MErterRorriErasa 01Roma4 November 24, 1939 sad THE LEGAL CHRONICLE ThEykrRotriEwisn (ARON all, is "the average opinion of mankind" that was so eloquently upheld by Presi- dent Roosevelt? It is the choice of the people that comes from free discussion and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE P' and free choice, that results from the sift- ing of leaders and their views, that ema- nates from free assembly and the right of Published Weekly by Tin Jewlsk Ckreakle Publishing De.. /Pa. durN . geentad.clarr matter Mardi II, ISM at the Pat- C oil. at Detroit, Mick, soda the Let of Hargis II, 141II. General Offices and Publication Building F25 Woodward Avenue Talapbtsa. Le Cedillas 1040 Cable Addrese, Chrouicle oats, 14 ail sit Stratford Place, London, W. 1, England Subscription. in Advance $3.00 Per Yea: To Poore publi.tIon. 1.11noo...pond.). and news flatter 10411 teat ti sfil. be To to d • •••4111• of nab eat When mailing noting., kindly us• one side of lb. papa eels, It' Tbe Detroit Jewish Chronicle Invitee •orreepondeewe ea salty tests of intereet to tb• Jewish people, bet ditelsha. respeasis BOW for an indorsement of the views •rpremeird by lb. writers cis el N , Sabbath Scriptural Selections tit tit th F: is Pentateuchal portion—Gen. 32:4-36:43. Prophetical portion—Hos. 12:13.14:10, or Obad. 1:1-21. November 24, 1939 Kislev 12, 5700 The New Jewish Center g' w 0: ir L it S 1 1 Detroit Jewry is enriched by the mag- nificent building on the corner of Wood- ward Avenue and Holbrook which is to be known as the Aaron DeRoy Memorial Jewish Community Center, In more than one sense this new build- ing is to be a center, for around it are to circulate some of the most important ac- tivities in our community. With its en- larged facilities, with its opportunities for service to adults as well as to youth, with provisions for recreational as well as edu- cational projects, this building is to occupy a central position in Detroit Jewish life. Although the Jewish Community Center is now a firmly established agency, it as- sumes a vastly more important position with the completion of the new building, because it now provides facilities which were extremely lacking in the limited quarters of the old structure. There were limitations for educational and recrea- tional work. Athletic activities had to be curtailed. Today the situation has changed and the community has a chance to func- tion more freely in the enlarged Jewish Community Center structure. A membership drive is now being con- ducted by the new Jewish Community Center, in proparation for the carrying into effect of the proposed enlarged pro- gram. The goal of 2500 new members is not- excessive for a community the size of Detroit, and it is to be hoped that this goal will be reached in order that as many Detroit Jews as possible—young and old— may take advantage of the facilities that are offered in the new structure. The dedication of this new building is occasion for genuine celebration by De- troit Jewry. The benefactors who made this building possible are to be congratu- lated and the .Center authorities are to be commended for their efforts in behalf of an extended recreational and educational program. Mankind's Average Opinion At the ceremony of the laying of the cornerstone of the Thomas Jefferson Me- morial, a white marble structure now ris- ing on the rim of the Tidal Basin in Wash- ington, on Nov. 15, President Roosevelt attacked dictatorships and declared that "the average opinion of mankind is in the long run superior to the dictates of the self-chosen." Because it strikes at the very root of our democratic way of life, President Roose- velt's views deserve wider comment. In the course of his address the President declared, in an ahalysis of Thomas Jeffer- son's son's contributions in the field of political philosophy: "He lived as we live in the midst of a struggle between rule by the self- chosen individual or the self-appoint- ed few on the one hand, and rule by the franchise and approval of the many on the other. He believed as we do that the average opinion of man- kind is in the long run superior to the dictates of the self-chosen. "During all the years that have fol- lowed Thomas Jefferson the United States has expanded his philosophy into a greater achievement of secur- ity of the nation, security of the indi- vidual and national unity than in any other part of the whole round world. "It may be that the conflict between the two forms of philosophy will con- tinue for centuries to come but we in the United States are more than ever satisfied with the republican form of government based on regularly recur- ring opportunities to our citizens to choose their leaders for themselves." These words deserve to be engraved in- delibly wherever there are human beings . as reminders of a sacred responsibility to protect a form of government which de- fends the rights of individuals to speak their minds freely and "to choose their leaders for themselves," without dictation from "self-chosen" and "self-appointed" spokesmen. There is particular significance in Presi- dent Roosevelt's statement for Jews. We, too, need leaders to guide us in our sad plight. We need direction. We need spokesmen. But we have not yet reached a stage of such complete democratic living that should guarantee unity of action based on "the average opinion." Often we hear condemnation of "self-appointed spokesmen for Jewry." At the same time, efforts to unite all groups continue to meet with failure, as indicated by the difficul- ties encountered by the American Jewish Congress in securing consent for a com- plete cooperative program in defense of Jewish rights. There are organizations which continue to function on a self-per- petuating basis of leadership, and there are others who are so shackled by a de- sire for silence when Jewish issues arise that they consider those who do express opinion as being "self-appointed" spokes- men. The latter is a view that ought to be discarded from our thinking, What, after 1 individuals to express their average opin- ion. This applies to Jews as well as to other groups. We are engaged in a battle for our just rights. • Is it to be said that no one is to have a right to deny injustice, to repudiate lies, to plead in defense of truth? Must we totalitarianize Jewish thought and leave the right of free ex- pression of opinion to a leadership whose representative character is not yet estab- lished? To speak for the entire Jewish people, it is necessary to have representative and democratically-chosen leadership. On this score the American Jewish Congress is justified in advocating a program of uni- fied action which should include every important Jewish group, whether it is fraternal, religious or philanthropic. By hesitating to act on this proposal, the Gen- eral Jewish Council shows its weakness, and its unrepresentative character. But individual thought must not be sup- pressed if ge opinion is to culminate in the opinion of the people as a whole. Expression of average opinion is the basis of all human rights. It is the foundation of freedom of people to speak and to as- semble for the discussion of their views. It is applicable to the Jewish people. It is the heart of Americanism. It is the life- sustaining element of humanity. Hadassah's Honor Roll Hadassah's annual Honor Roll campaign is no longer a routine affair. It is yearly increasing in significance, and has now reached a stage in which the needs are infinitely greater than they have been in the past decade. More children have to be settled in Palestine through Youth Aliyah, the health activities must be expanded, nurses must be trained, school children must be given wholesome food. The co-operation of all Hadassah groups in Detroit in the current Honor Roll, in- cluding Junior Hadassah and the Business and Professional Division of the organiza- tion, add weight to the unanimity with which the women are working In this great cause. They deserve heartiest com- mendations on the manner in which they mobilized community support for their projects in Palestine. Shame Added to Injury There is no limit to the degradation to which Jews are subjected by the Nazis. Destruction was followed by expulsions and exile. • A slave state has been established in Lublin, and Nazis propose to settle three- quarters of a million Jews behind barbed wires and in enforced labor. Now comes the most shameful of all acts. The Jewish community of Lodz re- fused to supply 100 Jewish women to be used for immoral purposes among the sol- diers. Whereupon Jewish girls and wom- en were snatched on the streets of the city and kidnapped for the horrible life as- signed to them by the Nazis. This practice has now been extended to other cities, including Warsaw, where police authorities refuse to intercede to protect the Jewish women. What has happened to the voice of Christianity? Is mankind doomed? If there is a semblance of decency left on earth, then a powerful voice must let itself be heard at once, lest the founda- tions. of civilization should crumble. The Yearning for Freedom Those who are confused and disturbed by the ruthless methods by which entire nations have been deprived of their inde- pendence in the last two years need not yield to complete despair. 'These nations will arise again. There will be a free Czechoslovakia, a free Poland, an inde- pendent Austria. Even the most pessimistic will find com- fort in the news that comes from Czecho- slovakia. Defying the rule of the Nazi oppressors, students in Prague last week demonstrated for freedom and against op- pression. There were a number of arrests, and several executions, but the 2,000 Czech university students had to be dispersed five times before they abandoned their demonstration. A people, when it has national will, can not be completely submerged and en- slaved. It will rise up again and will make itself free when the opportunity arrives. This is true of Czechs. It is true of Poles. It is true of Austrians. It is true of Jews. The yearning for freedom is too strong to be crushed. When inspired by national will, peoples who crave for independence will attain it. Genius in Exile It has just been revealed that Oskar Straus, eminent composer of Viennese waltzes and operettas, was naturalized as a French citizen on Sept. 3, the news hay- ng escaped notice because it was the day of the declaration of war. This interesting change of citizenship brings to public attention again the fact that among others who have been granted French citizenship, since the advent of Nazism, are Bruno Walter, famous conductor, and Fritz Kreisler, world renowned violinist, and hat honorary citizenship is soon to be conferred by France upon Ignace Jan Padere•ski, pianist and former Premier of Poland. Thus, genius In exile finds haven under democratic banners. The loss of the dic- atorships is the gain of lands of freedom. Countries that have welcomed these exiles have benefited from the waves of oppres- sion under Nazism. Women's Congress Division to Meet Monday, Nov. 27 The next meeting of the De- troit Chapter of the Women's Division of the American Jewish Congress will take place Monday, Nov. 27, at 2:15 p. m., at the Detroit Leland Hotel. This meet- ing is one of importance to every Jewish woman in Detroit, since reports of active committees will be given and work to be assumed in the immediate future will be discussed. "The Women's Division of the American Jewish Congress is a democratic organization," states Mrs. Nathan Spevakow, president, in an appeal to Detroit women. "It is your organization. You must shape its policies. You must initiate its program. You must carry out its work. You cannot fulfill the purposes of the Con- gress in absentia. It is your duty as an American and as a Jewess to attend the next meeting of the Detroit chapter of the Women's Division of the American Jew- ish Congress, Nov. 27." The board of directors will meet at 10:30 a. m. of the same day, at the Detroit Leland Hotel. Emanuel Chanukah Dinner on Dec. 12 Will Mark 15th Anni the Founding of the Synagogue of PURELY COMMENTARY By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Robert Marshall—Distinguished Forester The death of Robert Marshall, chief of the divi- sion of recreation in the Forestry Service of the United States Government,, is a loss that is diffi- cult to measure in words. Ono of the least pub- licized of the public servants, he was nevertheless one of the most valuable and one of the ablest men in Washington. Son of the late Louis Marshall, he followed a family tradition that is little known generally. His father was greatly interested in forestry, and had made valuable contributions to the University of Syracuse from whose College of Forestry Bob Marshall was graduated in 1923. (Louis Marshall was chairman of the board of trustees of the University of Syracuse School of Forestry and was succeeded by Al Smith.) It is interesting com- mentary on the life of the great leader, Louis Marshall, that his children took interest in one or another of their father's aspirations—Bob pursuing forestry, James becoming a leader in educational circles and now serving as President of the Board of Education of New York, George being an econo- mist and the late Ruth Marshall Billikopf, whose great interest in learning we discussed editorially on Nov. 3, having devoted herself to furthering educational projects and the needs of children. Robert Marshall was an explorer as well as n forester, Only 38 years old at the time of his death on Nov. 11, when he was enroute to New York from Washington, he had many accomplishments to his credit. He held the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Johns Hopkins University. Ile settled in Washington in 1931 after a 15-month stay above the Arctic circle in the Alaskan village of Wiseman and as a result of his experiences there he wrote "Arctic Village." In 1933 he was named chief forester of the Indian Affairs Bureau, and in 1937 he was appointed head of the new division of recreation. Last summer he again de- voted his vacation to en exploration trip in North- ern Alaska and made interesting discoveries of glaciers and their sources. Touching tributes were paid to his memory by Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes, Gifford Pinchot, Chief Forester Ferdinand Silcox and others. But the most interesting word of praise came several years ago from the late Justice Ben- jamin N. Cardoso, who said: "I love Bob. He is the most wonderful boy I have ever known. When he visits me he literally brings cheer and sunshine into my life . . . " One must earn such tribute from a man like Cardoso. Thus ends another chapter in the history of the Marshall family. Bob Marshall died a very young man, but he crowded many achievements into the brief span of his life. .0 • Justice Brandeis at 83 Except for a brief notice in the newspapers, former Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis' 83rd birthday, on Nov. 13, passed unnoticed. But in the Ten-Year Book presented to Justice Bran- deis at the 10th anniversary dinner of the Jewish Club, held in celebration of the eminent jurist's birthday on Nov. 12, in New York, Dr. Stephen S. Wise wrote the following tribute: Celebrating the 15th anniver- sary of the erection of the Syna- gogue Beth Tefllo Emanuel, the annual Chanukah dinner will be held in the social hall on Tues- day evening, Dec. 12. Members of the synagogue, seat-holders, members of the Sis- terhood, together with their fam- ilies and friends, are invited to attend. An interesting musical program will be offered by the famous youthful American-born Cantor Isrolikel Flusberg of Brooklyn, N. Y. Cantor Flusberg, who re- cently gave a concert in Detroit, one of the cities he visited on a tour of the principal cities of the country, will return for this engagement. Cantor Flusberg, who is 20 years of age, has served as choir boy with prominent can- tors including the renowned Can- tor Joshua Weisberg. He has been 1.1111 D. Mandela stands facile twines -Pe In the Jfbkh a student at the Mesifto Torah amid today. He an the Latin phrase her It, easily Our F'or'mat. I do not know that any ilving Jews Vodaath Rabbinical School in would chalks;. my statement, unit. conceivably It Brooklyn and upon completion of be those who hold that 31r. Jurtice B Brandeis' immentur- his studies will be a fully ordained able ... ice to the re-buliding of Palestine does not confer upon him that Prim."' Pl.. to which I Imre rabbi as well as a cantor. A alluded. repertoire of songs particularly Mr. Brandeis Is great American. I do not knon ihat there appropriate to Chanukah has • greater. Ile holds today In the rever- ence of the American people, the Phi. held viircers- been prepared for this occasion. hely for two or three deoadeo by President Reservations may be secured by Harvard and the late Justice Holm.. I wander whether President Roosevelt, If he mold telephoning the office of the syna- be interrogated, ...Id not eagerly *spent to the fain gogue, Tr. 1-2934, or Mrs. Max of ninny of nu t. regent to tinsmith.' uncholleoraWe Schublner, secretary of the Sis- primacy In (be realm of political and spiritual elate. manship. terhood, 3759 Carter, Ty. 6-6251. Thom. of no oho hose been privileged to stand at 111e Arrangements for the prepara- side throuninut nearl y whole generation have felt liaronghout there yenrs that next to Theodor Beni tion of a home-cooked meal are ;!),11nruelf, Brandeis is the tholes. Sift of re.hletwe in being planned by the members of .1 ,41sh people. Ile what an American Jew ought the Sisterhood. 111 be--ss sin hie life integrated Into, an It Is dominated by, the spirit of the American detnoes.7. Mrs. Mandel Rosensweig is coupled *sin his eassionate h Is the capacity of general chairman and is assisted his people onee again to build themselves through elmrarler and .511110113 and merle. Into • really . by the following committee: Mes- ereatile and etnicenble people. The dream of recreat- dames Rose Lipman, Max Schnei- ing the National Jewish Home are Brandeis der, Eli Sachse, Jack Seder, Jack basic to us. No see since Herel done more to help the Jeulon people to ergots raison. for themreivn Zeldes, Herman Fisher, and Wil- than he whore birthday is eelebrated on Nov. 13, liam Adeson, president of the Sis- terhood. The complete story of Justice Brandeis' con- The Sisterhood met Nov. 20 at tributions to efforts for Jewish national rebirth is the home of Mrs. Herman Fisher. yet to be written. It is a story which, when told, Mrs. Morris Weingarten present- will present the former Justice of the United States ed a paper on current events, de- Supreme Court as one of the most eminent inter- picting the plight of the Jew in preters of the Jewish will-to-live. In the evaluation various parts of the world. Plans of these gifts to modern Jewish efforts for national for a bridge party and rummage redemption, Rabbi Wise's tribute will stand out sale in the near future were die-I a s the encomium of a friend who knew how to cussed. A social hour followed the appreciate the genuine Jewish thinking of a great meeting. American and a great humanitarian. LET FREEDOM RING (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE 0501 in a most brilliant fashion, per- haps only as a Negro could do it. In the introduction, Miss Hur- ston explains that the reason Moses is revered as he is by her people is because he had the Power to go up the mountain to bring down the laws and that he talked with God face to face. She describes the early life of the Hebrews in Egypt, and in the course of conversations she in- terprets attitudes, fears, reac- tions, and hopes which predomi- nated at the time. There is a dis- cussion, for instance, between Amram and a comrade before the birth of Moses. They speak of Pharaoh and the lack of nerve on the part of the people to deal w ith him. Amram 's comrade says that he hates himself for not try- ing violence against Pharaoh even if they kill him for it. And Amram replies: "That what I hate 'em for, too, making me scared to die. It's a funny thing, the less people have to live for, the less nerve they have to risk losing—nothing." Throughout this study there is alternate defiance and deter- mination. When bolstered up by a leader like - Moses the people gained courage. When their stom- achs happened to be empty, they cried for slavery. When the delegation of pro- testing Hebrews comes to Moses to demand food, their mission cul- minating in the appearance of manna, he speaks as follow, in Miss Hurston's novel: "1 had the idea, all along that you tam e out her . hunting freedom. I didn't know you were hunting • karteta e. Free- d om ook like the biggest thing that God ever made to Eno, and bein g • little hungry for the sake of it ought not to stop you. Your wi•es and your chil- dren •re your ow n now. I lift your eves to the bills. I have been hungry a lot of times in piece s just like this, but I felt that getting what I west sifter was worth it, so I mad* myself satisfied. I found out want won't kilt-you half a. quick as worry wilt" Miss Hurston accepts Moses a' an Egyptian who had met with dis- pleasureat Pharaoh's court. But aside from this deviation from ac- Regarding Jewish Archives MEMBERSHIP DRIVE OF BNAI BRITH IS ON IN FULL SWING Bernard G. Richards, director of the Jewish In- formation Bureau, writes the Commentator in ref- erence to our endorsement of Abraham Caplan's Bnai Brith is conducting the proposal that "the preservation of historical facts most extensive nationwide mem- and the careful documentation of the biographies bership campaign in the 96-year of the creative spirits of every community should history of the order. In 25 of become an integral part of organized Jewish life." the larger cities in the United Mr. Richards writes to point out that the Jewish States American Jewry is becom. Information Bureau is actually building up a Jew- ing better acquainted with the ish archive, at its office at 103 Park Ave., New manifold services being performed York, and he invites the interest and cooperation by the Bnai Brith. of Jewish scholars like Mr. Caplan in the work he First results of this national is doing. campaign come from Chicago, Several months ago, Jacob Fishman, writing in where Eddie Cantor, famous ac- his column "From Day to Day" in the Jewish tor and comedian, welcomed over Morning Journal, commended Mr. Richards' work 1,200 new members at a rally and referred to his bureau as "one of the most which marked the midway point useful institutions in America." Mr. Fishman of the Chicago lodges' annual write: membership campaign. The per- "One of the most useful institutions in America sonal appearance of Mr. Cantor attracted a capacity crowd of which does its work very modestly and without making a lot of noise is the Jewish Information over 3,000 which included the new Bureau, which has been established by the well- members and invited guests. From all key cities in the na- known communal worker and writer Bernard G. Richards. The Bureau is conducted by a committee tional Bnai Brith membership of experts, the members of which, together with campaign come reports of large Mr. Richards, give their time to this activity with- numbers of new members being out any compensation. I recommend this important received. In Detroit the four bureau to all those who are seeking light on Jewish lodges have banded together in a subjects. It would also be most desirable to have city-wide drive and the following our philanthropically-minded men and women give lodges report many new applica- additional support to the Bureau so as to enable tions have been received: Pisgah Lodge No. 34, Louis Marshall it to enlarge its activities." We concur wholeheartedly with this endorse- Lodge No. 1203, Detroit Lodge No, 1374 and Theodor lierzl ment, but we continue to believe that this work ought not to be limited to one organization, or to Lodge No. 1377. one community. It should become the task of every community structure to help preserve valuable his- torical material. A man like Mr. Richards is especially well quali- fied to pursue this task. He is a scholar, an able writer and s good organizer (he served as execu- tive secretary of the American Jewish Congress from its inception until about five years ago). The community appeal for the Ile deserves encouragement in the work he is United Jewish Appeal for the doing through the Jewish Information Bureau. Refugees and Overseas Needs in Lansing, Mich., is now being car- • ried forward by the local Federa- From Danzig — An Aryanization Story tion. Maurice Tannenbaum is Although rather belated, an incident reported chairman of the compaign com- as having occurred in Danzig shortly before the mittee and Samuel Fox is chair- Hitler grab is extremely interesting. man of the budget and allocations A Jewish passenger offered his seat to an "Ar- committees. Matthew R. Kaplan yan" lady on a crowded tram-car, and thereby is Federation president, Other aroused her fury. "How dare you?" she shouted. Federation officers are Charles E. "I shall never sit on a Jew's seat." But the seat Federman, first vice president; remained vacant for only a while, and soon a Ger- Samuel J. Rapaport, second vice man worker occupied it until the next station. Then president; David Friedland, third he arose and addressing himself to the irate lady vice president; William A. Pres- said: "Madam, you can have this seat now. It has ent, treasurer; Harvey Steadman, already been Aryanized." It is needless to add that executive secretary, this sally met with convulsive laughter from all the other passengers. Vouched for as an authentic story, this is more than an anecdote. It carries with it an important moral lesson. As long as bigotry will be answered with puns, humanity is not lost. And there is plenty of fun throughout the world at the expense of the Nazis and their ilk. The Jewish National Fund • Council acknowledges the plant- Honoring Meritorious Service ing of five trees in the Butzel Miss Esther Ruth Prussian was honored very Forest in honor of the birth of informally on the occasion of her completion of David Jay Miller, by his grand- 15 years of service with the Jewish Welfare Fed- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Gold- eration. But the event assumed a holiday spirit berg and Mr. and Mrs. Louis by virtue of the interest shown in it by spokesmen Miller, and the Ladies' Auxiliary for all community agencies. It was deservedly a of the Jewish National Fund. city-wide tribute for meritorious service. Those who For information regarding the have participated in fund-raising campaigns Sri planting of trees in the Fred M. the past decade know how devotedly Miss Prussian Butzel Forest in Palestine, call has worked to help bring success to the drives. Mrs. P. Slomovitz, 17417 Stoepel, She was always in the thick of the battles for Un. 1-6972. much-needed funds. tier time was the community's during months of struggle to interest Detroit Jewry in scores of important causes. She is a valu- Los Angeles Sanatorium Ba- able public servant, and deserves all the recegni- zaar Shower Saturday ion given her, Evening • Thought for the Week—From the A bazaar shower in prepara- Treasures of Our People tion for the annual bazaar of the As a thought for the week, which can properly Detroit Auxiliary of the Los An- be kept sacredly in mind by all people, at all times, geles Sanatorium will be held we present the following from our Talmudic tress- this Saturday evening at Jericho urert Temple. Admission fee will be a package of merchandise for the Who is wise?—He who learn. from every- body. bazaar. There will be refreshments and entertainment. L. Fogel, ra- Who is strong?—H e who conquers himself. dio artist, will be the guest en - Who i s rich?—He who is satisfied with what tertainer. he has. The Los Angeles Sanatorium Who is honorable?—He whom kis oeighlsors bazaar will be held at the Bnai honor. Moshe from Dec. 2 to 10. Counsels Jews Against Self-Blame for Bigotry cepted Biblical fact, she adheres NEW YORK (WNS) — Jew - t o the Bibli ca I s t ory. She Sot in espe- Social Studies, a quarterly cially effective when she deals ish journal devoted to contempor- with Moses' powers in producing ary and historical aspects of miracles and she credits him with Jewish life, edited for the Con- extreme strength in his right arm ference on Jewish relations, in- as the producer of miraculous re- cludes in its current issue ar- sults. ticles by Z. Diesendruck on Moses knew his people and un- "Anti-Semitism and Ourselves," derstood what it meant to deal Gustav Mayer on "Early Ger- with slaves. When Aaron suggest- man Socialism and Jewish ed to him a shorter road than the Emancipation," and David G. wilderness of the Red Sea, Moses Mandelbaum on "The Jewish replied: "1 know it, Aaron, but Way of Life in Cochin." our people are leaving slavery. "Whenever we are confront- It takes free men for fighting. ed with an ambiguously ration- The Philistines might let us alized, at times even bashful through without fighting, but it anti-Semitism, let us courage. is too much of a risk. If these ously penetrate to the truth people see an army right now behind it," Mr. Diesendurck as - they would turn right around and serts, counseling Jews against run right back into Goshen." seeking to blame their own Equally significant is Miss traits for anti-Semitism. 9n Hurston's interpretation of the the individual cases of aggres- reaction of Moses to the report sion we must of course defend submitted by the spies who were ourselves with all available sent to study the Promised Land. means, protect our rights and When he found that they were our honor and also our life, still dominated by a slave psy- socially, economically and spiri- chology, he decided that the only tually we should improve fol- way out of the difficulty was to lowing the demands of our best keep the Hebrews in the wilder- wisdom and conscience. "Let us give up the apolo- ness for 40 years until the genera- tion of slaves disappeared and un- getic squinting; let us free til the freemen remain the Peo- ourselves from the burden of proof for the right of our ex- ple Israel. istence and also from the bur- Mist! Hurston has written a solendid study of slave emancipa- den of finding and removing the causes of that which is it- tion. From this point of view her biography of Moses is powerful. self a prime cause. When call- ed to the last account—it is not MOcilen) MAN OF TUN MOUNTAIN. J. n. sip- we who are the defendants. " 1, nort p VIT T. V s '.1 ;1111 1:getio pti• • (531. Let us submit to our fate with reserve and dignity." U. S. CAN NOT LOCATE RELATIVES IN POLAND Whereabouts of Max (Mi. Writing to Harry Okrent of chael or Moishe) Gerowitz R44 Buhl Bldg., in response to Is Sought in Detroit an inquiry relative to assistance in ascertaining the whereabouts Information is wanted of Max of relatives in Poland, George L (Moishe Michael) Gerowitz, Brandt, administrative officer of who was or last heard from in No- the U. S. Department of State, vember, 1938, while he was in wrote: Detroit. His wife and two minor "The Department is unable to children, living in New Yerk City, undertake inquiries regarding the are in destitute circumstances and whereabouts and welfare of alien greatly in need of his financial relatives of American citizens in assistance. Mr. Gerowitz is about Poland, since the German authori- 48 years of age, 5 ft. 5 in. tall, ties in occupation of the terri- of medium weight, has brown tory of Poland have declined to hair and black eyes. Anyone entertain requests from this gov- aware of his location Is requested ernment for information concern- to communicate with the National ing alien relatives of American Desertion Bureau, 67 W. 47th St., citizens in that ecuntrY." New York City. Lansing Campaign Now in Progress Trees Planted In The Butzel Forest AUDIENCE OF i,000 RECITES PSALMS IN MEMORY OF JEWISH VICTIMS OF WAR IN POLAND An audience exceeding 1,000 at- tended the memorial meeting in tribute to the victims of war and Nazi outrages in Poland on Tuesday evening. Led by Cantor David Katzman, the audience recited psalms. Can- tor Katzman also chanted the El Molei Rachamim. Speakers at the meeting were Morris Mohr, president of the De - troit branch of the Federation of Polish Jews in America, under whose auspices the gathering was arranged; Rabbi Joshua S. Spec- ka, who presided; Rabbi Moses Fischer, Philip Slomovits, Rabbi M. J. Wohlgelernter, Albert Brown, midwest field worker of the Federation of Polish Jews; Rabbi Morris Adler, Joseph Hag - gai. The speakers urged that Jews be prepared to work untiringly for the relief of Polish Jewry's plight and for their rehabilitation. A message of sympathy was received at the meeting from the Detroit Central Polish Citizens' Committee of which Chester A. Kozdroy Is president. J. Y. P. S. of Shaarey Zedek Contributions to Scholarship Plans Open Meeting Fund of United Hebrew Schools The Junior Young People's So- ciety of Shaarey Zedek will hold The United Ilebrew Schools ac- its next meeting on Nov. 26, at knowledge the receipt of two 2:45 p. rn., in room 302 of Shaa- scholarships to the scholarship rey Zedek. The door will be closed fund of the :wheels from Ilerman at 3. An interesting speaker has Radner, in memory of his dearly been scheduled and a program of beloved mother, Molly Radner. dancing will follow the business The Schools acknowledge the meeting. receipt of one scholarship to the On Saturday night, Dec. 2, a scholarship fund from Mrs. Jen- dance for the club members will nie Winer, and her children, Ar- be given in the social hall of the thur Y., Sidney J., Sylvia R., and Congregation. Gertrude D. Winer, in memory of Ray Newman, chairman of the their dearly beloved husband and program committee, has an- father, Samuel Z. Winer. nounced that plans are now being The United Ilebrew Schools ac- completed for the Chanukah cele- knowledge the receipt of two bration to be given Sunday, Dec. scholarships to the scholarship 10. This will be the first open fund from Mr. and Mrs. Adolph meeting of the year, details to be Dinetz of Sturtevant Ave., in announced Dec. I. honor of their grandchild. Carol At the last meeting of the J. Janice Dinetz. • P. S. , Aaron Silberblatt gave Two scholarships were received an interpretation of the work an I by the schools from Samuel Feld- duties of a court reporter. man of Chicago Blvd., in memory of his dearly beloved wife, Anna Feldman. Gifts to North End Clinic Ladies' Auxiliary of Hun- North End Clinic has received garian Congregation to the following contributions: Have Open Meeting on In memory of Moses Himelhoch, Thursday from Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Ros- enfeld. The Ladies Auxiliary of the For the Supplementary Medical Detroit Jewish Hungarian Con- Assistance Fund for Children: In gregation will hold an open meet- memory of Moses Ilimelhoch, ing on Thursday, Nov.' 30, at 8 from Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. D. m., at 9850 12th St. An invi- Atlas. tation is extended to all mem- For the Social Service Relief bers, their husbands and pros- Fund, from Jennie Grogan Men- pective members. Refreshments delson Memorial Fund. will be served free of charge.