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May 17, 1940 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1940-05-17

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DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle


Mr. and Mrs. Hy C. Broder of
Mr. and Mrs. Monte D. Wittel-
Lawrence Ave. are visiting in shofer gave a dinner party on
New York City.
May 11 in their home on Boston
Airs. Nathan Spevakow of Ha-
zelwood Ave. left to attend the
Mrs. George Epstein is visiting
national convention of the Wom-
and Mrs. Gilbert Hart in
en's Division of the A. J. C., in Mr.
South Bend, Ind.
New York. She will also visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Mrs. James Wineman will leave
Hoffman, of Boston, Mass., before
May 19 to spend a few days in
returning home.
Atlantic City.

Last Saturday evening, Chi
Chapter of Alpha Omego, Jew-
ish dental fraternity at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, presented
its annual spring formal. Dr.
and Mrs. H. Bloom of Ann Ar-
bor and Dr. and Mrs. A. Weller
were the chaperones Irving Katz-
man was the social chairman.

Mrs. Adolph Ehrlich was the
guest speaker at the Mother and
Daughter luncheon given by the
Bay City Hadassah Chapter on
May 12.

Mrs. Joseph Spiegel returned
Rabbi Leon Frani will
Mrs. Nathan Simons will enter-
to her home in Wilmette, Ill., tain a group of friends on May the principal address bef,
having been the guest of Mr. 21 in her home on Boston Blvd. Bnai Brith Lodge of Co: bus,
and Mrs. Henry Wineman.
0., at the initiation cerem , of

Mrs. Samuel T. Gilbert and the new members' class of '940,

Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith Air. and Mrs. Julius W. Gilbert Tuesday, May 28.
will return May 20 from a left May 12 to spend a week in
month in Miami Beach, Fla.
New York.
Airs. Charles Robinson, esi-
dent of the Shaarey Zed! Sis-
Mr. and Mrs. William Frank
Mrs. Robert Spiegel gave a tea terhood, was elected a m, other
are spending two weeks in Hot
on May 12 at the Great Lakes of the national board or the
Springs, Va.
Women's League of the 'Hted

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wine-
Edwin M. Rosenthal of Holly-
wood, Fla., spent the past week man and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
in Detroit.
Schlesinger returned from a week
in Gaylord.
On Wednesday evening, May
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Frank
11, Mrs. Henry Siegl enter-
tained 22 guests at a bridal gave a breakfast on May 12 at
shower at her home on Virginia the Franklin Hills Country Club.
Park, honoring Miss Julia Siegl.
Helen Sloan, daughter of Mr.
Mrs. Perry Burnstine of La- and Mrs. Allan Sloan of 3308 W.
Salle Blvd. left to visit her Grand Ave. entertained 14 of
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and her friends at dinner on Satur-
Airs. David Michael of East Or- day, May 11, in honor of her
ange, N. J. Mrs. Burnstine will 13th birthday.
also attend the national conven-
Mrs. Shmarya Kleinman, chair-
tion of the Women's Division of
man of the Michigan branch of
the A. J. C. in New York.

Mrs. Ben Laiken, Mrs. Moe
Perliss and Dr. Clarissa Fineman
will attend the national conven-
tion of the Women's Division of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sandler of
the American Jewish Congress. Sturtevant Ave. were hosts to
their relatives and friends at a
Miss Miriam Tranes of Evart, reception at the Knollwood Coun-
Mich., who is a student at the try Club, honoring their daugh-
Michigan State College, was the ter, Marie, and Abraham Berko-
guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Cohen witz, whose engagement was re-
of Elmhurst Ave.
cently announced.




Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments Available—
With or Without Maid Service

Special Attention to Banquets, Luncheons and
Dinner Parties

the Women's International League
for Peace and Freedom, attended
the national conference held in
Pittsburgh. From there she went
to Washington, D. C., to attend
the Institute for Government.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Marcuse
are spending 10 days in Wash-


Mrs. David J. Levy entertained
a group of friends at luncheon
on May 11 in her home on Bos-
ton Blvd.

Club, in honor of Mrs. Joseph
Synagogue of America, n. the
Spiegel of Wilmette, Ill.
convention held this week At.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Godsol !antic City.
will entertain on June - 1 at the
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Goi , '.,erg
Statler Hotel.
of Leslie Ave. spent Si: ti ny
Mrs. George Waldbott gave a with their son, Arnold, whc
breakfast on May 10 at the Great student at Ohio State Hnivi:-.ity.
Arnold was just elected a mem-
Lakes Club.
ber of the Romophos Sophomo re
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Arn- Honorary Society, the only Jew-
feld, Mr. and Mrs. Arnson C. ish boy on the campus to attain
Tabor, and Mr and Mrs. Julian that distinction this year. He is
Zemon will give a progressive also active in Phi Sigma Delta,
dinner on May 21.
Mr. and Airs. Charles Rothstein
Mrs. Henry Oringer and son of 2244 Calvert Ave. announce
of Brooklyn, N. Y., left for home the Bar Mitzvah of their son,
Saturday.., after spending a Ronald Marvin, on Saturday,
month with her parents, Mr. and May 2l7, at the Bnai Moshe. At
Mrs. Louis Michelman of Edison home Sunday, May 26, from 3
to 5 and 7 to 10 p. m. No cards.

The friends of Miss Lillie Sing-
er have been busy entertaining
her prior to her departure for a
visit to her aunt in Los Angeles.
During her six weeks' absence
she will also stop at Denver,
Grand Canyon, San Francisco,
Seattle, Mt. Ranier and Glacier

Joseph Edelman, son of Mr.
On May 8, a shower was given and Mrs. Sol Edelman of LaSalle
in honor of Miss Leah Shapero Gardens S., has received a
of Chicago, bride-elect of June scholarship for his junior year at
16, at Lachar's on Cass Ave., by the University of Michigan, and
the groom's mother, Mrs. Fannie he has been appointed junior
Lubin. Tables in cabaret style editor of Gargoyle, University of
were laid for 100 guests. On May Michigan national magazine.

10, Miss Shapero was given a
farewell party by the groom's
Elliott Elkin, son of Max El-
aunt, Mrs. Max Oberfield, and kin of the Colonial Hotel, Mt.
daughters, Bernice and Rose.
Clemens, and the Poinciana Ho-


Big Wolf Lake near Grass Lake, Michigan


3 - 6

A delightful location, a personnel selected on

ihe basis of intelligence. experience and sympa-
thetic understanding of children, excellent cuisine,
and a well planned program of recreational,
social, and educational activities make CAMP
SHERBROOKE the choice of discriminating
parents for their children.





or MRS. DAVID KL1GER. 13614 Wark Ave.—Northlawn 8038


vitz left for New York where
they will spend 10 days. They

will stop in Columbus, 0., on
their return trip.

Adele Friedman will present
her pupils in a piano recital Sat-
urday, May 18, at 2:30 p. m., at
Grinnell Brothers. Those partici-
pating will be Alice Walter,
Helen Solomon, Beatrice Berman
Betty McMahon, Helga Hilde-
brand, Rae Morganroth, Miriam
Fellows, Shirley Hesse, Robert
Hesse, Gloria Janarelli, Mary
Kavaley, Dorothy James, Richard
Kosmensky, Richard Hamburger,
Arlene Schechter, Sally Ressler
and Mildred Geffen.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Rudin
and son, Gerald, are now resid-
ing at 3000 Rochester Ave.

Literature upon request.


Complet e Camping Program of the Highest Standard

Three Camper Groups

Pre-School Group

6 to 16
for Boy s and Girls
3 to 6
Professional directorship
Specially designed quar-
and trained counsellor
ters. Excellent equip-
staff allowing for free-
ment. Expert guidance.
dom in camper planning
Trained nursery and kin-
and interests.
dergarten teachers.


On Wampler's Lake

Altitude up to 2000 feet

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Weis-
man of 3016 Collingwood Ave.
left for New York to attend the
confirmation dinner-dance in hon-
or of Master Jerry Miller, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Miller of
7610 Bay Parkway, Brooklyn,
which was held on May 4, at the
East Midwood Center, Brooklyn.
While there, they are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L.
Schwamm. During their stay in
the east, Mr. and Mrs. Weisman
were entertained extensively by
relatives and friends in New
York and New Jersey. Mr. Weis-
man has returned to Detroit, and
Mrs. Weisman remained in New
York for a longer stay.

tel in Miami Beach, was award-
ed the signal honor of being the
finest-appearing cadet in the
Howe Military Academy at the
annual Mothers' Day parade. For
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Buckner
this achievement he was selected
to review the other cadets with of 236 Ottawa Drive, Pontiac,
the superintendent, the major and will leave on May 18 for a three
other officers as they paraded weeks' stay in California.
Nancy Schiller, daughter of down the field of Howe Military
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Arnold of
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Schiller, Academy.
4078 Richton Ave. announce the
won the first prize in Temple
Beth El Religious School's con-
Seymour Tilchin took 35 boys Bar Mitzvah of their son, New-
test in Bible recitations held last to the baseball game on May 11. ton, on Saturday, May 18, at
Saturday morning. Winners of These boys are already signed the Talmud Torah on Tuxedo
and Holmur. Reception at home
the second and third prizes were up for Camp Walloon.
Pearl Goldberg and Sara Geil
Sunday, May 19, from 3 to 7
Lewis. Joyce Janeway was given
Mrs. David Miller honored Miss p. m
honorable mention.
Fara Goldman at a miscellaneous
dinner shower at the Wilshire
Flowers for All Occasions--
Larry Block and Israel Berko- Hotel on May 6.
Dexter-Jo y Florist, Tyler 6.6622.

Mrs. Bernard Leonard and
Mrs. William Katz were joint
hostesses at a personal shower
held at the latter's home, 4816
Cortland Ave., honoring Miss
Sally Appel, formerly of London,


Miss Blanche Bordman. bride-
elect of June 30, will be compli-
mented with a shower by Miss
Fay Rosenblatt, on May 18, at
her home on Gladstone Ave. Cov-
ers will be laid for 25 guests.

Exploration Trips by Conoe,
Horseback and Hikes

Directions to Camp Niehia—Take U. S. 112 thru Ypsilanti,
Saline. Clinton; turn right 500 feet after entrance to Hayes
State Park.


Ellen Berkovich Knoppow • 1725 Burlingame • To. 8-8687


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Most comfortable casuals
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