America 9ewish Periodical Cotter - . CUYTON ATINUI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO The Only Anglo-Jewish All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS lir Newspaper Printed In Michigan THE,PETROI VEWISH ..._____ WRONICLE ,. . Telephone CADILLAC 1.0-4-0 and THE 'LEGAL CHRONICLE Vol. XLI, No. 30 DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1939 HOOVER AT ANTI - NAZI N. Y. RALLY AFFIRMATIVE TENETS OF CENTER OUTLINED AT DEDICATION DINNER Arranged by Congress, Labor Committee, Survival of Jewry, Positive Judaism and Amer- icanism Envisioned as Program for De- Liberal Groups troit's New Community Structure $ o,000 DRIVE ennese Jews In Ghetto Camps ; TO SAVE THE Herd Vi enese • • YESHIVOTH Nazis Accused of Spreading Epidemics ; Five Rabbis Arrive Aid Appeal for 15 Po ° Financial Obligations to Jews Voided lish Academies National Bnai Brith Bowling Meet Feb. 25 DAYTON, 0.—The second annual national Bnai Brith Bowling Congress, sponsored by Bnai Brith, the world's largest and oldest Jewish serv- ice organization, will be held in Dayton on Feb. 25, it was announced here after an all- day meeting of representatives from Chicago, Detroit, Louis. ville, Columbus, Cincinnati, Bt. Louis, Flint, Toledo, Akron, Cleveland, Jackson and Day, ton. Invitations to pnrticipat have been sent to all of th more than 500 Bnai Brit lodges throughout the country The first BnaiBrith Bowfin Congress, held in Toledo In 1939, attracted 300 bowlers comprising 50 teams from six states and many individual en- tries from 20 lodges in Bnai Britlfs District 2. where the national Bnai Brith bowling movement originated. The 1939 tournament was won by the lodge in Jackson, Mich. Mau- rice Marenberg, past president of Toledo Lodge, is the father of the Bnai Brith Bowling League. Per Copy, 10 Cents m-' German Priest Sends Chanukah Message of Hope to Jews Over Anti- Nazi Freedom Radio; "Ghetto State" Called Pretext for Annihilation of Jews by Dr. Szoskies is NEW YORK. — (WNS) As part of a nati on-wide ca Stating that the three affirma- years were refugees, but it is hav- Former President Herbert Iloove ✓ paign to raise a quarter of a m the lion. Alfred M. Landon, fo • tive tenets of the Jewish Center ing an effect on individuals. There lion dollars for the rehabilitati on mer presidential candidate, Wi movement were the survival of is no room in the Center for a of the great academies of Tor ah Liam Green, president of th e the •Jew, positive Judaism and self-constituted ghetto. The cen- in the European war zone, a del ✓ American Federation of Lebo positive Americanism, Frank L. ter's contributions to art, music, gation of five prominent rabb Mayor II. LaGuardia, Dr. Samu el I Weil, guest speaker at the dedi- sports and civic affairs will not arrived in Detroit Thursday e McCrea Cavert, secretary of th cation dinner for the Aaron De- allow it. conduct an appeal for the Detro Federal Council of Churches o f Roy Memorial Building of the Lauds DeRoy Gift ;quota of 810,000. The nation • wis Community Center, on Christ in America, associated "And in addition, the entire I drive is sponsored by the Unio themselves with the demonstration Sunday evening, Dec. 10 , en- program will be a contribution to s of Orthodox Rabbis of the Unite at Madison Square Garde visioned a program for Detroit's !States and Canada (Agudas H ed. which was conducted to expres s new structure in line with that the cause of Americanism", stated Mr. Wed. Youth today faces a s labbonim) through its emergenc the condemnation by American of the 323 other Jewish commu- conhnittee for war-torn Yeshivot of all faiths of the Nazi terro ✓ nity centers throughout the soul-less r.arld which threatens s Americanism. But it offers a chal- headed by Rabbi Eliezer Silver 0 directed against Jews and other United States. Cincinnati, 0. Mr. Weil was introduced by lenge which Jewish youth can help in Poland and elsewhere in th e The visitors, who have volun • Nazi domain. This great meetin if Henry Meyers, president of the fight. The leisure time of youth, in the dictator countries, is pro- teered their Cervices for tw local Center, as one of the most was held on Wednesday evening weeks, along with 150 othe Among others, Mr. Landon, M r. articulate interpreters of the vided for by the state, but in the United States it is cared for by members of the national rabbin it center movement. President of Green, Dr. Covert and Mayor La sought to keep alive the traditione voluntary organizations—the "Y", cal body are: Rabbi Chalks Guardia addressed the demonstra New York's 92nd Street "Y", the the of freedom in the diaapora for Catholic Leagues and ✓ the Jew- Bloch of Jersey City, N. J., tree largest Jewish center in the coon- tion which was arranged unde over a thousand years. serer of the Agudas Horabbonim the auspices of the American Jew ,. try, Mr. Weil serves on the execu- ish Centers. They must prove that the attraction and charm of de• Rabbi A. N. Levitan of Bronx, N The German priest concluded ish Congress and the Jewish Labo tive committee of the national his address with an expression of Y.; Rabbi M. Hirschprung of Co Committee in cooperation wit h Jewish Welfare Board, the cen- mocracy is not yet outworn . . . Mra. DeRoy's gift is an inspiration Iambus, 0.; . tern' parent organization. Rabbi P. Teits of Eli encouragement to Jews in the the American Committee on Reli zabeth, N. J.; and Rabbi C. B • First of Series of Public Meetings to Be Held Within • Reich, urging them to keep alive "A Jewish center should re- to the youth movement in the gious Rights and Minorities, th e United States." Month; Inaugurate Effort to Co-Ordinate Chavel of Louisville, Ky. Arrange flect the life of the entire their faith in •the ideals of free- American Federation of Labor Mll- In closing Mr. Weil quoted ments for the local visit are hem dom. "The time approaches when Work of Locating Relatives the Church Peace Union, t h e triunity", said Mr. Weil, "and from the Detroit Jewish Commu- made by the Detroit Council o you will be free of persecution League of Nations Association , make a contribution to it. De- dedication booklet: Orthodox Rabbis, headed by Rabb i at the hands of the Nazi regime the American Newspaper Guild troit's new center building is a nity Center's Members of the joint boards of within the walls of De- Joseph Eisenman, chairman, and directors of the Detroit Chapter the community informed on con- —when God will make amends for the Protestant Teachers Associa tool to be used to express a pro- "Ilere, troit's beautiful new Center, are Rabbi Moses Fischer, secretary; of the American Jewish Congress ditions in the Jewish world, and your auffering. The end of Hitler - • tion and the League of Hume s , gram of importance to all." more than mechanical equipment the Michigan Synagogue Confer- and the Women's Division of the to prepare Detroit Jewry for par- is near." The priest said he spoke Rights, Freedom and Democracy, A Seven-Point Program and planned programs for leisure ence, with Isadore Cohen as presi- Congress, at a meeting held on ticipation in the worldwide effort, from Germany and that he stood as well as outstanding leaders of Highlighting seven points to in- time activities. Here, appropriate- dent, and Rabbi M. J. Wohlgelern- Monday evening at the home of through the World Jewish Con- on German soil, The German American public opinion. clude in a program which will ly named, is a great new Center er as secretary; and other groups . Mrs. Perry P. Burnstine, laid gress, for the fight for Jewish Priest closed his remarks with a The voice of Dr. Stephen S. Wise presided. Provide a moral and social force labor was added rights at the cessation of the for the training of youth in demo- Forme r President Hoover ap- in the community, Mr. Weil cratic techniques; for the partici- this week in endorsement of the The guest rabbis will speak from Plans for a series of Town Meet- and at the peace conferences. war przyer in Hebrew. local pulpits this Saturday and ad- ings for the purpose of keeping purposes of the National Conferr peared on the platform at this stressed youth work, adult activi- pation of all--young and old—in The first in the series of meet- Ghetto Camps for Viennese Jews great meeting, which was at- ties, health education, religious community affairs and the prac- ence for Palestine, which the dress a number of special func- All Jews in Vienna are detained ings, to be held within a month, tended by more than 22,000 education, vocational guidance, tice of the American way of life." United Palestine Appeal is von. tions arranged in their honor. in their homes under arrest pend- Local Cooperating Groups will be In the form of a public ing Boring in Washington, D. C., on refugee adjustment and an open people, after former Governor their removal to the ghetto At a meeting similar to the monster Spirit of Cooperation Jan. 6 meeting of the Detroit and 7. forum program. "The open forum Landon declared that the Amer- rally held in New York Wednes- state, according to reliable infor- Other speakers were Kurt Pei- Sidney Hillman. noted Ameri- Region of the Michigan Syna- Programs, where differing and in- icas' real weapon of defense mation reaching here which dis- day evening under the joint au- see, formerly director of the De- gogue Conference, held can labor leader, and general Dec. 7, je dividual ideas can be brought for- was "a common love for de- spices of the American Jewish closed that transportation of Jews ward, will offer the entire city an troit Jewish Welfare Federation, president of the Amalgamated the Young Israel Building, under mocracy, a common passion for from Vienna to the Jewish "res- Congress, Jewish Labor Commit. who now holds a similar office in the chairmanship of David J. Clothing Workers of Americ opportunity for free and open dis- liberty, a common will to mu. tee, American Federation of La- ervation" around Lublin has been Philadelphia, and Isidore Sobeloff, wrote a message stressing th Cohen, Eastern Division vice- cussion," he said. tual acceptance." A capacity bor, American Committee on Reli- halted because of the spread of value of the national conferenc president, a unanimous resolution "One of the results of the pro- present Federation executive. crowd of nearly 20,000 persons gious Rights a n d Minorities, epidemics throughout Poland. was adopted Mr. Sobeloff stated that this endorsing the at which Dr. Chaim Weizmann drive gram outlined will be an influence jammed the big hall. Ghetto camps were established large assembly resembled an AI- Church Peace Union, League of Pleading for aid to Europe's against anti-Semitism", Mr. Weil lied Jewish Campaign or Jewish president of the Jewish Agenc and delegates representing 17 lo- Nations Association. American in the vicinity of the former Aus- for Palestine, will be guest o cal congregations pledged co- stated. "Not that anti-Semitism war distressed, Hoover said; trian capital and all Jews are be- Welfare Federation gathering. h onor. operation, Rabbi Isaac &adman, (PLEASE TURN T,) PAGE 8) "Happily we are not get so ac- will ever make serious headway "We are accustomed to see this ing forced systematically into The announcement of Dr. Weiz.I chairman of the conference com- customed to the sight of blood or in this country, for all who came group gathered for social serv- them areas by Gestapo agents. imminent visit to the mittee on support of Yeshivoth Mrs. Joseph H. Ehrlich, chair- the cries of the defenseless that to these shores within the last 300 ice," he said, "But tonight we are mann's Those Jews already driven into United States met with an en- and charitable institutions, is in man of the budget committee for our sense of justice has been these concentration MIPS are for- together in the name of new kind thusiastic response on the part of i a barge. the 1940 Allied Jewish Campaign, dulled or the wellspring of our bidden to enter the city. Special of cooperation. We are here in editorial writers and organization The plan for the national emer- has called the organizational pity run dry. I fervently hope an committees of Jews are permitted the Center building for ourselves, heads, who welcomed the stimulat- gency drive for war-torn Yeshi- meeting for the group on Tues- allwise Providence will speed the because we are a part of it. This ing presence of the outsanding oth was made at a special con- day evening, Dec. 19, at 8 o'clock, to enter Vienna once each day to day when these dreadful scenes Center can be a Jewish club in ita world Jewish leader at a time of ention of the Union of Orthodox at the Jewish Community Center, buy food for those interned. may be removed from the world." finest sense, for all of us, if we serious anxiety among the Jewish Rabbis held in New York City last to confer with Henry Montor, ex- The News Chronicle declared Maurice Samuel, famous author LaGuardia Cites Cruelties will make it so." people regarding the ate of Mill onth and attended by 300 rabbis ecutive vice - chairman of the editoriall y that the Nazi policy Mayor LaGuardia said that the lions. . . rent all parts of the country. It United Jewish Anneal for Refu- and lecturer, will occupy Rabbi of terror and Concluding Ceremony violence In the situation in Europe "is no longer Joshua S. Sperka's pulpit at Con- Message of Sidney Hillman a ima to provide refuge and shel- gees and Overseas Needs. The dedication ceremonies, con- methodical and deliberate oppres- gregation Bnai David, Elmhurst ghetto state is certain to bring Wishing the National Confer- ter for the faculties and over Appointed by Irving W. Blum- ducted from Dec. 6 through swift retribution, The News Dec. at 14th, on Friday, Dec. 22, at sion and abuse based upon hatred 13, in the Aaron DeRoy Building ence for Palestine "the greatest 2,000 students of the outstanding berg. chairman of the board of 8:30 p. tn. Chronicle furthe r stated that of any one religion. success" in its deliberations, Mr. higher schools of Jewish learning directors of the Detroit Service of the Jewish Community Center, the regiment of Jewish refu- "It is a new cruelty," he shout- The title of Mr. Samuel's ad- gees, called the Pioneer Corp, of Poland, who were fortunate in Group, the fund-raising arm of closed on Wednesday evening Hillman wrote this week: ed, "of exploitation of occupied "In a world darkened by savag- escaping to Vilno and neighboring the Jewish Welfare Federation dress will be "Can They Destroy now being made up in England. lands taken contrary to all rules (TURN TO EDITORIAL PAGE) Communication with relatives ery and war, of which the Jewish communities, now part of Lithu- which conducts the annual Allied Palestine". Mr. Samuel is the au- Is drawing hundreds of volun- of civilization." in Poland is now possible through people are the principal victims ania. Reports of the transfer of Jewish Campaigns. Mrs. Ehrlich thor of "You Gentiles", "I the teers who seek to enlist in the Among messages of support and the services of the International the'work of the National Confer- these schools were received from has Sidney J. Allen, Melville S. Jew", "What Ilappened in Pelee- refugee regiment in order to sympathy sent to the rally was Red Cross, it was announced by RABBI FRAM TO SPEAK ence for Palestine must not be William Zuckerman,' head of the Welt and Henry Wineman as her tine", "Jews on Approval." lie is that of Senator Arthur H. Van- George M. Stutz, president of the ON SACHAR'S NEW BOOK minimized. Wherever a haven can European bureau of the New York co-chairmen, with Abe Srere, Fed- the translator of •the Hebrew p dg eiovntait.zioPenesoifi"Natzo `their denberg of Michigan. Jewish Social Service Bureau, 51 be kept open for the stricken Jewish Morning • Journal; Sant- eration's president, heading the poetry of Bialik, several novels "Confiscator y Policy of German W. Warren Ave. Jewish residents and Sholem Asch'a "The Eliza- Next Friday night, Dec. 22. at Jews of Europe, it becomes the im- chin, special corespondent of the steering committee. rene". . Decrees issued by Nazi authori- Reich" Denounced in N. Y. of Detroit, who have not heard 8 o'clock, Rabbi Leon Fram will perative duty of fellow-Jews more Jewish Daily Forward in Kovno, During the next months the Supreme Court from relatives and friends in Po- take as the theme of his Sabbath fortunate and lovers of humanity and the Jewish Telegraphic Agen- budget committee. two Rabbi Sperka will officiate and ties in Poland, designed to further composed of a Justice William T. Collins, in land since the war began, now Eve sermon at Temple Beth El, generally to keep it open and to cy. Direct contacts have been es- cross-section of Detroit Jewry, Cantor Abraham Singer will par- harrass and curb the Jews under Supreme Court, this week rejected have the possibility of locating Woodward and Gladstone, Dr. (PLEASE TURN TO LAST PAGE) tablished with the heads of these will conduct hearings and weigh ticipate in the musical program Nazi domination in former Poland, nide,' all obligations owed to an application to permit a Nazi them . schools and a special appeal was the petitions of all organizations of the evening. Abram Leon Sachar's new book, authoritative sources dis- representative to argue a prop- The office of the American Red "Sufferance Is the Badge: The directed to American Jewry by A social hour will follow. All Jews, closed. Debtors are obliged to pay erty claim here against an ousted Cross, also at 51 W. Warren Ave Jew in the Contemporary World." (PLEASE TURN TO PAU) i) Chief Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzin- are welcome. Jewish firm of Vienna. In a is accepting applications for this A reception in the social hall of only 60 per cent of their voided ski of Vilno, to save these refu- obligations to Jewish merchants strongly worded decision Justice service. The information secured the Temple will follow the serv- gee students, victims of the Polish to the Nazi Ministry of Finance. Collins made clear his refusal to from the applicant is forwarded ice. war, from hunger and privation, sanction "the confiscatory, pro- to the national headquarters of It is expected that thousands of and to help re-establish the Ye- Rabbi' Fram announces that An answer to the attacks lev- zlotys 3.111 accrue to the Nazi scriptive policies of the German the Red Cross in Washington and there will be no classes in the eled by Gerald L. K. Smith against shivoth on Lithuanian territory. regime by this measure. Reich." airmailed from there to the In- Once again the spiritual lead- The case concerned a suit by ternational Red Cross at Geneva, Temple Religious School, Satur- liberal, labor and progressive or- ers of this generation in Israel are Furthermore, the advices re- day, Dec. 31. Religious school ses- ganizations and individuals will be vealed, Jews are forced to contrib- Otto Anniger and four partners Switzerland. The International sions will re-open Saturday, Jan. broadcast by Rev. Owen A. Knox making an effort to rescue "Yav- of the firm, which dealt in cotton Red Cross has offices in Poland ne and its scholars" from among ute to the "Hitler Fund" estab- 6, and Sunday, Jan. 7. of Civil Rights Federation over the ruins of a great center of in Vienna from 1872 until ousted and, through its contacts there, lished by the authorities In Po- The fall term of Beth El Col- station WJR on Sunday, Dec. 17, Jewish life. Following in the foot- by the Nazis after the Austrian including Jewish organizations, land as a means of confiscating Anschluss in March, 1938, against will be in a position to locate the lege of Jewish Studies cornea to a from 10 to 10:30 p. m. all valuables such as rings, watch- steps of Jochanan ben Zakkai, Rev. Knox will reveal the re- who laid the foundation for 18 es, candelabra and other articles the Austrian firm of Si. Hohen- People sought. At the present time close Monday night, Dec 18. The berg and Co. Mr. Anniger and his these contacts are confined only winter term opens for a new sults of an investigation of centuries of Jewish life at the (PLEASE TURN TO PADS A) partners, all refugees here, sought to the German-occupied part of series of 10 successive Monday Smith's activities. He will disclose time of the destruction of the to recover a debt of ;8,572 from Poland. However, applications to night sessions on Monday night, Smith's affiliation with the fascist, second temple in Jerusalem, rab- Jan. 8. anti-Semite William Dudley Pol- the liohenberg concern. T h e locate relatives in the Soviet part bis and lay-leadera of American ley and his Silver Shirts. liohenberg company admitted the of Poland will also be accepted, Jews are now rallying to the sup- existence of the debt, but filed an in the expectation that the Red port of the Yeshivoth formerly application to allow the Nazi Cross will be able to establish con- situated in the following 14 com- liquidator of the Annigers' prop- tact there in the near future. munities: Baranowitz, Bialystok, Applications will be accepted Brisk, Grodno, Kamenetz-Litovsk, (PLEASE TURN TO LAST PAGE) by the Detroit office of the Red Kletzk, Lomzo, Lublin, Mezritch, Cross at the Community Fund 2ftto Mir, Pinsk, Slonim, and Volozin, Building, from 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. John L. Spivak, George Addes and Rev. Owen A. Knox and now transferred to Vilno and daily except Sunday. Jewish ap- other Lithuanian towns. to Address Public Rally; Will Present Evi- plicants who may need the service dence on Coughlin, Smith of an interpreter or other assist- ance can get it from the office of The Jewish American Youth the Jewish Social Service Bureau, John L. Spivak, whose current Smith, will speak on the results which is located on the same floor. expose of Father Charles E. of his study of the self-styled Council of Detroit will sponsor its annual conference on Sunday, The Jewish Social Service Bureau Coughlin is making journalistic "rabble-rouser." Dec. 17, starting at 10 a. rn., in is a member agency of the Jewish history; George Addes, popular Tickets for the mass meeting Tidbits from Everywhere Welfare Federation and the De- secretary-treasurer of the CIO the new Jewish Community Cen- ter, Woodward and Holbrook. troit Community Fund. United Automobile Workers of cost 25 and 35 cents. Reserved America; and Rev. Owen A. Knox, seats may be obtained for 50 and By PHINEAS J. BIRON The purpose of this conference t reasurer of the Civil Rights Fed- 75 cents. Orders for tickets will is to unite all Jewish youth In a The Wayne University Chapter Woryeleit HIM S. A. F. ) eration, will turn the spotlight of be taken at the Federation office, program for democracy and toler- of Avukah, presided over by Syl- t ruth on Father Coughlin, Gerald 1001 Hoffman Bldg., Ca. 6278. ars7e.., Everyday problems that WAR GAGS via Fossaner, is sponsoring the K. Smith, and Detroit's anti-la- Rev. Bollens emphasized that confront Jewish youth will be die. Punchline we can't help pass- first midwest conference in Avu- bor, anti-democratic leaders at a the speakers would present "fac- cussed. Vie two aims of this con- kah's history to be held Dec. 24 mass meeting to be held in the tual evidence" and not merely ing on: "The Third Reich will ference ire (1) to bring together through Dec. 26, at the new Jew- Mayfair Auditorium, Woodward engage in "name-calling." He stand for a thousand years, says the diverse Jewish youth organi- i s h Community Center. T h e Called to Discuss Current Prob. and Watson, Tuesday night, said: Hitler . . . Well, if it can stand zations on the common program Purpose of the conference is two- for Hitler it can stand for any- Dec. 19. of Jewish unity for democracy "The Federation is holding this lams Affecting Jewry fold: (1) to bring before the The rally is sponsored by the important mass rally at a critical thing" ... The Three Stooges are and tolerance; and (2) the adop- 14 midwestern chapters the prob- tion of an extensive program of ' time. The anti-labor, anti-progres- reported to be planning a picture, The Jewish Community Coon- Civil Rights Federation. lems of Jewish youth and war, Rev. John H. Bollens, chairman sive forces of Detroit are spending to be titled "Apes of Wrath", activity which will extend and im- 91 will hold its quarterly meet- and (2) to facilitate more closely will take off Hitler, Goer- prove the cultural. social and ing on Sunday, Dec. 17, at 3 of the Federation, stated that the much energy and money in build- which regional organization. ing and Goebbels . . . Germany's purpose of the meeting was to ing up a movement whose pur- economic interests of the Jewish Wayne University Avukah, a p. m., in the large auditorium of "expose the aims and records of pose is to uproot the Bill of youth of Detroit, Right, foremost aviaton society is still nationally recognized Zionist or- the new Jewish Community Cen- these demagogues and to show from American life. These forces called Lilienthal Gesellschaft fuer The opening address of the con- ganization, is one of 60 branches ter, Woodward at Holbrook. This with factual evidence wherein have been using such men as Fa. Luftfahrtfoerderung, and no less in America with central quarters meeting is called primarily for t hey threaten our traditional fe•ence will be given by Steven ther a Coughlin personage than General Kennel- and Reverend Noe- Ruby, president of the Council, ' in New York City. It is an or- the purpose of discussing the, American democracy." ris for their propaganda and but ring only last summer cited Otto and by Herman Jacobs, executive ganization of American Jewish problems arising from the tragic 0.0% A wr . Each main speaker will present director of the Jewish Center. The college students working on a events abroad. For the first time new evidence concerning the ac- recently they imported Gerald L. Lilienthal as one of the heroes of speakers for the symposium will three-front program which pro- since its inception, the Council t ivities of Detroit's many native K. Smith. Many honest citizens, aviation together with such aimon- be Rabbi Morris Adler, Philip motes Zionism, encourages the is inviting to the quarterly meet- a nd imported spokesmen of re- unaware of the aims of this bar- sure "Aryana" as Baron von rage of propaganda, have been Richthofen It's an open secret Slomovitz. and Prof. Samuel IL ing not only the delegates, but a creation of Jewish communal in- ction. "THE JEWISH MOTHER", SCULPTURAL WORK fooled by the silver-tongued ora- that if Hitler were to resign today Levin. The panel discussions will stitutions in America, and com- also the officers of all affiliated Spivak's fates book, "Secret tors. It is our purpose to expose PURCHASED FOR THE JEWISH CENTER be led by Ernest Goodman. on groups. in favor of Goering the British bats fascism. The conference is Armies," had such sensational' and According to an announcement s ignificant material that Walter the aims and records of these government would immediately The collection of Schatz art works now on exhibition at the "Jewish Youth and Civil Libor- an attempt on the part of the demogognes to show with fac- make peace with the Nazis, let- ties"; David Aptekar on "Jewish midwestern collegiate Zionists to by James I. Ellmann, acting pres- Winched sent a copy of it to tual evidence and wherein they threat- ting them keep Danzig and the new Jewish Community Center, on the occasion of the dedication Youth Faces Intolerance"; Yrs. unite under the leadership of a ident, this meeting should reflect very Congressman. en our traditional American de- Polish Corridor ... Did you know of the new building, is attracting wide attention. J. Bernstein, on "Jewish Youth c uncil, to o be elected in Detroit, the feeling of the organized Jew- Addes will deal with the var- Not only the works of the late Prof. Boris Schatz, the creator and Peace"; R. Kramer, The defenders of the whereby cooperative action may ish community on the European i oua forces who are opposing mocracy. before Hitler made the swas- the famous Bezalel School in Jerusalem, but also those of his ish Youth and Security". on "Jew Bill of Rights need not stoop to that be taken in regard to the success- outrages. All officers and delegates t rade unionism in Detroit. These the tika unpopular, that ancient good- of children, Bezalel and Zahara Schatz, are among those on exhibit. rabblerouser's technique of luck symbol was ful fulfillment of the three-front of organizations are urged to be i nelude Pat McCartney, who has The Jewish-American Youth used on the mili- A movement has been started to encourage the retention of Chorus Program. present and participate in the de- r ecently gained notoriety for his name-calling, distortions and bare- tary airplanes of Finland? . . . will sing. faced lies. Even a Pope's some of these art works in Detroit, and Detroit Jews are urged to Plans for the conference are liberations. rganization of a vigilante gang cal was not safe in the encycli- Don't be surprised if steel bed purchase them either for themselves At the close of the conference, hands of springs are verboten or for presentation to the Jew• general Recommendations of the execs- o f street-fighters. who ironically under the supervision of Lester elections will be held. In Naziland ish Center. Coughlin, as Father Clancy Seligman of Chicago and Sam tine committee, which met last e nough parade under the guise of Father lust recently revealed. We feel before long ... German radio fans All members of Jewish youth One of the finest art piece displayed here—"The Jewish Mother" Stearn of Wayne Universities, Its Thursday evening, will be acted 'Americanism". that we must focus the lights of eager to find ways and means of —a low reilef sculptural work organizations are urged to come main features include a youth upon, at the quarterly session, as done by Prof. Schatz in 1904. was and to learn why Rev, Knox. who is making ■ facts on these demagogue" no that listening in on short-wave broad- purchased Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. organiza- sYmpostum, several widely-known will also the reports of the stand- special Investigation of the career the Sidney J. Allen in honor of their tion should affiliate their casts from America have discover- people may better understand with the Coun- ing committees. speakers and a dinner-dance. and activities of Gerald L. IL their true character." cil. Individuals are invited to at- (PLKAII3 TURN TO LAI! FACIE I LONDON.—(WNS)—A note of encouragement to Jews in the ar; Reich on the occasion of the celebration of Chanukah was broadcast over the anti-Nazi German Freedom Radio by a German priest. The broadcast, picked up in various sections of England, described the story of Chanukah and the Maccabees, the struggle for freedom and the reason for commemoration of the holiday by the Jews who have I PROGRAM PLANNED BY CONGRESS TO DEFEAT SPIRIT OF DESPAIR o f LABOR HELPS U.P.A. PARLEY, Hillman Stresses Impor- tance of Washing- ton Conference PLAN BUDGET FOR '4o DRIVE Henry Montor to Ad- dress First Meeting of Committee Tuesday MAURICE SAMUEL AT BNAI DAVID FRIDAY, DEC. 22 RED CROSS SEEKS KIN R egisters Detroiters Looking for Rela- tives Overseas Rev. Owen A. Knox To Answer Smith EXHIBIT OF SCHATZ WORKS DRAWS WIDE INTEREST HERE YOUTH PARLEY THIS SUNDAY ACTIVITIES OF ANTI-DEMOCRATIC FORCES TO BE EXPOSED TUESDAY AVUKAH PLANS PARLEY HERE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Midwestern Conference to Be Held in Detroit from Dec. 24 to 26 Sessions of Young - ple's Council ai l& Jewish Center. Council Quarterly Meeting Sunday IIIILleen TURN TO LAVT PAOTa tend the sessions.