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August 15, 1941 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1941-08-15

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DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle

Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc.
JACOB H. F47.11,',...(NE

But we already know that Jews are the
first to be attacked and the first to suffer.
The blackest chapter in our history is
being recorded at this time. May the sun
break through the clowds very soon!

Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post-
office at Detroit, Mich.. under the Act of March 3, 1879

Is Generosity Declining?

Detroit Jewish Chronicle


Lawrence L. Blaine, writing in the
Congress Bulletin, maintains that there
is a decline in the generosity of large
$$3.00 Per Year
Subscription in Advance
givers to the United Jewish Appeal, and
that the falling off in income is threaten-
ing the relief and reconstruction quotas
Advertising Manager
to an extent of indicating "an alarm-
To insure publication, all correspondence and news matter
ing point of decay in our national
must reach this office by Tuesday evening of each week.
When mailing notices, kindly use one side of paper only.
This serious charge is all the more
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on sub- disturbing in view of the influence big
jects of interest to the Jewish people, but disclaims respon- giving in New York has upon large giving
sibility for an endorsement of views expressed by the writers. throughout the land.
What is worse, if the big givers show
Sabbath Scriptural Selections
niggardliness, their attitude may affect
Pentateuchal portion—Deut. 7:12-11:25.
the spirit of giving among all elements.
Prophetical portion—Is. 49:14-51:3.
This is a problem which should be
at once—and by the big givers
AUGUST 15, 1941
themselves. They have a way of getting
together on major issues, especially when
A Timely Call to Americans
it comes to stifling sentiment arousing
The Council Against Intolerance in fear in their hearts. Let them get to-
America, whose services in the cause of gether on issues that call for hope and
democracy have been outstanding during constructive effort.
the past year, has rendered another dis-
The Free Peoples Speak
tinct contribution to the cause of decency
and tolerance by issuing "A Handbook
There will be an end to anti-Semitism
of National Unity" under the title "Call- when the free .peoples emerge victorious
ing All Americans."
in the present war.
This brochure is intended to provide
There are definite assurances on this
programs for men in the service of the score.
United States military forces, and its
In a message from Syria, sent to the
chief aim is to counteract the type of Free French delegation in the United
propaganda which seeks to divide the States, General deGaulle declared that
population by inciting the various ele- Syria and Lebanon, now in control of his
ments to hatred and distrust.
forces, consider the Vichy anti-Semitic
Having in its possession proof to in- laws affecting Jews as "null and void."
dicate that subversive forces have been In a statement which he made to the
at work spreading pro-Nazi ideas among World Jewish Congress several months
soldiers and sailors and distributing anti- ago, he gave assurances that a Free
S e m i t i c ideas among unsuspecting France will not countenance anti-Semi-
groups, the Council Against Intolerance tism.
At the same time, the Free Italians, in
compiled a set of facts which counteracts
London, formally declared that anti-Jew-
the damaging spread of lies.
Recognizing the difficulty of destroying ish laws adopted in Italy under Nazi
a lie once it has been implanted in the pressure will be abolished upon the over-
minds of people, this Council's booklet throw of Mussolini and Fascism.
The two great democratic powers, the
nevertheless does the honorable thing in
States and Great Britain, are com-
at least searching for means of establish-
a similar program of freedom.
ing truth and in perpetuating American
Therefore, there is hope for the Jews
principles of fair play.
The cover of this brochure is an excel- and for humanity.
lent introduction to the entire theme. It
Atlantic Monthly's Nock
lists typical names of representatives of
various nationalities who make up the
Atlantic Monthly owes an apology to
American melting pot to indicate that we the Jewish people.
are a conglomerate nation, combining the
Before selecting Albert Jay Nock to
best qualities of all groups. These names lead the discussion of the problem of
were chosen from among those who won anti-Semitism, and before permitting him
the Distinguished Service Cross in World to write his two articles on "The Jewish
War I. By grouping them together, the Problem in America", his record should
Council Against Intolerance has told a have been checked.
story without comment which would or-
Rabbi Saul E. White of San Francisco
dinarily require millions of words in ex- reveals that Nock is an anti-Semite of
planation of the difficult theme tackled long standing. In spite of Nock's conten-
in the "Calling All Americans" brochure. tion in his first article, that he became
Jews with means who desire to assist aware of anti-Semitism only two years
in the battle for democracy can render ago, Rabbi White has unearthed proof to
an important service to America and to show that in 1928 the Atlantic Monthly
the principles of Americanism by mak- authority was already referring to the
ing it possible for this pamphlet to be Jews as "a dreadful people" and was
distributed, especially among men in the predicting pogroms in this country.
The two Nock articles in the Atlantic
service of the U. S., in the millions of
copies. The excellence of its approach Monthly therefore prove to be a hoax.
to the issue requires that all concerned It is a dastardly piece of work by an
should contribute towards making the enemy who set out to hurt us a decade
pamphlet available to all who should ago and now finds an opportune medium
have it, and thereby to make its circula- and an opportune time to land a severe
blow in a period of storm and stress.
tion effective.
The Atlantic Monthly owes it to its
readers to explain its blunder, and inci-
The Horrors of the War
dentally to apologize for its failure to
Dr. Herma Hoff, wife of the former check up on its anti-Semitic writer.
Viennese psychiatrist, who arrived in New
York a few days ago from the Middle
In Pirkei Aboth (Sayings of the Fa-
East, reports that horror raged in Iraq
as a result of a pogrom engineered by thers), seventh verse of the second chap-
the Bagdad Nazis. Dr. Hoff states that ter, there is warning to the dictators who
more than 500 Jews lost their lives in have drenched the world in blood during
the massacre, that mobs pillaged the Jew- the last five years.
Hillel, the great sage who lived 1900
ish quarter killing Jews wherever they
found them, and that the pogrom was years ago, is quoted:
He once saw a skull floating on the surface
quelled only after the British and Free
of the water. He said to it, "Because thou
Iraqi troops regained control of the situa-
didst drown others they have drowned thee,
and at the last they that drowned thee shall
It is horrifying even to imagine how
themselves be drowned."
many stories of this sort will be brought
It is an eternal warning to tyrants that
to us before the present world conflict there is retribution which must come into
Is over. At present, only scant news play to avenge wrongs committed against
reaches us from the battle-scorched lands. human beings.

General Offices and Publication Bldg., 525 Woodward Ave.
Cable Address: Chronicle
Telephone: Cadillac 1040

15. 1941

.'.Heard in the Lobbies:.




The elevation of Rabbi Solo-
mon B. Freehof of Pittsburgh
to the vice-presidency of the
Central Conference reminds us
of his predecessor, Rabbi Leo-
nard Levy, one of the greatest
orators the country knew. In his
later days, when colleagues
would chide him for abandoning
anti-Zionism, Levy would say:
"It's better an anti-Semite
should tell me to go to Palestine
than to go to hell."

A new byline has flashed
across the horizon of foreign
correspondence in recent months.
It is the name of the cousin of
N. Y. Times Publisher Arthur
Hays Sulzberger. Cyrus L. Sulz-
berger has been cabling big war
stories from Central and South-
eastern Europe. Now he's slated
to fill Walter Duranty's shoes,
for these past few days his
stories have the Moscow date-
line and that's a firstline assign-
ment. The late Adolph Ochs
would have been mighty proud
of his zooming nephew . . .
There are plenty of other young
men coming up fast on the Times
reportorial staff. Watch their
smoke . . . There's Abe Raskin,
who is making the Times front-
page with his excellent labor
coverage . . . Milton Bracken,
who has followed the Duke of
Windsor around quite a bit and
who writes comic poetry on the
side under the psudonym of
Brock Milton . . . But most
famed of all the young men to
achieve high position on the
country's foremost newspaper is
Lester Markel', Sunday editor.
Don't be surprised if Walt
(Donald Duck) Disney turns up
with a special cover design for
the next United Palestine Appeal
Yearbook. Disney is so keen on
vetting the right slant that he
had to get more details by long
distance telephone.
That report about a super-
bomb which Dr. Weizmann is
supposed to have invented was
slightly screwy. Not all explo-
sives tire bombs.


It is not the decent thing to
do these days to talk of purges
or other embarrassing diplomatic
acrobatics. But Louis Fischer,
author of "Men and Politics",
tells one of the best stories ever
heard on this subject. It seems
that Fischer met Soviet Ambas-
sador Oumansky on an Ameri-
can-bound steamer. Oumansky
slashed at Fischer and the au-
thor slashed back at the Ambas-
sador in a bitter verbal duel.
Finally Fischer asked Oumansky:
"Did you see Litvinoff?" The
Russian envoy to the United
States replied that he had not.
"Why, I thought he was your
old patron and friend," retorted
Fischer. "Yes", Oumansky ex-
plained, "but you know Moscow.
I was very busy and he is busy
and he lives out of town." But
Fischer persisted. "What's Lit-
vinoff doing?" lie asked. "He's
doing literary work," was Ou-
mansky's answer. Then Fischer
said: "What's Troyanovsky (Ou-
mansky's predecessor in Wash-
ington) doing?" "He's doing lit-
erary work," Oumansky declared.
"What's Boris Stein doing?"
(Stein was Soviet Ambassador
in Rome and a mutual friend).
"He's doing literary work," the
Russian Ambassador to the U. S.
said. After a long pause Om- Ilan-
sky asked Fischer what he was
doing. "I'm doing literary work,"
Fischer replied, "but I am not
an ex-commissar or an ex-ambas-


Joe Willer, director of the
Business Men's Council of the
New York Jewish Federation,
credited with being the most
Powerful professional in New
York Jewish affairs, has been
traversing the countryside tell-
ing Jews to keep their money
here. Wonder how the overseas
agencies like it?



Jerome Kern, who can't be
heard on Nazi pianos, is carving
a new career for himself at his
age by making symphony of his
"Show Boat", to be produced
under Rodzinski in Cleveland in
Garson Kanin may be a pri-
vate at Forth Monmouth, N. J.,
but Uncle Sam has assigned him
to turning out training film pro-
ductions. His $1,000 a week
salary is still being paid him by
RKO, which is afraid that if it
releases the movie genius from
his contract he will get more
when he comes out of the army.
In London Sidney Bernstein,
famous movie man, heads the
Films Division of the Ministry
of Information, turning out some
of the elegant Lion-roaring hits.

Dorothy Thompson's secretary
while the famous columnist is
in London is Doris May, secre-
tary to Dr. Chains Weizmann
and virtually secretary of the
World Zionist Organization.
Doris happens to be a Christian.
Interesting that similar role
should be played for Joint Dis-
tribution Committee by Evelyn
Morrissey, assistant controller.
But both women could serve as
models for Jews on devotion and
Henry Ittleson read a swell
report to his Commercial Invest-
ment Trust board showing a
gross income of $9,163,703 for
the half year. Wonder how he
feels when he thinks back to
the time when he was a buyer
in a St. Louis department store?





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