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July 04, 1941 - Image 6

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1941-07-04

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DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle


Bitter feuds centered for years the organization sponsoring its
around the conflict over languages appearance.
among Jews. Yiddishists and He-
of this celebra-
braists have fought, argued, car- was The
of a mass
ried on bitter family quarrels. In tion in Detroit recently, and the
Palestine and in Poland, the con- work whose appearance was
flict often led to fist-fights. In hailed at the Art Institute is at-
this country, language feuds tracting nationwide attention by
stood in the way of common un-
derstanding on major Jewish virtue of the principles the spon-
soring foundation is fostering.
Mr. Niger's book is significant
Today, this conflict appears to
be relegated to the background, for many reasons. Mr. Niger is
as a result of efforts of a group a Yiddishist. Nevertheless, in this
of men in the literary world who volume, he pleads for peaceful
desire to strengthen both Yiddish relations between Yiddish and
and Hebrew, to assure life for Hebrew, points to the coopera-
both, and to establish better un- tive possibilities for both and
derstanding among the propenents urges that brothers should act
like brothers and not like strang-
of both.
A Detroiter — Louis LaMed —
The eminent author points out
has gone a long way towards correctly that Jewish history has
encouraging such understanding. long ago ceased to function as a
By establishing the Louis LaMed single-language Jewish culture. He
Literary Foundation for the Ad- appeals for the gathering of
vancement of Hebrew and Yid- creative energy among Jews on
dish Literature, (headquarters— the basis of bilingualism.
12804 Broadstreet, Detroit), he
The Niger plea is tantamount
has contributed in great measure to a cry for unity on all fronts.
towards strengthening the bilin- It has been difficult politically.
gual amity hoped for.
Will it be possible lingualistic-
Mr. LaMed set aside a fund ally?
for the publishing of Yiddish and
In any event, the LaMed Foun-
Hebrew works. The first of these elation has made it possible for
fits in well with the platform of the issue to be brought squarely
the foundation he has created. to the Jewish masses, and if its
It is S. Niger's "Bilungualism in efforts bring results, it will prove
the History of Jewish Literature", to be a powerful force for good
and it is almost like a credo for in American Jewish life.

Plan Bnai Brith Moonlight

Bert Lahr, star of stage, radio and screen, is given the "inside
dope" on the program being arranged for the Bnai Brith 6th
annual moonlight on Sunday evening, July 13. His expression of
approval is given to Phil Rothschild, chairman of moonlight pub-
licity on the left and to Miss Rhoda Cowen and Leroy Helfman.

Important Notice
To Organizations

Contributors• to the columns
of The Detroit Jewish Chron-
icle and publicity committees
for all local organizations are
ssked to note that the deadline
for copy to be submitted for
publication is at 10 a. m. on
Wednesdays, except on holiday
seas at which time the dead-
lines are announced in advance.
Copy received after the
deadline will be retained for
publication in the following
week's sisue.

Nock's Second Article Plays Up "Orientalism"
of Jews
"If Judgment Comes"

Early July Bride

July 4, 1941

Nursing Home for
Children in Honor
Of F.D.R.'s Mother

The establishment of a non-
sectarian nursing home for Brit-
ish children somewhere in Eng-
land in the name of Mrs. Sara
Delano Roosevelt, mother of the
President, was announced as the
first project of the newly-formed
Women's Division of the Jewi sh
section of the Interfaith Com-
mittee for Aid to the Democ-
The nursing home will be pre-
sented through the British War
Relief Society, and will be dedi-
cated in September to coincide
with the 87th birthday of NI s.
The announcement of this pro-
ject was made at a tea and re-
ception held at the Hotel Pierre
by the Women's Division in
honor of Lady Marley. In a tele-
gram received from Mrs. Roose-
vent and read at the reception,
she stated, "I am very happy to
accept the kind offer to name a
hospital for me. All good
At the reception, the Women's
Division launched the effort to
raise the sum of $25,000 required
in order to establish the nurs-
ing home. A feature of the pres-
entation ceremonies, which will
be attended by Mrs. Roosevelt in
September, will be a birthday
cake and birthday book. The
birthday cake will have 87 can-
dles, each inscribed with the
name of the organization or in-
dividual contributing $300.00 to-
ward the nursing home. The
birthday book will carry a fac-
simile of the signature of every
donor to the nursing home. Doro-
thy Thompson will present the
birthday book to Mrs. Roosevelt.
Sneakers at the reception in-
cluded, in addiion Lady Marley,
Lavv Bakstansky, Dr. Maurice L.
Perlzweig, chairman of the Brit-
ish Section of the World Jewish
Congress, and Dr. Israel Gold-
stein. chairman of the Jewish
Section of the Interfaith Com-
mittee, who presided.

NEW YORK (JPS) — Jews right. He had been a Jew 5,000
A passion for justice and for
are Orientals, and their native years, and could no more help mankind's ultimate triumph over
depths are essentially incompre- it that he could fly. He spoke of beast permeates the pages of Al-
hensible to the Occidental world something which runs infinitely fred Noyes' great poem, "If
and impossible of assimilation, deeper than any merely politi- Judgment Comes." Frederik A.
according to the concluding ar- cal allegiance—his sense of mem- Stokes Co., 443 Fourth Ave.,
ticle of Albert Jay Nock's "The bershin in the world's greatest New York, has just issued this MRS. SIDNEY FREEDMAN
Jewish Problem in America," and most powerful tradition. magnificent book, with drawings
(Miss Laura Markovitz)
published in the July issue of Man does not improvise himself; by John Alan Maxwell, and it
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marko-
the Atlantic Monthly. Mr. Nock's certainly not by the accident of is certain to serve as a clarion
first article, in which he con- having been morn in an alien call to its readers to join in the vitz of Toronto, Ont., announce
fessed that he knew nothing political domain, and least of all defense of the last bulwark for the marriage of their daughter,
about the Jewish problem until by taking out naturalization pa- democracy in the present crisis. Laura, to Sidney Freedman, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Freedman
two years ago, was brilliantly pers."
Dr. Noyes' latest poem, which of Detroit, on Saturday evening,
refuted by Maurice Samuel in
His grave view of the problem appeared in condensed version July 5, at 65 Grenville St., To-
"An American Innocent on Hit-
under a different title in Red
ler Street," released by the In- is expressed again in his con- Book Magazine recently; follovis ronto, Ont.
dependent Jewish Press Service
a tradition in the life of this
and published last week in The writes:
eminent author. After the last
"As I hinted at the outset, war he wrote a prayer for the Bnai Brith Job Study Cautions
Detroit Jewish Chronicle.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Harrison
Youth Against Spurning Ca
Creating a parallel with a the thing I find most disquieting nost-war generation under the
reers in Businesses of Kinfolk had as their guests, at the Louis
B. Harrison cottage at Killarney
hypothetical Armenian immigra- is the thick fog of silence which title "The Victory Bell." He was
tion into the United States, Mr. has settled over this grave ques- then honored with an appoint- watning that Jewish young peo- Beach, Mr. and Mrs. George
Nock says, in his second article: tion. It boes no good; there is ment as Commander of the Or- ple who spurn opportunities for Nadler of Mt. Vernor, N. Y.,
every evidence that the lament-
who recently were married.
"Now suppose that instead of able antipathies which are sim- der of the British Empire. "If a business career by not associ-
this small implantation we had mering and festering beneath it Judgment Comes" is historic ating themselves with established
Mrs. George Keats of Chicago
nearly five million Armenians in are increasing in volume at a sequel to the earlier poem.
firms owned or controlled by par- and Mrs. P. Hyman of Battle
this country, and that New York rate which I find as terrifying as
ents or relatives in favor of "a Creek returned to their homes
was the center of the whole it is distressing. The things should and Canada, Dr. Noyes has used nrecarious existence in a pro- after spending the past two
Armenian world, culturally, com- not be left to ex parte pleaders, his income to aid the task of fession cr some other occupa-
with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
mercially, financially. Suppose se n t i m entalists, propagandists, bringing hundreds of British chil- tion" are deliberately foregoing weeks
that in the period 1881-1929 disseminators of idle and vicious dren to safety across the Atlan- one of the best of existing eco-
there had arrived here 2,314,668 blackguardism. It demands able, tic. All his work is motivated nomic opportunities is sounded
Mrs. Louis
Armenians (in the one year 1906 well-informed, and disinterested by the sentiments of "If Judg- in "Jobs in Business," a new dren returned Levine and chil-
home after spend-
more than 150,000), virtually all thought expressed with the ut-
48-page illustrated study of the ing 10 days with relatives in
of them refugees from a most most candor and calmness. I "Only one task remains for all vocational opportunities for Jew- Cincinnati.
hideous oppression and persecu- have done my best to break the
the majesty of ish youth in business just pub-
tion; hunted and driven; poor, ominous silence—not at all a
lished by the Bnai Brith Voca-
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Goldberg
desperate, degraded by having good best, I know, for I am so
tional Service Bureau.
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
been for years condemned to distinctly not the one to make
Written by Morton Joel Goba, B. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Jos-
And Conscience that bears
modes of life to which no decent the attempt; but what I could
executive director of the Jewish eph Sempliner and daughters,
witness to the Truth
person would subject a worth- do I have done."
In the blind breast of man; Vocational Guidance Bureau of are now located at their sum-
less dog; ready with a blood-
San Francisco, "Jobs in Busi- mer homes at Killarney Beach.
Conscience that proves
thirsty eagerness to face any
ness" points out that while it
conditions, to compete with any-
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Karse of
"may be courageous " it "is not
and prefers
one and every one on any terms, Zionist Sentiment in South Amer-
Death to the surrender of its necessarily sensible" for Jewish Columbus Ave. announce the en-
ica Strong, Mrs. Silverman
in order to get a living. Suppose
young people to "turn their gagement of their (laughter.
glimpse of right,
that where 50 years ago you
back" to "a business which over Alyce Ann, to Jack Wirt, son of
saw one Armenian you now see
one good;
a period of years has built up Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Wirt of
20, and most of them, by force
NEW YORK.—That interest in
Conscience, whose last impera- capital, good will and patronage, Detroit. The ceremony will take
of circumstances, no very per- the upbuilding and defense of
tives reveal
and to which one can apply his place in the late summer or early
sonable specimens. Suppose you Palestine as a Jewish National
The ultimate nature of the own training in the latest busi- fall.
say a steady infiltration of Ar- Home is a strong factor in Jew-
Soul of things,
ness practices. Of course, this
menians into positions of the ish communal life in South Amer-
Above the State, above the suggestion is based on the as-
highest prominence in our public ica, is the report brought by
sumption that he is qualified for
life. Would the ensuing problem Mrsr. Archibald Silverman, prom-
Immanent, yet transcending all the work and that he would be Hedera Club New Officers
be essentially Armenian or Or- inent Zionist leader of Provi-
things made,
reasonably happy in it."
dence, R. I., upon her return
Hedera Club of the Pioneer
The Supreme Being, God.
Mr. Nock maintains that the from a visit to Brazil, Uruguay
Zionism Today—A Discussion by Women of Detroit held a com-
bined business and social meet-
Occidental is handicapped by a and Argentina.
Prominent Scholars and
Comes" is the hundred-fold em-
ing at the home of Mrs. Gerald
Mrs. Silverman, who returned phasis on this call to man to
. disability to understand the Jew-
ish inheritance.
in the early part of June from cherish the freedom that stands
The Department of Youth and Goldberg on June 16, at which
"When one thinks," he writes, a visit to the three South Ameri- above the totalitarian state. In Education of the Zionist Organi- the year's work was reviewed,
"of the inherited stock of exper- can countries, stated that she a time like this, a work like Dr. zation of America has announced and election of officers was held.
ience which goes into the content found in the urban as well as Noyes' is a magnificent encour- the publication of a special port- The following officers were
of the Hebraic consciousness, agricultural centers a keen in- agement to those who must bat- folio, "Zionism Today—Restate. chosen:
Chairman, Mrs. Martin Nai-
one's conception of the Occiden- terest on the part of the old as tle to a finish for justice in a ment and Evaluation," on the
tal's disability becomes clearer. well as the growing generation world threatened by destructive occasion of Achad Ha'am's 85th mark ; co-chairman, Mrs. Sol
The Jew, every Jew, bears the of South American Jewry in the forces.
birthday anniversary. This port- Hammerstein; recording secre-
mark of a continuator of the solution of their communal prob-
folio consists of three sections: tary, Mrs. Harry Schechter; cor-
world's most august tradition, and lems and in the question of Pal- 60 Jews in Nazi-Held Slovakia (1) Achad Ha'am and His Teach- responding secretary, Mrs. Lou
possibly also its oldest. Besides estine. Particularly marked is the
ings; (2) Jewish ationalism, and Samburg; financial secretary,
Fined for Closing Shops
Mrs. Alec Schreier; treasurer,
it the whole sum of independent activity of the branches of the
(3) Zionism in America.
on Saturday
Occidental tradition is extreme- Jewish National Fund which car-
The department has also an- Mrs. Morris Lieberman; donor
GENEVA. (WNS) — At least
ries on an educational and fund- 60 Jewish shopkeepers in Nazi- nounced the publication of a donor luncheon chairman, Mrs.
ly frail and small."
Illustrating this point further, raising activity among the masses occupied Slovakia have been three-act play, "Still They Paul Landy; J.N.F. chairman,
Mrs. Gerald Goldberg; bulletin
of Jewry in Brazil, Uruguay and fined from 500 to 1,00 kronen Come," by Samuel J. Citron.
Mr. Nock says:
chairman, Mrs. Jack Schreier;
"'I have been an American 40 Argentina for the acquisition of each for failure to keep their
bulletin co-chairman, Mrs. Sam
years,' a prominent rabbi is re- the soil of Palestine as national stores open on Saturday, it was
Berger; editor, Mrs. Herman
ported to have said lately, 'but snd inalienable property.
reported here.
after 10 p. m., the Nazi-imposed
I have been a Jew 5,000 years.'
Reports reaching here from curfew for Jews. Sixty other Kazdan; co-editor, Mrs. Ben Sie-
gel; Council representatives, Mrs.
This utterance was criticized as
Great Britain — School opened that occupied territory disclosed
Jews were arrested for shopping David Steffin, Mrs. Jack Schreier
injudicious, but the man was in Leeds for 150 refugees.
that 108 Jews received heavy during hours prohibited to Jews. and
Mrs. Harry Schechter.


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