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April 18, 1941 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1941-04-18

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DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle


Leo Fuchs, Guest
Actor, Aemains at
Littman's for Week

By popular request, Leo Fuchs
remains in Detroit this week, at
Littman's Yiddish People's Thea-
ter, 12th and Seward, for the

presentation of another comedy.
Having scored a great hit last
Sunday, Mr. Fuchs, together with
the entire cast of Littman's
Theater, will appear this Friday
evening and Sunday matinee and
evening, in the comedy, "Gedal-
iah Zucht a Kaleh" ("Gedaliah Is
Looking for a Bride").

U. A. H. C.

(Continued from

Pare 1)

Goldman, president of the Union
of American Hebrew Congrega-
tions, at the session on Sunday,
April 27, at Temple Beth El.
Rabbi Maurice N. Eisendrath of
Toronto will deliver the conven-
tion sermon that night on the
subject "The Strategy of Faith."

Jewish Publication Society
Exhibit at Convention

;*„.:.- :-






Here's Your In vitatIonl •


i a

Recondition yourself, relax and rest. at this mag-
nificent Jewish hotel—Your hosts, the Madorsky
Family, have made the Riverside one of the finest
resorts in Mt. Clemens.

Facing a 5-acre park, its unexcelled appointments
make the Riverside an ideal place to visit for a
week or two, especially at this time of the year.

The famous Mt. Clemens mineral baths are avail-
able to our guests without leaving the hotel.

No atmosphere of hospital or sanitarium . . .
entertainment and recreation for young and
old . . . dancing and entertainment every
evening . . . golf, tennis, bathing, boating,
fishing and other sports in season . . . mar-
velous food, strictly kosher . . . Rates are




The Story of a Claim

A prominent Chicago business man died recently
from cancer at 65 years of age. Five years pre-
viously, in perfect health, he had taken three
Life Single Premium policies with the Great-West
Life totalling $50,000. His three sons, who were
named beneficiaries under the terms of these policies,
shared the proceeds of these contracts.


1512 Union Guardian Building
Telephone — Randolph 0446





TRinity 2-0100

8210 Twelfth Street

Friday Eve., Sunday Mat. and Eve., April 18 and 20


The Great Lemberg Comedian and Opera Star


together with the regular Littman Cast

Nathan & Rose Goldberg—Jacob & Bettie Jacobs

Leon Seidenberg, Vitee Dubrow, Harold Miller, Ella Wallenstein,
Leah Seidenberg, Louis Bucksbitzky, Harry Jordon

In the Hilarious Comedy

"Gedaliah Zucht a Kaleh"



Prices: EVES., 50e, 75e and $1; MATINEES, 50e

and 7k

April 18, 1941

discuss the work of that unique AMITY DINNER ON

Pontiac Congregation Is Newest

Affiliation of Temple Beth Ja-
cob, Pontiac, Mich., with the
Union of American Hebrew Con-
gregations brings up to 310 the
number of member congregations
in the United States and Canada.
In addition to sending dele-
gates and visitors to the Coun-
cil, Pontiac will be represented
on the Union's national advisory
Rabbi Eric Friedland, a gradu-
ate of Hebrew Union College,
Cincinnati, is spiritual leader of
Temple Beth Jacob. Abe Lapides
is congregational president, and
Morris J. Kaplan, secretary.
Mrs. Lapides and Mrs. Benja-
min Goldstein are Pontiac mem-
bers of the national advisory

The amity dinner of the De-
troit Round Table of Catholics,
Jews and Protestants will be
held on Tuesday evening, April
22, at the Masonic Temple.
Judge Charles C. Simons of
the U. S. Circuit Court of Ap-
peals will be the speaker.
Tickets are available by call-
ing Rev. Oscar G. Starrett, ex-
ecutive secretary of the Round
Table, 23 E. Adams, Cadillac

Maurice Jacobs, executive sec-
retary of the Jewish Publication
Society of America, with head-
quarters at Philadelphia, an-
Zedakah Club to Meet on
nounced this week that arrange-
ments are being made for a spe-
Monday Evening
cial exhibit by the society of its
publications issued over a period
The next meeting of Zedekah
of 53 years.
Club will be held Monday, April
Mr. Jacobs, who is an active
21, at 8:30 p. m., at the home
leader in the National Federa-
of Mrs. Max Rosenbaum, 17516
tion of Temple Brotherhoods, Delegates from 130 Clubs to Fairfield Ave. Mrs. Irving Shevin,
states that a most descriptive Consider "Today's Conditions president of the club, extends an
selection will be on view here.
and Brotherhood Activity"
invitation to all members to at-
Bezalel Schatz to Exhibit New • Delegates and visitors from tend as an interesting evening
130 local clubs affiliated with is planned with entertainment
Work at Convention
B e z a l el Schatz, outstanding the National Federation of Tem- and refreshments to follow.
Contributions were received
modern Jewish artist, will pre- ple Brotherhoods will consider
sent an especially planned ex- "Today's Conditions and Brother- from Mesdames Hannah Harvith,
hibition of his new paintings and hood Activitiy and Ideology" at Sophie Jacobs, Ben Jacobs, Max
of work of his famous father, the ninth biennial convention of Rosenbaum, Mollie Rott, Leonard
the late Boris Schatz, which has NFTB, April 27-30, at Hotel Shapiro and Bella Hordes.
never before been shown in Statler.
Tuesday afternoon, Dean R.
America, it was announced at the
Cincinnati office of the Union. Malcolm Guess of the University Detroit Town Hall's Cass
Mr. Schatz, whose recent one of Mississippi, will be the guest Theater List of Celebrities
man show at the Carrot Carstairs speaker at a session devoted to for 13th Season
Gallery in New York, was fa- the Jewish Chautauqua Society,
vorably received by metropolitan national project of NFTB.
Maurice Evans, acclaimed the
Albert F. Mecklenburger of finest
critics, is already represented by
actor of this day, will open
work in museum collections in- Chicago, national president, is the Detroit Town Hall, at the
cluding the Metropolitan Museum to open the ninth biennial with Cass Theater, early in October,
in New York, the National Gal- his presidential message.
with a dramatic recital of scenes
lery in London, the Chicago Art "How Can Judaism Help Us in from his most famous roles, to
Institute and many others.
Our Work?" Is One Question
inaugurate the Thirteenth Sea-
An unusual and fine collection
on Agenda
son of the Friday Morning Series
of Jewish art objects by the late
"How Can Judaism Help Us of Twenty Lectures.
Prof. Boris Schatz which have in Our Work?" is the vital ques-
The extraordinary list of
just been received in a shipment tion which representatives of speakers already contracted for
from Sweden, will be featured leading American Jewish lay or- include: Alexander Wollcott, "The
at the Union exhibit. In the col- ganizations will discuss with syn- Town Crier," favorite with mil-
lection are: oil paintings, bronzes, agogue leaders at a special ses- lions of readers and radio listen-
ceramics and ivory carvings.
ers; Ilka Chase, famous for per-
Internationally known as the
Jewish Organizations and their formances on stage, screen and
founder of the "Bezalel" School spokesmen for the special council radio and the charming hostess
of Arts and Crafts in Palestine, session are: American Jewish of "Luncheon at the Waldorf"
Prof. Schatz was court sculptor Committee, Morris Waldman; radio program; George V. Denny,
to the King of Bulgaria before Anti-Defamation League, Sig- Jr., president of New York Town
going to Palestine to become the mund Livingston; American Jew- Hall, founder of Town Hall of
founder of the renaissance of ish Congress, Rabbi Morton M. the Air;" two editors of well
Jewish art in modern times.
Berman; National Council of known American periodicals, Ed-
Bezalel Schatz, who studied Federations and Welfare Funds, ward Weeks of Atlantic Monthly,
painting with his father, had his Fred M. Butzel; Jewish Labor authority on current literature,
first public exhibition at the age Committee, B. C. Sherman. Rob- and Fulton Oursler of Liberty
of 10. He later studied for four ert P. Goldman, Union president, Magazine; Ogden Nash, celebrat-
ed poet, editor and humorist;
years in Paris where he became will preside at the symposium.
acquainted with the outstanding
The founder of Jewish Book Franz Werfel, author of "Forty
modern art and artists such as Week, Rabbi S. Felix Mendel- Days of Musa Dagh" who brings
Chagall and Picasso.
sohn of Chicago, will speak at a spiritual message for these
Motion Picture Premiere to Be the Union Convention Book Ex- troublesome days; Rene Dussag,
Argentinian, who speaks
One of Features of NFTS
hibti in the Bagley Room of brilliant
on "A South American's View
Hotel Statler on "People of the of South
America;" Jason Mason
"The Story of the National Book". One of the world's fore- Brown, Town
Hall's annual re-
Federation of Temple Sister- most publishers of Jewish books, porter of current Broadway
hoods," a new motion picture, the Union will include in the ex- plays; Howard Pierce Davis, one
will have its premiere here at hibit books for ali ages.
of the popular commentators and
the 14th women's biennial as- Dr. Abram L. Sachar to Speak an authority on European econ-
sembly. Scheduled to open Sun-
omic and political moves; Louis
Dr. Abram L. Sachar, famous Bromfield, with the subject.
day, April 27, the assembly will
be concluded Thursday, May 1, author, lecturer and youth ex- "What America Means to Me;"
with a special Leaders and Speak- pert, will be the main speaker, Maurice Hindus, newspaper cor-
Saturday evening, April 26, at respondent and radio commenta-
ers Training Institute.
Another new convention fea- the banquet session of the bien- tor, world traveler and informed
ture will be informal conferences nial convention of the National speaker on international affairs.
on committee activities, with a Federation of Temple Youth, in Other lecturers will be arranged
national chairman in charge of Hotel Book-Cadillac.
for, to follow the rapidly chang-
The Youth Convention, meet- ing world situations.
each one.
On Monday morning, April 28, ing just prior to the Council of
Mrs. Leon L. Watters will de- the Union of American Hebrew
liver her presidential message at Congregations, parent body of Nazis in Slovakia Force Unmar-
ried Jews into Slave
the official opening Assembly ses- NFTY, will open, Saturday morn-
ing, April 26, with an all-youth
Labor Camps
"The Place of the Sisterhood service in Temple Beth El, De-
in American Life," will be Tues- troit.
Following a luncheon at which authorities in occupied Slovakia
day morning, April 29, the sub-
President Richard N. Bluestein, have ordered all unmarried male
ject of an NFTS Town Hall.
At the Sisterhood luncheon Boston, will present his message, Jews to report to Gestapo head-
Tuesday noon, Dr. Walter W. NFTY delegates and visitors will quarters for assignments to com-
Van Kirk of the Department of adjourn to various round table pulsory labor camps, it was re-
ported here. The Jews were in-
International Justice and Good discussion circles.
Will of the Federal Council of Temple Secretaries to Meet in structed to report no later than
May 1.
Detroit April 29
Churches, will speak on "The In-
Nazi officials announced that,
"Methods Used in the Admin-
dividual's Part in Building the
World of Tomorrow." Detroit's istration and Financing of Con- henceforth, Slovakian Jews will
Temple Beth El Sisterhood will gregations" will be the general have to wear arm-bands bearing
be hostess group to all delegates topic for discussion at the meet- the Star of David on their street
ing of Temple Secretaries at the clothes to distinguish them from
and visitors.
Rabbi Selwyn D. Ruslander, Statler Hotel on Tuesday, April the rest of the population.
director of the Union Depart- 29, beginning at noon with a
ment of Youth Activities, will luncheon. The meeting will be
open the afternoon session with held concurrently with the 37th stated Irving I. Katz, chairman
council of the Union of American of the arrangements committee
"Youth Faces the Future."
"Integrating the Newcomer Hebrew Congregations and will and executive secretary of Tem-
into American Life," a sympos- be open to all secretaries of con- ple Beth El, Detroit. According
ium and discussion, will be di- gregations affiliated with the to Mr. Katz, secretaries from the
rected by Miss Celia Razovsky Union. This will be the first time states of Ohio, Illinois, Indiana,
of National Refugee Service, as in the history of the Union that Pennsylvania, New York, Massa-
the Temple Secretaries will offi- chusetts, Washington, Michigan,
Mrs. Ruth M. Worrell, execu- cially hold their own meeting. In Florida, Texas, Missouri and the
tive secretary of the Women's addition to the meeting, an ex- Dominion of Canada will be in
Division of the Ohio Council of tensive exhibit of congregational attendance.
Churches, will speak, Wednesday forms and records is being
The arrangements committee,
noon, April 30, at the State Fed- planned by the secretaries which besides Mr. Katz, consists of
eration luncheon. Mrs. Worrell's will be open to all the delegates Harry A. Levy, executive secre-
topic will be: "Joining Hands for and official visitors of the Coun- tary of the Temple, Cleveland;
Samuel D. Schwartz, executive
"The call for the meeting has secretary of Temple Sinai, Chi-
Rabbi Melvin Sands, who is
attending the Graduate School elicited much favorable comment cago, and Chester G. Bandman,
of Applied Religion in Cincinnati and enthusiasm among the Tem- executive secretary of Hemple
on an NFTS scholarship, will ple Secretaries of the country," Rodef Shalom, Pittsburgh.


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