July 19 ; 1940 Sift, mey Jun. Jew ;es, Ile, sm ng alp ny be up he he he iis ve be in ay if- of le st ne th is ig r- ir a :;s a )f is le h r. THE GREAT ILLUSION FOR SALE—APARTMENTS: It would be futile to attempt to dispel this illusion by the means of a short article. What I want to point out in the pres- ent contribution is only one point The Myth of Inexhaustible Jewish Wealth short about this myth which is curiously overlooked by most By WILLIAM ZUKERMAN people. This is that even if it were true that some Jews Pos- This kind of money flowing Friend turd foe alike harbor the misconception t hat limitless yarOit's NOTE: in Jewish hands. In this article, Mr, Zukerman submits a sessed the great fabulous wealth into the nation's industrial which they are reputed to pos- 1111111111 IN clear analysis of I he st mime deception that Jews are financially able centers, Detroit the leader, sess, there is no means by which to cope wit h t heir present crisis. means only one thing to real organized Jewry as a whole can estate. Lay your last dollar The Nazi pogroms have ac- the non-Jewish world has shown make these individuals give a on Detroit. Rely on our of this wealth for Jewish complished at least one thing for a profound sympathy, good will share Facts and Figures. purposes. It is generally over- the Jews: they have placed the and willingness to help such as that the Jews are not a questionof the Jewish refugees Jews have seldom seen before. looked $50,000 Rent first on the agenda of inter- But this world, at least the offi- nation organized politically as people and able to tax its 88 attractive apts select lo- national problems requiring im- cial part of its, has acted under other members or otherwise force them cation. Tile marble lobby, mediate solution. This is true one great illusion which vitiated to contribute for Jewish causes. fireplace, elevator, n e w and is nullifying its efforts and -wish as well as of of the non Je Practically all funds raised by stoves, new refrig, new car- the Jewish world. The Govern- is bound, if persisted in, to in- Jews are raised on a voluntary pets. $650,000 official ap- ments of England, Belgium, Hol- validate everything that it is basis. There is absolutely no praisal 1927. Sacrifice for land France and others over- willing to do for the Jews. other way for the Jewish com- mete fraction of real value s, led by the United States A Strange Illusion sea, munity to collect funds for any or present construction cost. have realized the need of immed- This great illusion is a belief purpose except by appealing to Cash and trade. ia te practical action of some which prevails in the non-Jewish its members to give voluntarily JAMES WATERMAN WISE: kind. Certain minor steps for world, by those sections which whatever they think or feel they temporary alleviation of the dis- are friendly as well as unfriend- can give. Anyone who has had Research Consultant of the Council 39 Apts tress have already been taken ly to the Jews, that the Jewish experience of the raising of funds Against Intolerance in America, Solid semi-fireproof good and a more permanent and radi- people can raise almost any by voluntary contributions knows and co-author of "Mr. Smith, Meet cond. Elevator. Earns 15% cal solution is being considered amount of money they need for what a difficult task it is and Mr. Cohen...." after taxes and expense on by the Inter-Governmental Com- any purpose. This is a strange how thoroughly and completely entire price $48,000. Terms mittee of 32 state in Europe and illusion, but it is almost univer- inadequate it has proved to be $10,000. overseas. That committee, des- sal among non-Jews. It is shar- for the accomplishment of any Sholem Asch, who hates mak- pite its imposing name and com- ed by Hitler and Streicher as big, constructive effort. At best 19 Apts position, was practically languish- well as by some of the most ar- voluntary contributions can be ing speeches, will come in from ing since the Evian Conference. dent friends of the Jews. Owing of help in charitable enterprises his Stamford retreat to address All 4 rooms and bath. Kel- The November pogroms have to certain historical reasons which seek to alleviate minor suf- the luncheon of the New York vinator. New roof. Excellent blown new life into it. A new, which have always associated the fering or give temporary first Council of the Pioneer Women's cond. Sold once for $110,000. international interest has been Jew with money, a conviction ex- aid. Constructive, permanent Organization for Palestine this Foreclosed price only aroused in its work and if that ists among most non-Jews that help on a big scale cannot be Sunday (May 5) . . • "Palestine $29,500. Terms $6,000. organization has the elements of whatever is true or untrue about handled by charitable institutions is so close to my heart—more MR. BEDFORD achievent in it, it certainly can the Jews, they certainly have and by voluntary contributions. than ever since visiting the coun- accomplish for the present refu- money in plenty. Hitler and his This falls in the province of a try to get background for 'The Homer Warren & Co. gees at least as much as the Nan- gang certainly labor under this state. This is now an axiom Nazarene'—that I'm willing to 56 Years Dependable Service sen Committee accomplished for illusion and many true friends which is generally accepted by lay clown my pen and use my voice if I can be of any help," the refugees of the 'twenties. of the Jews are of the same all who know anything about so- he said. At the same time Jewish pub- opinion. They are ready to ex- cial work. lie opinion has also been aroused tend sympathy to the Jews in Why should en exception be One example is more valuable Nothing is more simple than as never before. It is probably any field, moral, political, social, made with the Jews? And with greatness; indeed, to be simple . . . than twenty precepts writ- no exaggeration to say that but when it comes to the finan- a problem such as that of refu- is to be great.—Emerson. ten in books.—Roger Ascham. Jewry has not been more deeply cial, they are genuinely con- gees? It is true that voluntary vinced that the Jews need no moved since the Czarist pogroms charitable Jewish effort has, as a at the beginning of this century. sympathy and no help. Jews rule, been somewhat higher than and capital somehow go hand Jewish sympathies, always easily the average similar efforts of aroused by pogroms, have never in hand in the average non-Jew- other people. The funds raised before been so universally stirred ish mind. Jews may be handi- by Jews since the Great War by as they are now. There is a capped and even persecuted in voluntary contributions are in • willingness to act and a readi- many ways, but in money mat- many respects remarkable and ness to make sacrifices such as ters they are in a privileged posi- partly responsible for the myth of one does not remember in re- tion. inexhaustible Jewish wealth. But In the opinion of the writer anyone who knows anything cent years. Various committees spring up spontaneously in every of this article this illusion about Jewish fund-raising at the TO ENTER CANADA AND COME BACK country in Europe and among (which incidentally is one of present moment knows that it TO THE UNITED STATES, UNITED STATES different classes of Jewry; money the most vicious products as has reached saturation point and is being raised on a big and gen- well as causes of anti-Semit- that in any event the Jewish CITIZENS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO HAVE erous scale ; Jewish children are ism) is one of the greatest refugee problem at the present BIRTH CERTIFICATES, PASSPORTS OR being adopted in the hundreds; handicaps in every construc- moment is of such terrible di- numerous schemes and plans for tive effort to solve the Jewish mensions that to expect Jewish OTHER DOCUMENTS. the relief of the refugees are problem. Jewish readers need voluntary effort to deal with it being put into operation by the no disillusionment on this constructively is as reasonable as This statement is authorized by John L. Zurbrick, people themselves almost with- point. They know that this Hitler's expectations that the out any organization from the belief is one of the most un- wealth of the German Jews District Director Immigration and Naturalization Service, professional social leaders. The true myths about the Jews; should take care of his arma- who advises American citizens to carry such personal Jewish heart has been touched that for every Jewish banker ment program. It would be fu- papers as may be helpful to Immigration Officers in and the result is a rising tide of and financier there are hun- tile to hope that Nazis would establishing their right to re-enter as American citizens. generosity and mercy which i i s dreds of thousands of Jews abandon a theory which has truly remarkable. If this great who live in poverty and need served so tuarilr of their anti- world interest coupled with the which is heart-breaking; that Semitic purposes. But would it Canada Tunnel Corp. Detroit emotional and spiritual upheaval while there are some Jewish be too much to expect of demo- in Jewry could be harnessed to millionaires, the economic foun- cratic people who are mainly sonic great purpose, what won- dation of the great mass of the friendly to the Jews that they derful achievements could be ac- Jewish people is incomparably should rid themselves of this complished! The Nazi pogroms, less secure than that of the great and pernicious illusion? like the Czaristic pogroms of Poorest of the poor because Not only is it a dangerous, his- 1905, could go down into Jewish in no country (except Pales- toric lie, but also the greatest history as the beginning of a tine) have they the security obstacle in the way of a con- which land gives even to the structive solution of many of the i great and constructive era in What outstanding Jewish problems of Jewry. Hitler could receive the poorest of peasants. great reply which civilization every Jew knows, and most the day. non-Jews do not is that the should give to his pogroms. illusion about the fabulous Jew- Lack of Unity Hats off to Warner Brothers riches is one of the great Unfortunately the indications ish historical lies which were con- for their plan to produce and dis- /tide lie are that this is not to be. The ceived in the Middle Ages and tribute free of charge a series upheaval among the Jews and have been kept alive by anti- of shorts on the U. S. defense non-Jews alike is great, but it Semitism to the present day. Program . . . The pictures are Lies and cfounder lacks organization. The forces Nothing is more untrue, more being made at the request of awakened are many, but they pernicious, although more wide- the Government, and will cost lack the unity which alone could spread than this belief. $45,000 each. Federal Housing Modernization loans make them effective. So far as an through the Industrial Bank permit you observer can judge, a rare oppor- tunity which arise.: seldom in the to have the completed job now with no life of a people is being frittered immediate cash outlay. The entire cost away and it looks as if this great revolutionary event in Jewish may be spread over a three year period life will end in the usual in- in equal monthly payments. The total effective protests or at best, in cost is only $5 per $100 per year. a more or less successful drive for . funds; in nothing else. If this happens, the fault will be al - Whether it be for heatin3 equip- most equally shared by Jews and ment, a stoker, gas or nil burner non-Jews alike. — remodelling — rewiring or The non-Jewish world, chiefly what not, see your dealer or con- under the leadership of Presi- tractor who will arrange your dent Roosevelt, has, it is true, F. H. A. loan through this bank. made an effort to rise to the situation. It is wrong to mini- mize the efforts of the various democratic governments for the Jews in the present emergency. England and practically every other West-European and over- WASHINGTON BLVD, AT GRAND RIVER seas government have relaxed un- officially their immigration laws RAndolph 5960 andhave admitted and are still admitting many thousands of refugees. The offers of terri- CONVENIENT HEN Governor Herbert H. Lehman 'inducted the new "Lehman tories in British Guiana, Dutch BRANCHES 11'nai B'rith. Monday evening, into the 1,000 Class" of more than East Indies, Rhodesia, Tangan- May 6th, at the Manhattan Center, one of the new members was yika and other places are not to Peter Lehman, the Governor's son, marking the third generation of ignored, gnored. even if these offers ehman membership in the International fraternity. Peter Lehman is areaccompanied by great diffi- Fhown here (center) receiving the B'nai B'rith service bar from Harry MESAIER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AND FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION culties and some are down-right D. Epstein (left), President. Grand Lodge District #1, and Col. A. impracticable. It would be un- Ralph Steinberg, Chairman, Century Membership Campaign. generous for the Jews not to ad- mit that throughout this tragedy DEFENSE BILLIONS IF ob. be the . cry . ope in ank hat ub- s a lost his in he N. lite and one vas ca- Ind 3 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 1 ATTENTION UNITED STATES CITIZENS M DERNIZED HOMES a e gaer §g/ter \ INDUSTRIAL MORRIS PLAN BANK \V •