Atteriaut Apish Periailal Cater CLIFTON ATINIII • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO October 20, 1939 PEPLTROWEWISit (ARMIN:1B and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Bnai Moshe Men's Club Natural Ray Magnetic Spring' Elects Officers; Sisterhood Water Distributed by Dinner-Dance Oct. 29 Sofferin & Sons Theodor M. Curtis was elected Natural Ray Magnetic Mineral president of the Bnai Moshe Men's Club at the annual election Spring Water, bottled in St. Louis, held last week. Sidney Rosman is Mich., is being distributed through the new vice-president, Morris Detroit and Wayne County by the Weinstein, treasurer, and Mitchell Feldman, secretary; directors, Adolph Beck, Julius Herskowitz, Ernest Labe. Lawrence Lebowitz, Joseph Matyas, Kenneth Fischer, Ben. F. Goldman, Harry Gunsberg, Andrew Iczkowitz a n d Harry Rosman. The Bnai Moshe Sisterhood re- quests congregation members to make reservations for the in- augural dinner dance by telephon- ing the congregation office, Ho- garth 0862, not later than Friday, Oct. 27, 4 p. m. The dinner dance will be held Sunday evening, Oct. 29. The Sisterhood also announces a bingo card party on Sunday eve- ning, Nov. 5, proceeds to go for charitable purposes. Mrs. Bernard Klein, Mrs. Alex Fisch and Mrs. Joseph Grossman are on the ar- rangements committee. PAGE NINE POTOMAC SPOTLIGHT The New Jewish Highlights in the Happenings at the Nation's Capital By MAURICE WARNER Sam Jack Kaufman Community Center To Provide Music DRAMATICS For All Occasions Dramatics will receive due em- phasis in the program planned for the new Aaron DeRoy memorial building of the Jewish Community Center, about to be completed on Woodward at Holbrook. Activities to attract children, young people and adults are being arranged by the capable personnel of the dra- matic department. While hereto- fore, limited space was available i n the former building for drama- tic presentations, the new building, planned with the utmost care, will provide many improved facilities for such programming. Refugee Conclave ictINc•UDED MOM PAGE TWO) 'land was ridiculed by French newspapers which called the re- ported plan "another example of Ilitler's incoherence," tablishment of a Jewish or any other legion in the British army . Foreigners would be accorded the Herschel Leib, Also Formerly of I same treatment as other volun- Fox Theater, to B. Asso- teers, Here-Belisha said, adding ciated With Him that "Our methods are going to be to take those people into our Sam Jack Kaufman, eminent army just as any others. Far from musician and pianist, for nine accepting any legions, we have years musical director and master abolished all distinctions. We want of ceremonies at the Fox Theater, one British army." has opened an office at 1025 Fox Kin Reports Prof. Schorr Exe- cuted by Nazis The execution of Senator Moses Schorr of Poland, Chief Rabbi of Warsaw, was confirmed here by a brother-in-law of the eminent Po- lish Jewish leader. According to the kinsman, a refugee from Po- land, Rabbi Schorr was shot by a Nazi firing squad soon after Warsaw was occupied by the Ger- man army of invasion because of his reputation as an ardent Polish Reds Begin Purge of Bundists patriot and a confirmed friend of PARIS. (WNS1—Adherents of t he Polish Jewish workers' party, France, Rumors that he is still known as Bundists, are being sub- alive and may be in Russia are jected to violent persecution by nevertheless unconfirmed although Soviet authorities in the Russian- hope for his safety was expressed occupied Polish territory, accord- by two daughters in Faris and ing to information reaching here relatives in London. Foreign Min- which disclosed that public meet- ister August Zaleski of the Polish- ings and newspaper editorials in government-in-exile, also express; the occupied area daily denounce ed doubt as to his execution. Dr. James Bernstein and Ed- members of the Band and the Po- lish Socialist Party as "traitors," ouard Oungre, directors of the "petty bourgeois" and "lackeys of IIIAS-ICA Emigration Associa- the Polish ruling clam." Leaflets in tion, has begun negotiations which Yiddish, Polish and Ukrainian lan- may remove the headquarters of the organization from Paris to guages are distributed daily, es- Brussels. In order to facilitate pecially in Galicia. r efugee-aid operations, transfer of A synagogue and a Catholic the offices to a neutral country church have been demolished in .sas considered advisable in view the former Polish Corridor town of the fact that a new French law of Tuchel, near Bydgoszcz, ac- makes it almost impossible to send cording to a report in the Danzig f unds abroad to the various emi- Nazi newspaper Dansigor Verpos- gration institutions conducting ten, Approximately 140 Jews who emigration work in neutral coun- resided in the town have fled, the tries and also because conditions report also states. brought about by the war situa- The reported German plan to tion make it difficult for the or- establish a "Jewish state" in PO- ganization to expedite the emi- gration of former German citi- zens from Paris. WASHINGTON, — Senator dent Grover Cleveland declaring: Burke, of Nebraska, said it all. "Our people, when their sym- Ile's an independent guy, Burke, pathies are touched, when their and often he doesn't agree with humane instincts are challenged, what the administration wants, and when their hatred of oppres- and on one wall of his office he has sion is aroused, are not afraid to a plaque, certifying. to his fight speak ... we protest against every to kill Roosevelt's Supreme Court bizoted creed that forbids religious bill. But sometimes it works the toleration and freedom of consci- ence." other way, too. Sometimes Burke agrees with And no Burke went back even the administration, and wen he to Daniel Webster, and showed on does, it is usually for an honest which side this country has al• and straightforward reason. Ile ways stood, in a speech which will agreed with the President on re- go down in history as easily the The spotlight is turned on the peal of the arms embargo, and he greatest of the neutrality battle. new auditorium with a capacity of (Copyright, 1939, S. A. F. NJ said, quite simply, what no one close to 700 people, which was else had yet dared to say. converted from the former gym- Ile said that to repeal the em- nasium. Here, amidst a beautiful bargo was unneutral, and to keep setting, in a hall acoustically treat- it was also unneutral, but that by ed and air-conditioned, sufficient golly he wouldn't vote for any ac- Sabbath Morning &mice. 0051 ,015 morning, Oct. 21, at space will be available for all types tion that helped Hitler. So he's 11 o'clock, Rabbi Leon From will of dramatic performances. One- pr•tch for repealing the embargo. on t he topic: "God of Our Pother, Abraham, Imaac and Jacob." ■ ct play tourneys, dramatic pro- And he asked a few questions, Dr. Planklin's Study Flaw ductions of communal organiza- to-wit: 'Beginning Oct. 91, at 11 o'clock, Dr. Leo H. Fran klin'• morning study clam, tions, in addition to the annual "For myself,' I see no justifica- wih Jewish Center Dance Classes eretofore ha. met on Mond•y, Community Center Capers, and tion on any ground for permitting w i ll - its hold sessions on Tuesday morn• Open; New Pupils Invited SAM SOFFERIN The central theme for discussion fashion shows will find an excel- a law to stand that favors Hitler. inn. will be ''The Jew and' Inter-Group lent setup for large scale produc- newly organized firm of Sofferin Must we close our ears to his brok- With the beginning of the fall Relationship,." nee. ration. will 5. tions. It in expected, too, that a A Sons at 429 Brainard. en promises? Must we shut our When on the gerund floor of the Ter. season, dance classes are again pie In the whoul office on Oct. IL or Cinema Guild will be organized, The St. Louis spring was acci- eyes to one after another of the any week-day previoua to that time. resumed with their customary dentally uncovered in 1869 by two independent nations of Europe The charge is II for a course of 10 which will present the best Amer- popularity under the direction of ican and European films not gen- pioneers, Holcomb and Evans, that stood in his path to power and Voting People's Temple Club: Edith Muskin, women's hetlth di- erally shown commercially. The while they were drilling for salt, chanced not to be strong enough The annual dinner meeting of the rector at the Jewish Community and was the first discovered in to resist his advances? Must we Young l'eople's Temple Club will take new auditorium will offer better Center. place on Sunday, Oct. H. The meeting visibility, an enlarge stage, im- Michigan. The water was found blot from our memory his record will be hold •t 1:30. the dinner at 4. Miss Muskin, during the sum- t o have great natural curative of religious persecutions? Of ra- The 'Boner will be followed by dancing. proved dressing rooms, modern mer, took intensive courses in the q ualities. Interest faded as new cial atrocities? Of the suppression For members only. stage equipment and lighting, It Temple Mmterhood: SAM JACK KAUFMAN dance with prominent masters in s prings were discovered in other of individual freedom?" t in Monday, Oct 23, at 1030, Dr. will also be used for piano re- Woodburn Items, profe.or in the that field. She studied the Martha s ections, and activity ceased until Ent• citals, lecture and Concert series, Theater Building, telephone Ran- Burke, in scholarly fashion, went I imh department of Wayne University, Graham technique and composi- this year when a group of local way back to bring from the for- wIll review 'nests, of Wrath... Con• dances, luncheons, banquets and dolph 1748, to provide music and tion of the Modern Dance with business men reawakened interest gotten recqrds of history the facts fleeted by Dr. Ross, and includitw the bridges. It will be used to advan. e n t e r t a inment for banquqets, these saethical practices are Wallace Derides Racism; Scien- evident mentioned above, the course ng other religious Jane Dudley, director of the New by financing a modern bottling that showed that we Americans review will continue for six coneecuttve Mono tage by communal organizations dances, club parties and weddings, groups, tists at Fair Analyse Prejudice it remains for us to Dance Group in New York City, plant which operates right at the have never scorned to show our (Nye. Mrs. Million Marx la chairman, for their annual major functions. Herschel Leib, prominent vio- start the movement of furthering NEW YORK. (WNS) — The Po, 2.1745 ant tickets may be bought Along with this improvement, d isfavor for regimes where free- from her at II :56 for the courae, or who is also a member of Miss spa. linist, who was associated with ethica theory of racial superiority was pciples just because we the new building will contain an Mr. Kaufman at the Fox ;heater Graham's Concert Group. She According to actual chemical d om was damned. He remembered 35 cent sfor individual lectures. are attacked andpleas for tolerance inori y. assembly hall, with a seating ca- as associate conductor amMarches- studied with Nathan Vizonsky, to analysis made in June, 1938, by t he Russian's persecutions of the were made at a panel discussion Te pacity of 250 people. This will be tra manager, will again be con- otably in the fields of authority on the Hebrew dance, the Hygienic Laboratory at the , ews 60 years ago, and how a Jews Seek to Enter Soviet- on "How Scientists Can Help especially helpful to the organiza- Controlled Areas and took lessons in tap dancing University of Michigan in Ann m ayor of New York had said: nected with Mr. Kaufman's new com rce and industry, because Combat Racism," in the Little tion of a little theater group, re- of its competitive nature, many of Arbor, the spring water is en- In the name of freedom of from Fran Scanlan. organization. An increasing flood of Jewish Theater in the Science and Edu- hearsals of play productions, de- us have lost the perspective of the Prepared to pro Miss Muskin announces that a tirely different in chemical con- t Nought, of religious liberty, I feel refugees from German-occupied the best purpose of business. We see busi- nation Building at the World's y well at that we are called upon to protest Polish territory into Soviet Rus- bates, poetry and declamation con- l ocal bands as well social dancing course will begin tent from that of th of town ness ventures moving in on corn- Fair, The four speakers who took tests, musicales and small concerts, name bands for all on Tuesday, Oct. 24, at p. m., St. Louis. Natural Magnetic against the tyrranical illiberality sia's new holding was reported in ions, Mr. mon ground, establishing price Part in the discussion were Henry dance recitals, club dramatic tour- Kaufman states that, at the Dexter Center, Dexter Mineral Water is said to have of a government which permits the an Associated Press dispatch from neys and office has cuts, etc., In the attempt to pro- A. Wallace, Secretary of Agricul- small luncheons and curative powers squat to those persecution of an entire people for Moscow which said that the stream t made connections to , ovide the Blvd. near Lawrence. This course, mote more business; but in the ure; Dr. Franz Boaz, Professor of the Carlsbad springs in Ger- the simple reason that they are of Jewish refugees was estimated bridges. It will also be found suit- beat in entertainment s Emeritus of Anthropology at Co- which has regularly attracted and that able for religious services, Boy anything, "from a 'soloist to a end, all the unscrupulous prac- a peculiar race and peculiar unof ficially as between 600,000 many young men and women who many, and has been adopted by of lumbia University; Hadley Can- tices are sacrificing their own net Scout rallies, lodge meetings and many of the foremost doctors and faith." to 1,000,000. The population of symphony orchestra,".will be por- gain, not only in monetary value, tril, associate professor of psy- either want to learn or improve hospitals in treating constipation, And in the early days of this Bialystok, on the Russian side, soirees. curable, chology at Princeton University, their dance steps, will run weekly which was the first idea, but in stomach troubles and rheumatic century the country was similarly normally 100,000, is said to be "Music with distinction is our cu lt and William A. lIamm, assistant for 10 lessons. A charge of $1 conditions. • aroused, Burke found, with Presi- nearly doubled. motto,' said Mr. Leib, superintendent of schools in New for registration will be made for CLUB ROOM FACILITIES I have in mind several exam- York City. Professor Walter Ran- social members, but no fee for Meeting room space for vary- ples of this particular situation. tenstrauch, head of the depart- full members. The lemons include ing sizes of groups will be pro- Chronicle Reader Urges Em- The one which has served to cre• ment of industrial engineering at fox-trot, waltz and tango as well vided in the new Aaron Deitoy ate this appeal to the Jews of De- Columbia University, was chair- phasis on Jewish Ethical as some of the newer dance steps. Memorial Building of the Jewish troit follows: Two Jewish gas sta- Mrs, Morris Adler addrewed Flint man of the meeting which was Everyone is invited to attend this iladassah on Wednesday afternoon at tions oni opposing corners have Community Center, about to be Principles held under the auspices of the course and have his dance prob- the community Center. completed at Woodward at Hol- been waging a price war on their American Committee for Democ- lems solved. Climax of cneof the meet unique products now for several years, brook. The new building will have Editor, Detroit Jewish Chronicle: racy and Intellectual Freedom. religious relat lonahips Flint vane' 21 club and class rooms, more than The modern dance group also Wednesday night when the Men'e Club It is, perhaps, one of my Jewish each attempting to beat down his reports that there are several of Temple Beth El held an apPrecht• double the number available in traits edging out, but I have al- opponent's price in the struggle to n dinner for the Rev. Herbert C. t he former building. Since club life ways been a firm believer in the draw away the other's business. Score Senator Paula for Attending vacancies, for which those inter- t Gans.realuning neater of Congrega- German Band Rally is one of the main features of idea that whatever problem my Each is sacrificing his right to a ested may apply on Monday or tional-Unitarian church. Fifty-floe veto attendance with Rabbi Elmer Ber- the programs of the Center, these people attack, it should be at- legitimate business, and conse- Thursday at 7 p. m., in the office in ger of Temple Seth El giving an Despite the widespread protests rooms will be much in demand tempted with the principle of quently remarks and aspersions addressed to Senator James J. of the Center in the United He- aPPreclatiOn elleech for the Itev. Mr. and with the riuh preaenting he and continuously in use. A time "100 per cent success or not at are being heard lately on public Davis of Pennsylvania, against his brew Schools building, Philadel- Gans Protestant minister with • table-model schedule with different shifts will all" behind it. Yes, I believe that vehicles passing the intersection. Participation in phit at Byron. All applicants for radio. Rabbi Berger and the Rev. Mr the Nazi•run "Ger- be required in order to meet the if we Jews put our energies har- The writer recently overhead a have Oiled each ether's pulpits this group must have had some Ga. man Day" in Philadelphia, the on owner°ae occasion., with the rabbi needs of the many clubs requiring moniously to work, the problems bus driver comment at the sense- Senator came to the festival previous training in the dance or conducting the full Protestant service Congregational-UnItarlan church and space. Clubs desiring meeting of today would very soon become less slaughter of the rivals' busi- delivered the principal speech and possess special aptitude. The at the Rev. Mr. Gane being In rheum of of room space will have to make ap- the trials and tribulations of yes- nesses, and finally the statements the evening, according modern dance group, which_ haa Friday Sabbath services at the sYna- to word plication for such with a member terday. But before we can attempt led to a general remark which cut received here. An already performed before many of of the Center staff. One groug to secure esteem in the eyes -of deeply. The statement was finally the German Dey organizations, is now working on The first meeting of the season for anctthe Senator's of clubs will meet from seven t Sisterhood of Temple Beth El the world, we must put our house bnirted. Ont.:— "Eieri— hairless participation appeared in a concert to be presented during the the lob.. • nearly complete ittlenotance those Jews touch, they tie up." nine in the evening, while the in order, of Band's official organ Deutsche? members to the temple rooms Wed - Dedication Week in the middle of Of course the inference that the other will meet from nine to newlay. A luncheon at 12:30 o'clock December. Weckruf and Beobachter. Senator Too many of our people are group as a Inaugurated the ...ion and M.. Ellie whole is responsible Davis and Congressmen James P. eleven. All rooms will be equipped filled with petty animosities to- Warren presided at the opening of the with suitable furnishings and ward members of their own creed for individual acts is pure non- McGranery and Fred C. Gartner !amine. meeting. Mr. Arthur Paster- sense, but It stung me, Being a nak, program chairman, Introduced the comfortable chairs. to ever hope to summon the re- (the latter known to the Bundites Rev. H. C. Gana who reviewed "Grapes • LEGAL NOTICES Jew, I am sensitive like all Jews, of Wrath." Otre. Samuel N. Magid.., In addition to these rooms, spect they sek e from members of as Frit, Gartner) were greeted memilermhip chairman. Introduced .w l arger facilities for communal or- other creeds Too many of us lack and took the affront as a personal with hells and outstretched arms member. Mr. Arthur Du bole, rellglous insult. Adrian D. Rosen. Attorney, 1221 Na- in the Ilitlerite manner. school chairman.reported on the work ganizations will be offered. There a philosophy of life which will tional Dank Bldg. and stated that Rabbi Elmer Berger 'So I have written this rather will be rooms with capacity of guide us in our everyday prob- S21011 will lead an adult close of alsterhood STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of hasty and unorganized appeal to 50, 70 and 90 as well as three lems and contacts. Naturally, be- member. In an ach once religious Wayne.—... At • tee Ion of the Pro- cour se. M. Loolm Lebeter announced lounge meeting rooms, one espe- ing a minority race in a masa of the Jews of Detroit — "Let us hate Court for said County of Wayne, held at the Probate Court Room In the formation of a peace Brood:, headed cially designed for adults. An as- races is like being one of the rear show the world by every thought, by Mr. Frank Haek Ina A new com- the City of Detroit, op the, thirteenth munes Mr. and Mrs. J. wa.named for the year, a bud- sembly hall suitable for 250 peo- cars on a train, wherein if one of word and action that we are a C. Hired( flehl have day of October In the year one thou- an their (meet this get group handed by Mr. Abraham week their later, sand nine hundred thirty-nine. Pre- ple and an auditorium seating ap- the couplings comes loose, the car race worth keeping, that our prin- Mr. henry Weins of Rockville Eiseman, Mra. I. II. Outow zed Mrs. Center, moot Thom. C. Murphy. Jades of I toward Loeb. Mrs. Jerome Winegar- ciples are of the highest caliber, Y, is apt to be disengaged from the proximately 675 will also be ready Probate. In the matter of the aerate den, entertainment chffirman, an- Mr. end Mrs. Morri and that our deeds, both great Mr. d s Golberg and for the use of organizations whose of ANNA PlIEGENSER. •Iw known rest of the train, and left behind. and Mrs. George nounced a telephone bridge as • part Kahn re- a. ANNA PRERENGER, a mentally of future activities and that the De- size or programs will necessitate Every flaw in our physical and and small, reflect the true heri- turned horns after spending hare several Incompetent person. On reading and • with theirchildren, tether bazaar plan. are being formu- moral character is another ham- tage endowed In us. Let's forget day NW Miriam the use of such large rooms. A filing the petition, duly verifled, of Ooldberg and Lim lated. Mr& Arthur Dubola and Moo Sybil Kahn. at Henry Premenger, also known as Joseph Block will be chairmen. M.. the petty bickerings and unite in Columbia Mo. special conference room will be mer blow at the coupling which Henry Pregeneer, guardianof aid Loulm Werbe will be In charge of the Mrs Rose Berghr has returned at the disposal of communal or- holds us together in the esteem the battle to gain our honorable home ward. praying that he may be licensed benefit sale to be held the last of this after spending the pant Week place in the hearts and minds of in Chicago with her chlkiren. to sellcertain real estate of all alum h. Mr. Warren made appoint- ganizations for important board of our fellow-men. ward for the purpose of Paying the Mr. our fellow Americans." and Mr. Phillip Abraham. ment!' of committee'. for Red Cross, or committee meetings. Special These petty jealousies and un- debts of raid ward. the charges of (7ommunIty fund •nd the Needlework MI. Ruth Pomerance was beaten managing aid estate and to provide guild and alma mimed • committee to Our only way to gain the respect to member. of Junior Ilmlawah rates will be offered to those or- ethical practices fostered by many at her funds for the support and mainte- work In conjunction with wheel '1111- ganizations meeting at the Center of our people in all fields of en- of every true American is to ad - home on Green Ave. Plane were 11.4111 nance of aald ward: It le ordered. for a dancing party to be held Oct. SI dren's relief headed by Mulford who require some of the other deavor must atop if we are to be- here that the eeventeenth day of Novem- ere to a strict code of ethics in the .creation rooms of the Shan./ ber• next. at ten oclock In the fore- Desenberg, Mrs Norman Schwarte and Mrs. Dubois. Zedek Temple, Miss Shirley Bergleus, facilities in the building. The li- gin the eventual march toward the in our everyday life. noon, at mid Court Room be ap- president, annoutrced the •ppointrnent pointed for hearing said petition, and brary and lounges will be an add- haven of racial freedom and the ARTHUR L. BENSON, of committeea for the year. Mi. Flor• that all per.. Interested in mid New York's Mt. Sinai Hospital Ine le chaplain, ed attraction to clubs for program- death of racial prejudice. I'aneer- estate appear before said Court at 19217 E. Jefferson Ave., tore, drama chairman Sites •, L. Pearl said time and place, to show cause recently had a vanishing patient ming. With the increased kitchen Of course I acknowledge that Schultz, hompltality, and Mime Helen Detroit, Mich. why a licena should not be granted mystery, which has now been solv- facilities in the new building, chairman. MI. Fl r- to bald guardian to sell realestate epro Volzht Will be the next Imate. ed ... The hero of the mystery was groups will be able to have social as prayed for In mid petition. And It Is further ordered, that • colly of none other than Ilarpo Marx, who Through an integrated program of Jewish religious education periods after meetings or recep- title order be publisher three c.c.- after a throat operation quietly and synagogue activity and by means of a 10-year program of in- tions and to for new members. et. week. preview, to old time of hearing, In The Legal Chrofficle, • disappeared, being unable to stand The club meeting at the Center creased personal service to religion and democracy, the Union of newspaper printed and circulating In the silence the doctors forced upon said County of Wayne. American Hebrew Congregations is substituting understanding and will also be privileged to partici- him. THOMAS C. MURPH Y, pate in the health education de- good will for prejudice and intolerance. (A true copy) Judge of Probate. partment through the diversified CHAS. It. HARRIS. gymnasium program organized by Deputy Probate Register. the instructors in that department. House basketball, soft ball and Leonard Simons. Attorney, 11t141/ swimming leagues will add much Union Guardian Tildg. to the club's activities and will 09613 ORDER OF PI1BLICATION attract both boys and girls. STATE ()F MICHIGAN, to the Clr- Dances, socials, lectures and edu- colt Cottrt for the County of Wayne, In Chancery.-13. Sepkowski, Plain- cational programs offered by the tiff, vs Lee. Sepkowaki, Defendant. Center will also round out a well At • soul. of mid Court, held In the Courtroom thereof In the Wayne balanced club program. The Cen- County Building, Detroit, Michigan, on ter will be happy to offer trained the I Ith day et October, A. 0. 1134 Present: Hon. Theodore club leaders to assist groups in J. Richter. Circuit Judge. It appearing from the their development. The game room affidavit on Ma that t he defendant . facilities, such as bowling, bil- Leon• Pepkowaki. Is not a remldent of the Mate of Michigan, and that liards, pool and ping pong, will be her last known ad... le Star City. another attraction for club mem- WOE Virginia. It Is ordered that the bers. said defendant enter her annearame Iv FLINT NOTES BETH EL NOTES Good Will Instead of Prejudice Bay City Notes F liwo Ford V-8 Cars . for 1940 Presented I Added Attractions in 194o Oldsmobile 0.14 nun on or before three month from the date of Mi. order, or said Mil will be taken an coufeemed, and that mid order he published a. re- quired by law and • copy thereof be bent by registered mall to mid defend• ant •t her MA known addrema THEODORE J. RICHTER, (A true ropy) Circuit Judge. CASPAR J. LINGEMAN, Clerk. By D. MVO ()ELA ER, Deputy Clerk. Friedman, Meyers a Keya, Attorney.. Nth Floor, Dime Bank Bldg. HMS STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Wayne, es—At• ...ion of th. Probate Court for said County of Wayne. held at the Probat• COliel Room In the City of Detroit, en the al a Heath day of October In the year one thou.nd nine hundred and thirty-alma. Present: Thomas C. Murphy. Judge of Probate. In the matter of the est•te of TINA LURY A. Deeeued. Harold N Luo a andWilliam Friedman, executors of th• lot will and testament of .10 drceseed, having rendered to till. court their first and final amount In maid matter and flied therewith their Petition praying that the reeldne of mom moat. be aulgned in accordance with the provisions of mid last will It H ordered, That the twentieth der of November. neat. itt ten oclock In the forenoon at mall Court Rohm b. appointed for examining and allowing maidaccount and hearing aid psti- Ups And It I. further Ordered. That • cope of t him order be published three successive week• previous to cald time or hearing. In The Legal Chronicle, • o••palemr printed and circulating In said (Sounty ef War.. THOMAS C. MURPHY, Juin* of Prehat• (A CI. ropy) ALLEN R EDIarffil. Deputy Probate &W•w. The instrument panel of the new Oldsmobile Series Sixty is handsomely finished in rich walnut grain, with all instruments placed for utmost visibility, ease of control and driving safety New in the 1940 Oldsmobile instrument Two especially outstanding points characterize the 43rd yearly Mod- els that Oldsmobile, America's oldest motor car manufacturer, is exhibiting at the 1940 Automo- bile,Show. First, of course, is the sensational new Hydra • Static Drive, which does away with clutch and clutch pedal, shifts gears au- tomatically back and forth through four speed ranges, and confers the flexibility of steam or electricity upon the gasoline engine. Hydra- Matic Drive is said by engineers to be the most revolutionary de- velopment in motor cars since the invention of the self-starter. The second point is the impressive size and roominess of all models in the panel is a handsome radio grille of narrow, vertical chrome bars which occupies the center of the paneL In grille, at right, is a conveniently located ash tray. A large parcel compartment, with lock, is provided at right of panel. 1940 line. AU three new series, two sixes and an eight, look big- ger and better all the way through. In the new Sixty series, Olds. mobile brings out an improved version of the car that made such a successful entry last year into the low price field. Overall length hai been increased on this model to 197-9s inches this year, and a brand new, beautifully propor- tioned body has been designed for the longer chassis. It is roomier , too, by a considerable margin, than last year's Sixty. The Sixty's Econo-Master engine has been stepped up to 95 horsepower. Entirely new this year and as- sured of nationwide acceptance in the medium price field is Olds- mobile's new Custom 8 Cruiser, a car in which the most spectacu- lar change in the Oldsmobile line for 1940 appears. The Custom 8 Cruiser is introduced on a wheel- base increased to 124 inches this year and has an overall length which has been increased to 210-% inches. Viewed from the front, all three Oldsmobiles are similar in appear. ance. A heavy die-cast radiator grille with wide horizontal bars of chrome serve to materially brighten the front view. The hood line is particularly long and level and its height is pleasingly empha- sized by a graceful ornament of glistening chrome and Incite. Detailed information about ineeting room space or member- ship rates are available at any of the present offices of the Jew- ish Community Center: United Hebrew Schools, 1245 W. Phila- delphia, Ma. 8275; Jewish Com- munity Center. Woodward at Hol- brook, Ma. 8275; Dexter Branch, 11518 Dexter Blvd., To. 8-1875. AT THE POWATAN Larry Vincent, sometimes known as the "crown prince of night clubs," returned to Detroit to headline the new show at Sam Sofferin's Club Powatan. Featured with Vincent is An- nette Shields., novelty vocalist, with her male quartet; the Four Swing Sirs, who join her in sev- eral original musical arrange- ments. The singing and dancing Hoffman .sieters and an acrobatic dancer round out the bill, with Sammy Dibert's popular music for shows and dancing. Notice to organization leaders: Don't insist on Dr. Wine visiting your communities this year . . . The doctors have decree that America's busiest Jewish leader needs a rest badly, and must limit his schedule. HERE are the two Ford V-11 cars tures are a finger-tip gearshift on eaves oars Improved aorta& sow presented for 1940. One is a Ford the steering column, a new con. pension and a torsion tsar ridostabl- V-11 and the other • deluxe Ford V-8. trolled ventilation system and lieer. Four Ford V-11 and live deluxe Top, the deluxe Ford V-8 Fordor Sealed-Beam headlamps for safer body types comprise the two line'. sedan: below, the Ford V-8 Tudor night driving. Two V.8 engines are A new business coupe as well as a sedan. Both are big ears with grace. available, al. ti horsepower In the coupe, Tudor sedan and Fordor sedan ful lines. Emphasis In Interior deluxe, the 85 horsepower or a 10 styling is on fine appointments. horsepower engine to the Ford V.S are available in both. Then Is also a deluxe convertible slats coupe will Among numeroua important tea- models. Cars with 85 horsepower automatic top standard 01111FAMINI.