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April 25, 1941 - Image 26

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1941-04-25

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DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle



Temple Beth El, Detroit, Host to 3 7th Biennial
Council of Union of American Hebrew Congregations

Continued from Page 1

Jewish community of De-
troit, I extend cordial
greetings and sin c er e
welcome to the delegates
to the 37th Council of
the Union of American
Congregations and affili-
ated organizations.
"We hope that the ses-
sions of this Council will
prove interesting and be
of real constructive value
to the Jews of the entire
"We in Detroit, con-
sider it a rare privilege
to have you as our guests
and will do everything in
our power to make your
visit a pleasant one."

(Continued from Page 1)

cow, St. Petersburg and War-
saw during the revolution in Rus-
From 1911-14, he lectured on
history and the history of art
at various American universities.
During World War I, Dr. Van
Loon covered news for Associ-
ated Press in Belgium, England,
France, Italy, Switzerland, Hol-
land, Norway, Sweden and Den-
mark. Betimes, 1915-16, he lec-
tured on modern European his-
tory at his alma mater, Cornell.
He was professor of history at
Antioch College, 1922-23. In
1923-24 he was associate editor
of the Baltimore Sun.
In 1934, Dr. Van Loon lee-

1 1 1


Israel Himelhoch is vice-chair-
Temple Beth El, Detroit, one of the pioneer affiliates with the Union of American Hebrew man of the Detroit convention
Congregations, is the Host Synagogue to the delegates attending the 37th Biennial Council of the committee. Ex-officio members of
the committee are: Harry C.
Union, April 27-30.
Grossman, president of Temple
Morris D. Waldman of New York, Beth El; Mrs. Lawrence Freed-
man of the Jewish Agency for dent of the Indiana State Con- American Jewish Committee; Sig- man, president of the Temple
Palestine. Actively interested in ference on Charities.
mund Livingston of Chicago, Sisterhood; Benjamin Wilk, presi-
In Louisiana, Rabbi Leipziger Anti-Defamation League; Rabbi dent of the Men's Club of Temple
the Hebrew University of Jeru-
salem, he is a member of the has served as president of the Morton M. Berman of Chicago, Beth El; Dr. Leo M. Franklin
and Rabbi Leon Fram. Irving
legal committee of the National State Conference on Charities American Jewish Congress; Fred I. Katz is secretary of the com-
Association for Advancement of and of the New Orleans Board M. Butzel of Detroit, National mittee.
of Public Welfare, He has also
Colored People.
of the Na-
The executive committee plan-
Mr. Marshall has been a leader been vice preside
ning for the convention consists
of the following: Sidney J. Allen,
Maurice Aronsson, Fred M. But-
In 1925, the Times-Picayune of
New Orleans, awarded him a
zel, Justice Henry M. Butzci,
Leo M. Butzel, Alfred Epstein,
loving cup for organizing the
Seymour H. Franklin, Morris
Garvett, Samuel T. Gilbert, Harry
Rabbi Leipziger is an honor-
S. Grant, Harry A. Hyman,
ary life director of the New Or-
Harry E. Jacobson, Albert Kahn,
leans Community Chest, and has
Walter Laib, Meyer L. Prentis,
held offices in the Hebrew Union
Nate Shapero, Judge Charles C.
College Alumni Association.
Simons, Joseph M. Welt, Andrew
tured in New Zealand, Australia,
An ex-officio member of the
Wineman, Henry Wineman, Julian
South Africa and South Amer-
executive board of the Union of
G. Wolfner, Max Zivian.
American Hebrew Congregations,
He is the author of: "The
Rabbi Leipziger is also a mem-
Fall of the Dutch Republic,"
ber of the Joint Union of Ameri-
New York, secretary of the De-
"The Rise of the Dutch King-
can Hebrew Congregations Cen-
partment of International Jus-
dom," "The Golden Book of the
tral Conference of American
tice and Good Will of the Fed-
Dutch Navigators," "A Short
eral Council of Churches and
History of Discovery," "Ancient
president of the National Peace
Man," "The Story of Mankind,"
Conference, will speak Tuesday
"The Story of the Bible," "The
noon, April 29, at the Sisterhood
Story of Wilbur, the Cat," "Tol-
luncheon of the 14th Biennial
erance," "America," "Life of
Assembly of the National Federa-
Peter Stuyvesant," "Man, the
tion of Temple Sisterhoods in
Miracle Maker," "R U R," "Ge-
Council of Federations and Wel- Hotel Book-Cadillac.
ography," "An Indiscreet Itin-
fare Funds; B. C. Sherman of
"The Individual's Part in Build-
erary," "An Elephant Up a
New York, Jewish Labor Com-
the World of Tomorrow" will
Tree," "Ships," "Around the in the New York City Charter
mittee. Robert P. Goldman will
preside and the invocation will be Dr. Van Kirk's subject.
Committee, has worked for the
be given by Rabbi Jerome D.
At 1:30 p. m., E. S. T., to be
New York Training School for
Folkman of Grand Rapids.
Boys, and has been director and
Detroiters on Program
chairman of the committee on
The following Detroiters will
procedure and practice in the
participate in the convention pro-
City Court of the New York
County Lawyers Association.
Judge Charles C. Simons of
Author of a novel, "Ordeal
the United States District Court
of Appeals, one of the ablest
by Glory," Mr. Marshall has writ-
ten many articles on Palestine
orators in Michigan.
Justice Henry M. Butzel of the
and legal matters.
Michigan State Supreme Court,
He is a member of Temple
who will preside at the banquet.
Emanu-El, New York City.

Rabbi Emil Leipziger

Rabbi Emil Leipziger of Touro


Rabbis Committee on Ceremonies.

Council Religious Service


World with the Alphabet," "Air
Storming," "The Songs We Sing,"
"The Arts," and "Christmas Car-
Awarded the John Newberry
medal or 1923, he was made an
officer in the Order of Orange

James Marshall

The Council Sermon, at the
opening session at Temple Beth
El on Sunday evening, will be
delivered by Rabbi Maurice Eis-
endrath of Toronto, Canada.
The invocation at Sunday
night's Council Religious Service
will be given by Rabbi Emil W.
Leipziger, president of the Cen-
tral Conference of American
Rabbi James G. Heller of Cin-
cinnati, vice president of the Cen-
tral Conference of American
Rabbis, will give the benediction
at Sunday's meeting.



broadcast by NBC, the Blue Net-
work will carry a portion of the
address to radio listeners through-
out the country. Sisterhood dele-
gates and visitors will be lunch-
eon guests of Detroit's NFTS
Temple Beth El Sisterhood.
Widely known as lecturer and
author, Dr. Van Kirk holds a
Other Speakers
D.D. degree from his alma mater,
As general chairman of the
Ohio Wesleyan University. Fol-
Detroit convention committee,
lowing service as a minister, Dr.
Melville S. Welt will be tempo-
rary chairman at Monday morn- DR. WALTER W. Van KIRK Van Kirk became associated in
1925 with the Federal Council
ing's session.
ed M. Butzel, who will par- of Churches. He is a member of
Greetings will be extended at ticipate in the symposium on
Academy of Po-
this session by Mayor Jeffries, Wednesday morning. the American
litical and Social Science and of
and the speakers will include the
Harry C. Grossman, who will the Council on Foreign Relations.
presidents of all affiliated organi-
preside at the supper meeting on Among his works is "Highway
to International Good-Will."
Harry C. Grossman, president Thursday.
Synagogue, New Orleans, is
"Speak Up, Religion!" will be
Temple Beth El, Detroit, will
president of the Central Confer- of
preside at the supper meeting of give the invocation at the ban- the general theme of the NFTS
ence of American Rabbis.
Biennial Assembly which will
A graduate of the University the national advisory committee (met
Rabbi Leon Fram, who will meet from April 27-May 1, in
will take
of Cincinnati, Rabbi Leipziger on Tuesday evening. Rabbi Julius

' Tuesday. Detroit. The assembly the 37th
Gordon of St. Louis will speak at give

the invocation
invocation on
was ordained at Hebrew Union that d session on "I Sell Faith".
Other speakers are listed in place concurrently with
College, Cincinnati.
A symposium on "The Problem the convention program.
American Hebrew Congregations
Before going in 1913 to his
New Orleans Congregation, Rab- of Public Relations—How Can " Dr. Walter W. Van Kirk to Ad- and the 9th Biennial Convention
bi Leipziger was spiritual leader Judaism Help Us in Our Work? dress NFTS Assembly Luncheon of the National Federation of
Terre Haute, will take place Wednesday morn-
Dr. Walter M. Van Kirk of Temple Brotherhoods.
of Temple Israel i
was presi- ing. The participants will be:

James Marshall, prominent
New York attorney, is president
of the Board of Education of
New York City.
Son of the illustrious Louis
Marshall, James has taken over
the family tradition of service to
Jewish and public causes.
of Columbia Uni-
Agra Schools of Journalism
and of Law, Mr. Marshall has
been in practice since 1921.
Trustee of the Jewish Board
of Guardians and member of the
board of managers of the Soci-
ety for Reformation of Juvenile
Delinquents, James Marshall is
a member of the executive board
of the American Jewish Commit-
tee and of the executive com-
mittee of the Joint Distribution
He has served as a leader of
the Manhattan Allied Jewish Ind. While there, he
Campaign and as national chair-


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