InEY/Ellag i jr1 . VIS/1(1130ittltiLE PAGE TWO Writ" I re- at,, r SHIRTS No matter what you pay, no laundry can launder a finer shirt ....... • CLASSIFIED CONGRESS "WHITE BOOK RELIABLE Ii OUSE IIELP. Laundresses, women for house cleaning, house maids. women for part time work. By hour, day or week. Schlesinger's, Madison 2526. December 22, 1939 f t CHARGES NAZI MURDER 250,000 JEWS IN POLAND (CONCLUDED Wechsler Elected To Head K. of r. % FROM PACE ONE) I Thon, a member of the Prague Jewish Community. from Nazi-occupied Poland and ' the entire German P On Nov. 1, At the annual election of ress published hed QUILTS - Made or recovered are known to be unfriendly to the the text of a letter allegedly sent troit Lodge No. 55, Knights from your own feathers or Soviets, is considered precarious to Dr. Thon by an unknown per- Pythias, last Tuesday eveni wools. Pillows recovered-spe- t, in 1.. ( 1 ondon, The letter, which Louis Wechsler was chosen Ch i Flat Pieces ...refully Ironed since they are tightly hemmed in It ocn cellor Commander for the ensui cial, $1 25. Full line of curtains, e(Inpl eEtneglenzapnuceeperott year. Other offieers elected a Additional ?eyed, filic lb. baby, shower and wedding gifts. between Nazi Germany and Soviet polit ; c Y a el A VERY INEXPENSIVE SERVICE • Dexter Quilt & Gift Shop, Russia. It is believed that prea- ed to prove that Hore-Belisha, Israel Gruskin, vice-chancell imp Dexter Blvd.. at Webb. sure is being brought by Russia Churchill, Eden and Duff-Cooper Barney Kosofsky, prelate; Jose C. Snider, master at arms• Rob llogarth 9050. against Lithuania to expel all were in the l pay of Jewish inter- Cole, inner guard; Char All Finished 79c es Be t WANTED - Woman to take refugees considered "harmful" to eats. Its publication was followed man, outer guard; David Schwar care of cottage of 25 children Soviet inter sts. This seems op, by the arrest of Dr. Thon, who e keeper of record and seal; Le in Jewish institution. Must be parent in the arrival of a special was later shot by the Gestapo in L. Steinberg, master of exchequ THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME between 30 and 45 and have commission in Kaunas from Mos- the l'ankrac Prison. Nathan Waterstone and Bar n Home Secretary Sir John An- Kosofsky are the two newly el at least high school education. cow which demands that • (I) Salary $75 monthly with ream, Lithuania prepare for Soviet au- dersun admitted in the House of ed members to the execut i a , ll Commons that Nazi sailors in board, which now consists of Flat Pieces and Handkerchiefs board and laundry. Address Box thorities a complete list of al m • internment camps were P. Cohen, chairman; Louis We c 90, Detroit Jewish Chronicle, refugees in Lithunia who are not British Neatly Ironed stating age, education, refer- (Athenian citizens; (2) Lithania victimizing interned Jewish refu- sler, Israel Gruskin, Frank B Ball, Towels and Underwear ences and work experience. ban residence of Polish refugees gees. Charges of Jew-baiting by man and Joseph C. Snider. Fluffed Dried in sections of Lithuania where Nazi internees had been published Elaborate arrangements Additional pounds 7c lb. FOR RENT - Beautiful, fur. Soviet military forces are sta. by Damien Swaffer in his Daily now being completed for the TIIE BEST UNIVERSAL SERVICE nished roam for a gentleman in tinned; (3) All Polish refugees Herald column. Sir John promised nual New Year's Eve party congenial home of two adults. an of other immigrants who might that the Nazis would be trans- be held at the Detroit Lou All conveniences. Reasonable. be considered "harmful" to So- ferred to separate internment building, Reservations are now Good transportation. 2718 Glen- viet interests be expelled from camps. ing taken by the entertainme dale Ave. Townsend 7-2983. Lithuania. committee. Members and friers Not revponvilrle foe an. Intent AT nind.whipped remains Seven thousand refugees e held Sovie t Sentences' Rabbi Schorr are invited. Joseph C. Snid TIIE NEWEST DEPARTMENT IN THE CITY FOR RENT - Large, airy fur- in concentration camps in France and Deputy Sommerstein to chairman, urges members to ha nished room in home of small have already been released, In- reservations in by Tuesday, D ears Imprisonment family, for lady or gentleman. tenor Minister Albert Sarraut told KAUNAS, Lithuania.-(WNS) 26. A full course dinner, mu Convenient transportation. Rea- Parliament. Gradual release of in- -Rabbi Moses Schorr , former by lel Meiers orchestra, a i sonable. 2930 W. Chieago Blvd. ternees was promised by Sarraut Senator and leader of the War- novelty entertainers, favors, not Earl( Apt. 105. Tyler 5-6557. who said they would be freed saw Jewish community, was sen- makers, etc., at $3.75 per pla after completion of examination tenced to nine years' imprison- To insure comfort a limited nu FOR RENT - Beautiful , fur- I of each individual case by the ment by Soviet authorities in ben of reservations are taken. rushed room in home of three military and civil authorities. Lwow (Lemberg), religious cir- Detroit Lodge has closed a s II EA JIM i API . %UN. adults• Modern conveniences. About 7,000 of the 15,000 in- cles here reported. cessful year, with the completi Per 2746 Glendale Ave. Townsend terned at the outbreak (Earlier d of a new class of candidates vi i of h the war spatc es said that per pound 6-5749. are still being held for examina- Rabbi Schorr had been released were made Knights last Tuesd IOC 1 . tion from arrest by Soviet authori- A dinner was tendered in hen Minimum Charge. 61.81 . FOR RENT-Large bedroom and of this class. Nathan Watersto The Polish Government-in-Exile A MOST RELIABLE INSTITUTION kitchen for two girls or couple. I has named Dr. !gimes, Schwartz- Former Deputy Sommerstein, was commented for his splend Furnished or unfurnished. Frig bard, Zionist leader and former former editor of a Yiddish daily work in obtaining the larg Haire, heat, light and gas in- • deputy, as the Jewish mem- In Warsaw, received a similar sen- number of members. elm . 4 . eluded. Reasonable. 2562 Cort- ber of the Polish National Coun- tence. The same circles reported land Ave. cil, newly-created Polish Partia- receipt of a telegram from Sena- l ly«. nt of which Ignace Paderv.vski tor Jacob Trockenheim saying he FOR RENT-Furnished room in is the president. Dr. Schwartzbard, was in Biaylstok, Russian Poland. home of three adults. Garage who will represent Jewish national Fearing Expulsion as • Result of if desired. Good transportation. minority interests in the Council, Russian Pressure Jewish Journal- 2226 Taylor Ave. Tyler . 4-5915. escaped from Poland to Rumania fists Petition Hias-Ica for Visas 100 anti ", ih,C in the early days of the warfl The Forty Jewish journalists and FOR RENT - Well furnished I'olish Government has invited writers who escaped from Poland published The Living by Thoughts Longmans, Libra Gre room for lady, gentleman or him to come here from Bucharest. to Lithuania petitioned the IIIAS- & Co., currently presents "T couple, in home of small fam- One of the vice-presidents of the ation Association li- Hy. Home privileges. 3843 Tux- Council is Dr. Herman I.ieberman, Pari ICA s to arr ange em Emigr R•-v. Cantor faci in Living Thoughts of Spinoz a edo Ave. Davison 8396. one-time leader of the Polish So- ties for them to Palestine, France, Prepared by Arnold Zw eig, e n DAVID cialist Party and stormy petrel of En g l an an d , , the United States or neat novelist, author o f "T FOR RENT - Large, nicely fur- Polish politics who was ex i 1 ed in South American countries. The Case of Sergeant Grischa" a GOLDEN MYER J. FRANKLIN nished room in home of small 1926. other best who whither now oak nil roll'. Fitiorlt• of Battle Creek, Mich., 62 years appeal expresses the hope that his home in sellers Palestine (aridly. Telephone. Reasonable. ■ I 'I II F. I. old, died on Dec. 17. Funeral tions abroad will take an interest went when he left Germany th 3269 Tuxedo Ave. between Refugees Confirm Reports r11.1(11 1114114 services were held on Dec. 19 of Jewish newspapers and publica- is at" ascinating book packed f tteddlbq Ceretems• Wildemerc and Dexter, lower. in lei - fate, since all are bona Raping. by Naci Soldiers and burial took place in Battle Ie. C,rforgned All WILNA, - (WNS) - Reports fide journalists whose works have of the gems selected from t Creek. Ile is survived by hi s1 Wm.. and by • FOR RENT-Flat, 2267 Glad- that German troops raped Jewish appeared in American, Argentin- writings of Baruch (Benedictu wife, Grace; a son, Richard, and I stone, between 14th and La- women in various parts of occu- ian and South African Yiddish Spinoza. tour sisters, Anna, Mollie and Salle. Beautiful 7 rooms. Ga- pied Polish territory were con- papers. Mr. Zweig has written the i Mrs. Herman Fisher of Detroit, rage. New stove and Frigidaire. firmed by refugees who cited Following intercession by a troductory presentation in whi t and Mrs. Albert Harris of Battle Will recorate to suit your taste.Ispecific instances that occured in delegation of Jewish leaders, er- he describes the works of Spine; Creek. $60.00. Tyler 5-9631, Rev. cute, Brest-Litovsk during the nix days mission was granted 200 Suwalki and outlines his life and his - that city was occupied by the Nazi Jews, mostly women and children, betties in the community of A Jacob PHILIP GARELIK BUSINESS Woman, alone, wishes forces before the Soviet entry. who had been deported from the sterdam. The essence of S pi Silverman of 9190 Cameron Ave • , 73 yearn to share modern, nicely fur- Similar incidents occured in the' Nazi-held Polish city into a "no- oza s thought was selected by 51 SCROI('AL old, died on Dec. 17. Funeral rushed apartment with two town of Wengrow. VOWEL, man s-land" near the Lithuanian Zweig from "Ethics" and "T business girls or couple. Every IS loan° services were hold on Dec. 17. border, to enter Lithuania. Improvement of Understanding "'mottos convenience. Ile is survived by his wife, Anna; Unlimited tele- Brilliant choice marks these sole Nacis Officially List 120,000 Jews Rembelembell 61 phone. Centrally located. Rosh- four sons, Maurice, Jack, i'aul Plyairloay sad 1,300 Refugee s Trapped in Ves• ions. . any of them are asp Dead in Poland and William, and four daughters, ester between Linwood and cially timely at this juncture LONDON. - (WNS) - Offi- sets on the Danube 2603 Mrs. Rose Agree, Mrs. Albert ki 1.awton. Reasonable, T y I e r cial Nazi statistics purporting to NEW YORK. - (WNS) - human history. For instance, t t Elmhurst Ross, Mrs. Abe Einstein and Mrs. 6-68 " , be an accurate list of Jewish Th irteen hundred Jewish refugees selections on "Evaluation of t t TO. 84635 Matinee Sills, and 17 grandchil- from casualties in Nazi-occupied Poland . Vienna and B rno a Emotions" is an ideal chap te MIDDLE-AGED lady, go I 1 ' marriage. Inca, . in itself is not bad b , p am for the last two months were CFee hoslovakia, on route to Pal- , Pleasure Yerterme4' • - cook, desires position as house- , sued ood; contrariwise. pain in itse in Berlin, authoritative e ,tine• are keeper in motherless home or in River small L. KAHN the Danube at ts bad." "Mirth ca cannot be exce *' care for invalid Agranoff, sources here reported. According steamers on stranded will sive but is always good; contrar of Miami Beach, Fla., 69 years 3215 Tuxedo Ave. Townsend to these statistics, 60,000 Jews Guirgui, at the Rumanian border, • ' . wise have old . died on Dec. 18. Funeral Melancholy is always bad perished in Poland during according to reports made public 7-3063. ' Monuments of Character sir vices were held at Lewis Bros. atred can never be good." "0 the past two months as a result by the American Friend s of Fu neral Home on Dec. 21 with BUSINESS LADY will share of epidemics and internment in Jewish Palestine here. TSV the Right Way of Life" and "T int eiment in Clover Hill Park completely furnished lower flat concentration camps. In addition, Officials of the Joint Distribu- Free Sian" are similarly impo Ce metery, Rabbi • Morris Adler with couple or will rent room the Gestapo office in Berlin lists lion Committee in Bucharest will tent. "Free man thinks of deat an d Cantor J. H. Sonenklar of- with housekeeping privileges. 60,000 Jewish dead in Poland as attempt to supply food to keep the least of all things; and his wi fin ating. Ile is survived by three Reasonable. dom is a meditation not of deat Call Townsend a result of Nazi air raids and the barge colony from starvation, son I, Samuel, Albert and Mi• but of life." Only " free men o r 5-7545 any time Sunday or siege of Warsaw. A total of 120,- The American Friends of a thoroughly grateful to one snot cha el; three daughters, Mrs. Monday and after 9 p. m. 000 Jewish dead in Nazi-occupied Jewish Palestine estimate that Sh irrell Rosenberg, Mrs. Lillian Poland is the complete Nazi esti . 112,000 is needed immediately er." "The free man never ac t d aily. 13r nun and Eva Kahn, and two to enable the refugees to start fraudulently, but always in mate. • cis tens in Chicago, and seven WANTED - Middle-aged woman ''Sr De u tsc h e Nachrichten again on their journey. Of this faith. to take care of invalid lady. Buro, official German news agen- approximately $3,000 has already " When we think," Mr. Zwei gra ndchildren. No housework, good home. Call cy, issued a flat denial of reports been pledged. writes in his introductory preset" te11,01, Mtai Warta. 11•. ■■ ••.1. at 2677 Tuxedo Ave., Town- printed in newspapers abroad The chairman of the American ration, "that the free will of ma ABRAHAM SOLOMON 7725' I W F.LF 1 h ST send 6-8953. that German military authorities Friends of a Jewish Palestine is is to be traced hack to the igno of 2251 Leslie Ave., 73 years old, die d on Dec. 19. Funeral services DRIVING TO LOS ANGELES had forced Jewish communities in II. L. Schwamm, and other offi- once of causes which determine i Nazi-occupied Poland to send Jew- eers are 11 'nerd J. Stanton, mere- and that real freedom arises r a we re held on Dec. 20 with burial first or second week in Janu- ish women to German militar in Beth Tefilo Emanuel Cemetery, y Lary, and Louis Germain, treas- ther in the measure in which ma ary. Can accommodate. one or barracks. The D. N. 13. further de_ urer. Among members of the com- frees himself of his passions, Re V. D. Golden officiating. He two passengers. Plaza 4040. Glared that relations between Jews mittee are Rabbi Lewis I. New- unite himself with God by spiri is survived by his wife, Zelda; two sons, Hugo and John; seven DRIVING to San Antonio, Texas. and German "Aryans" are entire- num. Mrs. Richard Cottheil and dual submersion and contempla we see as if through a l'Ul dim ghters, Sirs. Esther Marko- Can accommodate passengers ly inconsistent with Rassenkultur Sirs. John Gunther. tion , w vit 5, Mrs. Mary Pearl, Mrs. Ann mg mist the faint smile and mel to help drive in exchange for policies, and that two isolated ancholy eyes of that lonely ma Eli as, Mrs. Beatrice Madison, transportation. R e f e r e n ces. cam's of "rassenschande" comit- ted by Nazi soldiers in Cracow •- who went out from the Porto Mr s. Rhea Carroll, Mrs. Shirley Townsend 8-8431. D had been speedily disposed of. curse emigration of Amsterda m Ge dridh and Mrs. Rose Gurwin, All chalutzim (pioneers) in the Jewry to radiate eternal light i i 18 grandchildren and one great- DRIVING NEW CAR to Los 12216 LINWOOD AVE. gra ndchild. Angeles about Jan. 3. Can ac- Hachsharah (preparation) farm ,FOX-A gala holiday show the Pantheon of human wisdo m commodate passengers. Town- on the outskirts of Lodz were con- combining two of the season's and superiority." -- Large Dining Room for Send 7-8124. scripted into labor battalions and most entertaining features is the HENRY HOLINSTAT Parties and Showers of 2980 Fullerton Ave., 67 years sent to camps in the interior of Fox Theater's Christmas offering Catering Our Specialty old , died on Dec. 1. Funeral serv- DRIVING TO MIAMI, FLA., in Nazi-occupied Poland, and the Sonja Henie is paired with tw o When the 5,000 Jewish in new car the first week in Jan- property confiscated by the Nazi equally popular leading men i ice s were held on Dec. 3, and For Reservations Call- uary. Can accommodate three authorities, private advices reach- "Everything Happens at Night, n habitants of the Free City o bur ial was in Clover 11111 Park ' Danzig consented to emigrate b TOWNSEND 6.9213 passengers. Cali Trinity 2-8889. Ce metery, with Rabbi A. Si. ing here disclosed. (The farm was a timely romantic drama be - the end of this year, the coot He rshman and Cantor J. H. Son- GERMAN REFUGEE, 36, single, considered one of the finest Zion- decked with the added attractio n munal leaders sold their com enk lag officiating. Surviving him was engaged in own tobacco 1st institutions in Poland. Ilun- of Sonja 's matchless artistry on munal property-synagogue, th are h is wife, Gertrude; seven and wine business, wholesale dreds of chalutzim had been pre- skates and skis. The companion Jewish cemetery, etc.-to th dau ghters, Mrs. Moe Lansky, CLUB ROYALE and retail, in Germany, will an- pared for agricultural pursuits on picture brings Edgar Bergen and municipal authorities with th He) en Ilolinstat, Mrs. Simon ' cept any employment. Knows the hachsharah farm for emig-ra- Charlie McCarthy to the screen understanding that the proceed tes, Mrs. Raphael Altman, Young Dean Murphy, the ace ha English and has command of Lion to Palestine.) once more in "Charlie hicCarthy, of these sales were to be use d All Jewish relief organizations Detective," a rollicking mystery a George Seyburn, Mrs. Jack mimic who created such a hit five other languages. Can drive for the fostering of emigration . in Warsaw are closed including story. when he was here at the Club S i, man and Edythe Holinstat, car, typewrite and do hook- "One of the chief concerns o f the Palestine Office, which had Royale a few weeks ago, has and a son, Ilerman; a sister, keeping. Well fitted for work Danzig Jewish leaders was ho w been permitted to remain open a Jacob Freedman, and two MICHIGAN-After two years been brought back to the club Mr as traveling salesman. Town- to dispose of the priceless an - for a time by Nazi authorities in of work by some 200 artist. in answer to demand, and heads bro thorn, Isadore and Joseph. send 6-7437. Poland. All documents in the Pal- "Gulliver's Travels," full-length , housed in the Danzi the new show. Since leaving De- Jewish museum. Some 56 Tora h feature in Technicolor, is now at MAP JONG SETS - Full size estine Office were confiscated. troit, Dean has been co-starred In Posen, Silesia, and in Lodz, the Michigan Theater. On the scrolls, precious for their historic catalin tiles deeply engraved. with Constance Bennett in a associations, as well as large Hand-decorated in three colors. recently annexed as provinces of some program is "The Secrets vaudeville tour that .covered Set of five walnut finish, wood the Third Reich, the Jewish popu- of Dr. Kildare" starring Loy numbers of ceremonial object s Cleveland, Buffalo, Cincinnati and could not be taken along by Baton is entirely separated from Ayres, Lionel Baerymore and IN MEMORIAM racks with bend-over lock money Indianapolis. Last week he played community whose members were holders. Enough money for five the Poles and confined to ghetto Laraine Day. at the Chicago Theater, sharing fat n loving memory of our dear being scattered over the four ear- her, Jacob Levinson, who de- racks. Dice. Instruction sheet. areas. Jews may buy food only at featured billing with the Andrews Complete with leatherette carry- a few specified hours during the :UNITED ARTISTS-In "Judge ners of the globe. It was equally Sisters. When he finishes his en- par teal three years ago, Dec. 25, ing case. Biggest value in De- day, in order not to mix with non- Hardy and Son" Mother Hardy's unthinkable to leave them behind. gagement here, he will tear down 193 6. troit I- $8.75. 3205 Calvert. Jews and to give Aryans first illness is the crucial concern in It was finally arranged to have to the White House to appear lv , onl y tour memory. dear Townsend 7-5369. choice of the meagre supplies. the new film of the popular fam the contents of the museum at the President's Birthday Party, f•ther. These measures are similar to ily series which finds Lewis shipped to the United States To ir.rnetulipr our elude life thew at the request of President nthe airePtnorte will linger forever DRIVING to Los Angeles about those enforced in Germany. Non- Stone, Mickey Rooney, Fay 1[01 where the Jewish Theological Roosevelt. Dean brings a lot of A4 et. treamte the Image of Dee. 27. Can accommodate two Jews are forbidden to have any den, Ann ,Rutherford, Sara Ha Seminary will be its custodian. new character impressions with passengers to share expenses. business dealings with Jews. den and Cecilia Parker back a The Danzig Gemeinde stipulated, him, among them Jimmy Stew- I lis loving children, Rita, Sam H ubbard with an optimism all the more Information reaching here via their usual posts. art and Connie Bennett, Lew Jerry and Don. poignant because of its present Brussels reported cruel excesses America's newest dance team, FOR RENT - Newly furnished by Nazis against Jews in Lodz, , PALMS-STATE - In "Dead hopelessness, that should a Jew- room in single home for one. Renee and Root, come directly ' n loving memory of our dear where thousands were subjected End Kids on Dress Parade" War ish community be re-established they, harry M. Keys, who Garage. Good transportation. from the Empire Room of the bro toviolence and terrorism, de- air's problem children go to a in Danzig within the next two 812 Palmer House in Chicago to ini- n f"'as month. 2312 Sturtevant. a „, ed away one year ago, Dec. scribed by the German anti-Nazi military school in the "kids" new. decades, the museum is to be re- Townsend 5-4452. tlate Detroiters Into the mvs- ". 1938. Freedom Station as "calculated to melodrama, concerned largely turned." The priceless antiqui- teries of their new dance, "The darling 1.t,lier, ilart). altue tea FOR RENT - Well furnished destroy physically the greatest with the transformation of a lad ties ate now in this country and Samba," which they guarantee • hot. [waved nosy. who entered with a chip on his will be on display at the Semin- rt room for a gentleman, in home number of Jews in the shortest you will all be doing in no time. 11 DI,011 Wm not a )ear •go but only . of small family. Good transpor- Possible time." The Freedom Sta- shoulder and stayed to top his ary within a short time. Carl and Leone Bonner, long- „.„ e n yeaterday W. ,in your loving name. our teflon. Reasonable. 9500 Savery tion broadcast • warning to Ger- class scholastically. time favorites of Detroit, will .). with teare are eel Ave. between Chicago and Ed- mane in the Reich that "future dear how we lour(' sing, and Mary Jane Brown oh. !tarry " cm and ' , icon , one block east of Dexter. generations of Germans would be WRESTLING AT ARENA GAR. makes her Detroit debut with Tb . love rennet forget The anti-Nazi front in Holly- held moral! res DENS MONDAY EVENING yresponsible for the Lord took ton front O. it 1k II. Mil Schwartz. impressions of the dance stars of h oly aid Next Monday evening the wood is in full swing. Al Rosen inhuman treatment of the Jews" has completed "The Mad Dog of stage and screen. Portia Thomp- And left in our heart• • iivancy which FOR RENT - Nice comfortable and that "world condemnation "Battle of the Bulls," Curry and no one else ran fill. Europe," a pictorial history of son's Royalettes have new rou- furnished room In home of would extract its eventual toll Montana, erstwhile wrestlers, will Germany since 1914. The we are • heap. thinking of you my dear, tines, and Danny Demetry and DM or u he•rt• are wad with pain, small family. Good transporta• from Germany which would pay be transferred from the mat of the picture, in book form, story will "win wo uld be heaven. could we but his boys continue on the band tion. Reasonable. 3338 Elm- heavily for the sins of guilty lead- game to the boxing ring. These be distributed at the same time. hear your vole. min. stand. two belligerent bad boys of the ers." hurst Ave. Townsend 6-2181. Lee Katz and Vincent Sherman mat will don boxing gloves for have done a follow-up story to Dr. Then Reported Shot Sadly missed by us all. FOR RENT-Large, airy room Information was received by a six round encounter that is Soon to reach your ears is a Your sister, for one or two ladies or em- the Federation of Jewish Relief featured in a six-match Christmas "Confessions of a Nazi Spy." it new song entitled "I Dance ZELDA S. LEVINE. ployed couple. 3741 Coiling- Organizations here confirming re- night card in the Arena Gardens. is the story of a kindly German- Alone" and authored by a new- Ameritan who becomes the inno- wood Ave., near Dexter, Apt. ports of the death of Sigmund comer to Tin-Pan Alley, one Iler• cent victim of the Band. Alan 303. The plum of directing the new bert Baker ... He's the son of Sonenthal, former Warsaw Jewish Hale, who portrayed the villain in M ax Reinhardt, who successful. hanker who fled to Lithuania after play by Clare Boothe (she's the such pictures as "The Beast of Belle Baker, and a student at author of "The Women") goes Berlin," during the last war, will Nazi occupation of Warsaw. Yale... Belle is one of the pub- ly onducted an Academy of Act- fishers of the song, her partner in lag in Hollywood last season, is Maurice Samuel is very busy The Czech press service here re- to Dr. Otto Preminger, formerly Play the lead . Lyn Lys, a Promi- the enterprise being Benny Good- bein g urged to open ouch a school right now translating a book by ported the brutal murder by the of Vienna, where he was associ- nent actress in Germany before wan. in Ne w York. Erika Mann, daughter of Thomas. Gestapo in Prague of Dr. Zidenek ated with Max Reinhardt. Hitler, will have the feminine lead. WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE OF DISTINCTION cie.k.VeliC44-Q 04 1 4 lbs. Damp Wash 79 , EXPERT FURRIER ■ Was Established for 30 Years in Berlin and Paris! Quality Furs, from the most luxurious to the most modest, in a generous array of current fashion trends . . . . 14165. Flatwork DeLuxeFandlyService FURS Chosen Chancellor Commander Detroit Lodge 55; Plan A New Year's Eve Party 9150-12TH ST., cor. ATKINSON PHONE: TRinity 2-0629 Next Door to Perwein's A- - - --------- _ DEAN AlUBPIIIT "DEAN OF AMERICAN NIGHT CLUBS" 1 Pounds 4 Pairs Lace Curtainsiir:-.,:ii:,;(; felon RENEE anti 110(1T AMERICA'S NEWEST DANCE TEAM THE BONNERS MARY JANE BROWN Double Woolen Blankets Feather Pillows el.111) 11017A LE GRATIOT AT 8-MILE ROAD PINGREE 1660 -- - you CAN OUT POAIITY K04111Wl MEATS WITH CONEIDISNCE All Ironed Service Flat Pieces rk 35c 25c ,c te. r" 30 c ',C-. ho r. or ode i St AARON B. 31ARGOLIS Kosher Meat and Poultry Market WE DITIVINI 11637-41 DEXTER and BLVD. Phone HOgar h 3042.3 Ilelnern IllurlIngume Weld, - - -- - - Harry Baur as "Rasputin" to Have Its Detroit Premiere The "Tal k of Detroit" Starting Dec. 25 at Cinema Zweig Presents "Rasputin," the newest film G I 0 VAN N I of one of the screen's Baruch Spznoz a drama FAMOUS Pickpocket Trickster '- most fascinating figures, based on a new work by Alfred Neu- BARBARAPARKS 9 ry man, will have its Detroit pre- ?n miere at the Cinema Theater j "SWINGSTRESS" le LEW FIDLER and • His Lt ti- • Californians , ae id Sammy Sofferin's - es he is Powatan v,' . , , Al ' 124 Da•enport TE. 2-8385 H le :I I .,,ann=11:1J,111.nzaziaixttan faiLialaW I- is di DETROIT PREMIERE CHRISTMAS DAY HARRY RRY BALIRad -- ' , 1 cHus ETT LAUNDRY CO. PHONE CADILLAC 7423 OBITUARY Manuel arbacb KORN'S Kosher ■ owntown Theaters Restaurant R ad Pligit - °/' . .•.fake* 114 plot, on the IN of Ohre yaw ran ni!.1..titforil to mi.,. CINEMA rii D(11)(5)15;11TIL (OP•. FON) nI gatiall11111111114 _____ It was formerly a custom at 'ep Harry flour ■ as 4.11,„.p.tino --I h " I ' starting - morning - services for Christmas day, Dec. 25. Sabbath one of the officials to proclaim Harry Baur, who has the f ea- to the congregation h' lure role, is supported by Mar- articles had been that certain stolen or lost, e cello Chantal, Pierre and that any worshipper who I- Willm, Jan llolt and the Richard- lovely knew anything of.,the property S d new French star, Canine Nelson. must give instant information to "Rasputin" is a biography of the authorities. Lost articles were the man rather than a broad publicly cried in the synagogue g picture of the period. This is a and a threat of excommunication - picture of a man who has never hung over all who withheld in- , been fully analyzed, and while formation. Likewise it was an -1 he remains an enigma, his mir- ancient in some places ., acres, his rise to power, the exile for the custom Shamash to announce - and attempted assassinations over every Saturday the results of , which he triumphed, his law suits, and to inform the con- to to power and finally his return grisly gregation that certain properties - murder and his prophecy is pre- were in the market. Thus, as one - sented in an unforgettable and writer points out, "The Jews did - poignant drama, that places "Ras- not exclude their every-day life - putin" among the year's beet from the sphere of religion, and 1 films. felt rather that business - was alld by their i tsassociation assocon , "Yankel Fun .Galitzie" at with h theowe synagogue than I Littman's Friday, Sunday the synagogue was degraded that by ' and Monday; Plan New the intrusion of worldly con- Year Eve Special Per- terns." mance . "Yankel Fun Galitzie," a new Not very popular among the r play by William Siegel, is the leading ladies of acreenland is I current production at Littman's Ingrid Bergman, David Selznick's . Yiddish People's Theater, 12th latest discovery . . . She just . and Seward. Beginning with a passed special technicolor tests . performance on Friday evening, with flying colors-which is . the play will also be staged on something that few of the fem- . Sunday matinee and evening and inine stars can do. , Monday evening. Reservations are now being the rumor that the "Eth- taken at the theater for the spe- el Scotch Vance" who wrote the best- f New Year's Eve midnight seller "Escape" is our own Vicki show., • Baum ... When the story reached For Jan. 9, plans are being her Miss Baum regretfully shook g made for a testimonial perform- her and sighed: "I didn't ance in honor of Nellie Kessman. write head it, but I wish I had." IN MEMORIAM -.-40 - . . ..,„, . r ' . . k ' ' Aleidin4 figurein-Ameri: can Jewry's altruistic endeavors will celebrate the advent of his fifteenth year in practical philan- 1 thropy simultaneously with the 40th cmniversary of his favorite charity, The National Jewish Hospital, Denverr--------- ■at . Paul rota Warburg .-•.:- I F , ital. Pia, raw Who Caa Pail-fiees Gil hq Nr1g haeC