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July 04, 1941 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1941-07-04

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A merica 'elvish Periodical Cotter

July 4, 1941


DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle



June Brides

On June 7, Mrs. David Freedman
honored Miss Freedman at a
luncheon and personal shower
given at the Golden Pheasant
for 20 guests. Mrs. Nathan Ver-
lin, Miss Rose Greenberg, Miss
Enid Gillis and Miss Dorothy
Miller feted Miss Freedman at
a dinner and personal shower
for 25 guests at the Lee Crest
June 10. Mrs. Benjamin Dean
was hostess at a mah jong party
for Miss Freedman at her home
on Rochester Ave. June 11. Mrs.
Julius Berman gave a linen
shower and dinner in honor of
the bride at the Lee Plaza June
12. Mrs. Rose Miller honored
Miss Freedman at a miscellaneous
shower June 16. Mrs. Benjamin
Jaffe and Mrs Morris Tonkin en-
tertained Miss Freedman at a
dinner and miscellaneous shower
for 60 guests at the Wilshire

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heller of Virginia Park announce the
engagement of their daughter, Alice Hazel, to Harry Fridson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fridson of Taylor Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Richter of St. Louis, Mo., announce
the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Jane, to Lewis C. Fantle,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Fantle of 901 W. Boston Blvd.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cohen of Wildemere Ave. announce the
engagement of their (laughter, Annette Debra, to Roy D. Paul,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Paul of Hazelwood Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Hurvich of Blaine Ave. announce the
engagement of their (laughter, Pearl, to Julian Nusbaum, son
of the Max Nusbaums of Leslie Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Melinsky of Glynn Ct. announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Betty Milen, to Felix Green, son of Mr.
and Mrs. David Green of Warren Road.
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Diamond of Longfellow Ave. announce
the engagement of their daughter, Marcia Helen, to Dr. Harvey
Lynn, son of Mrs. Aaron Lynn.



IN. 0.



July 6—Miss Belle Rose Jakont, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Jakont of 3731 Carter Ave., to Irving Trebuck, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Hyman Trebuck of Calvert Ave., at Congregation Shaarey
Zedek, Rabbi Morris Adler officiating.
July 6—Miss Gertrude Siegel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Siegel of Sturtevant Ave., to Wilfred Feldman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. I. Feldman, at Knights of Pythias Hall. Rabbi Morris Adlet
will officiate.
July 6—Tillie Fay Glassman, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Glassman of Toledo, 0., to Samuel L. Yucht, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Yucht of Detroit.
July 6—Miss Leona Grubstein, daughter of Rev. Peter Grub-
stein of 2640 Gladstone Ave., to David Gooze of this city.
July 6—Miss Rose Wolfe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Wolfe
of Joy Road, to Leo Neuman, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Neuman of
Pasadena Aye.
July 6—Miss Dorothy Elaine Levenson, (laughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Hyman Levenson of 2967 Glynn Court, to Harry L. Fox,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Fox of Los Angeles, Calif. formerly of
Detroit, at Congregation Shaarey Zedek, at 5:30 p. m. Rabbi A. M.
Hershman will officiate
July 6—Miss Julia Ruth Kaletsky, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Nathan Kaletsky of Sturtevant Ave., to Dr. Maurice C. Bonin,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bonin of Oakman Blvd., at Hotel Staler.
Rabbi Morris Adler will officiate.
July 6—Miss Dorothy Janet Fleisher, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Fleisher of 2539 Pingree Ave., to Ben B. Buten, son
of Mrs. Joseph Buten of Hazelwood Ave., at the Wilshire Hotel.
Rabbi Morris Adler will officiate Reception from 3 to 5 at the
bride's residence. No cards.
July 6—Miss Mildred Lorraine Fink, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Benjamin Fink of 64 Winona Ave., to Leon L. Stern of Detroit,
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Morris Stern of Jackson, Mich. Dr.
Leo M. Franklin will officiate.
July 6—Miss Frieda Chason, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max
Chason, to Manuel Grossman, son of Mrs. Rose Grossman, at
July 6—Miss Pearl Markovitz of 1950 W. Philadelphia Ave.
to Karl Katkowsky of 3123 Fenkell Ave.. at the Bnai David.


June 20—To Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Mackey (Rose Lipson)
of 15835 Ward Ave., a son, Calvin Earl.
June 21—To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Susman (Ethel Bronstein)
of 3021 Rochester Ave., a son, Gerald I.
June 28—To Mr. and Mrs. Saul Rubin (Jean Feldman), a son.

East London Folk Find the War Breeds
Understanding; Jew Saves Church While
Gentile Saves Synagogue

LONDON—The people of the firefighters consisting mostly of
East End of London have been East End Jewish boys, extin-
guished before
a fire it in had
an time
talking during the past few (lays Church
to do
of a striking incident occurring
in the local Borough of Stepney serious damage.
during a recent blitz in which
Londoners find this yet an-
an Anglican Church and an Or- other illustration — the kind so
thodox Synagogue were set afire common since the war began—
by incendiaries from Nazi bom- of the unprecedented high degree
of understanding reached be-
Gentile and Jew in com-
A non-Jewish fire-watcher was mon
the first to notice the flames
Another typical example is the
leaping from the synagogue. He gesture
of an East End non-
gave the alarm and then set to Jewish Mission, which sells tea
work with his fellow watchers. and refreshments at cost to all
of Worship
safety does
in the
was Jewish
saved from
as people
a ters. seeking
The Mission

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Tick-

ton announce the marriage of
their daughter, Miriam, to Vic-
tor H. Kramer, son of Mrs. Min-
nie Kramer and the late Dr.
(Miss Bessie Kramer)
(Miss Esther Kepperwas)
Simon Pendleton Kramer, on
Miss Bessie Kramer, daughter June 29. Dr. Leo M. Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shaw an-
nounce the marriage on June 28 of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kramer officiated.
of their daughter, Esther Kep- of 2516 Gladstone Ave., became
perwas, to Albert Gorenstein.
the bride of Dr. Gerson Berris,
Mr. and Mrs. William Kimmel
son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham announce the marriage of their
Berris of 1956 Taylor Ave., on daughter, Ann, to S. Gerald
Girard, son of Mrs. M. Bellick,
Sunday, June 29.
The bride was attended by Miss which was performed June 24
by Doctor Leo M. Franklin at
Sara Slutzky as maid of honor Temple Beth El. The newly-
and the bridesmaids included Mrs. weds motored to the West Coast.
Paul Feldman, Mrs. Dave Silver, They will be at home at the
Mrs. George Roth, Betty Beneson Wilshire Hotel on their return.
and Annette Isaacs.
Dr. Berris was attended by
Richard B. Kramer as best man
Rev. and Mrs. I. Blaustein of
and the ushers were Dr. Paul Syracuse, N. Y., announce the
Feldman, Dr. David Silver, wedding of their son, Sam Blau,
Messrs. Albert Kramer, Akivah to Jennie Stone.
Drasnin and G. Roth.

—Photo by J. J. Clarke.

—Photo by J. J. Clarke.


On Friday night
The candles shed
A tranquil light
On Sabbath bread.

And mothers frame
The age-old prayer
Above the flame
And peace stands there.
—May Richstone,
6320 Dieterle,

—Photo by J. J. Clarke.


was Miss Selma Schwartz before
her marriage on June 9 at the
Bnai Moshe Synagogue. The
bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs.
William Schwartz of 4228 Webb
Ave. and the groom is the son
of Mrs. Gertrude Waldman of
Gladstone Ave. Mrs. Waldman
was attended by Ann Schwartz
as maid of honor and the brides-
maids were Mrs. Harold Garber,
Irna Waldman and Mary Schkol-
nick. The best man was Maurice
Weingarden and Harold Garber
was one of the ushers.

Forest Hills,L.I.

The odds are on Al (Bummy)
Davis to capture the welterweight
championship—if not now, later.
Known to Uncle Sam—whose uni-
form as a private he now wears

—Photo by J. J. Clarke

—as Albert Abraham Davidoff.
the new Jewish fistic hope earned
$15 from his first fight four years
ago when he broke both fists in
smashing his opponent down eight
times. He had won 37 times
straight before he yielded to light-
weight champ Lou Ambers. The

only other man to whom Al lost
is Fritzie Zivic. The new Mrs.—
Barbara Kovsky—as well as Uncle
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Denenburg Sam is rooting for a champion.

(Miss Gertrude Denenburg)

announce the marriage of their
Miss Irene Milstein and Bar- daughter, Gertrude, to Alex M.
ney Schuman were united in Beerbohm, son of Mr. and Mrs.
marriage at a ceremony read at Nathan Beerbohm, on Sunday,
the Beth Telfilio Emanuel by June 29, at the Wilshire Hotel.
Creators of
Rabbi Max J Wohlgelernter, on Rabbi Hershman officiated.
June 15. The bride is the daugh-
The bride was lovely in a
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Mil- gown of lace and net and was
stein and the groom is the son attended by her two sisters,
of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schu- Marabel and Lorraine, who were
man. Miss Gertrude Milstein, sis- gowned in marquisette and lace.
In Your Horne
ter of the bride, was maid of
The out of town guests were
honor, and Mrs. Harry Berman Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harris and
or in Our
was matron of honor. Meyer the Misses Jane and Mildred
Beautiful Studio
Danzig and Dr. Harry Berman Harris of Racine, Wis., and Jack
attended the groom.
Harris of Chicago.
The very same night, only a nights.
Following the ceremony a re-
Mr. and Mrs. Beerbohm will
few blocks away, a group of
Excelling in Wedding Portraits
ception was held in the social spend their honeymoon in Mexico.
and Child Photography
Nazis Find They Need Jews Who
The newlyweds tooks an ex-
Children Arrive From Lisbon
till 6—Mondays till 9 P.M
Were Thrown Out of Textile
tended trip through Northern
Dorothy Freedman,
Sundays 12 to 3
Michigan and will be home after (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
flow of refugees toward America
Phone now for A ppo.ntinent
ZURICH. (WNS)—An acute July 1.
Freedman, and Harmon J. Moss,
included a notable cargo this shortage of skilled workers in the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Moss,
TH. 1-1126
week with the arrival of 119
were united in marriage in the
children. mostly Jewish. and some Polish textile industry has
Miss Sylvia Saperstein, daugh- presence of the immediate family
brought home to the Nazis the
500 others on the Portuguese
ter of Mrs. Sophie Saperstein June 21. Rabbi Morris Adler per-
s'eamship Mouzinho. The Uni- realization that they may have was united in marriage to Dr. formed the ceremony which was
acted too hastily in ordering
ted States Committee for the
Jews out of the textile factories George Winton, son of Mr. and followed by a reception.
Care of European Children, head-
Mrs. Jacob Winton on June 21.
Mr. and Mrs. Moss are at home
ed by Marshall Field, provides when they occupied Poland, it The couple left on an extended
Nett !Janie! no en
at 3300 Chicago Blvd.
for them. The Joint Distribution was learned here.
Anne II. I'rto..in
The Nazi army, which is de- trip through the east. Mrs. Win-
Miss Freedman was honored
Committee had provided part of
pendent on the Polish textile
at a luncheon and kitchen show-
the transportation costs.
versity. College of Education and
rear Kirby
Some of the children had been factories for many of its sup- Dr. Winton graduated from the er given by Miss Helen Shewack
separated from their parents for plies. has demanded that Polish University of Michigan and the and Miss Elsie Kaplan June 4.
Jewish workers be compelled to
months. The train carrying them
Detroit College of Medicine.
to the boat passed through a con- return to their jobs. Inexperienc-
centration camp in which many
of the parents were. Schooled to fill pists vacated by Jewss, have
and Mrs. Benjamin Gold-
the bitterness of inadequate food, curtailed production and crippled man of Burlingame Ave. an-
the children refrained from eat-
In deference to "aryan" su- nounce the marriage of their
ing their own breakfasts and
daughter, Marion Jayne, to Earl
saved the bread and the sugar
Jewish workers will he segre- E. Shapero, son of Mr. and Mrs.
for their parents.
New Location: 9404 WOODWARD AVE.
gated in special factories where Paul Shapero of Detroit and Mi-
4 Doors South of Alhambra Theater
there will be no opportunity for ami Beach. The couple are
MA. 0919
MA. 0918
them to come into contact with honeymooning in California and
Flowers for all occasions-



Rose's Flowers


y Florist. Tyler 6-6622.


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