IWO Periodical Cotter 11; CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 7 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The Legal Chronicle April 19, 1940 NOTED SCHOLARS TO BE JUDGES IN HILLEL ESSAY CONTEST ON RASHI Estonia Retains Status Quo on Minorities; Jews Relieved TALLINN, Estonia (WNS)— Je\Nish community was re- The lieved (onsiderably at the news that the government will not sup- the bill providing for a port At present Jews of Estonia have full cultural autonomy. It was learned that the Jewish Cultural Board has been nego- tiating with General Laidoner, chief of the Army corps, to per- mit Jens to write to relatives in other countries in Yiddish. Pres- ent regulations stipulate that cor- respondence must be written in Estonian, Latvian, Finnish, Swe- dis h, Russian, Englsh, French and German. Dr. Julius Morgenstern (left), president of the Hebrew Union College; Dr. Louis Finkelstein (center), provost of the Jewish Theological Seminary; and Dr. Shalom Spiegel (right), of the faculty of the Jewish Institute of Religion, will be the judges in the essay contest on the life of Rashi, which is being sponsored by the national Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation Commission among Chris- tian and Jewish college undergraduates. meal ever paid was remitted to the Treasurer of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), 425 Lafayette EXTENDS GREETINGS OF THE HOLIDAY GREETINGS SEASON to their many friends Otto A. Warbelow and patrons BAKER'S MACHINERY REPAIRS 228 CUSTER Trinity —Orders have been received by Palestine factories from India for a large quantity of medical preparations aggregating £5,000 in value, and a part of the or- ders have already been delivered. Trade relations were completed prior to the outbreak of war, and the three factories concerned expect more and larger orders. slaw Huberman, the famous vio- linist and founder of the Pales- tine Orchestra, at the close of a concert at which he was the so- loist here. Huberman, in address- ing the newspapermen, both Arab and Jewish, expressed ihs gratifi- cation at seeing the former among their Jewish colleagues. Passover Greetings and Best Wishes to the Entire Jewish Community RELIANCE Pays $326 for Hias 15-Year-Old Meal CO. The highest price for a single ALARM Arab Jouranlists Meet Huberman India Orders Medicines from Arab journalists were among Palestine TEL AVIV. (Palcor Agency) the pressmen received by Broni- 2.2801 3003 ELMWOOD FITZROY 0518 PASSOVER GREETINGS TO ALL 90% F. H. A. LOANS-25 YEARS FUNDS ADVANCED DURING CONSTRUCTION ALSO LOANS TO BUILDERS—WE CO-OPERATE WITH BROKERS HASSETT INVESTMENT CORP. R. B. HASSETT, President F. H. A. APPROVED MORTGAGEE 1161 NATIONAL BANK BLDG. CHERRY 8282 PASSOVER GREETINGS TO ALL St., New York City, by M. Estrin of 909 Eastern Parkway, Brook- lyn, N. Y. It was $326. The meal was served Mr. Es- trin by the society 35 years ago DETROIT BRICK MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION when, as a penniless and friend- less youth, he arrived in the United States and received his first welcome and shelter at the headquarters of IIIAS. Last Saturday, Mr. Estrin at- tended the Sabbath services at Congregation Chovovei Torah in Brooklyn, N. Y., of which Rabbi Jacob Levinson, former national president of the Mizrachi Zion- ist Organization, is the spiritual leader. During the services, an appeal for the $1,000,000 HIAS budget was being made to the congregation by Rabbi Philip Neuman. Responding to the plea, Mr. Estrin announced that as a former immigrant and beneficiary of the HIAS service he would like to express his appreciation by paying for the meal he had been given 35 years ago. "Any amount that will be contributed by the entire congregation will be matched by me. The immigrants of yesterday should be the first to extend a helping hand to the refugees of today!" he exclaimed. The general response brought $326. Mr. Estrin contributed a similar amount. State Senator ALLEN GUY LUDINGTON Extends Best Wishes to the Entire Jewish Com- munity for a Joyous Passover HOLIDAY GREETINGS • in lialtS Tel Aviv Consumers' Stores Cater to 16,000 (Palcor Agency) —With the outbreak of war and the rise in prices, societies, staffs of large institutions and small groups of people established con- sumers' societies to purchase in common at wholesale prices and thus cut out the retailers' charges. There are now 26 con- sumers' societies in Tel Aviv having 4,018 members who serve 15,916 people. Of these, seven societies with 1,077 members and 3,760 persons in all existed be- fore the war. TEL AVIV. Passover Greetings DRUG STOW: S There IS ONE In Your Neighborhood Passover Greetings and Best Wishes to the Entire Jewish Community TASTY BAR-11•2 8548 GRAND RIVER 3600 WOODWARD FOR FREE DELIVERY • NATIONAL MATTRESS CO. HACQUOIL BUICK SALES, INC. TErrace 2.9577 TYler 4-9898 — We Never Close — 3959 McKINLEY AVE. TYLER 4.4542 Sales — BUICK — Service I , vv.4 . 1 , 7 Pti 1k 14.4W PI} WE THANK YOU! • Michigan's Largest Buick Dealers 8911 GRAND RIVER TYLER 4.7600 SINCEREST GREETINGS AND GOOD WISHES Passover Greetings and Best Wishes to the Entire Jewish Community EVANS AUDIT CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS THOMAS H. EVANS, C. P. A. ROLAND B. KEAYS, C. P. A. Members of: Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants American Institute of Accountants AUDITS — SYSTEMS — INCOME TAX SERVICE INVESTIGATIONS 2035 DIME BANK BLDG. CADILLAC 2148 • HARRY BARSKY We appreciate the patronage of our Jewish clientele and extend sincere wishes to them — each and everyone for a Happy and Joyous Passover. FAULTLESS Curtain Laundry and Cleaners 4737 ELMHURST • HOGARTH 1010 Michigan's Largest Exclusive Curtain Cleaners