America Awish Periodcal Cotter. CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 1941 lay ;ging ason •;day 'man Fear, of , aid, , nta- Ian, ..0 a of 0 ion's for I to tem- are sion man ttee, of list. bees ew- pen- oral m. oom tool, tys iced ues- Lbor end lout ode [ore lout ited ling 11111 de- an(' re- ttly. in es •le- her ea- [Rs, na- VI's nd Ie- or- m; nd ng A. II )/1, !:11 ; el )S- 'X- ng its rs. he lie at er UI P- ti- st tn t. 1.;.t ! Detioit Jewish chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 36 and The Legal Chronicle DETROIT. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1941 This Paper Printed in Two Section 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 per Yaw Demand Jewish Charge Spain and Portugal Commonwealth Demand for Commonwealth In Palestine With Exploiting Refugees' Emergency In Palestine Unanimously Committee an Arab Emigration with Heavy Fees Opposes Federation Adopted by U. S. Zionists President Meets with Political Refugee Commit- tee; Roosevelt Reported Sympathetic to Proposals for Aid NEW YORK (JPS)—The Spanish and Portugese Governments are using their controls over refugee emi- gration from their countries to impose exorbitant charges for steamship fares on boats which they own, according to charges made here when the American Export liner Excambion returned to New York harbor from Lisbon NEW YORK (JPS)—Opposing schemes now current for an Arab Federation of States in which Palestine would be a member, the Emergency Committee for Zionist Affairs urged that Palestine be named a Jewish Commonwealth after the war. The committee la- belled Federation proposals "pre- mature and prejudicial." Louis Lipsky presided at the plenary p•e-convention session of the com- mittee. The decision of the committee was thereupon transmitted to the Zionist convention in Cincinnati and to the executive of the World Zionist Organization in London. Taking part in the discussions were representatives of all Ameri- can Zionist groups including the Z.O.A., the Hadassah, Poale Zion, Miz•achi and the Jewish State Party. Judge Leventhal of Philaaelphia Is Elected President; Delegates Encouraged by Message from Roosevelt BY DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE'S SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT AT CONVENTION CINCINNATI.—With factionalism and partisan dif- ferences claiming a major share of attention from dele- gates, and with several unprecedented occurrences threatening for a time to mar the dignity of an important Jewish gathering, the 44th annual convention of the Zionist Organization of America nevertheless managed with 72 of her berths empty. On the same day the Portuguese ship Mouzinho, which has been America First doing a brisk trade in refugee transport, arrived here with 675 to find its bearings towards the Pokes at Jews passengers, although she has far closing hours of the three-day Zionist Convention less adequate accommodations than deliberations. Christian Front, Bund the Export line ships. This gathering was typical of Honors "Si" Shetzer A Spanish freighter, the Na- many previous conventions. The Not Questioned at vemar, was on her way to the two days preceding the sessions One of the most honored per- and the first two days of the Spy Trial United States with 1,200 refugees sons at the 44th annual conven- convention proper found the at- on board, although her capacity Protest Future Status is normally 18. NEW YORK (JPS) — The tion of the Zionist Organization mosphere charged with tense A stand on the question was Minimum passage on the Amer- America First Committee, whose of America was Simon Shetzer feelings, and two factions—one c ican line is $350. Spanish ships connection with anti-Semites has taken in view of persistent re- of Detroit. representing the administration that the British are carry- and another speaking for an op- have charged as much as $1,200 often grown uncomfortably close, ports From the moment delegates be- position group—were in pitched for first-class accomodations and revealed its technique of polite ing on negotiations with repre- sentatives of Arab States. It was gan to arrive in Cincinnati, on battle for adjustment of differ- as much as $450 for a makeshift Jew-baiting in a special state- felt that commitments now made ences. But the moment the ad- bunk in the steerage, ment replying to recent "smears." might affect the future status of ministration slate was elected all Mentioning Jewish names prom- the Jewish homeland and prejudge Travel Complicated was forgotten, the proposed reso- who re- post-war settlement. John F. Gehan, vice-president inently cently among lashed those out at the have Com- lutions were adopted and the Reports on the political situa- of the American shipping agen- mittee, the grou convention ended in harmony. set against tion as it affects Palestine and cy, said that one of the reasons theme, the highly prespectable list on recent activities of the emerg- As usual, also, the last day of for the failure of his ship to of its officers, who are complete- ency committee were presented by the convention found that less carry a complete load of refugees ly free of Semitic taint. than a third of the delegates re- Dr. Stephen S. Wise and Emanuel was the withdrawal of American mained to transact the important Quoting charges uttered prin- Neumann. consuls from most of Europe, thus business. complicating travel facilities. A cipally by Jews during the last Palestine Youth Hails Russia, For a Commonwealth survey indicated, moreover, that few days that the America First Soviet Embassy Reveals is a front for Hitler the Spanish and Portuguese gov- Committee . In spite of expressed fears WASHINGTON (JPS)—Pales- ernments preferred to see passage and !mould that Zionist ideology would be tine's Youth Guard, the tlashomer booked on one of their own lines Committee replied be investigated, by listing the the whittled down by an adminis- Hatzair, has sent a telegram to before issuing the necessary exit names of its leading national and the Soviet government, reports tration that is opposed to a visas. Passengers on the Excam- New York members. Jewish State, the convention, at the Soviet Embassy here, con- bion declared that refugees were its opening session, adopted a The Critics gratulating Russia on her heroic "captives" until the governments strong declaration setting forth stand against Germany. Asking that the names be had given approval for their exit. demands for the establishment "Mass meetings organized by Among those recently arrived looked at carefully, the committee the Hashomer Hatzair and the of a Jewish commonwealth in inquired whether "these citizens on the refugee ships were the Palestine within the historic Socialists in towns. villages and mother of Franz Werfel, the au- could be capable of so vile a collective farms declare their pro- boundaries of Eretz Israel. thor and playwright, and Miss thing as is charged by these reck- found solidarity with the heroic Dr. Stephen S. Wise, who al- less men." Spokesmen of the Eva Wassermann, 26-year old ways shares with Louis Lipsky struggle of the Red Army," the group ask further that Congress daughter of the late Jacob Was- the position of the most color- investigate all propaganda com- telegram read, according to the sermann, often called the great- mittees, ful pleaders for the cause of Soviet bulletin. SIMON SHETZER both pro and anti-war, if est German-Jewish novelist, noted Zion, read the declaration at it is to investigate America First. Friday, one of the first reports Sunday afternoon's session. for his "World's Illusion" and Mufti Still At Large In Iran, Among those who have lashed "I Am a German and a Jew." There was unanimity in the Reports London Paper heard was that Mr. Shetzer was On board the Mouzinho were out at the isolationist body dur- LONDON (JPS) — Haj Amin being groomed for the position action of the delegates in their 45 refugee children from Ger- ing recent days have been former el Husseini, the Grand Mufti of firm insistence that Great Brit- Magistrate Joseph Goldstein of Jerusalem, who has been a thorn of national executive director of ain should not plead that the New York, Hermann Hoffmann, the organization. If he accepts See REFUGEES—Page 9 in the side of the Jews and the Grand Master of Brith Abraham, British since the Arab riots in the position, which carries with See ZIONISTS—Page 12 and Congressman Samuel Dick- Palestine five years ago, is still stein of New York. Non-Jewish at large in Iran and far from it a salary, he will be called upon Welles Lauds attacks quoted by the committee undergoing a change of heart, is to make his home in Washington, were those of Dr. Frank Kingdom engaged in pro-Nazi activi- D. C. The incumbent, Rabbi Isa- Mrs. Roosevelt Congress Body at the Williamstown Institute, and still ties, reports the London Daily dore Breslau, is quitting his post Dr. James H. Sheldon in an ad- Express. to re-enter business. To Speak Here before the Jewish War Institute Commended; dress Despite the energetic efforts of Mr. Shetzer was named chair- Veterans. the British Secret Service, the man of the convention commit- Will Address Women's Goldmann Says "No Citizens here were wondering Mufti remains undetected, the tee on committees. this week how it is possible to newspaper insists, despite unsub- League Convention former president of the Zion- Issue in S. A." stantial reports that his return ist A Organization of Detroit, Mr. Session Nov. 11 See ANTI-SEMITES---Page 13 to Palestine has been effected. Shetzer has served for several NEW YORK (JPS) — Under- years on the national executive Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt will Secretary of State Sumner Wells committee of the Zionist Organi- lecture here on Tuesday evening, has warmly praised the Institute zation of America, and was re- The Voice of Russian Jewry Nov. 11, under the auspices of of Jewish Affairs of the Ameri- elected to this post at the Cincin- Sisterhood of Congregation Sha- can and World Jewish Congress nati convention. By ILYA EHRENBOURG, SERGE( EISENSTEIN, DAVID arey Zedek at Masonic Temple, a letter to Dr. Stephen S. BERGELSON and SOLOMON MIKHOELS according to an announcement Wise, President of the American made Monday by Mrs. Charles body. In his letter he spoke of Editor's Note:—On Aug. 24, an historic meeting took place in Robinson, local chairman of the the work of the Institute which New ZOA President national Moscow. Outstanding Jews of Russia gathered for a "Jew- convention of the Wom- is conducting research toward a ish people's meeting" to call on the Jews of the world for en's League of United Synagogue solution of post-war Jewish prob- support of Russia in her war of defense against the Nazis. of America. lems as "a major contribution to Because Russia has been closed to Jews from abroad for more Disclosure of this important the cause of democracy and in- than a generation, the appeal of the noted writers and artists lecture engagement and other ternational understanding." at that meeting is of great personal and historic interest, plans for the national convention Other high governmental offi- especially since it represents the first recognition of any link which will take place from Nov. cials who have commended the to the Jews as a people. 9 to 12 were made known at the Institute are Secretary of the first meeting of the Sisterhood Navy Frank Knox and Secretary at the Jewish pogvom s. My on Monday at the Shaarey Zedek. of Commerce Jesse Jones. Mem- By ILYA EHRENBOURG, mother wept. Mrs. Aaron Silberblatt, newly bers of Congress, heads of learned NOVELIST As a boy I saw a Jewish The Russian people were not elected president, conducted the societies and spokesmen of Jewish pogrom. It was engineered by meeting and introduced Mrs. guilty of the pogroms. The Jews organizations have similarly ap- Czarist police and perpetrated knew this. I never heard the Richard G. Brodhead of Red Cross proved of the project. headquarters who present ed The Institute is under the di- by a gang of louts. But Rus- Jews say a bitter word against stripes to several members of the rection of Dr. Jacob Robinson. sian people gave shelter to the the Russian people. And I shall local unit. never hear it! Its program is being made avail- Jews. Tickets for the lecture which I remember how my father able to users of the Library of I grew up in a Russian city. Mrs. Roosevelt will give are to Congress and of college and pub- brought home Leo Tolstoi's let- Russian is my native language. Pi) on sale immediately at $1 and lic libraries throughout the United ter. copied on a -crap of paper. I am a Russian writer. Now, $2. These may be obtained by States. Tolstoi lived in the next house. like every Russian, I am defend- calling the ticket chairmen, Mrs. "No Serious Jewish Problem In I saw him frequently. I knew ing my native l4nd. Herman Schmier, Un. 1-3676, that he was a great writer. I South America," Says But the Nazis have made me Mrs. Morris Siden, Tyler 6-1189. was 10 years old. Goldmann recall another thing: My moth- at the Masonic Temple, or the My father read aloud to us er's name was Khans. I am a Dr. Nahum Goldmann, chair- Shaarey Zedek office. It is sug- man of the Administrative Com- Tolstoi's message: "I cannot Jew. I say this with pride. gested that tickets be purchased keep silent. . . . " in which early because of the popular de- See CONGRESS—Page 8 Tolstoi expressed his indignation See RUSSIANS—Page 16 JUDGE LOUIS E. LEVINTHAL mand.