in Palestine, the enlargement of
ish Congress Councils
The Jews of Detroit are undoubtedly well informed,
MI branches of the American the indefinite adjournment of Palestine's boundaries to include
through the bulletins in the Jewish press as well as the in-
Jewish Congress throughout the hearings for final citizenship pa- Transjordan and a voluntary
vitations and special letters sent to all members of the Chesed
country have been instructed to pers, with hundreds of applicants scheme of Arab emigration to
Shel Ernes, that the 25th anniversary of this popular and
cooperate with all
important Jewish institution will take the form of a banquet
cans to make a maximum
Sunday, Dec. 21, at the Fort Wayne Hotel, Cass and Tem-
tion being given to such Arabs

bution to the country's war ef -
ple Ayes.
for prosperous development in
Cuba Bans All Immigration
f ort.
Announcement of this under -
WASHINGTON. (JPS) — Cuba, these lands to make room in Pal-
The festivities will begin at 2 p. m. with an attractive
taking was made at a dinner at to which thousands of refugees estine for 1,000,000 Jews in 10






Attention, Detroit Organizations!






I )ill


I I.

the Plaza Hotel by Dr. Stephen from Europe have gone for tem- years.
He had no evidence, Mr. Mor-
S. Wise, president of the Ameri- porary stays while they secured
can Jewish Congress. The occas- visas for the United States or risson declared, that Mr. Sieff
"desires or seeks to stir up anti-
ion was a testimonial dinner to other Western Hemisphere coun -
while there
Isidor Teitelbaum, chairman of tries, has announced the com- British feeling. And
the Brox Council of the Ameri- plete stoppage of all immigration are various views on the question
I think everybody is
can Jewish Congress. More than by European nationals. Cuban of Palestine,
500 persons attended the dinner. consuls were ordered not to issue entitled to have his opinion,' In
Spain and answer to the question from Cul-
American Zionists Pledge Un- any more visas from
of the verwell as to whether he had seen
limited Support to Roosevelt
in the report of the speech by Sieff
By a rising vote the national Jewish


e ver



.y ear


e ar-

_ ...


in New York and whether he did
administrative council of the recent years.
There are now between 2,500 not think British should be told
Zionist Organization of Amer-
Jewish refugees in to keep their mouths shut, the
ica, meeting in an all - day emer- and 3,000
Minister for Home Security re-
gency session at Hotel
plied that there is a responsibility
New York, on Sunday, Dec.
on subjects given exit permits,
unanimously approved a message Soviets Say Their Capture of especially for trade purposes, that
to President Roosevelt, pledging
WASHINGTON. (JPS) — The they be discreet in what they say.
him "as the leader of our united
American nation, in this hour of continuous reference by Soviet in- But he hadn't seen the actual re-
unlimited devotion, formation sources to the partici- port, to which the member re-
crisis, the
support and fealty of the hun- pation by Jews in the war against ferred. He , promised, however, that

ceremony and open meeting at which the local organizations
will be welcomed.
Not later than 6 p. m., the banquet will commence, a nd
a popular orchestra will provide the music.

This banquet is not being arranged as a benefit, but to
celebrate the organization's historic day and to leave a lasting
impression with the gathering.

All organizations are therefore asked to make sure that
they send delegations. Voluntary contributions will be wel-
comed to cover expenses.

Financial Secretary.


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