December 15, 1939 piEVETROSTJEMSliCABOXIGUI and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE HERD VIENNESE JEWS INTO GHETTO CAMPS; NAZIS ACCUSED OF SPREADING EPIDEMICS; ALL FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS TO JEWS ARE VOIDED CLEAN UP FOR THE HOLIDAYS (CONCLUDED MOM ' ,Aga tisEi IS BETTER DRY CLEANING MEN'S SUITS or OCOATS LADIES' PLAIN DRESSES $ COATS or SUITS 09 ‘111alise Dry Cleaned and Hand Finished Have Curtains, Drapes and Furniture Vitalize Dry Cleaned—Phone for Estimate SHOES REPAIRED By FACTORY METHODS • • • New Invisible Soling No Nails—No Rough Edges Finest Quality Workmanship LOW PRICES FOR QUALITY WORK PHONE COlumbia 4200 (Cash and Corry Price 99c) FOREST CLEANERS 533-547 FOREST EAST CHANUKAH GREETINGS 61 Years of Good Service Insurance With • Heart $500 Disability Benefits for each $1,000 purchased without extra cost. The rates are generally lower than most of the leading commercial companies. Income disability of 1% with waver of premium granted for small extra charge. Our double indemnity also has an income disability clause of 1% for 10 years. Hospital service, nursing service, relief service and gen- eral fraternal service to destitute policy holders. Three inter- national homes for retirement for our members. The dues are 25 cents per month. The Maccabees are fighting oppression, Nazism and Communism, same as Judas Maccabeus fought for his rights 2,104 years ago. I need more workers—good com- pensation besides commission will be paid. Drop Card to BEN MAGID, District Manager THE MACCABEES GREAT CAMP OF MICHIGAN 4th Floor Maccabees Bldg., or Call Northlawn 1452 for an appointment. LASALLE Window ShadeCo. WINDOW SHADES MADE TO ORDER Cleaned and Repaired LINOLEUM Inlaid and Battleship CARPETING Rugs and Furniture VENETIAN BLINDS Drapery Hardware Get Oar Pelee* and Save Free ratlinatee rurnirime 8625 LINWOOD Call TYler 6-1230 sir ENJOY HOLIDAY TRIPS BY BUS Blue Goose Warm, comfortable base, provide ideal transporta- tion for Holiday travellers. low faros and frequent schedules enable you to plan and enjoy your trips, while avoiding driving fatigue and worry. Phone or write for information. Detroit Terminal Workington Blvd. at Grand River Ave. CA. 9000 BLUE GOOSE LINES . Name Isaac Franck Education Director Of Jewish -Center Isaac Franck, formerly execu- tive director of the Y, M. and Y. W. H. A. in Manchester, N. H., assumed his new duties as edu- cational director of the Detroit Jewish Community Center this week. Mr. Franck is in charge of adult education, the music school, the art school, and all formal education pro- grams to be conducted in the new Aaron Re- it o y Memorial Building, Wood- ward and Hol- brook Ayes. In Manches- ter, Mr. Franck gained comma- Isa■c Franck nity-wide recog- nition' for the work of the local center and gained admittance of his agency into the Community Chest. Under his administration a Hebrew School and Sunday School were integrated in the Center program, and an active program of adult education installed. Active in the Manchester Coun- cil of Social Agencies and a mem- ber of its executive board, he taught group work in the Social Work Institute of Manchester, and introduced a section on group work into the Institute of the New Hampshire Conference on Social Work. Mr. Franck has also served as the director of club and educa- tional programs for the Port Chester, New York Jewish Center. A graduate of New York Uni- versity, Mr. Franck has done graduate work at Columbia and Harvard Universities, A student of the Herzliah Teachers' Semi- nary and the Tarbuth Teachers' Seminary, of New York, he speaks reads and writes Hebrew fluently. He has conducted Jewish educa- tion work for both youth and adults in the liebrew schools and synagogues of Brooklyn, N. Y. A contributor to the Jewish Fron- tier, Mr. Franck has had exten- sive experience lecturing on a wide variety of Jewish subjects and political, economic and social problems. He has also been ac- tive in Zionist organizational and educational activities. Mr. Frank is a member of the National Association of Jewish Center Workers and the Ameri- can Association for the Study of Group Work. The Center's regular program of activities will begin in the new Aaron DeRoy Memorial Building on Monday, Dec. 18. Council Juniors Observe Chanukah Sunday at Temple 93 The Chanukah holiday will be the theme for the open meeting of the National Council of Jew- ish Juniors on Sunday, Dec. 17, at 2:30 p. m., at Temple Beth F.I. OF ,AGED MELLOW- The lighting of the candles will be in charge of the Contem- GOODNESS IN EVERY porary Judaism Group. The members of the Junior BOTTLE C7 Council are requested to bring toys for children of the nursery school. A social hour will follow in which games such as bridge, mall lallAIDT a 1101111MIWINCI CO.PIT11011 Jong, bingo, etc., will be played. Refreshments will be served. Friends are welcome to attend Hollywood Is rumbling with ru- this gathering. mors that Samuel Goldwyn will Maxie Rosenbloom, boxer and soon split with United Artiste and his screen rees? player, is now at work on start liquidating many of book, , with Screenland holdings, as his theme, HAS DAYS // at g I I of Poland controlled by the Nazis. Approximately 64 Jews have been sentenced to death by these tri- bunals which have already tried 485 cases of sabotage. Jewish refugees holding visas for Palestine were released from camps where they had been in- terned pending investigation of their satus, it was reported here. It is expected that other Jewish refugees holding visas for coun- tries overseas will also be released including German Jews who had been removed from neutral ves- sels enroute to North and South American countries. Czech authorities broke up an anti-Jewish meeting called by the Cam p of National Socialist Czechs, Czech Nazi organization, in Prague last week, "Le Temps" reported here. Czech police aided by the local population, dispersed the gathering which met in a large hall despite the ban. German elite guards who attempted to ar- rest several Czech policemen were attacked by the crowds before they succeeded in delivering these policemen to the Gestapo. vice-president of the Hebrew reli- gious community in the former of value, which must be registered Polish capital, who escaped to by Jews at Gestapo offices. At 0o- Paris last month, a Paris dispatch wosck, in Galicia, seven Jews were here disclosed. executed for failing to register all Jews all over the German part their articles of value. of Poland live in constant fear It was revealed here that the of new persecutions and new or- Nazis in Austria confiscated near- ders making life even harder, the ly £20,000 or approximately $90,- dispatch quoted Dr. Szoskies as 000 of the estate left by the late saying. In his capacity as repre- Prof. Sigmund Freud. The amount sentative of the Jewish commu- confiscated is half of the total es- nity, Dr. Szoskies had many con- tate left by the late noted scientist tacts with the German authorities who bequeathed to his daughter —the army, Gestapo and Nazi Anna his collection of books on pal o claim. Ile came to the psychology and psychoanalysis. conclusion that the Nazis' aim Royalties accruing from his copy- wa s physical destruction in the right interests will be placed in shortest possible time of as many a trust fund for use of his grand- Jews as possible, the dispatch children upon reaching their continued. majority. An Associated Press dispatch Nazis Accused of Spreading from Prague disclosed that Nazi Epidemics authorities in Czechoslovakia had Epidemics in the Lublin area issued a decree ordering all Jews of Nazi-occupied Poland are not to evacuate the "protectorate" of the result of hunger and crowd- Bohemia-Moravia by Feb. 28, ing, the German anti-Nazi Free- 1940. All Jews remaining in the dom Radio revealed, but have been country after that date will be loosened by German agents for transported to the ghetto state the purpose of testing the virility near Lublin, the report said. The of typhoid germs isolated in labor- measure is directed against all atories in the Reich. Jewish males up to the age of 37. ROME.—(WNS) — Hundreds The Freedom Station disclosed that the Nazis are experimenting of letters are being received here with the germs for eventual use by refugees from relatives in the American Red Cross Speeding Relief to Poland on the Western Front against the Reich who implore their interven- WASHINGTON. — (WNS) — armies of the Allies, making cer- tion with the Italian Foreign Of- The American Red Cross an- fice to secure Italian visas and tain meanwhile that the germs of the dread disease react as intend- thereby escape the possibility of nounced here that thousands of surgical dressing*, hospital sup- being sent to the Lublin ghetto. ed. The anti-Nazi radio further declared that this information Efforts to comply with the pleas plies and clothing are being have thus far proved fruitless shipped to Poland for sick and was obtained from one of their men stationed in the offices of since authorities have specific in- wounded Polish refugees in Ger- structions man-occupied territory. More than forbidding issuance of the German General Staff. even transit visas to Jews holding $250,000 has been contribute by the public for this relief, Norman German, Polish, Rumanian or Jew. Ordered to Quit Danzig H. Davis, chairman of the Red PARIS. — (WNS) — All Jews Hungarian passports. Cross said. were ordered to leave Danzig, Shipments will be consigned to former Free City, by Dec. 31, ac- "Ghetto State" Pretest for An. representatives of the American nihilatio n of Jews Says cording to a Berlin dispatch which Red Cross, who, in conjunction said that offices for the distribu- Sroskies with the German Red Cross, will tion of clothing displayed notices NEW YORK. — (WNS) — that Jews would not be given First-hand information of the allocate them to Polish agencies clothing cards, without which Jewish situation in the Nazi-occu- and committees, including the Po- lish Red Cross, for impartial dis- nothing is obtainable. pied section of Poland, particu- Military tribunals continued to larly in Warsaw, has been ob- tribution to those in need, includ- ing the Jews, according to Mr. function throughout the section tained from Dr. Henryk Szoskies, Davis. PROGRAM PLANNED BY CONGRESS TO DEFEAT SPIRIT OF DESPAIR , CONCLUDED :ROY PAGE OND) Newspaper Guild, Protestant Teachers Association, as well as all labor groups and prominent leaders in all walks of life. The speakers at the New York meet- ing included Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia, William Green, For- mer Governor Alf Landon, Dr. Samuel McCrea Covert, Dr. Stephen S. Wise and others. The purpose of this public rally is to present a statement of facts on the Jewish position to the Detroit community. The committee in charge of arrangements for this meeting includes Joseph Haggai, Mrs. Max Dushkin, Sol Lifsitz, Henry Fenster, Mrs. Albert Feld- stein, Rabbi Joshua S. Sperka and Dr. Clarissa Fineman. TO CO-ORDINATE WORK OF LOCATING RELATIVES At the meeting of the joint boards on Monday evening, an important decision was reached to work for the co-ordination of ef- forts for the registration of De- troiters who are seeking their relatives in Europe. A committee consisting of Mrs. Nathan Speva- kow, A. J. Lachover, Rabbi Sper- ka, Mr. Fenster and Airs. Dushkin will consult the Red Cross, the Jewish Social Service Bureau and the Federation of Polish Jews for the purpose of establishing a cen- tral co-ordinating committee for the registration of Detroiters seek- ing members of their families in the war zones or among refugees in neutral countries. In the meantime registration of relatives continues at the office of the Congress, 1044 Penobscot Bldg., Cherry 6559, with Mrs. Al- bert Feldstein in charge, Messrs. Lachover and Fenster are co- chairmen of the membership and registrations committee. Vistula Rivers on the west and by the Soviet Union frontier on the east. The 50,000 persons now there suffer from lack of food, shelter, clothing and disease. Deportation of more than one million more to the "reservation" has been tem- porarily halted by the outbreak of disease which threatens not only the Jews already there but the Nazi officials as well. The executive committee of the World Jewish Congress has ad- dressed a communication to Gen- eral Sikorski, premier of the new Polish Government, pointing out that Jews will recognize the new Polish Ministry as the only legiti- mate authority in the Lublin dis- trict. Up to the present only 5,000 Jews have been deported from Vienna to Lublin, despite the de- termination of Nazi authorities to make Vienna "Jew-free" by Feb- ruary 1940. The Jews in Berlin, according to the World Jewish Congress re- port, have so far not been affected by the Lublin project. Jewish leaders in Berlin were recently called to the headquarters of the Gestapo and ordered to report on their activities and budget for the next three years. This is taken to indicate that Jews would be per- mitted to carry on their relief and emigration activities for the im- mediate future. PLAN BUDGET FOR '4o DRIVE ((_'INCLUDED FROM PAGE I) requesting inclusion in the 1940 drive scheduled for next spring. Three Mayor Divisions The budget committee is divided into three maior groups: a local division, with Sidney .1. Allen as chairman and Simon Shetzer as co-chairman: a national and re- gional division. with Melville S. Welt as chairman and Fred A. Ginsburg as co-chairman: and an overseas division with Henry Wineman and Meyer L. Prentia as co-chairman. Each maior group has been broken down into sub- committee for the study of spec- ific problems in the particular fields. In the local group headed by Sidney J. Allen and Simon Shet- zer, Abraham Cooper and Harvey H. Goldman are chairman and co- chairman of the committee study- ing civic-protective problems. Wil- liam Friedman and Sidney L. Al- exander head the education com- mittee. Hyman C. Broder and Ben Kramer lead the budget com- mittee members studying health Problems and Samuel. Frank is chairman, with George M. Stutz as co-chairman of the committee on institutional care. The problems in local recrea- tional work will be heard by a committee headed by Irvine W. Blumberg and Alex Schreiber; re- settlement work and family wel- fare nroblems will he weighed by a committee under the leadership of Julian H. Krolik and David Wilkus; and Clarence II. Enggass and Maurice Aronason head the croup discussing administration problems and new requests. You Have 13 Days Left-- SCHOR'S Are GOING OUT of BUSINESS AND ARE VACATING THEIR BUILDING ON DECEMBER 30TH All Remaining Merchandise Is Being , Sold BELOW COST Beautiful Mahogany Sheraton Bedroom Suite. Curved fronts.— fin fin Choice of bed. chest, dresser or vanity Rockford Dining Room Suitt, 8 piece. Consisting of walnut 10- leg table. buffet, 5 side chairs and I host chair Nine Piece Walnut Dining Room Suite. This suite has a beau- tiful 10-leg table, breakfront china, drop end buffet, 5 side chairs and I host chair •UU 49.00 In addition there are many other beautiful Living Room, Dining Room and Bedroom Suites, Occasional Furniture and lamps • SHOP NOW—DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY • SCHOR FURNITURE COMPANY 8928 Twelfth Street Open every evening except Friday until 10 o'clock Open Sundays from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m, Bnai David Ladies' Luncheon Tuesday On Tuesday, Dec. 19, at 12:30 p. m., the annual donor luncheon of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Con- gregation Bnai David will take place in the special hall of the THE SEASON'S GREETINGS In expressing our felicitations to the Jewish Community of Detroit, may we also extend Best Wishes for Prosperity and an Abundance of Happiness WILLIAM HORDES synagogue, Elmhurst and 14th Sts. Mrs. L. Nudelman, chairman GENEVA. — (WNS) — The of the luncheon, announces that World Jewish Congress, respond. all plans have been completed for ing to the new international situ- the afternoon. ation created by the war, an- Cantor Abraham Singer will nounced that it is planning to set present a program of songs, as- up a special institute in Geneva elated by Bella Bitten Goldberg. for the purpose of surveying Jew- William Hordes will be speaker on ish experiences since Versailles the topic "The Modern Challenge National Beneficiarie s and formulating a program guar- to Jewish Women." Rabbi Joshua Fred M. Butzel is chairman and Sperka will give the invocation anteeing Jewish right to be pre- sented at the peace conference Theodore Levin co-chairman of and introduce the speaker. called at the termination of the the cdmmittee hearing the peti- Mrs. Joseph Weingarden is AIM TO DEFEAT present conflict. tions of national organizations chairman of reservations and can SPIRIT OF DESPAIR One of the principal aims of the conducting civic-protective work. be reached at To. 6-3238. Mrs. S. World Jewish Congress in the The activities of organizations Zack is co-chairman. Mrs. Z. Nee- The series of Town Meetings present tragic situation has been conducting educational and re- dle will preside. planned by the Congress are in- an effort to achieve a united Jew- search programa will be reviewed tended for the purpose of treat- ish front for the duration of the by a croon led by Rabbi Leon ing a spirit of confidence and war and the necessary cooperation Frani and Joseph II. Ehrlich. The courage among the Jewish masses at the future peace conference. Quests of . regional and national Aim to Popularize and to defeat the despairing atti- The preparation of peace aims, health servi services will be studied by tude that is becoming evident in safeguarding minority rights, re- a committee headed by Harry S. Yiddish Schools Jewish ranks. quires a common policy and a cen- Grant and Irwin I. Cohn; and Plans for the Town Meetings trail organization of all Jewish Mrs. Joseph M. Welt is chairman, Committmis to Make House-to- include the bringing to Detroit to bodies concerned in the problem with Ben B. Fenton as co-chair- House Canvass Sunday address public rallies, Dr. Nathan of Jewish defense now and Jew- of the group reviewing mem- A committee composed of teach- Goldmann, brilliant leader and ish aims in the post-war recon- bership services. Melville S. Welt head of the World Jewish Con- struction period. and Fred A. Ginsburg head the en- ers and representatives of the gress executive committee; the three Jewish Schools has been or- The World Jewish Congress tire national and reeional division ganized for the purpose of popu- Rev. Dr. L. M. Perlzweig, one of the most prominent leaders of points out that the preparation of of the budget committee. larizing the Yiddish schools in De- Overseer Work Jewish peace aims is no less im- London, England, both of whom troit. An executive committee will are coming to this country next portant than the actual and im- This Sunday, Dec. 17, commit- head the budget committee mem- month, and Dr. Arych Tartakow- mediate relief work and political bers who are assigned to weigh tees will make a house-to-house er, eminent member of the gov- action in the present emergency. the canvass to contact people person- reuuests of the maior overseas erning board of the World Jewish In any case, all are closely related. avenues. The executive commit- ally. Committees will also be sent Congress and leader of Polish to Jewish fraternal organizations tee includes: Sidney J. Allen, Fred Jewry who arrived in this country acquaint the Jewish population M. Butzel, Mrs. Aaron DeRoy, to last month. In addition, meetings in the city with the work of the Mrs. Joseph H. Ehrlich, Clarence Yiddish schools. are planned w . ithloc:1 . speakers. H. Enggass, Harry Frank, Mrs. Members of the following H. J. L. Frank, Israel Ilimelhoch, schools WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS will participate in this ef- Gus D. Newman, Max Oanoa, SCORES REICH "SOLUTION" fort. Charles Rubiner. Nate S. Shapero. Sholom Aleichem Folk Shulen, OF JEWISH PROBLEM w im ino en maS nh . etzer, Abe Srere, Mel- Tribute to Be paid to Mem or y of S at 3764 Monterey, and the Brady Natha n Bielfield, First President ville S. Welt and Mrs. Henry School on Lawton and Joy Rd. PARIS. — (WNS) — The ex- Farband Shulen at 8603 12th ecutive committee of the World Immigration work will be re- St. and 12244 Jewish Congress adopted a reso- Invitations have been issued to the viewed Dexter Blvd. by • committee headed by board of directors of the Jewish Arbeiter Ring Shulen at 8946 lution at a special session here, House of Shelter and their friends Douglas I. Brown and Louis 12th St. and Glendale and ' Lin- appealing to the civilized world to to attend the agency's annual Mrs. Robinson; and the petitions of wood. stay the barbaric Nazi treatment banquet meeting on Wednesday, other overseas causes will be of Polish Jewry and particularly studied by a erouo headed by • 20, at 6:30 p. m., at the the Nazi attempt to set up a Jew- Jewish Home for Aged on Pe- Harry Cohen as chairman and Gifts to Hebrew Schools in ish "reservation" in Lublin. "The Jews of the world reject toskey and Burlingame Aces. Sanford D. Adler as co-chairman. Memory of Murray Henry Wineman and Meyer L. with revulsion and indignation Hyman Altman and Isaac Rosen- d P i r vein sitoisn. head the entire overseas Schreiber the inadmissible pretext of the thal, co-chairmen of the affair, Reich Government that it will state that a tribute will be paid to the memory of Nathan Biel- Formal Procedure The United Hebrew Schools solve the Jewish problem by bar- Following the hearings of the acknowledge receipt of ■ con- baric treatment of Jews in Poland field, first president of the House of Shelter, on this occasion. Petitions of all organizations, tribution from Alex Schreiber, re- and the establishment of a Jewish The House of Shelter or Hach- questing inclusion in the drive. the Harold H. Smiley and William "reservation" in the Lublin dis- noses Orchlm has been maintained London, in memory of Murray chairmen of the various divisions trict", the protest said. "We have no doubt that the civilized world by the Detroit Jewish Community Will Present 'their recommenda- Schreiber. for over 40 years. The present tions to the steering committee as will also reject these decisions of quarters, located at Designated as the world's best 1622 Taylor to the amounts to be allocated to the present German Govvern- Ave., have sleeping accommoda- each agency. The steering corn, Party guests by none other than ment." tions for 28 men. Food and shel- mittee will total these allocations, Dorothy Thompson is pianiste A report received by the Con- ter are provided for transients and review the budget as a whole, Ania Dorfmann, gress regarding the Lublin "res- end for those who have come to ervation" said that the German Detroit in search of employment before making remommendations Government intended to publish A few homeless, unattached men, to the boards of the Jewish Wel- for will present an intimate pic- soon • map of the area eptitled residents of Detroit, are accommo- fare Federation and the Detroit ture of the situation of Jews Service Group as to the amount abroad today. An author and book "Jehudah", to signify that it was dated also. of the goal for the 1940 Allied reviewer of note, Mr. Montor di- a Jewish territory. The map would Max M. Silverman is president Jewish Camnaiirn. show the territory as having an rected Publicity for the United the House of Shelter which is In his address before the bud- Palestine Appeal and is remem- area of about 1,000 square kilo- of ■ constituent agency of the Jewish get committee s (owning meeting, bered by Detroiters as a brilliant meters, bounded by the San and Welfare Federation. on Tuesday evening. Henry Mon- and informative speaker. House of Shelter Dinner Wednesday nn nn KERN'S WOODWARD AT GRATIOT Yiddish Folk Festival WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, 1939, at 8:30 p, m. AT Central High School Auditorium Trude at La Sella Auspices of IL. Yiddish Cultural Section OF THE JEWISH COMMUNITY COUNCIL Yiddish Folk Songs, Dramatic Recitations El Dramatic Sketches will feature the evening. Presented by a select troupe of actors from Littman's People's Theater. Admission 25c.—Ticlets to be had at 11. Jewish Community office. 1610 Washington Blvd. Bldg. CHerry 1659. Membership Project Of Hebrew Schools The last membership enroll. went gathering of the United He- brew Schools was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Albert E. Bern- stein. This was a combination membership meeting and Chanu- kah program. A unique Chanukah playlet, a parody of "Hannah and Iler Seven Sons," was staged by Dr. and Mrs. Bernstein's three children, Sander, Miriam and Marvin. The meeting was conclud- ed with Chanukah songs. The chairman of the member- ship committee is Rudolph Zuie- back, and the associate chairman is Dr. Albert E. Bernstein. A committee has been organized to acquaint Detroiters with the work of the United Hebrew Schools, and to increase the membership enrollment of the schools. Council Sholom Aleichem Folk In- stitute Donor Dinner and New Year Eve Affair The Sholom Aleichem Folk In- stitute is now at work on its donor dinner and New Year's Eve cele- bration, The work for the annual 'sou- venir is in full swing. The work is being carried on under the ca- pable supervivsion of Mr. Coker- man. The members have pledged their fullest cooperation to carry through this very important un- dertak ing. The women are making pre's.- rations for the annual donor din- ner, to take place in Hotel Fort Wayne an Jan. 1. A New Year's Eve celebration is to take place in the Jewish Cen- ter. me members of the Sholom Aleichem Institute invite their friends to join in the festivities. For reservations call Mr. Landis, Listed as dialogue director of 2712 leralle. "Swingin' the Dream," Benny Goodman's jarred - up version of An interesting exhibition of Shakespeare plus Mendelssohn, is paintings and reproductions of Philip Loeb . . . It's only fair to works by the late !Adm. Kant. state that Loeb objected vehem- mann, artist who specialized is ently, pointed out that the Jewish themes. is on view at "Dream" lines are the work of Philosophy Hall, Columbia Uni- William of Avon. versity, until Dee. 20.